
The Number One Rule for Going to Strip Clubs

Tuesday, May 13, 2008 3:15 AM
Mine is never take a credit card, only cash, but others have differed. One guys says it's never date a stripper. Well, what is the number one rule?


  • a66tee
    16 years ago
    2) never take a credit card 1) Rememeber what you are going to the stip club for...only a lap dance and to look. Never get obsessed with a particular girl. They are nice to you one moment and nice to another guy right next to you the next moment. You are not special...just another guy. At the end of the night when you have had a few drinks don't think for one moment that you have ny chance at all to take one of them home!!
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Strippers exist to be fucked. For money. If you want a relationship, date normal girls.
  • chitownlawyer
    16 years ago
    Nothing that happens in a strip club has anything to do with reality. As long as you see the experience as pure fantasy, and understand that it is not related to your real life, you should be fine.
  • founder
    16 years ago
    bobbyl, define "normal girls"... lol... I wasn't aware they existed
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    1) ALWAYS ALWAYS, cash only. 2) NEVER use their ATM, budget, and stick to it. 3) This is a fantasy experience. She is living under an assumed name-why can't you? 4) She is a fantasy. Even if she lets you suck her nips, some guy did that before you. Yes, your licking some other guy's spit. 5) Masturbate about an hour before you go to the club-unload the gun, this plays into the next rule. 6) Never tip the first girl you see onstage-even if she's super hot, Wait-she's probably not the only 9.5 in the club. 7) Odds are, if her G string is very tiny, there's a good chance she's high mileage. If she's got on panties that cover her butt cheeks, she's probably not high mileage. 8) If you're in a topless club, and she shows you her bush while she's onstage, this is a good sign. 9) Low on the list (but important)-how to spot a cop in a club-if he walks in the club, and steps aside from the door waiting for his eyes to adjust, then he takes a seat where he can watch the front door and the stage at the same time-the club is under surveillance. You might make this your last visit for a while.
  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    a66tee has delivered the gospel.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Never stop paying them even if they want a "real" or "free" relationship----hint: a "real" relationship with strippers or non-strippers is more expensive by far! Caring about them or treating them like a girlfriend is fine, however.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    Go prepared (money,condoms,etc)but have low expectations.
  • StripShopper
    16 years ago
    1- Never buy a stripper a drink...unless she's a known high mileage ATF, who is willing to buy you a drink also. 2- Never treat a stripper like a girlfriend...treat them with the same respect you'd give a used car dealer. 3- Never go with the "Wanna Dance" Girl - she's usually a ROB! 4- Never pay go for the champagne room that cost over $150 - it's always a rip off, unless you're a millionaire sports celebrity. 5- Never ever pay for a dance upfront - unless it's club policy. But my Number 1 rule: Negotiate at all times and make expectations clear!
  • David9999
    16 years ago
    most important rule is to always remember and to remind yourself each and every time you enter the strip club, that these women are working a JOB. Its makes it better for you and them both longer term.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    #1) Only go if that is what you are sure you wish to do and you are ready to put up with all the associated SC BS!
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    My #1, go to strip clubs to have fun. If I'm not having fun, there's no point in me even setting foot past the door.
  • ShotDisc
    16 years ago
    1. cash only 2. tip only those dancers you want to tip 3. don't be a jerk 4. do everything you can to improve the odds of a high mileage trip 5. take care of the girls just below the top level. they will show their appreciation in many ways.
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Another DYNAMITE thread. Somebody should take this and write it up for permanent reference. Maybe Founder or his editor could do that. I think ShotDisc gave the best list but the "Discussion Topic" was "The Number One Rule" not a list. That said, his #1 is definitely my #1. Stick to the cash that you bring in with you. Carry no plastic into the club and you automatically eliminate about half the downside angles of SC'ing. However my #2 is quite different from his #2. I will adapt Shadowcat's #1 as my #2: Walk in the door with LOW expectations. That is an excellent rule #2. Then if you are surprised it will be a PLEASANT surprise. I walked in to Centerfolds in Houston a week ago with low expectations, and I got pretty much what I expected. Then after about an hour, things turned-around in a strange way and I had some pleasant surprises. As for rule #3, I will just leave it at 2 rules.
  • chasman
    16 years ago
    First Rule: as already stated, leave the plastic at home. Second Rule (but First Fule of Vegas clubs): never let a cab driver suggest a club or steer you to a different club.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    A strip club is boot camp for real life. In a quasi-fantasy setting, the challenges are higher, the training more rigorous, the potential goals more prescribed and specific, the duration shorter and the intensity much higher. It can leave you a changed man. But don't think it will provide exact parallels to real life; only vaguely metaphorical lessons which might surprise you in their ability to flip the regular world's pre-determined patterns on their heads.
    16 years ago
    My number one rule is that I'm there to have fun, and that's my only expectation. And there are many different ways that can happen, I try to remain open to lots of different kinds of possibilities. But if it doesn't happen, if it's not fun for whatever reason, I leave.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Jesus Christ, I find myself agreeing with FONDL again. One more time and I'm going to the hardware store for a good legnth of rope.
  • Ironcat
    16 years ago
    Rule #1 - never say yes to a dancer who asks if you want a dance but approaches you from behind (the over the shoulder approach). 99 times out of 100 she is a less than desirable in the looks department.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Ironcat, Excellent advice!
  • beantown
    16 years ago
    As someone who visits most clubs while traveling, and therefore am often unfamiliar with the club, my #1 rule is to figure out the rules of the region, and if possible, of the clubs. If you're going to eastern MA, you get air dances. If you're going to Detroit, Houston, or Providence, you get two-way contact and then some. Tough to set expectations if you don't know what the range is.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    Good point, Ironcat. I often parlay a request for a dance into "I'd like to see your style on stage". That way I can assess whether her ass is as big as she's trying to hide it says it is. Good point, too, beantown. I've traveled some, and I know Houston and Tampa are quite different from Jackson Mississippi ... :P
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