
Comments by arbeeguy (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Shifted Display
    Founder, I am using Firefox, with a screen resolution of 1280 x 960. I can read all the text but the right hand one-third is in-the-gray, and there is more than three inches of white space to the left. I can live with this but it does seem odd.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer asks "do you want to be my boyfriend?"
    So who was more insulting? Parodyman or Cleveland Tom? Of course Parodyman started it, but I would say Cleveland Tom was more vicious and less humorous. But neither one bother me - I find them both amusing insights into human nature, and since we are all anonymous on this board what the H*** difference does it make anyway? I did not feel that way? The first dozen or so times I read Parodyman's insults to Shadowcat I felt offended. Now I wonder why. I do think there might be some merit in ClevelandTom's assertion that Parodyman might have a crush on Shadowcat. Odd.... Yes, I admit I have only contributed to the degeneracy of this thread. SO BE IT. (Book Guy, isn't there a Latin Expression for SO BE IT?)
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    16 years ago
    Rhode Island
    clapping for a stage dance
    Clapping at a strip club is gay? What the heck does THAT mean? Define gay in this context -- I don't get it. I agree with Parodyman - I like to clap for a good stripper. That makes me GAY? I DON'T THINK SO. A lot of times I can tell the girl on stage appreciates some applause even though she obviously appreciates the folding money even more so. But sometimes one leads to another I even clap sometimes when they take off their top just to show a little enthusiasm. I say if the girl is up there working her butt off taking her clothes off she deserves some clapping.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are all strtippers stupid?
    No, all strippers are not stupid, and all posted topics are not stupid either. But this one is.
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    16 years ago
    More on Att'y Maag and the Granite City IL CraigsList sting...
    coitus - wow - probably the first time I have seen that word on this site. Probably latin. Good for Book Guy. We are lucky to have a man of his erudition posting. But I prefer the bad-bad anglo-saxon F-word.
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    16 years ago
    Cell phone phenomenon
    Yes, there is a CORRELATION between intellectual ability and income. Not a perfect correlation of course. Cheeze, Book Guy -- smarter people ON THE AVERAGE make more money than dumb people.
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    16 years ago
    Cell phone phenomenon
    We are way off the topic that NJSCFAN started, but I will chime in about "trade education". Yes, it IS AN OXYMORON. One of my fond memories is a woman in her thirties who had earned a BA and MA in English, could NOT FIND EMPLOYMENT, and enrolled in a community college to learn a trade (not education, but nevertheless learning took place) which had employers standing in line waiting for the graduates. It's really not uncommon. In the olden days, higher education was mostly for the children of rich folks, and everybody else worked in jobs that did not require anything beyond high school -- if that. Back to the topic of why teenage girls may be ciculating naked photos of themselves -- they probably have seen the famous Brittany Spears pussy photos. That may well have added fuel to the fire.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    New Bill before Congress.
    The congressman probably has one or more rich prudish constituents who talked him into introducing this totally worthless bill. The good news is I don't think it stands a chance of being passed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The Number One Rule for Going to Strip Clubs
    Another DYNAMITE thread. Somebody should take this and write it up for permanent reference. Maybe Founder or his editor could do that. I think ShotDisc gave the best list but the "Discussion Topic" was "The Number One Rule" not a list. That said, his #1 is definitely my #1. Stick to the cash that you bring in with you. Carry no plastic into the club and you automatically eliminate about half the downside angles of SC'ing. However my #2 is quite different from his #2. I will adapt Shadowcat's #1 as my #2: Walk in the door with LOW expectations. That is an excellent rule #2. Then if you are surprised it will be a PLEASANT surprise. I walked in to Centerfolds in Houston a week ago with low expectations, and I got pretty much what I expected. Then after about an hour, things turned-around in a strange way and I had some pleasant surprises. As for rule #3, I will just leave it at 2 rules.
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    16 years ago
    Positive Surprises??? :)
    S*****e told me I could play with her pussy as long as I didn't try to put finger into her vagina. That was fine with me. We're havin a pretty good time, groping and grinding. Suddenly she literally BEGS me to put my finger up her asshole. I say, Gee I dunno, I don't have any anal lube. She sez dats OK I'll relax my asshole muscles and your finger will go in easy. Sure enough she's right. I enjoyed it and she seemed to LOVE IT. Big surprise that she wanted this. How come?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    DATY in the VIP
    I think the best option is to have the lady standing on the same seat or couch as you are sitting on. There's something to be said for a private hotel room or a private bedroom but that's not the issue here. We are talking about the realities of SCs. Those who don't care for DATY can easily avoid it, but why do you feel compelled to post your own personal dislike? Why not just address the issue as posed by NJSCFAN.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer names
    MisterGuy - yeah, I have recently started handing out $5 bills occasionally to doormen, bouncers, bartenders, and even strippers. I look it kind of a way of introducing myself. For a stripper-hug, first encounter, would U say $5 was too much or too little?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Are crazy dancers a dime a dozen or only 1 in a 100?
