RolLexx and the Obnoxious DJ . . .

avatar for jablake
Visited the RolLexx yesterday around 5 PM and the dancers were plentiful and (premium for the the most part). Money was being spent, which was a great feeling. A hottie comes up and talks a little bit asking a few questions like was my day going ok and etc. and then asks if I would like a dance. I say sure I would love a table dance. She does a very nice job and I'm feeling wonderful. The song ends and she asks if I would like her to continue. Well, 100% YES. :) I just liked her and her looks and and her skill. So about 20 seconds into the song the DJ who is a regular stentorian chatter bug throughout the songs (yes, he sounds better than the music, imo) starts yelling her name in conjunction with a command to get on the stage (actually it has been transformed into a ring for female boxing for around 1 AM). So she points that she has a customer and is dancing. Will that shut him up? Hell NO! He is even more stentorian and more persistent to the point she starts screaming back that she has a customer please go to the next girl. Does that get him to back off? Hell NO! I didn't even think it was possible for him to get more stentorian, but he pumps up the volume. The dancer can't persuade him and is getting upset that he is now threatening her and she has completely forgotten about my dance. :( Anyway, it isn't even at the mid point and she apologizes and wants her $10 ($5 per song). I feel sorry for her and besides she is excellent; it the obnoxious and stentorian DJ that is the problem so I give her the full $10.

The saga has just begun and what started out as a fantastic trip was just sour.

So as soon as the dancer runs to jump into the ring the bartender asks me if I would like a drink. I answer No, Thank You and point to the stage. She says there is a 2 drink minimum. I reply that I'm *well aware* of club policy regarding drinks and offer her a tip thinking she is concerned that I wont spend money on her. She says that I don't have a choice because a white man without a drink is upsetting to the other customers. I give her the look. She says it is true. That when a white man doesn't drink it is upsetting for the other customers because I already stick out too much. Doesn't really surprise that she has thrown the race issue into the discussion because there is a long history of racial conflict; especially with the police. I tell her the DJ stole a dance from me and I just don't feel like drinking and I'm sick of having drinks foisted on me. She says how did the DJ steal a dance from you? I explain the story and says the doesn't change anything. I say it changes my willingness to buy any drinks and if she wants tips that is fine, but I wont be buying ANY drinks. She says there is NO WAY a white man is not going to buy drinks and she will call security. I say perhaps you've heard of me from Angels? She shakes her head NO. I say well you will be hearing a lot more about me. Call the security and lets get the show on the road. BTW, I'm in poor health as well as being old and hell even one of the tiny dancers could probably whip the hell out of me in a *fair* fight. However, not only do dancers know about me from Angels, security often does as well. Mainly, imo, because I'm white and there is a long history. She says I'm going to be real sorry if she has to call security. I say that may very well be true, but like I said you will be hearing a lot more about me and Angels after you call security and give her a smile. I say don't believe me? Ask some of the dancers who know me from Angels. She says she doesn't care about Angels. I say then call security and let the play play out. Instead she calls a tough dancer over. I laugh and say this is security? Not a happy dancer and she is in my face and stentorian. I say you can make your play or we can do this the whole night. She storms off.

Finally, I was allowed to continue buying dances. It wasn't too much fun. The DJ just kept running his stentorian mouth, which normally I'd just be focusing on the dancer. The first hottie finally came back and was very apologetic and offered me a free dance. I told her, she had nothing to apologize for. She said usually the DJ isn't like that and she didn't know why he decided to get so aggressive and that she just didn't know what to do and felt bad that I really didn't get the dance I had paid for and etc.

So who knows if conflict will continue on my next visit. My best guess is NO. I still LOVE strip clubs. :)


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avatar for quimby
17 years ago
Jablake - Look no other business can treat its customers as poorly as a strip club can and if you continue to give them your business, it only encourages them...

I think that the approach is a (short) polite chat with the manager entitled:
" Why I am not coming in here again "
avatar for arbeeguy
17 years ago
The problem with quimby's solution is that we all get "addicted" in one way or another to a club or a dancer. So even tho it is not in our "best overall interest" we want to go back for more. It is just part of the addiction. I know.


avatar for jablake
17 years ago
Hi quimby,

Well a few things to consider:

