
Black Gold . . . Club VIP . . . Secrets . . .

Saturday, April 26, 2008 11:07 AM
Visted Club VIP last night at around 9 PM. They're located on the south side of NW 79th Street just west of NW 7th Avenue. It is both a gay and straight club. The gay side is open on Tues and Saturdays. The straight side is open sometimes. I was hanging out with the employees outside the club waiting for the dancers to show. One happy squat plump dancer came and went. After shooting the shit for about a half hour one of the employees told me that the club wouldn't open after all--not a surprise because on past visits it is hit or miss as to whether the club will be open. So on to Black Gold. Black Gold is located just south of NW 79th Street on Biscayne Blvd. It is a large beautiful club, but I don't recall having any luck there ever; my memory ain't too fabulous. $10 cover. Only 2 dancers working and in fact supposedly only 2 dancers were schedule to work. I was the only customer. For some reason this is a club that has never wanted to make money; probably something to do with laundry. Anyway, a tiny gritty dive, Take One Lounge, just west a few blocks of this club on NW 79th Street seems to always pack in the strippers and customers. At one time business was so good they raised the table dance from $5 to $15, but then had to lower it back to $5 to get the customers back. On to Secrets (same ownership as Angels) located on Biscayne Blvd. and approximately NW 116th Street. Paid a $5 cover. Lots of customers and good number of dancers, but very few dances being bought probably because the price is $10 for table dances. Met a few dancers from Angels and the Club Diamonds. Sort of amusing that one of the 2 dancers from Black Gold showed up and she seemed happy to see me. :) She complained that Black Gold tried to charge her $20 to leave and she says she told 'em to go hell. She said the only money she made was my $2 tip (I had felt sorry for her). Crystal from Angels tackled me. :) That was a very pleasant surprise because I hadn't seen her in about 2 years. She talked for some time about the old gang at Angels and that was a lot of fun.


  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Interesting reviews of the three clubs, but I can't see where the discussion is supposed to go, Mr. jablake. This is a discussion board, not a reviews board, right?
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi arbeeguy, The discussion is for the teeny tiny minority of TUSCLers who might be interested in these clubs or interested in asking me about these clubs. Now, that might only be one person or two people or zero people (excluding me). So let's say there is a TUSCLer that thought about going to Black Gold. He might have some questions or issues that he or she would like to discuss. Same with the VIP. The VIP may be the real deal when its open. Real deal meaning cheap prices and lots of mileage with perhaps hookups OTC. VIP could also be special. Special meaning you can be in a relaxed environment without a lot of narrow minded people. Secrets has it own type of special or at least it did. All of this is availble for discussion. Or, the discussion may veer toward my type of club going. Hit the clubs frequently as possible. Hopefully see and talk with the same dancers over a long time frame. Maybe see 'em OTC for dinner or lunch or at home. Or, may be the talk can focus on how horrible $5 dances are and that the rate has to $20 or whatever the magical number is to be a good or fair dance. I'm the type of person who may connect the proverbial butterfly wings moving in Bejing, China to the cost of dances on the day shift at Angels. :) Some folks like and appreciate that and others don't.
  • quimby
    16 years ago
    Jablake - I liked reading your thread; it has several subjects on the business side of gentleman's clubs that I am always interested in: 1) The relationship between dance and drink prices and number of customers. 2) How owners try to run their individual clubs. 3) What seems to be a natural cycle of build-up, decline, and rejuvenation in just about every club I that I know. (very few can stay on top) I haven't ever been to Miami (I picture the club scene as upscale; full of men with gold jewelry and open shirts and slightly different from life in NW Penna) but you can see from your thread(s) that the problems of finding (or running) a club seem to be somewhat universal. Lastly, I am suprised how critical people are to other posters on this site...
