Are all strtippers stupid?

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
I knew last month that one of my favorites was pregnant She showed and other favorites confirmed it. She was also a herion user. The girls told me that she was going to do something about it. She did. She told me the other day that she had gotten an abortion last Friday. Smart thinking. She also said that it was a terrible experience and that if she ever gets knocked up again that she was going was going to do the right thing. Quit drugs and have the baby.


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avatar for wallanon
17 years ago
avatar for arbeeguy
17 years ago
No, all strippers are not stupid, and all posted topics are not stupid either. But this one is.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
Some people might say that 2 or 3 wrongs don't equal a right. Using drugs, having a baby when you're single or getting an abortion are not good things to do by themselves. Combining them or only doing some of them isn't necessarily smart either.

I thought this topic was stupid or definitely one that many would disagree with. However I decided to post to it since if those 90 million people who had been aborted during the last 20 to 30 years got to speak, they might see things differently. 90 million dead. Just think how many strippers have been aborted that could have been giving extra competition in the strip clubs. I think abortion is wrong. That might be surprising to read from someone who posts on a strip club sight but apparently the dancer above thought having the baby would have been better as well. Apparently she knew better but made bad choices.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
Three lefts equal a right.
avatar for mmdv26
17 years ago
Some are stupid. Many are average. A few are pretty smart. I certainly hope that a person can visit strip clubs, post on a strip club web site, AND still be opposed to abortion! It shows that there is some degree or morality amongst us.
avatar for ClevelandTom
17 years ago
What does it say about a poster who can't even spell the title to the thread correctly?

Is the pot perhaps calling the kettle names?

avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
and in response, some dancers probably have already asked, "what is wrong with all the customers, are they dense?"
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
and another dancer might have said, "half the customers are drunk already, what do you expect?"
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
A silly answer to "are all strippers stupid?" It's all relative to the size of her tits. The bigger they are, the smaller the IQ of the guy becomes.

In other words if she has big uns or big guns, she is very intelligent, you're too busy googling or goggling over the size of those hooters.

However being honest, hooters the size of a small basketball is a bit too big and becomes more of a turnoff. It might draw looks out of curiousity but that is not a turnon.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
If one of my nieces ever took off her clothes, I believe she would have some big hooters. However I believe she won a scholarship or grant for up to $150,000 so I don't believe anyone will be seeing her in a strip club anytime soon. Somehow saying she's stripping for the money just wouldn't be believable. One time I did meet a dancer who said she had a college degree and could work in her major. She explained to me how she was making a lot more as a dancer and was putting off regular work. I'm thinking if it paid that much more, maybe it wasn't a mistake. Ok, I'll stop posting on this thread for a while.
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
I know one of my favorites had an abortion and I don't think she is stupid. On the other hand, it depends on how you define smart. She seems very booksmart, and we could have a very decent conversation about the war in Iraq and the failure of religion in the world, amongst other things, but in practical life experience, she has done at least one thing indisputably stupid, which is fail to graduate high school, and even failing to get a GED. She always talks about getting her GED, and 5 years from now, she may still be talking about it. But she has a nice chest on her, and she lets me DATY every time, so what difference does that make?
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
2 Problems with this thread as I see it:

#1 Shadowcat's intelligence or lack there of at the very least equals if not surpasses the strippers he was trying to belittle. It seems like his having a problem with women is a recurring theme in his alcoholic rantings.

#2 What bothers me even more are the people who will come out and publicly state that all abortions under any circumstances are wrong. You must be one of those people who pray to that false god in the sky. And then the idiots who want to tie abortion to morality? You must be the ones with your tounges up the bible thumper's asses.

Now I can close with a big FUCK YOU or I can be nice and remind you that we do not take care of our orphaned children too well in this country. Couple that with a birth mother who couldn't be bothered to get off drugs while she was pregnant and maybe just maybe some of those poor innocent souls would be better off not having been born. I have seen first hand with two different familys the problems that are par for the course with an addict's babies being fostered out to a normal family. Thes kids receive a lifetime of difficulties and disabilities. They have poor socilaization skills and are prone to violent outbursts.

