clapping for a stage dance

avatar for MisterGuy
Rhode Island

I've somehow managed to go to a lot of clubs recently where almost no one (and it some cases absolutely NO ONE) claps for a dancer that has just been onstage dancing for a while. I even went to a place last year where they had a featured dancer (which I'm not usually into at all) that put on a fantastic set of stage shows, and almost no one applauded...neither the DJ nor the dancer could get the crowd enthused enough to particpate.

I've also been noticing groups of people (both male and female customers) that aren't even watching what's going on onstage or in the rest of the club. It's almost as if they are just there to socialize with their buddies and pay 2-4 times the price for the same alcohol that they could get in another regular bar/club for way cheaper.

I can understand not clapping for a dancer that has nothing going on onstage...she's a horrible dancer, not your "type", or whatever, but not clapping for someone that just performed for you seems rude to me though in most cases. Do you usually clap after stage performances in a strip club?


last comment
avatar for parodyman-->
16 yrs ago

Yes absolutely! If I enjoyed the show I'll clap. Even if I am the only one.

avatar for DandyDan
16 yrs ago

I usually do if I thought the girl was good enough. I sometimes do only to make sure someone claps, because sometimes, they just don't have anyone watching. Most of the time, customers are usually talking amongst themselves, sometimes with a dancer amongst them, and they aren't paying attention to the stage show, or if it is a bar, you know the people at the bar aren't paying attention to the stage show. Sometimes, clapping can get you a lapdance. One girl at my favorite club, during the middle of the week, when only about 10 people are there at a time, came to me just because I was clapping and looking like I paid attention to her show.

avatar for driver01
16 yrs ago

Lol-- at Mons you'd have to start clapping the moment you entered and not stop until you were leaving as there are always at least 4-5 girls dancing on the single center stage and they rotate off one dancer at a time after each song.

While clapping may be the typical way audience members show their appreciation in non-adult theatrical settings, I'm thinking most dancers would feel more love if you used those hands to apply some cash to the inside of her garter as opposed to clapping them together.

avatar for BobbyI
16 yrs ago

If your objective goes beyond seeing naked women on stage, you might not clap or even care much about the stage show. If your goal is mileage (and this is becoming more common, I think) the stage show is just incidental.

avatar for chi_sam
16 yrs ago

Clapping at a strip club is gay. A DJ telling the crowd to 'Put those hands together for Starrr...' usually means there is an equally enthusiastic LD bouncer who will remind you to keep them at your sides.

It ain't the Bolshoi...

avatar for arbeeguy
16 yrs ago

Clapping at a strip club is gay? What the heck does THAT mean? Define gay in this context -- I don't get it.

I agree with Parodyman - I like to clap for a good stripper. That makes me GAY? I DON'T THINK SO. A lot of times I can tell the girl on stage appreciates some applause even though she obviously appreciates the folding money even more so. But sometimes one leads to another I even clap sometimes when they take off their top just to show a little enthusiasm.

I say if the girl is up there working her butt off taking her clothes off she deserves some clapping.

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago

Tipping is the form of appreciation dancer want. I've never had a dance complain that "no one claps for me", but I sure have heard them say, "no one is tipping".

avatar for MisterGuy
16 yrs ago

Hmmmm, I agree that most dancers would rather have money in their G-string than applause, but what if there's no stage tipping allowed at the place that you're at?

avatar for Dudester
16 yrs ago

Societal trends change. In the past fifteen years, it has pretty much become mandatory for strippers to wear those 4-6 inch fuck me platforms that pretty much endanger the life of anyone that wears them. Recently at St. James a dancer told me she wasn't allowed onstage because she didn't have hers. With that said:

35 years ago, it was extremely rare to get a standing ovation. Nowadays, they pretty much happen almost anywhere an entertainer appears. 15 years ago, before dancers were required to wear those hideous platforms, some "dancers" actually danced onstage. It's too dangerous to dance in those platforms and I actually encourage dancers to go barefoot during LD's. It's safer for them and me.

Besides, I would really like to see a dancer go onstage and really put on a show. Not twirl around a pole-but really shake her thing and make it appear she knows something about dance.

avatar for Golfer3166
16 yrs ago

I think that most of the dancers couldn't care less about the clapping after they finish their stage set. They understand that tipping while they are at the stage is you way to say I appreciate the dance and like what you are doing. A lot of smaller clubs and even larger during the day will have the dancer come through and give the tipper a little kiss or smile and of course check out his interest in VIP dances. I always thought that the dancer who comes out in the crowd and does this is the better dancers and I have noticed that they usually are equally appreciative in the VIP room as well.

avatar for BobbyI
16 yrs ago

Oh, they appreciate clapping. Especially when they are new.

