
Boring Conversation???

Thursday, April 10, 2008 3:11 PM
I was talking with this dancer for maybe an hour about her dog (I've had many conversations with her about this subject). It is a little difficult to listen to her because the club can play louder songs and also she has to force herself to speak more clearly and use more standard English when talking with me. I did enjoy the conversation and might even think of it as being intellectually stimulating. :) Anyway, after reading this board it occurred to me that most of the posters would probably be bored to tears. She isn't an intellectual and I doubt she has much formal education. I probably enjoy her conversation because it seemed like she was enjoying talking about her dog (her baby) and I appreciated her trying to make it easy for me to hear and understand her. And, it sure doesn't hurt that not only is she pleasing to look at, but she's available. :) As far as "intellectually stimulating" part it wasn't the subject matter for dang sure. :) It was a question of pattern and priority. I'm listening and I'm listening and I notice she has a definite pattern to the way she expresses herself especially when it came to HER priorities. That little dog was definitely a top priority along with being the center of attention, inter alia.


  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    jablake, i just posted a comment on your earlier thread concerning the sugar daddy and the gambling-addicted-stripper. I am with you on this conversational bizness. I enjoy visiting with strippers about trivial things -- as long as they are either cute, sexy, or funny. "Available" helps a lot too, but that would not be essential to me. Life is not not about intellectual matters and screwing. The possibilities are endless.... ENDLESS. I enjoy reading the threads you create. Keep up the good work. Like most PLs who post on this site, though, I don't care much for the line that starts out, "Gosh I have to make a rent payment (or a doctor payment, or a car payment) tomorrow and I really really need $XXX. That's a total turnoff. But - like enhanced tits, it must work a lot of the time, or the strippers wouldn't keep doing it.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Yeah, I remember one stripper rambling on for 20 minutes about how she spent the day shopping for toys for her cat.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    I'm lucky I guess. My current favorite stripper and I share a lot of common interests. Plus she has a brain in her head so talking to her is a pleasure.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi arbeeguy, Glad you enjoy my threads. :) Always surprised when I hear positive comments, but they're definitely welcome. I don't mind the needing money for rent or surgery or whatever dancer IF she is being real. Usually, not the case in a stripclub because if the sad story works it spreads like a virus. Also, I enjoy helping in many circumstances if the request isn't too large or suspect. No, I'm not going to pay your rent because that is way outside my budget. I might buy a few dances or drive the dancer home or etc. One warning don't expect her to react positively to help even when her sad story is true: It works BOTH ways, but normally negatively. I've had dancers interpret that as weakness, which means you're to be treated like dirt. I've had other dancers who were so impressed they try to repay the favor many times over. One dancer truly transformed into more of a friend wanting to give me free dances and wanting to play matcher---ONLY with non-strippers because she didn't consider strippers to be good girlfriends.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    ONLY 20 minutes talking about toys for her cat??? Damn, I would have felt cheated. :) Actually, I can see that being a very interesting conversation. How many toys does her cat have and what does she look for when buying the toys? Where does she have a particular store or stores that she likes to patronize for cat toys? Does she ever search the internet for cat toys and or educational information on cat toys? Has she thought about making her own cat toys and would she like assistance from a true pro? Would she like a DVD on making toys for kittens and cats? Does she prefer active toys or comfort toys? What toys does her cat love most? Does her cat have old favorites or does the cat constantly search for new and different? What does she think about catnip toys? Yes, a person who can't get excited about cat toys just seems like whoa man how can you not be totally enthralled or are you just a joker? OTOH, dog toys are totally boring. A fake bone or a ball? Waste of time even mentioning dog toys they're so boring. The bitch--no matter how hot--starts that with me and I cut her off at the knees in lightening speed!!! ;)
  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    A lot of Detroit-area strippers are from Russia or Eastern Europe and, most with perfect English, give great mileage and conversation.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi SuperDude, And, here I thought Detroit was ebony heaven. :( I didn't care for the Russia or Eastern European dancers that I've met at all. The didn't seem nearly as healthy as typical American women. And, accents were grating to me ears. I do prefer the accents over the slurred speech only because it is easier for me to hear the words. I've been brainwashed to believe that for most people great conversation means they get to talk about themselves. Perhaps that is the case. I think more like arbeeguy that possibilities for great conversation are ENDLESS. :)
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    Cat toys ... yeah, that one gets me too ...
  • quimby
    16 years ago
    The best times that I have had in clubs involved having deep conversations with intelligent dancers. Think of it... most dancers get to talk with other dancers (pet talk ?), or with men who are too busy chatting them up to make decent conversation. I have NEVER met a stripper who was interested in my body (sigh), but have met quite a few who responded to conversation. And, I think of a dancer talking about her little dog for a 1/2 hour as a (very) effective method of birth control (Little Quimby gets even littler...)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    One of the conversations that I enjoyed immensely concerned rappers and rapper music. If anyone had told me that ahead of time, well I might have blurted out he needed a new brain. Silence is golden when it comes to music, imo. Unfortunately, despite hours of hearing about this rapper and that rapper and this rapper song and that rapper song, I didn't learn much if anything. Yes, I was listening and even trying to follow along. Her beauty and her animation and raw emotion made all her talking a lot of fun for me. I think she could of even started talking about dog toys and it would have been very good. :) When she finally asked me about my favorite rap song, I just said that I didn't have a favorite. Then she wanted to know my favorite rapper. I give her the eyes and she says you don't like rap?! Like it was unheard of. :) She says that's ok because she likes all different types of music and she is real music lover. So, she asks what type of music do I love. I give her the eyes again. Now she is really shocked and seems completely dumbfounded. Finally, she asks how could you listen to me for hours when you don't even like music? I explained that I loved the way she was telling the stories and how excited she was getting. Finally she says well you do like dancing. I shake my head NO. She says but you come to the strip club for dancing. I don't remember what we talked about on my next visit, but it was a lot of fun. She was just very enjoyable to listen to and she liked talking. :)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    mataeology n. - useless of pointless discourse; worthless conversation [view link] I thought there should be single word meaning boring converation; mataeology was as close as I came. :( For an list of words describing styles of speech you may wish to check out [view link] .
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    Ideally a woman (or, in fact, a male interlocutor) would make you FEEL WANTED (in the proper way, depending on the gender and proclivities of the participants). This would have to be done CONVINCINGLY, to the point that the feeling would not merely appear, to the receptor, as though it were a targeted response in a mark; but rather, as though it were a truthful representation of the situation. (We get into some circular metaphysics. If the fake feeling feels real, to the point that you believe that it's real, then is it really real? Never mind all that. Just make sure it feels real enough.) For most people, this "verisimilitude" effect comes partly due to intelligent subterfuge falling under the radar (touching at opportune moments; speaking with an "omigod me too!" thrown in believably here and there) but also partly due to above-the-radar distractions. There are times when "me too" can't be said as an act of sharing, until there's a THING DISCUSSED which can be shared. So the ideal conversationist has to include those things. First, she must bring up a story about a puppy, a car, the government, the weather, or follow the client's own story; second, she must then USE that story to good effect.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi Book Guy, I'd been brainwashed to believe that a good converstionalist just encourages the other person to talk and talk. :) That doesn't do much for me. I like to write, but talk not so much. What I like, can I think best be described by the word "marcarism." I get pleasure from see the dancer appearing to be enjoying herself, which is why I can get very interested in her little dog assuming she is enjoying telling me all about him.
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