The point is who are you to judge someone who chooses not to bring a child into this world. That girl made a tough descision. One none of you have ever had to.
avatar for njscfan
17 years ago
I am sure I will be chastised again by the defenders of misogyny, but doesn't anyone think this is getting ridiculous? What would a new person to this board see in the discussion threads -- strippers are smelly, stripper are drunk, strippers are stupid. This crap is flaring up on the board constantly, on an almost weekly basis (and the stone throwers are usually not without sin).

Think about it: would you spend your time on a stripper dominated board if the threads were: "How grossed are you when you give a dance to an old fart?" "Why are these guys so fucking fat?" and "Is every man a moron?" Shadowcat (of all people!) observes that for some inexplicable reason the few women who visit this site don't stay long. Gee, I wonder why. Personally, I like having women around, and value their contributions, even if I don't agree with them all the time. Hearing the same old locker room trash talk over and over does not add much to my understanding of the world.

A stereotype about men who go to strip clubs, use escorts, and watch porn is that they are really a bunch of women haters deep down inside. I've always wanted to believe we're just extra, extra horny, but the constant threads looking for some excuse to complain about women make me wonder. Let's see a show of hands among the top stripper trashers -- how many of you have managed to maintain normal long term relationships with women you actually live with on a daily basis? Thought so.

Do you think everyone could go for a month without bashing women in general, and strippers in particular? No? How about a week? Are you seething with that much rage?

And abortion? Jesus, let's turn this into a board where we fight about politics, religion, etc., etc. -- sounds great. That happened on TER and got to be so obnoxious that they had to start a separate discussion board for it. Aren't you guys interested in sex? Can't we stick to that?
avatar for quimby
17 years ago
Kudos to both ParodyMan and NJSCFan for their Posts...

My only thought is that it is (very) alarming to me that there seems to be a good-sized segment of men that go to strip clubs who need to have dancers be stupider, smellier, and drunker than they themselves are.

I enjoy the social aspects of clubbing and leave it at that; the recent posts on this site make me wonder just how bad it is to be a club dancer these days... (Is the term "Gentleman's Club " now ironic ???
avatar for jablake
17 years ago

Most of the stripclub customers that I know are not very nice with the dancers or they dislike them. Seems like either they think sex is dirty or selling sex is dirty. Worse dancers tell me that when they do OTC with a "nice" customer more often than not the "nice" customer turns out to be a totally different person OTC---too often to point of being afraid for their safety.

I'm surprised dancers are as nice as they are given their working conditions.
avatar for SuperDude
17 years ago
Some have not finished high school. Some have GED's. A few have attended a four college. I have AFT's who have M.A. degrees. I can't figure it out.
avatar for lopaw
17 years ago
Seems that about half of the posters here are nice, friendly guys who are just out to have some fun in stripclubs. The other half come off as misogynistic & insecure. It's about the same ratio I see out in the clubs in real life.

And I used to wonder why the dancers prefer to sit with me most of the time......

And, as usual, parodyman & njscfan are spot on.
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
"misogyny"? Dude, we are talking about strippers here, not normal women.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
Well, I take another bashing for my bad spelling and choice of topics. I post a lot of topics to keep the interest going. Some times they are a hit. Other times they are a miss. I have two choices. Keep posting or drop out like chandler did.

Any one that thinks I hate women or strippers has not met me in person. Meet me at my favorite club and you will see the real me. As chandler did last Tuesday.

I do not try to drive strippers from posting on here. I do question their motives for doing so. I have personally known 4 dancers that have posted on here. In each case they attacked me. 3 of them have now turned out to be good buddies.

Some of you missed the point of my topic. I was trying to point out that not all strippers are stupid. This particular stripper made a wise decision and I applaud her for it. She did not have to tell me about her experience but chose to because she likes and trusts me.

Would you rather I post topics about all of the obnoxious ass hole customers that I have seen or heard of? Or share jabs with Parodyman? John...
avatar for jablake
17 years ago

Didn't parodyman develop his extreme dislike for you after meeting you?

The way it was written it sure seemed like you were saying all strippers are stupid. For the record, I've met highly intelligent strippers, and those with average intelligence, and those that are slow. I've fun with strippers with varying levels of intelligence and education, but when I go to a stripclub I'm looking for hot and sweet primarily.