Old strippers are generally, numb to anything, of course.

avatar for robofan
16 yrs ago

Most places I go now have multiple stages with multiple dancers up at a time. Some have as many as five or six at a time. I wouldn't know who to clap for.

avatar for lopaw
16 yrs ago

Saying something is "gay" is just a stupid expression indicating that the thing you're talking about is weak or lame. Although most people probably use it not realizing that it's insulting to gay people, it is just a stupid expression. And anyone that uses it is gay.

heh heh. (I can say it coz I really am gay.)

avatar for chi_sam
16 yrs ago

OK, you got me.

I meant 'gay' as in lame. But upon further thought, anyone that claps for a stripper is a homosexual that is probably more enamored with her outfit than her tits.

No offense guys. All in fun...

But I suppose it's where you go. The places I like to frequent are where the girls are a bit older and hopefully their spirit has long been broken and they are no longer deluding themselves that they are artists, but rather are the soft-core prostitutes we all love to have grind on our cocks.

They hate going on the stage in those stupid shoes or crawling around that disease-ridden hard floor just so some dude can see how far he can stretch a dollar. It's required by the club or every last one of them would be cozied up to one of their regulars.

At best, it's a preview for the lapdance, which is where the money is, if not the 'fame and adulation'. Hearty guffaw... (note: if you heh, heh you don't need to further broadcast that you're gay) However, if an eight-ball fell out of the sky everytime they 'brought the house down' you'd better believe you'd see a show!

And I am sure they would all say you were gay for clapping. Not to you they wouldn't. Duh! But to everyone else...

avatar for MisterGuy
16 yrs ago

Well, that's another point...I haven't met that many stripeprs that looked forward to their time onstage...most of them tend to dread it. So, I don't see the harm in giving them a lil encouragement (in addition to some tips of course) in that case to show that maybe they did a nice job onstage. As to clubs that have mulitple stages & girls on those stages at a time, I can see the futility of clapping.

chi_sam...since you're not clapping, maybe you can use those hands to review a few more strip clubs...

avatar for ClevelandTom
16 yrs ago

I prefer to not get the Clap in a strip club.

avatar for arbeeguy
16 yrs ago

I liked Chi_sam's followup comment a lot. The real message here is that there is tremendous variety both in clubs and in dancers. In low-key one-stage clubs and with younger less experienced dancers, clapping is probably the norm. But there are plenty of clubs where clapping would be stupid, or as chi_sam put it a bit more eloquently, "lame". And, I have been in those kinds of clubs. The ones I frequent most of the time are single-stage, and the girls do appreciate both the clapping AND the tips. But mostly the tips, sure.

avatar for parodyman-->
16 yrs ago

chi-sam, You seem to be fixated on all things gay. Is it just a head injury that causes you to say stupid and inapropriate things or do you have some substance abuse problem too?

avatar for BobbyI
16 yrs ago

Of course they would rather be raking in the serious coin by playing the marks back in the VIP. However, when it's not busy, the more attractive ones do look forward to going on stage as a way to advertise their product. And, again, some of the newer ones actually think costumes and stage are an important part of the equation (naive girls projecting girl feelings onto PLs, haha, they'll learn!)

avatar for ozymandias
16 yrs ago

You know, it never occurs to me to clap. I guess I seldom really watch a stage show, though.

If I go to stage to tip a girl I know, sometimes I do a little "golf clap" but that's basically me just being silly. I've probably never clapped audibly for a dancer, ever.

Well, unless smacking her ass counts as "clapping"? >.>


avatar for AbbieNormal
16 yrs ago

Tipping is expected, applause is polite. Considering applause "gay", as in "lame" is pretty sad. But it is part of the whole "I'm authentic, nobody tells me what to do and I'm cool because I don't subscribe to the man's rules" attitude, which is also sad. Saying someone is gay used to be uncontroversial, it meant they were happy, likewise queer meant odd. If you wish to appropriate a word for a cause, be prepared for the blowback. This is not an endorsement of any point of view, merely an observation. My father went by the name of Dick voluntarily, till the day he died. This was not unusual for men of his generation, and nobody snickered behind his back.

avatar for SuperDude
16 yrs ago

Dancers have told me that they REALLY appreciate applause.

avatar for jablake
16 yrs ago

I don't like clapping, but then I'm not interested in the stage show except to see how the dancer looks without her clothing.