1. The dancer said the DJ wasn't normally like that.
2. The bartender probably recognized that I was agitated after witnessing the dancer screaming and the DJ threatening her. Nothing wrong with asking if I wanted a drink, but once I politely declined she should have at the very least waited until the storm had passed. Instead she decides to claim that because I'm white it was upsetting the other customers. Oh btw, 2 dancers including the original one told me that it wasn't normal for the bartender to get aggressive over drinks UNLESS the customer wasn't spending. If a customer buys even 1 dance, then he is supposed to be treated well according to the dancers.
3. It seems almost by design. The DJ was really going out of his way to make a show and the dancer said he wasn't normally like that. Next the bartender looks to push my buttons? (Too coincidental, imho.) I was expecting and *waiting* for more than a show down with "security" in the form of a tough dancer. Actually, I was surprised they couldn't find someone to play the part of "security" (they definitely do have security, btw, I just wanted to see who was involved).
4. Management may have already decided that whites aren't wanted or if neutral may be disgusted by me not standing up for myself (if I went running to management) to a woman bartender and a noisy DJ who didn't even have the gumption to spit at me hisself.
5. It isn't like there is a "free market" in strip clubs. I'm not allowed to just open my dream strip club across the street. Therefore, the strip club has a very strong hand if it offers value. RolLexx offers me a lot of value: 1. hot dancers (some from Angels, which is a definite bonus) and prices and 3. high mileage and 4. good location. The bottom line is that white customers may be seen as a negative at the top of the club so that the whole point is they may not want my business. It is just a question of pushing me hard enough so that I'll take the hint. Or, it might just be the DJ and bartender. BTW, if there was a free market in strip clubs, then I think they should be free to discriminate against customers for any reason they so desire.
6. Angels is under government attack/heavy pressure and the owner has made moves to slow the club. It has been too effective, imho. Remember the government was able to shut one club after another along W. Dixie Hwy--there is a history here. ***Angels is the last survivor of cornucopia of clubs.*** With the successful government attacks the choice of clubs available is nothing like it was. Each little club had its unique culture. You're not wanted at Angels? In the past you had a bunch of other little clubs to choose from nearby. Customers could find clubs that wanted their business and offered the right value. I would like a quiet slow little cheap club; under the current government framework that is no longer available.

avatar for jablake
17 years ago
For me it isn't part of the addiction. It is value. If the club actually doesn't want my business for whatever reason, then I will definitely go elsewhere (actually I wouldn't really have much real choice).

What is the alternative? At this point Coco's just down the road offers the next best value and has been PACKED!!! (PACKED is why I haven't been going there, btw.) The government has shut them a few times in the recent past and a new shut down could easily happen today--it's just part of the game. BTW, Tootsies despite the excellent reviews is a garbage club for my needs in that they're way out of my budget with short songs and a minimum dance price of $25 and a lack of black dancers. And, NO this isn't the free market at work even a little bit. I've seen the free market work and it is FANTASTIC (at least as far as strip clubs). The government, no if ands or buts is the problem unless you're one of these nuts that believes government should be your master.

avatar for quimby
17 years ago
Jablake -
Meddling local and state governments exist all over this country. The worst club in NE Ohio is in Lake County and it is grandfathered in - a guarantee of no other competition for the next 50 years...

I still can't bring myself to give money (no matter how reasonable) to jerks; this means that, currently, my usual club is 51 miles from my house (and that's fine by me).
I take the 4-Cylinder car...
avatar for jablake
17 years ago

I was in the process of preparing to move. Yes, maybe from the frying pan into the fire. Got my government passport which I was loath and loathe to do--I don't like national identification even a little bit. Destination? Haiti. :) Does sound fairly crazy, but my long time neighbors are from Haiti and they think I'd be much happier there (they're in the U.S. solely for the $ they say). I also met a boat captain who was born and raised in America and he was fairly conservative in that he liked to be left alone. Anyway, he married a Haitian woman years earlier and spent most of his time in Haiti. For his needs, Haiti was a better fit. He wanted a family and more traditional values i.e. the government off his back and that is what he claims he found. It depends on what your needs are. A few months ago I helped a Haitian born man purchase a ticket back to Haiti. He says if I wanted modern conveniences or shopping malls or roads forget Haiti. He had lived for in the U.S. legally for over 6 years and he said he was much happier in Haiti, ***BUT his wife strongly prefers the U.S.*** so their marriage is over he says unless she is willing to join him in Haiti.

So how is that for travelling to find a better deal? :)

Actually, my health is very weak at times and I think leaving is probably a pipe dream. And, I've lived almost my entire life in one tiny area (mainly Miami).

Also, one of the main values to me of the strip clubs is getting to know the same women over a fairly long period of time. Well, the dancers from Angels are generally going to work at the nearby black clubs. The ones hot enough to work at Tootsies have told me they always get the REJECT stamp so they're forced to deal with expensive jerks (the clubs fees to work can be in the stratosphere; supposedly much more than Tootsies)---thanks to the government the clubs are free to screw the dancers and customers.