Are all Republicans stupid? That question, imo, strongly implies that all or nearly all Republicans are stupid.

avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
My gosh. Does anyone here have a sense of humor? Of course SC was joking and making an off the cuff remark. For example: Isn't it easy to imagine if a stripper just finished dealing with a customer trying to finger her when it was unwanted, she might go back to the dressing room and ask "are all customers stupid?" Doesn't mean she is serious, or that is how thinks in the steady state. That's what's happening here. Let's not get carried away.

Even me, who is convinced strippers are below average intelligence ON AVERAGE has met some very smart ones, and doesn't think EVERY SINGLE ONE is stupid. Nevertheless, I could easily see some stripper pulling some stupid shit on me, and me asking, in jest, "are ALL strippers stupid?"

Lighten up jablake and others.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago

Hi Bobbyl,

You think his post was humorous?

avatar for carteblanche
17 years ago
SC, what percentage of the dancers at PP shoot up their drugs?

When is your next visit to PP?
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
I think the question he asked was not serious. What is truly humorous is the over reaction of many here to it.
avatar for emmy7
17 years ago
I'd have to agree with Bobbyl. If that isn't the case, there's no point in trying to talk such a narrow-mind into thinking anything else.
avatar for DickJohnson
17 years ago
Most of the topics posted on this discussion board are far from misogynist, even tbe ones that some people claim are aren't very alarming. Lets see, one guy posts about smelly vaginas and another asks if all strippers are stupid. Gee, this is really hate-filled bile here. The pollyannas on this board need to get a grip. We are here to broach any subject anybody has on their mind, if it doesn't interest you don't reply. Oh, and for the record I love strippers and am grateful for their existence.
avatar for flguytampa21
17 years ago
No. I met one girl at Mons Venus, that is going to school for criminology. I met another a very smart girl who was using her money to buy real estate. She actually spent $2000 to attend a seminar by the author of the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I am sure she will a millionaire in a few years.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
jablake, no I did not develop my extreme dislike for Shadow-twat after meeting him. I never have met him in person. His racist, sexist, homophobic posts are enough for me. I have no desire to see the old bastard in action. This limited exposure is enough.
avatar for carteblanche
17 years ago
parodyman, shadowcat put you on his ignore list, why can't you do the same to him? Because you need someone to hate
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
carteblanche, I have a policy of not placing anyone on ignore. I think it ruins the flowof dialouge. Also I do not "hate" Shadowcat. I am repulsed by his behavior. I think he is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with white American males. But I don't hate him.

Hate is what Shadowcat traffics in. He hates women, minorities, homosexuals, anyone with a dissenting opinion... I could go on all day, but I think you get the picture.

Also carteblanche, I find it rude of you to tell me what I should do. Who the fuck are you? I've been here a long time and am not likely to change my posting style to suit you.
avatar for AbbieNormal
17 years ago
And people ask me why I don't bother posting anymore...
avatar for carteblanche
17 years ago
Why do you think he hates women, minorities, homosexuals, anyone with a dissenting opinion?

Granted I haven't been here long
avatar for carteblanche
17 years ago
AbbieNormal, why don't you bother posting anymore?
avatar for AbbieNormal
17 years ago
Well, I meant that last post as a joke, but seriously there are a few reasons.

1) I've been posting here a long time, and I've seen just about every topic and posted about it 3 or 4 times by now.

2) There seems to be a group of self appointed moderators who rarely seem to post on anything other than someone else's post and how stupid they are or the post is.

3) There are some other posters who will turn any topic into their own preferred topic, pretty much shouting down or ignoring contrary opinion.

4) All that has made the board rather boring.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
I'm glad this chick in the original post was smart enough to have an abortion. She and other dancers should do that more often. I'm sickened by how often people let superstition rule their otherwise scientific thought. It's absolutely, abysmally, obviously immoral, the way they resist common sense. Especially since all of them are on drugs.
avatar for ClevelandTom
17 years ago
Abbie . . .
That is just about every message board I have ever seen. You've got to get to a thread quickly before it gets distorted and redirected.

Parodyman. . . you forgot to mention that he hates old people kids and dogs (or is that the Don Johnson character in Tin Cup?)