At times I've considered it lame when the club would attempt to get the customers to clap----usually successfully, but then I think well some people or most people like that. And, more importantly maybe the dancers appreciate some applause even if it is forced.

avatar for gk
16 yrs ago

I don't like programmed response, and DJs urging the audience to applaud the performer is just that--and annoying. The other thing that bothers me about clapping is that it seems to be a throwback to burlesque shows where you were expected to clap for each performer because you didn't tip anyone. Today, burlesque is dead, but strip clubs have replaced burlelsque and tipping has replaced clapping. If you liked the performance--tip her. She might appreciate that more than a round of applause. But otherwise, if you want to clap, it's a personal thing.

avatar for Cinammon
16 yrs ago

I really hope you guys don't mind a dancer popping in here to give her opinion...Ok, for me personally (and for other dancers I've spoken to about this) PLEASE do not applaud. I feel like this, if you enjoyed the show THAT much (to applaud that is) then why not show your appreciation by tipping the lady?

Not to be rude, but clapping doesn't pay my bills, getting tipped on stage does.

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 yrs ago

I always love it when service-industry professionals point out how often I ought to pay. It makes me want to open up my wallet SO much more often.

avatar for BobbyI
16 yrs ago

Cinammon: Well aren't just the bitchiest little cunt?

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago


Forget the jerks here. My previous post, ""Tipping is the form of appreciation dancers want. I've never had a dancer complain that "no one claps for me", but I sure have heard them say, "no one is tipping."", is exactly correct, as you state!

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 yrs ago

I've heard a hundred dancers complain "nobody claps for me." Even the dancers who don't know how to dance. And the fat ones. And the ugly ones. I should have clapped for this last one I saw, at the end of her stage set, because the end of the song meant SHE'D GET OFF THE STAGE AND WE WOULDN'T HAVE TO LOOK AT HER ANY MORE.

I've also heard a hundred dancers complain that nobody pays them enough. That there's not enough alcohol in their drink. That there's too much alcohol in their drink. That the manager's an asshole to the DJ, or the DJ's an asshole to the manager. That the club sucks, the street sucks, the city sucks, their car sucks, their boyfriend didn't treat them right, their boyfriend bores them, their pet poodle Biffie ate the cat litter.

Look, the problem isn't, that I disagree with Cinnamon. It isn't that I would say, "No, we should only clap and never pay dancers." That would be the opposite of her point of view; and yet I certainly don't hold that opposite point as my own point of view. I'm not saying, I disagree with the content of her statements.

But the cunty bitchy "I get to tell all men exactly what it is that they have to do to please me and by extension all women" princessy attitude? That fucking pisses me off. She comes in here, she's never been here before, she reads one post, she starts pontificating about how men ought to behave in "her club." And utterly forgets that it's a

... SERVICE INDUSTRY ... and ...



... if we do something she doesn't like she can fuck off and die. A man's experience in a strip club is NOT and NEVER WILL BE about pleasing the dancers. Duh.

Sure, we can go out of our way to make her time more pleasant and enjoyable -- the more she likes us, the more she's likely to give us full value for our dollar. But she needs to remember, the little princessy bitchy Disney-chemical-addicted cunt, that IT'S HER JOB TO PLEASE US AND NOT VICE VERSA.

Fuckin' chicks ... can't live with 'em, can't even argue with 'em ... dumb cunt. Grr.

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago


Sounds like you visit the wrong clubs.

As for Cinammon, she is no different than you or me. We BOTH posted what we thought the first time we posted. If you didn't, what was the point of posting at all? :)

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 yrs ago

Clubber: I've been to hundreds. There's always the princess attitude somewhere.

As for Cinnamon: yeah, she's different from you and me. She's a stripper, we're customers. That's the central point which she (and now you) seems to miss. But I don't understand what the point of saying, "We ... posted what we thought." Yeah, so what? So did I. And anyone else. So it's beside the point to even mention, isn't it? Yeah, she POSTED WHAT SHE THOUGHT, and WHAT SHE THINKS is asinine and princessy, the dumb cunt.


avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago


I disagree. I have read, what I think, IMHO, others just posting what others seem to wish to read, and not their thoughts.

avatar for MisterGuy
16 yrs ago

Man, clubber really is a moron...BG didn't even post what he thought about the topic until that dancer posted what she thought. I respect what she has to say, but mostly what I was talking about was when there was no stage tipping allowed at a place and people didn't even bother to clap, which I thought was odd.

"I have read, what I think, IMHO, others just posting what others seem to wish to read, and not their thoughts."

Are you a mind reader now old man?? Go fuck yourself you old are absolutely worthless as a poster here IMO...

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago


avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 yrs ago

I can't work out the grammer. I have read what I think others posting others what they read thoughts of others not read think the posting others what they think thoughts of? IMNSHO ...

