
Comments by arbeeguy (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Founder, could we have the glossary back?
    Grateful that the glossary is still on the web site. Some of us discussion-board people learned something new, thanks to JerseyJack.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Founder, could we have the glossary back?
    What a coincidence. Just a few minutes ago, I sent FOUNDER a message through "Contact Us" asking him to restore the glossary. I thought it was a useful part of the website. And I assume that Shadowcat was just trying to be cute in his second sentence. As usual, Parodyman comes across as a complete idiot in trying to say stomething derogatory about Parodyman. Oh well, I do enjoy reading Parodyman's posts - when they are coherent. AGAIN -- FOUNDER GIVE US BACK OUR GLOSSARY
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The point always missed
    The point "always" missed is that there are a few normal girls who happen to be working as strippers at this particular time? Or that "in love" is biochemically induced non-volitional? Not sure there is any particular connection between "strippers" and "falling in love", compared to, say, "nurses" and "falling in love". The point always missed???? Other TUSCLers please help out here. I have read David9999's post three times. I understand the title. But I don't see much connection to the text that he posted.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am proposing.....
    Gary is definitely to be preferred. Much more central, therefore less fuel wasted. Also, CT's Adult Superstore is right by the Gary-Chicago airport so this saves time and ground transportation. Only one question. How many STOPS will Al Gore let you make with his Lear Jet? I could be at the Kansas City Airport ready for pickup on 2 hours notice. I will be watching this thread closely for confirming details.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Whats in a name?
    I don't understand parodyman's comment. Please explain what you mean, parodyman. If I could understand it, I would be glad to respond.
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    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    As it turns out, David 9999 was right afterall.
    Actually in the town where I sometimes visit a Gentleman's Club, the biz seemed to have picked up lately. A few more cute girls have showed up for work, and it seems like the guys are spending more money. This is based on a sample of about 10 girls and 5 guys -- so that is conclusive proof, right? It is possible that David9999 makes over $500,000/year (for example he might be a partner in a law firm where the dough just rolls in, due to all the hard work the Associates etc. do.) Also possible he gets laid for free by a cute girlfriend, and also gets strippers to spread their legs for him on command. But who really cares one way or the other? And why does David9999, an anonymous person on this board, really care what us other anonymous persons think? Beats the heck outta me.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strangest interaction between a dancer on stage and a customer at the rail?
    I did DATY at the stage at Miss Kitty's a few years ago, but as I recall there were three stages going at the time and I was the only customer at this stage. It was at the far end of the room. The kind lady was a bit overweight and a bit overage, but even so, I enjoyed it. And yes, I did think it was a bit strange.
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    16 years ago
    ignore fuction
    Prenumbra? Not in dictionary, but "penumbra" (during the process of an eclipse) is the region in which only a portion of the occulting body is obscuring the light source. An observer in the penumbra experiences a partial eclipse. There may well be a legal meaning to penumbra as well.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you were a...?????
    FONDL, you and I must live in different parts of the country, because around here there is SOME drug abuse, but I know plenty of strippers who DO NOT USE DRUGS. One of them makes a good living without even breaking the club rules or using any alcohol, let alone drugs. (She is actually a bit prudish.) She has a great figure and a decent personality. I did one Private Dance with her and found it pretty boring, but there seem to be enough guys who are happy with what she has to offer. I don't think drug-free strippers are uncommon. So, to put a big umbrella over drug dependency as "that's true everywhere" is a big exaggeration IMHO. As far as what kind of a stripper I would be if I WAS one, I am sure I would be a failure. Assuming I had the proper sex, face, and figure, my downfall would be my nit-picky and irritable manner. My potential customers would get pissed off at me and ignore me. I would quit after a few days and go back to may day job. I have nothing but admiration for the many females, young, old, thin, chubby (but not fat) who put up with their lousy bosses/DJs/bouncers/peers, make guys happy, and make a decent living in the process.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    After re-reading the initial post by Shekitout, I have another comment. Shouldn't the posted TOPIC and the opening discussion be congruent? Shekitout titles the thread "YMMV" which is a good topic, but most of his opening has to do with COST not MILEAGE. End of rant. YMMV is one of the most important principles of stripclubbing, regardless of cost. It is central to the thrill, the satisfaction, and the frustration of the whole hobby. OF COURSE it varies from time to time with the same girl. Some girls will change their attitude, and therefore their rules, rapidly on the same day (or night). One must stay alert and flexible.
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    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    I don't see what the heck TER or escorts have to do with this site. Personally, I don't really even appreciate most of the crap we hear about OTC on this site. I think this site is mainly about ITC, and OTC should be kept to a minimal side issue IMHO. And I am sure a lot of you guys feel strongly the importance of OTC with girls you meet ITC, and I kinda see your point. But I don't see why we continually hear about TER and professional escorts. That is a whole different industry.