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi quimby, One of the surprising, imo, hot button issues is the $5 dance and not just on the internet. A buddy of mine insisted that it was impossible for hot women to be stripping for $5 in the U.S. (and he wasn't alone in fallacious belief by any stretch). His first visit to Angels confirmed what he already knew because the women were HUGE. He said something like 50 cents would be too expensive. He later learned that 1) super hot women do strip and a lot more for $5 a song and he may have learned 2) that some customers want HUGE dancers. Another hot button issue is the "dancers care only about the money mantra." That is generally very sound advice for a newbie to the club scene, but it is so much more complex than that. Even dancers who assert that they "care only about the money" may not in fact act in that manner at all. It surprised me that so many people truly believe dancers are so one dimensional and monolithic. It is like a buddy that I know who strongly believes and acts on stereotypes. It seems so stupid until he admitted that he did understand that stereotypes could be very wrong when applied against an individual. He just didn't care about individuals if it wasted his time or money. For example, why even look at a Mexican escort if all of the many you've ever seen are butt challenged? He wants to cut to the chase FAST. I don't have too much experience with the gentlemen's clubs. I hang out at the dives. A dancer was claiming that Tootsie's (a gentlemen's club) has been losing discrimination lawsuits i.e. they discriminate against black dancers. I have NO idea if that is true, but it sounds very plausible. The few times that I went there, there were tons of white dancers, but almost no black dancers. My guess is if they were free to choose then black dancers might be banned; or perhaps just black customers would be banned and more black dancers would get the opportunity to work. It is a sore issue as you probably can imagine. Normally, I would be in favor of letting businesses discriminate for whatever reasons. :) And, would still feel that way if the strip clubs were operating in a free market environment (they aren't by a long stretch)----free market does NOT mean you jump thru whatever hoops the government erects. As far as people being critical, it is easy for me to imagine that I rub people the wrong way. In fact, if someone likes my posts it leaves me thinking has that person been reading all or at least a good portion of them? It just seems more natural people would have a negative view because I think that I'm pretty far away from the mainstream and I use sesquipedalians. :) I can appreciate an intense dislike for big words, but that in and of itself is LONG story. Also, sometimes my writing is very much disjointed---iow, my proof reading is for naught. :) Lastly, I think some people just have a some trouble reading; they want one or two sentence posts.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    May we introduce you to the concept of blogging your random thoughts on such things as the above original post (or whatever that crab legs posting was supposed to be about) and/or the concept of actually reviewing these clubs with your experiences...thank you! Long posts are fine...just *try* and get to a point sometime...sheesh... "Normally, I would be in favor of letting businesses discriminate for whatever reasons." Ugh...
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I'm somewhat familar with the concept of blogging, but think location. :) I did review some clubs. This number ranking business isn't for me AT ALL!!! The point? The point may merely be hermenuetical for dearth of a better word at the second. Something to do with the journey finding its own destination and the didactic. (Crab claws was stealth for explaining that prices and budget vary wildly. :) My neighbor lady probably wouldn't blink at paying $200 for a single claw while someone else may have a tough time with $2 for a single claw. It is the old $5 dance v. the $25 dollar dance, which seems to send some perv's rage into a roar; hence a stealth explanation may penetrate where a hot button issue like dance prices wouldn't; so best to keep it a mite abstract.) Yes, I'm 'n favor of allowing dancing, discrimination, and drugs. No matter how harmful. Yes sireeee bob, freedom just rubs nanny state-prison state-big government believers and ideologues de wrong way. At least long is ok with you, that does flip some readers into RED mode.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Oh, I did forget. My neighbor who buys the "expensive" claws (appr. $70 for each claw) doesn't seem to have any concept that not everyone can afford that. So I'm asking her the price and really she just may not care about the price even a little and that may be the reason she couldn't provide price information. She was completely incredulous that $70 for a single claw would be WAY out of my budget. And, it reminded so much of wealthy assholes (including close friends :) ) who truly don't see that $500 or $2,000 for full service is out of some people's budget. I've heard the sickening commandment that you can't get a decent escort for less than $1,000 or less than $500 or less than whatever their magic number is. Or, this variation if you can't afford a measly $500 than you got no business getting an escort. BTW, you can get very sweet escorts in the $10 or $20 dollar range that I think can be far superior to the $200 to $500 escorts. My gambling stripper introduced me to a latin hottie who was eager for $25--and from talking with her I think she would give a wonderful time (not interested in full service with strangers). I'm not into the escort game that much--too much in the way of surprise and sometimes too much risk of contact with leo and too much focus on full service.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Writing reviews is WAY more than giving a place just a number. You mean hermeneutical? You certainly do take the cake for the weirdest TUSCL poster here currently...your trophy is in the mail. I'll take a pass on the discrimination thing thanx.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Not sure of the standard spelling for hermeneutical and in fact I had to check the definition before I used the word. Ah, yes I transposed the u and e; hermenuetical instead of hermneutical. Yes, I have given reviews before. And, giving a number is WAY distasteful to me. A request way made to the founder to have the number be voluntary, but he had some good reason for rejecting the suggestion. I don't recall exactly why he rejected the suggestion, but he had some good reason or perhaps reasons. I figured you'd feel that way since you believe the purpose of government is to "make things better" or something approximating that. Many religious folks feel the same way. And, if that is the proper function of government then yes their *superior* morals should be forced on everyone if they have the government power because after all that is just the government "making things better." And, if I had a choice between having these religious nuts views being forced on me by the government or having your views forced on me by the government, then I may very take the lesser evil i.e. the religious nuts.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Leave it to you...the weirdest poster on TUSCL...to turn a simple suggestion into your perceived "persecution" by the govt....more crazy talk from a loon of the first order IMO.
