Dancer asks "do you want to be my boyfriend?"

avatar for casualguy

The dancer asked me a few questions after giving me a few compliments. Then she says something along the lines of boyfriend girlfriend. I didn't say anything not sure what to say. I have an easy out for that if I see her again, that would be she got the blood flowing away from my head so I may have been lightheaded. I may use that as an excuse as to why I can't remember her name too.

I wasn't feeling my normal self either though, I was getting tired of doing the same thing with the old favorites I had and ignored my typical favorites to try out different dancers. I am getting tired of same ol same ol. However hooking up with another dancer wasn't even something that crossed my mind. Wasn't even sure if I wanted to go that route again. However one dancer was asking me to think about something I wasn't really thinking about the other night. What would you do?


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avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

I think I know shadowcat's answer, he would just fuck her, if it's free all the better. However would it matter if she expected you to really be a boyfriend? I believe I rarely hook up with a dancer if I think about it too much.

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

Lol, my first thought when I heard that was "how about if we just become fuck buddies?" however instead I didn't say anything. She was starting to dance for me. My memory is fuzzy, I remember another dancer I tried out said she likes to talk dirty during her dances. I do remember her. She looks good and she made a point in saying that this was the first time she has danced for me and that is after a few years of me not agreeing to get dances. Typically she worked in a no touch club but she ran into me later on along with 2 of her friends that I recognized. I'm not used to dancers club hopping to the same place I'm at.

I remember several years ago I promised myself I wasn't going to go out with any more dancers. Then one dancer managed to break me down in the last few years. I'm thinking maybe I need to go to other clubs if I'm thinking about going out with dancers again. I guess I'm slightly conflicted. I'm kind of ranting here. I think if I see the one dancer again, I'll just have to talk to her some more. I know almost nothing about her.

avatar for now_starring
16 yrs ago

If I took it as SS/fake bf(real fb) and figured she was trying to use me for money I figure we are both getting something we want so I would play along. If I figured she were serious, which would take serious convincing by the way, I would decline. I am all for having a "club girlfriend", but I would not play with anyone like that, even though I know many of them would do it to me.

club gf=The stripper you fuck and occasionally take out to dinner, but you both know what is up, and neither would lose sleep if they saw the other with someone else.

avatar for shadowcat
16 yrs ago

CG: You are a lot younger than me and have had more GFE experiences than me. I sometimes think by your posts that you actually might go for the real thing with a stripper. It has worked for others. As you have noted, I am not looking for an SO. Especially one 1/3 of my age. I do still like sex and if I can find a "fuck buddy", I will treat her right. I have had some great times with strippers but that is all that I look for. You wouldn't believe last week.

avatar for BobbyI
16 yrs ago

Maybe if you like crazy women with tons of issues date a stripper. But assuming you don't then screw strippers (for money if you completely want to eliminate them wanting romantics complication) and date normal women instead.

avatar for driver01
16 yrs ago

Answer-- Try this-- I'm a real good boyfriend one hour at a time every couple of weeks.

avatar for parodyman-->
16 yrs ago

I'm sure listening to any "advice" Shadowcrotch has to offer will take you far in life. Personally were I single I wouldn't want a stripper as a girlfriend.

avatar for ClevelandTom
16 yrs ago

Here we go. . . innocent thread about dancers looking for boyfriends and it starts degenerating into a bunch of name calling.

Way to go Parodyman. Do you have some sort of man crush on Shadow? It seems you attack him on every thread.

Another decent thread spoiled.

avatar for arbeeguy
16 yrs ago

So who was more insulting? Parodyman or Cleveland Tom? Of course Parodyman started it, but I would say Cleveland Tom was more vicious and less humorous.

But neither one bother me - I find them both amusing insights into human nature, and since we are all anonymous on this board what the H*** difference does it make anyway?

I did not feel that way? The first dozen or so times I read Parodyman's insults to Shadowcat I felt offended. Now I wonder why. I do think there might be some merit in ClevelandTom's assertion that Parodyman might have a crush on Shadowcat. Odd....

Yes, I admit I have only contributed to the degeneracy of this thread. SO BE IT. (Book Guy, isn't there a Latin Expression for SO BE IT?)

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago


Perhaps you are on to something.

avatar for shadowcat
16 yrs ago

I take Parodyman's insults as a great compliment. Anybody that is so envious and jealous of another, that he has to resort to the kind of postings that he does, has to be hurting. He can never be me or like me and that must be killing him. I don't want to debate him on here. It adds nothing to the discussion topics. I will just continue to keep him on ignore. Eat your heart out, dude.

avatar for carteblanche
16 yrs ago

shadowcat, I'd like to see you in action. When is the next PP meet-up?

avatar for Golfer3166
16 yrs ago

Shadowcat was on the money here, especially for us older guys. Who wants a girlfriend with all the problems of a stripper who is 25 years old. If she just wants to have dinner and fuck your brains out while you are in town, then that's a good stripper/girlfriend. However what you find most of the time is that they want an ATM machine when they need one and someone to tell all their stripper problems too and who needs that.

avatar for shadowcat
16 yrs ago

carteblanche: Are you a voyeur? I am not a featured entertainer. lol. Probably June 17,18,19. Watch the club discussion board. When I am positive, I will post the dates on there.

avatar for SuperDude
16 yrs ago

There is nothing insulting about facing reality. Strippers want money and pretend to like guys to get it. More faked intimacy, more money is their game. So be a boyfriend if you have the cash and don't mind mutual use.

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago


You shouldn't ignore him. How often does one get to have a battle of wits, when your opponent always seems to come half prepared?

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

I guess I forgot about this topic. Was too busy reading financial news and didn't even make it to this site for the last couple of days. I heard some guys get about as excited watching stocks and financial news as some guys do with porn. I guess if you're making money and find it very interesting. As far as the girl in question goes, I'll take things one step at a time. First of all I will have to remember what she looked like. If she's there, she'll probably find me though. I don't know why one week seems like an eternity sometimes.

I am learning a lot about stocks in general, market forecasts, etc. I guess I'm lucky that financial news seems very interesting to me especially because it can become very profitable when you start determing the market direction of so many markets, stocks, and ETF funds. However I also learned the professionals know a whole lot more than I do. So much knowledge and so little time to read it all. I think I'm even learning how to forecast the mood of people in entire countries. Ahh, pretty far off the topic of should someone date a stripper. Actually I never considered dating. I just used to hang out with some after they got off from work. There weren't too many regular bars near the military town I used to live near a long time ago.

Of course if she keeps appealing to the right part of my anatomy, she could go far. Lol.

avatar for MisterGuy
16 yrs ago

"He can never be me or like me and that must be killing him."

Wow, that is delusional to the point of being appear to be getting SS...nothing more, nothing less...

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

Maybe it was SS, maybe not. Maybe she was testing me to see if I would bite. I didn't say anything about what she said so maybe she thought I wasn't interested. I noticed I didn't see her this past weekend and now I am having a lot of trouble even remembering what she even looked like 2 weeks later. I even forgot to check out this web site I think since last weekend. I don't have enough time to read or do everything I want to do. I guess that's life.

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