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    16 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    TUSCL's New 3-Part Ratings
    Book Guy - you got it right. A couple of times I have made a half-hearted attempt to differentiate between the three components. But afterwards I felt it was a waste of my very limited brain power. So now I am inclined to decide on an overall number based on my overall experience. And just enter that number three times. I do think the concept of "Value" is what it is all about. And "Value" certainly is not the same as "Low Cost". It is the total combination of many things, including your own expectations. You get more VALUE for the same dollar spent, if your expectations are lower. That may sound like a paradox but it's true. Example: the first time I went to Vic's in Irvington, I had to give it a TEN. I didn't spend a lot of money, and I sure didn't expect to get the great service that I got. Now that I know what it is like there, I think it would be tough to give it a TEN. I would go in EXPECTING to get what I got, and when I got it I would say "well that is nice, but I'm not blown out of my mind". So I would probably give it a SEVEN if I went back again and got the same service. These numbers carry a lot of subjectivity. The best example was a guy named Kyle1111. I really didn't approve of his method of rating. He would say things like, -- I gave this club a "1" but I could have given it a "10". -- Definitely not useful. My point in citing Kyle1111's approach to rating is just to gently poke fun at Founder's attempt to improve things by giving us more parameters to rate on, when we can't even agree on using a single parameter. I really think it is a waste of time but on the other hand I really appreciate Founder's overall approach to this site and if it pleases him, it is definitely OK with me. (Founder, have you considered a training program for reviewers so we would all understand all the parameters and would become MUCH MUCH more objective and informative to the information-hungry public????) Keep up the good work, Founder, I mean it when I say you are doing a GREAT job -- one-part ratings or three-part ratings. Really makes no difference.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hmmm... how exactly would the girl know you had it on???? And why would she care? She REALLY cares about three things (1) the money, (2) that you are nice to her, that is, you not being an abusive jerk, and (3) that she doesn't get caught doing something forbidden by club rules and local laws. Why would you have to cut a dance short - because you were afraid you would come in your pants? Or in her hand? Or in her mouth? If it's in her pants, I doubt seriously that she will CARE, whether or not she KNOWS. And if you are wearing a pair of shorts and a pair of dark pants, nobody else will know either then or later. I remember one of the first time I had a really stimulating "dance". When it was all over, the girl asked me if I had cum. I was too shy to admit I had. Later, I realized the little sweetie WANTED me to cum - perhaps for pride, perhaps to cajole me into a bigger tip than if I had not. But what exactly do you mean by "pretty high contact"? Talk about an ambiguous question! If we are talking about cumming in her hand or her mouth, I would let the girl set the tone of the encounter. Some girls provide condoms or kleenex where appropriate. Personally I can't imagine wearing a condom into a club, but each to his own, I guess.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    BIG Tits = BIG money ?
    I hate boltons, dislike any enhancement, and most of the strippers I know are natural. However, I ran into a VERY unusual situation the other evening. This dancer obviously had small tits, and it was a bikini bar, so we didn't get to see them. I told her I really like small tits, and as far as I was concerned, I hoped she never got them enhanced. Well, she said, when she was a bit younger she had C cups, and weighed around 130. Perfect. Then she started putting on weight, and got up to 195. Looking at this girl (now 23 years old) I cannot believe she ever weighed 195 cuz NOW she weighs 120 and has A cups. (S-A-A-D) But even worse, they DO NOT MATCH. She pulled up her bra while nobody was watching to show me. It was very obvious. One was firm A cup, the other was a little larger, but sagged. (HAD NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE) So she says when she can afford it, she is going to get enhancements. Can't really say I blame her. She wears a slightly padded bra, and since it is a bikini bar, I'm not sure many people know about her odd situation. I doubt if she could get a job at a regular tittie bar or a nude bar. To me, this girl's beautiful face and figure and dynamite personality, more than make up for the tit anomaly, but I'm sure a LOT of people (including her) would not agree.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    It is kinda like pheasant hunting. How many hunters really ENJOY eating that tough meat and picking out the birdshot? The "struggle" you mention is all about the journey, not the destination. Ya keep hopin' some attractive gal will stroke that ole ego and then ya do it all over again with another attractive gal. As Jablake says so well, just because 98 out of 100 strippers aren't worth the struggle, it is still fun to find those two and then give 'em yore bes' shot.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How gullible do strippers think we are ?