    Yes, a major earthquake in Tehran would be nice. I would love that. If all us TUSCLers prayed real hard together it might happen. OK, everybody, synchronize your watches .... Come to think of it, I guess I would rather have the free BJ from a Hot-Ass-Stripper. Especially if she does it real soft-and-gentle-like.
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    16 years ago
    Sometimes the best looking girl isn't the "right" girl
    "Memphis" displays fairly typical stripper/whore mentality. One question: does she have to pay the HOUSE a fee to take you back for a private? I can sortof see her point about demanding $25 for a $20 dance if she is used to getting $40 (true, for two dances - but the extra-dance-time is probably a lot less than the hustle-time to find another PL to give her money) from you. In regard to the title of your post, I would change it slightly. Then it would read "Usually the best looking girl isn't the "right" girl." In my experience the best looking girls are the most stuckup, the most conniving, and most demanding. The reason why should be obvious enough: THEY HAVE GOTTEN USED TO BEING TREATED LIKE PRINCESSES. But beauty is only skin deep.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Worst tab payment scenario
    As usual, Parodyman uses sarcasm to display his innate hostility. I don't see the point. I do not agree that the "Number One Rule" is to not bring a credit card into the club, but I do believe it is a VERY GOOD RULE. Not having a credit card or debit card in your possession ITC can save you a lot of money when the little head starts doing the thinking. I just plan ahead, decide before I go in how much I want to spend, and take that amount of cash with me. Normally I spend between one hundred and two hundred on a single visit. The other day I was feeling a bit expansive and decided I could go up to $1000 max. Things worked out good, I stayed eight hours, spent about $800, and left VERY HAPPY. But -- everybody is entitled to make up their own self-imposed rules.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer names
    VERY ENTERTAINING THREAD. Three short comments: 1. Beverly Sills, the famous opera star, started performing with name Bubbles Silverman at age Four. Her birth name was Belle Miriam Silverman. 2. Talked to a dancer who had recently switched from "Payton" to "Jordan". I asked her why. She said that Jordan was her real name, and she just got tired of using a fake name. 3. The other day I was in a BIG Gentleman's Club with dozens of strippers with names like Lexus, Hollywood, Domino, Gigi, etc. I saw a girl sitting quietly on a bench near the bar. Pulled out a $5 bill and said, "Hi - how about a hug - and what is your name?" She said, "Jane". I wasn't quick-witted enough to ask if it was real or fake. But she had a very pleasant "Jane" demeanor - along with lovely face & figure. Within five minutes I gave her another $50, and felt it was the best money I spent all night. Just for pleasant conversation. Moral of the story? NONE. But I really liked Jane.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Burma. Another tragicy
    I do like Shadowcat - he and I are in the same age group and seem to have some of the same problems and joys. But I am beginning to understand why Parodyman is always giving him a hard time. He was right in his last post: there was no reason to introduce Myanmar AKA Burma onto this board. Lets get back to discussing SCs and strippers and how to enjoy our hobby to the max, OK?
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    16 years ago
    more std talk
    What a riot this discussion board is. I love it. Shekitout criticizes Shadowcat for criticizing other people's spelling when Shadowcat doesn't always spell every word right. But Shekitout can't spell "criticize" correctly. HAR HAR HAR. But give him credit - he spelled "atrocious" just fine.
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    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Who Pulls It Out?
    Hard to believe a guy would pull it out without prior encouragement from the dancer. But I saw something a week ago I never imagined would happen. The dancer was on stage going from guy to get tips. At this club the dancer is allowed to climb down off the stage and give the guy a 30 second lap dance for a dollar or two. The dancer had finished my lap dance and had gone on to the next guy in rotation. She was getting ready to climb down off the stage onto his lap then suddenly stopped. I could not hear what was said, or see the guy pull it out but apparently he did, cuz the dancer backed away from him and yelled "Bartender". (No bouncer on duty at the time.) The bartender was there within a few seconds. After a brief disccusion, the guy picked up a wad of bills he had laying on the countertop that separates the stage from the chairs, and hewalked out of the club. No shouting or shoving or even escorting. Another dancer, whom I trust, later told me he had pulled it out, and that is what pissed off the dancer, as well it should have. What a stupid guy.
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    16 years ago
    RolLexx and the Obnoxious DJ . . .
    The problem with quimby's solution is that we all get "addicted" in one way or another to a club or a dancer. So even tho it is not in our "best overall interest" we want to go back for more. It is just part of the addiction. I know. Signed: A PATHETIC LOSER
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    more std talk
    I would never EVER have sex with anybody that I knew had an STD of any kind. DUH ?? Maybe I misunderstood the question. Would ANYBODY do this? Surely not.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Cyberbullying, It's not just for breakfast anymore.
    OK third time is the charm. I apologize. "flipped him the bird" is what I meant to say. Jeeeze. I will shut up now.