Oh well, another thread ruined.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
carteblanche, Read some more of Shadowcat's posts and you will see that i'm not really joking. These things I mentioned about his postsing are recurring themes.
avatar for gk
17 years ago
Well, I think they are human beings, so they can take off from there. I try not to be condescending about strippers, despite what one might think about various comments posted here.
avatar for CarolinaWanderer
17 years ago
Are all strippers stupid? I went to a club yeasterday with a few hundred dollars in my pocket. I was looking for a few dances and a little conversation, even though the club is not one offering extras.

I sat at the bar, which is where almost all patrons sit, ordered a beer, and tipped the stage dancers. After 45 minutes I had not been approached by a single dancer. I am not unattractive, nor am I overweight. I was dressed better that most of the other 10 or 12 patrons, but all eight of the dancers ignored me.

Those girls were stupid not to find a way to earn my money. Luckily not all dancers are stupid all of the time.
avatar for chi_sam
17 years ago
If I would have answered this just a couple of days ago I would have said 'yes', but I just met my first stripper than can think five minutes down the road.

I'll preface by saying we're not talking about a lot of money at stake, but this was a lingerie dive bar with few customers and on that night every little bit meant something.

She tells me 20 for a decent grind in the corner. I offer and pay her 30 for 2. As we're making our way to the corner some fat mexican wannabe gangsta' that's been stalking her all night, without buying any drinks or dances, grabs her chin and blows her a kiss. Then the rude cock sucker does the same thing to me.

I let it go. For about twenty seconds... As she's starting a very sensual lapper, I'm not even paying attention. I can't think of anything else but this jagoff. 'We gotta stop', I tell her and set her aside to go give Gordito my two cents.

She assured me it wasn't her 'pimp/boyfriend/driver/whatever-the-fuck-euphamism-they-use', when they don't want to say, 'dude I bang and give your money to'. She was black and though damn fine, had about six inches on this prick so I believed her. She said he had been bothering her all night.

But I told her, 'If I don't leave, I'll probably wind up in jail tonight'. 'Give me back 20 and call it a small loss on my part and an investment in your future'. Of course her 'stripper sense' caused her to balk silently. 'I know it's against everything they taught in stripper school to give money back, but I'm thinking you're smarter than the rest'.

That was one sad-ass look on her face as she reached into her satchel and coughed up the money.

I went down the street to another shithole where even less was happening and had a few beers. Returning 90 minutes later to find her alone at the bar, we picked up right where we had left off. First thing I did was buy her a drink and return the 20. 'Let's go do them dances now', she suggested, and gave me about the best lappers one could expect in a open place like this. Then she kept going for 2 more 'on her'.

Win - Win. Don't get a lot of those situations when 'stripper math' is applied. She got a decent tip and we were back at the bar, discussing 'our future'.

I was pretty damned impressed with her ability to think that one through so quickly, particularly since she had never met me before and had no reason to believe I'd ever come back.

BTW - Is there not at least a little irony in posing a question about others stupidity and being unable to even spell four words correctly?

avatar for BuckMcNutter
17 years ago
I was just thinking about this today I was sitting having my bottled water at the BT Lounge in Pompano, FL.
I approaced a dancer on stage and gave her a few bills for her G-string. I asked for a dance when she was done. I dont' smell, I look presentable and I'm not a creap. She said yes , she would love to dance for me. After her stage dance she went and sat at the bar with , I guess a regular costomer. Why not tell me your are busy so I don't waist my time.
I'm sorry but don't you get paid by doing dances. Why just sit at the bar and talk to some Mook for 1 hour. Is he paying you to sit there ? Or are you loosening him up before you go in for the "Want a champagne room dance "?

I just don't get it. Half the time these girls don't leave you alone and the other half they hide in the dressing room.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
I too am annoyed at the girls who don't seem to know how to approach customers and endear themselves to them. I'm amazed at how often I meet girls who just get way up in your face and tell you what a bad customer you are for not doing what you're supposed to do; and then can't figure out why guys won't get dances from them. "You have to tip!" "Why did you come here if you aren't going to tip?" "You look angry. Why are you being so angry?" "So what if you're waiting for that other girl, I'm interested in you now." "You're a bad liar, you aren't from where you said." "You don't know how to treat a lady right." That's stupid stripper shit.
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