  • motorhead
    16 years ago
    MisterGuy: Yes! - I'll second that motion. No offense intended Mr. Blake, but after reading your posts, I usually just say, huh, what's the point? But don't let me you stop you.....maybe someday I'll figure out the method to your madness. LOL !!!
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi david120, It may not be worth figuring out. :) And, I may definitely not have a point, but rather a potpurri. Anyway, there isn't an issue of my being "persecuted" perceived or other wise. That doesn't make much sense. I've given examples of other people who've been screwed by the government and that shouldn't be any big shocker. Even in a good system a few people will fall thru the cracks. For the most part, I'm not highly focused on explaining the complex when I'm not even sure the very simple will be understood. For example, The Wall Street Journal had an editorial "blitz" that one man's terrorist is another man's terrorist. I consider that completely brain dead--doesn't mean it is--it is the way I perceive it. If that brain dead idiocy was correct then everyone would consider President Bush to be a terrorist. After all one man's terrorist is another man's terrorist. So if some people in the Middle East or even America see President Bush as a terrorist then we will all have to jump on the bandwagon. Another example, of basic idiocy that I think is beyond the average man's comprehension. The Social Security Trust Fund has a bunch of "assets" to assure that Social Security is solvent. The assets are of course government debt. Most people fall for this scam completely--even intelligent people. Again, I see it as brain dead--doesn't mean it is, but that is my very strong perception. When the Social Security Trust Fund needs to convert its "assets" into dollars where is the money coming from? Well, the government could just "print" more fiat money. Or, the government could raise taxes. Or, the government could lend itself more money or try and borrow from others. Or, perhaps the economy will grow enough to let existing taxes pay off the mountian of debt---you know the mountainous liability otherwise known as the government debt held by the Social Security Trust Fund. So the Social Security Trust Funds lends money to the government and this is supposed be a real asset? :) Wonderful and just brilliant. It is like if I printed up a bunch of promissory notes *to myself* and then claimed they were assets! And, it isn't just pea brains that have difficulty with what should be fairly simple concepts. An intelligent (actually he is highly intelligent) buddy believed that because on a single visit to Angels where he saw a bunch of disgusting dancers that that was the only kind of dancer that worked at Angels. No hottie would work for $5!!! End of discussion--in his mind. It wasn't the norm even a little bit! The next day or even next shift there could be mouthwatering hotties! He also couldn't believe that *any* customers could actually find the blubber blobs attractive. Oh no! Everyone has to view beauty thru his eyes. We actually have almost identical taste in women by the way; his standards are lower than mine, which he admits. Anyway, none of this is too important one way or the other and if no one gets it even a little bit I won't shed a single tear or even be upset; it is just the way things are. :)
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Now we inexplicably make the jump to terrorism, the SS Trust Fund (which has govt. securites in it that have basically the same value as our money BTW), the total federal debt (which we mostly owe to ourselves BTW), federal monetary policy, then back to a story which has been told here several times about a buddy and a favorite strip club of his...simply amazing... Earth to jablake...we'd just like you to post a few more reviews on this website (like most of the rest of us have already done) and *maybe* think about blogging something instead of starting a useless thread when you feel like pontificating about a "potpourri". It's just a suggestion...take it or leave it. No need to overanalyze it...really...honestly...truly...
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi MisterGuy, Yes, you pretty much proved my point. Why would I heed "Earth to jablake" if simple analogies leave you mocking and or blank? It is very possible you actually believe one man's terrorist is another man's terrorist. If that is the case it wouldn't make a dimes worth of difference even if I thought you were a brainiac because that is just too stupid, imo, so there isn't much point getting too concise or clear or caring. Better to just have a little fun and work on using some more sesquipedalians. :)
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