Cell phone phenomenon
The comment in a thread below about whether you'd want your daughter to be a stipper got me thinking about something that happens a lot in my area. I am curious if this is happening everywhere in the country.
The kids in our area schools all have cell phones and regularly send each other pictures. Plus a lot of them have myspace or facebook accounts. It turns out (I've learned this from my kids, and I do not believe they are lying) that a lot of the girls send pictures of themselves either naked or sometimes even engaged in sex acts. A particular picture can spread like wildfire through the school. Only the girls seem to do this, not the guys. This is happening as early as middle school.
Is this happening in your area? What do you think is causing it? Why would these girls want to send naked pictures of themselves to countless strangers?
I am trying to think of anything analogous to this happening in the pre-internet era (i.e., when I was a kid) and I cannot. Girls did not (at least not where I lived) strip off their clothes in front of large groups of guys. Does this just represent a change in technology (it is possible to do something that was not possible before) or a change in attitude?
The kids in our area schools all have cell phones and regularly send each other pictures. Plus a lot of them have myspace or facebook accounts. It turns out (I've learned this from my kids, and I do not believe they are lying) that a lot of the girls send pictures of themselves either naked or sometimes even engaged in sex acts. A particular picture can spread like wildfire through the school. Only the girls seem to do this, not the guys. This is happening as early as middle school.
Is this happening in your area? What do you think is causing it? Why would these girls want to send naked pictures of themselves to countless strangers?
I am trying to think of anything analogous to this happening in the pre-internet era (i.e., when I was a kid) and I cannot. Girls did not (at least not where I lived) strip off their clothes in front of large groups of guys. Does this just represent a change in technology (it is possible to do something that was not possible before) or a change in attitude?
"Girls did not (at least not where I lived) strip off their clothes in front of large groups of guys."
You never went to any spring break events I guess...too bad...you missed out, and no, I'm not just talking about "Girls Gone Wild" or what has been going on during Mardi Gras parades for a loooong time. :) I do agree that people are way less uptight about being free with sexual topics and acts, but we still have a long way to go IMO.
The neighbor kids say it is very common. The girls like to be ogled and show off especially if it is indirect and nothing further is demanded or requested of them.
(i) easy celebrity
(ii) the Ho-ification of America
I am not at all surprised!
I've found that, what little I know of courtrooms, really excites me. I'm going to law school in the fall, so maybe that will work out for me.
I think that people who are too bright (or too ADD) to find great interest in typical work (perhaps, simply, because it's too easy or routine for them) quite often have a hard time finding a high-paying career, simply because they (we) can't stick with it long enough to get over the utterly preclusive humps of idiot-bosses and Christmas parties. There are bright people who get over those humps; but for me, without much emotional intelligence, the problem wasn't an inability to "work" the marketplace or find a niche; the problem was my inability to "get" why I was never part of the "in" crowd who ... actually ... got paid money. That, and hating the work I was doing because it was so mindless in the first place. I don't have a TRADE education (which, to me, is an oxymoron: education is about enlightenment; training is about work) so I didn't have a specific skill-set or marketable persona to peddle. Nor do I think most office jobs in most fields SHOULD have a limited "skill set." I'm as good at Excel or allocation of assets as the next bright guy; but he might have a CERTIFICATION in Excel.
But, getting a job is one thing. Getting a blowjob is entirely another. Why did you bring up my earning potential at all?
Back to the topic of why teenage girls may be ciculating naked photos of themselves -- they probably have seen the famous Brittany Spears pussy photos. That may well have added fuel to the fire.
I have friends with advanced degrees who have abandoned their original direction, and ended up in a much lower paying job situation. Many reasons for that. I also know people who I think have significant personality/mental disabilities that are making $200k a year legally.
Among adults, I'm sure there is a correlation between higher intellect and higher wages. Among middle-school girls, I suspect there is a correlation between pics of their "stuff" and popularity. Among dancers: "nasty always makes more money"!
""Perhaps at a young age, they understand that a girl with reasonable looks and body can make a living "showing it off". More likely that concept is part of female genetics. ""
With this I don't:
""Among adults, I'm sure there is a correlation between higher intellect and higher wages.""