I think what he's trying to say is, that his reading has been true to the authors' intentions, while other people's readings have been more inaccurate and have missed the authors' intents. (Or singular author: the one female here.) I disagree with him on that subject. How is he to know (or prove) that his reading is a better reading than anyone else's? Perhaps mine is the most accurate BECAUSE it investigates her instinctive, unaware attitudes, and dispenses with her self-aggrandizing to discover the falsehoods beneath an otherwise polite veneer? Perhaps the fact that I've "found a secret" behind her words, that is not directly stated in the words, makes my reading MORE rather than less true. There can be no proving of this, or the contrary assertion. We're all basing everything on the same evidence.


... just see how your profits fare.

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago


Sometimes beer goggles can distort my typing. You are pretty much correct. "...his reading has been true to the authors' intentions, while other people's readings have been more inaccurate and have missed the authors' intents."

As for your disagreement on my reading skills, I did state, "IMHO", although my reading and comprehension skills have been tested many times throughout my life and have always scored very high, not that it matters.

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 yrs ago

OK clubber, glad I didn't misphrase your intent or put too many words into your mouth that you didn't say. I do understand, that you feel you've read the female on this thread "more fairly." As I've already said, I have a different reading of her: princessy cunt. She strides in, tells us what to do, informs us of what women "prefer" and presumes to speak for all femininity. Pain in the ass.

Here's an episode from my life. I grew a beard over one summer. I arrived at a party, and some women said, "No woman likes a beard," while other women said, "Every woman likes a beard." Not a single one of them was capable of understanding the simple concept, that HER PERSONAL PREFERENCES were not necessarily UNIVERSAL PREFERENCES. And each one deigned from on high to exude her superiority by demanding that I, as the male, acquiesce to her insistence that my facial hair (or lack there-of) answer to her command.

avatar for jablake
16 yrs ago

"I really hope you guys don't mind a dancer popping in here to give her opinion...Ok, for me personally (and for other dancers I've spoken to about this) PLEASE do not applaud. I feel like this, if you enjoyed the show THAT much (to applaud that is) then why not show your appreciation by tipping the lady?

Not to be rude, but clapping doesn't pay my bills, getting tipped on stage does."

I didn't think Cinammon was out of line in the least. Of course, I dislike clapping at a stripclub whether forced or voluntary. But, heck if clapping is a positive for you then go for it! Some dancers love clapping and others don't care for it or would much rather see some dollar bills.

Hell, I think Cinammon wouldn't haven't been out of line being much more aggressive. Like, I hate it when customers clap because it is not only nerdy, but more importantly those hands need to be forking over the dead presidents!

avatar for jablake
16 yrs ago

Hell, I think Cinammon wouldn't have been out of line being much more aggressive. Like, I hate it when customers clap because it is not only nerdy, but more importantly those hands need to be forking over the dead presidents!

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 yrs ago

OK then. At least we've understood one another's positions. :)

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago


I think you sort of missed your own point! The beard story... So some women said yes and some said no. Who gives a damn what the women think? I would assume you grew it for YOU. I know I have mine for one real simple reason, I hate to shave!

avatar for MisterGuy
16 yrs ago

clubber doesn't have any reading comprehension skills at all. Someone that can't tell that doing a web search for "lap dance" means searching for the words lap & dance without the quotes, and someone who couldn't figure out TUSCL's new club rating system, after it had been explained at least twice before does not have good reading skills IMO.

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago


You are in the same category as club dancers. End of story!

avatar for MisterGuy
16 yrs ago

Try making some sense when you post here clubber...I know that it's hard for any old man like you, but focus!

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago



See above |.

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago

Let's see... "Two" that add little but attempted insults to TUSCL, misterguy and ludicrouslydifferentfeebleimitationman. One and the same? And since we are on strip club topics, if "they" are two, then we have BOOBS!

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 yrs ago

Clubber: no, I grew it to get laid. It didn't really work; didn't NOT work, either. Sort of that ol' "Keeps the tigers away" thing.

I used to hate to shave, until I discovered how to do it "correctly." Now I love my morning ritual, though I admit it takes significant time out of my day.

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago


Someone here posted a youtube URL about shaving, some time ago. Perhaps it was you. I tried it a few times, but way to much effort. As for effect in a club, I can't say I've ever noticed a difference.

avatar for MisterGuy
16 yrs ago

We really do need to get an old man language translation dictionary on here at some point.

avatar for Cinammon
16 yrs ago

Wow, you know it's really unfortunate that you boys (only read a few male responses)have to subject yourselves to calling me names, to make an "attempt" to debate.

Listen, I gave my opinion just like the rest of you did. Nothing more, nothing less. An opinion is just that, an opinion. To bad for me to think that you guys would appreciate a dancers point of view.

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago


A few idiots here, but the majority are here tp use TUSCL as intended. Just don't let the jerks get under your skin.

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