
A long unanswered sex problem...

Atlanta suburb
Tuesday, December 4, 2007 10:15 PM
When I was 19, I was dating a 17 YO girl. She was a dancer but not the type that we talk about on here. Chorus line and Ballet. She was also still in high school. Her mother was a divorced cop and had used her privileges to check me out. I of course passed. She was very affectionate and it did not take long before we got to the hard core sex. Thats when the problem began. Of the 3 times that we tried to fuck, each time she passed out after the fore play and just before insertion. It freaked me out and scared me. She was underage and her mother was a cop. I broke off the relationship. That was difficult. It got my parents and friends involved but I had to do it. Does anybody know why medically why this happened?


  • pushin50
    17 years ago
    She must have gotten a glimpse of the size of Mr Happy and fainted from fear/shock!
  • RandomDancer
    17 years ago
    I can only guess that either: A) It is/was some sort of psychological issue with her that she was subconsciously avoiding sexual intercourse. There could be any number of reasons why. or B) She may have fainted directly after orgasm. This is not common, obviously, but it does happen. Just like some women squirt, and a few uncontrollably urinate, there are rare instances of women who lose consciousness.
  • chipitin
    17 years ago
    Two times I was with woman that experienced this problem, and they told me it had something to do with blood flow or blood rushing from her head to her mid section during foreplay while becoming sexual excited. I didn't hang around with them long enough to find out if this was the final medical conclusion or not.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    Umm, are you sure she really "passed out"? When I was an undergraduate at Major Big Ten State University (see you at the Rose Bowl), I heard of some girls pretending to pass out as sort of a "face saving" way to avoid having sex, when they had let things go a little further than they wanted, and couldn't think of any other other way to get out of the situation. When I was 19, I don't know that I could distinguish between a real and feigned loss of consciousness, especially in a dimly lit dorm room after I had a fair amount of alcohol on board. Actually, I'm not sure that I could do so at 45, since I've never seen anyone pass out....
  • RandomDancer
    17 years ago
    Hey chitownlawyer, Go ILLINI!!! Woohoo!
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    chitown: I don't think that she was faking it to save face because in each instance, I was the one that got seduced. I was a little inexpierenced back in those days. My first encounter with a shaved pussy. She was a dancer!
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    I've had two girls pass out on me after orgasm. I too would think that it has to do with too much blood flowing from the head to other areas of her body...or because I'm just a stud. :) Seriously though...both of them were squirters as well, but I've been with squirters that don't pass out after sex. Maybe you were just too good with the foreplay? 17 yo shaved pussy...yum!
  • trojangreg
    17 years ago
    Shadow since you have two children at least one of your partners didn't pass out before you could get the deed done. Never had that happen but there were a couple of times I wish it had. Chitown & Random are you kidding me GO TROJANS.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    "Shadow since you have two children at least one of your partners didn't pass out before you could get the deed done" Actually, "trojan"greg, maybe the mother(s) of his children DID pass out...but that just wasn't much of a deterrent. I know some guys who would consider unconsciousness on the part of the woman to be a moral victory. It would certainly cut down on resistance. You could leave the ropes in the trunk. Make no mistake...come 1-1-08, the outrage of 1984 will be avenged. This time, my boys have learned that you go for the party at the Playboy Mansion (hosted by Hugh Hefner--U of I 1952) the night AFTER the game, not the night BEFORE.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Never been in that situation brother. However, there was one time a girl ALMOST passed out on me after foreplay, but I took the upper hand and started slapping her face with a very hard Mr Happy!!! LOL - Nah, noone passes out on me only because they aren't sure if "IT'S" in!!!
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Sounds to me either like she was faking it or had some serious blood flow problems. Did you ever ask her if she continued to do that years later?
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat, I may be wrong and it probably varies from state to state, but I'm under the impression that a girl isn't considered underage when she's dating someone near her own age. It's only when the guy is a lot older that it's a problem. It's OK for 19 year old guys to date girls 17, but when you're in your 60s it's considered bad form, you have to wait until they turn 18 and they get a job stripping at your favorite club. Which raises an interesting question - I wonder how many girls use fake ID to start stripping before they're 18? And could customers get in trouble for playing with someone like that?
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    FONDL: Back then there was no such rules. Under 18 was statuatory rape. Times have changed. In most States the 2 year rule is the norm. Just recently a black guy was released from prison after having spent several years because the state he was in changed the law to the 2 year rule.I am not sure if this goes far enough. In some country's 16 is the legal age. Why can a 16YO male fuck a 14 YO female but a 17 YO male can go to jail for the same thing? It is always the male that gets punished except for female school teachers. Todays young girls are much more sexual. They wear those CFM skirts, etc.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    In Illinois, the boyfriend immunity period is 5 years. So a nineteen year old can do his 14 year old girlfriend and not be subject to prosecution for sexual assault. He can still be prosecuted for several misdemeanor offenses, such as indecent liberties, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, etc. Obviously if there is a question of actual physical force, all bets are off, and the state can move forward with a rape charge.
  • quimby
    17 years ago
    When the girl I was with fainted during sex (scared the hell out of me), it turned out to be caused by her (priviously undiagnosed) lower-than-normal blood pressure.
  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    She's faking it. Women do that for any number of reasons.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    News report: More broken females. Human plumbing fails in vaginal vicinity. Blood and circulation issues, psychological problems, incapacity for common sense. Film at 11.
  • Dain
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat, the medical reason is that she was trying to control her excitement (or anxiety), didn't breath, therefore didn't get the oxygen to her brain, and therefore lost consciousness. Before that happened, she lost feeling in her hands and feet. Remember not breathing when you were excited way back when?
    17 years ago
    Thanks, Chitown. I'm under the impression that PA has a 5-year rule too and that 5 years is the most common interval, but I don't know that for a fact. But what about the girl who uses a fake ID to dance when she's only 16 or 17? Could Shadowcat get in trouble for porking her in his club?
  • arbeeguy
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat, CFM Skirt? Huh?
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    About 10 years ago, there was a stripper at my favorite club who worked with a fake ID who I banged many times, although never in the club. She used her ID for drinking, and told me and everyone she was actually 20 and planned to move out of town when she turned 21 in the fall. The day she quit the club before leaving, she revealed to everyone that she had actually been only 17 and just turned 18. I wasn't there at the time, but I sweated plenty when I heard about it. However, the age of consent in Michigan is 16.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I've seen stories in the news recently about prosecutions of teens who were about the same age - 14 or 15 - just for having sex while young, not for any age difference. Shadowcat, didn't we answer this question about a year ago when you asked about it before?
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    It's amazing how these discussion topics get off-track so quickly. :) Didn't we already answer his original question? How did we get to the point of talking about how our society apparently doesn't want teenagers to fuck??
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Arbeeguy: CFM = come fuck me. chandler: My memory is not what it used to be but I don't remember asking that question before.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    As a coincidence (& not to be stickler for details), I've been trolling through this message board trying to see what kind of stuff you guys have been discussing over time...and I came across this same basic thread on 03/23/07. The advice that you got back then wasn't too good though...there have been some good topics here over time...
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