Other than leaving and that might be brain dead, I just don't see a real solution. My rights in this country are basically zero. I was denied a jury trial with the judicially invented scam of "summary judgement." Is this country better than elsewhere? Could definitely be. I think this is a very wealthy country so that is a strong positive--it is also a prison state and I happen to detest prison states. Anyway, I hope to be able to leave, but that takes health and money both are in short supply for me.

Anyway, I hope that this post hasn't offended you.

avatar for Jpac73
17 years ago
If there is a 2drink minimum then regarless of color, a person should buy a drink(who said it had to be an alcoholic beverage). The part about the customers being agitated because you aren't drinking because you are white is just plain stupid. I would have just offered to give her a 10dollar tip(most drinks cost at least 5bucks) if that wasn't what she wanted, I would have just left.

I know it's your descision but I wouldn't want to come back to a place that treated be like they did to you.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
The reality is that there is at least a 1 drink minimum for white customers unless you know the bartender and a 0 drink minimum for black customers. To be more accurate I've never seen any black customers forced to buy a drink ever at that club. That doesn't mean it hasn't happened, but my understanding from different dancers is that the drinks only become an issue and very rarely at that when a customer is NOT spending money on dancers. As the dancers pointed out that clearly isn't the situation with you because you buy dances (some get upset I only buy $5 dances) and you tip ($1 for the stage show and that is appreciated by most dancers).

I had just had a dance stolen from me knowingly by the DJ (and I don't believe he would have done that with a black customer *only* after hearing the bartender bringing up my whiteness which caught me by surprise big time). I wasn't in the mood to be giving the club money in the form of drinks especially after the episode with the DJ and when I know it isn't a requirement for black customers. But, regardless if a DJ steals a dance from me then I'm not going to be buying a drink alcoholic or not (it makes no real difference to me, but usually I'll just get a water).

It is only 3 people as far as I know. The DJ according to the dancer doesn't normally behave like that--I've *never* seen it before at the club (and it was a loud disagreement). And, the bartender wasn't acting right either. Who knows what happened earlier (if anything). Some blacks hate whites just like some whites hate blacks. I was treated very well by everyone else except for the 3 who have some real problem--either just with me or with my skin color or both. I haven't seen the DJ mistreat other white customers, btw. I don't know how management feels they might be sick of whites "dirtying" their club. I don't know, which is one reason I wanted to escalate the situation. Remember the real security, which there is NO shortage of did absolutely nothing. What does that mean if anything? It means something is wrong somewhere, imo, because that club security doesn't seem shy or weak. Maybe management doesn't want to get its hands openly dirty.

I do plan on staying away for awhile just to let things cool way down. It doesn't matter if the majority is treating me very good because the minority can be fairly distruptive if this is *currently* an important issue for them. At the old racist Trap, timing could be everything. A potential black customer shows up one day maybe treated much differently a month later--it depended not only on who was in the club, but the current mood. And, it wouldn't make a difference if the majority of white customers disagreed with an aggressive minority. And, it might surprise some that it didn't take much of a minority. You ask around and the answer overwhelmingly may be leave him the hell alone unless he is acting like an asshole. What a potential black customer may feel probably seemed a lot different e.g. that club is just one angry hateful mob or damn I didn't even get to buy a drink!

I don't really understand your last sentence in that it was only 3 people and I should hold the whole club accountable for 3 people??? The reason that I didn't feel that I could go directly to management is that, imo, regardless of race the culture in that club expects you to be a man. It is just like some of the dancers who want men to act like men. Angels has the same be a man culture, but it is different when I was close to management because it was like hey you want me to take care of this problem? I'm just giving you the heads up because you might want to keep things cool. The response could be light the club up if necessary because there isn't a police problem or heck, thanks for the info we don't need no problems now or shit that ain't no way to treat a customer want the bitch fired? or etc.

It is difficult to imagine not wanting to go back when there are super hotties and high mileage at cheap prices. :) Of course, if managment wants to "clean" the club, then I would definitely comply and anyway I wouldn't have much choice. I just don't see good options at the moment: Angels has real problems as the last surviving club on W. Dixie, Coco's is packed, Tootsies is way too expensive for me, Black Gold only had 2 dancers and 1 customer on a Friday night, Take One Lounge was PACKED to the MAX!!!, VIP (potentially an excellent club) didn't open on a Friday night :(, The Trap has ugly dancers and super high prices, etc. A free market, which is now history, would for me eliminate these problems.
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