    YMMV YMMV YMMV This little initialism carries more truth in less space than antyhing else on this site. The same town, the same club, the same dancer, and the same customer. The mileage can vary all over the place for reasons unknown and unknowable. From the wording of the initial post in this thread, I think njscfan nailed it, absolutely. To paraphrase njscfan, "Most of the time, she doesn't do this but at that particular moment she just felt like it so she did it, and then she told the truth about the situation." Book Guy also got it absolutely right, IMHO Personally I thought there was a HUGE disconnect between the title of this thread and the anecdote provided by the original poster (who also provided the title). To me the anecdote was evidence of how unpredictable strippers, and people in general can be, and had nothing at all to say about whether this stripper, or any stripper, or all strippers think men are gullible, or "somewhat gullible" or "extremely gullible". But it's fun to read the various posts -- especially bobbyl. Question for ya bobby - are you saying that because this one stripper expressed an extremely cynical view of customers, that that is how "all strippers" feel? From your previous posts, it is clear to me that u have a very cynical view of the whole SC experience (u are welcome to refute my assertion) and so it is not surprising that u feel strippers are also extemely cynical, manipulative, etc. And in fact many are. But there is SO MUCH VARIABILITY on this particular characteristic, it just seems impossible to generalize.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Las Vegas info request
    Londonguy - regarding your request for a couple of definitions - it's a reasonable request. YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary. ATF = All Time Favorite. When I first discovered this site, there was a GLOSSARY. I don't see it on the menu any more. Fortunately, I downloaded it years ago, and have added a few terms to it now. Londonguy wants to know the meaning of YMMV and ATF. There are a lot of other strange initialisms like DOLD, DATY, UHM, OTC, LMAO, and on and on. If Londonguy or anybody else wants a copy of the glossary send me a PM and I will "try" to send it on. But it would be nice to have the GLOSSARY return to the TUSCL website.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Travel companion results
    And isn't it amusing how parodyman shifted the whole direction of this thread from "traveling with a stripper" to "what's wrong with shadowcat. I really appreciate njscfan giving us a detailed and objective post-mortem report. early in my strip club days I fantasized a lot about travelling with a stripper (one particular stripper -- she was in her early thirties, so I was onlly twice as old.) It never happened, and now that I read njscfan's report, I think it was a good thing that it never happened. For me, whatever happens inside the SC is "it". But I don't have the same craving to get laid as njscfan. I have other desires that I can satisfy inside the SC.... I certainly agree that their is nothing racist about having a preference for one ethnic group over another -- that is far from racism.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    The Battle of the Sexes
    Not that it relates to the theme of this thread, but I do agree with jablake that parodyman would probably like shadowcat if they met in person, just by coincidence. But not if they knew each other's handles. From reading a variety of parodyman's posts, I have concluded that he is knowledgeable and reasonable -- except where the magic "shadowcat" handle comes into play. Then parodyman kinda goes off the rails.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    New York
    What do you talk about with strippers?
    MisterGuy: "Are you really that stupid that you don't know..." Well talk about about the pot calling the kettle black: The fact is that John McCain is NOT the GOP's nominee. Not at this time. The press usually refers to him as the PRESUMPTIVE nominee. He won't be the nominee until after the GOP convention. So --- insulting people with words like "stupid" is really a two-edged sword. If I were you I would get my act together and concentrate more on the topic and less on the joys of insulting other people. (But hey, that's just me. Maybe I'm just stupid. I can live with that. There's this old saying my daddy taught me -- stupid people have more fun cuz they don't know what the hell is going on.)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    pubic hair
    Shadowcat and ShotDisc, both of you crack me up. What treasures. Keep those little gems of wisdom coming. Wonder what delightful insult Parodyman will dream up this time to keep the pot boiling. Anyway, I agree with the neatly trimmed area of hair in the middle with clean skin near the edge of the thong. That approach just makes a lot of sense to me. But in the clubs I visit I seldom find any actual hair - just the little bitty stubble since the last shave. But hell it's what is BELOW the pubic hair that is important, right?????
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who gets the better lap dance? Married or single?
    Clubber is right -- married man have a slight edge, other things being equal. I like to tell the girls on my lap that strippers have helped hold my marriage together - by giving me some female companionship that doesn't involve any committment - just money. They seem to appreciate that.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Shifted Display
    now, mine is fine. THX
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Rhode Island
    clapping for a stage dance
    I liked Chi_sam's followup comment a lot. The real message here is that there is tremendous variety both in clubs and in dancers. In low-key one-stage clubs and with younger less experienced dancers, clapping is probably the norm. But there are plenty of clubs where clapping would be stupid, or as chi_sam put it a bit more eloquently, "lame". And, I have been in those kinds of clubs. The ones I frequent most of the time are single-stage, and the girls do appreciate both the clapping AND the tips. But mostly the tips, sure.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Shifted Display
    There is a 2 1/2 inch band of white space to the left of the blue-gray drop-down menu bar.