How gullible do strippers think we are ?

avatar for Polarman
The other day I was in one of my favorite clubs when unexpectedly the dancer pulled it out and gave me a blow job. This is not the first time something like this has happened in the many years I have been going to clubs, but it was one of the times the girl said "I don't do things like that, don't think I do." This was after I had given her the agreed upon $40 for the three dances she did. On several occasions when some like this service had occurred the girl said virtually the same thing afterwards. Do they really think we believe them, or are they just trying to justify what they did ? What do you other experienced clubbers think ?


last comment
P-man; Offhand, I'd say she's playing "head games" with you.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Not sure when the other situations happened, however there are dancers doing things today they wouldn't have dreamed of doing a year or 2 back and its because many are very very worried about increasingly reduced earnings. What's she really saying is: "I didn't used to do this type of thing, however I do it now with certain customers because I want repeat business."
They think we're dumb and needy. The bj is done to get a tip and get you for repeat business.
No, I don't think they "think we're dumb," they just DO things. The words are simple acts of verbal machination that bear no relation to the semantic structures of the grammar and vocabulary which we silly males impart into them upon hearing.
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
Oh, strippers think we are dumb. Really, really dumb. From their perspective they are seeing men who are the amongst the worst with women and have (their words) "absolutely no game" or "street smarts". Strippers regularly tell me how easy it is to lie to and control most customers. And then to prove their point, when I ask them if that means they lie to me, they lie and tell me they don't.
Very gullible...wake up...
avatar for njscfan
17 years ago
I do think strippers (and customers, by the way) lie all the time. But I don't think she was necessarily lying in this instance. Strippers and escorts will sometimes in the moment decide to go beyond their normal boundaries, depending on how they are feeling at that moment about that particular customer. I've had strippers/escorts suddenly cross lines they said they wouldn't cross and there wasn't much of an explanation beyond that's just the way they felt. Given the way you describe this (the suddenness of her action) I think she was probably telling you the truth -- most of the time she does not suck a customer's dick, but she felt ok about it at that moment and so she did it. She obviously did it knowing there was no assurance of payment. If she had pulled out your dick and said, "I'll suck it if you give me another $100," then clearly that would be an upsell. But that's not what happened, so I think she was being honest.
avatar for arbeeguy
17 years ago
This little initialism carries more truth in less space than antyhing else on this site. The same town, the same club, the same dancer, and the same customer. The mileage can vary all over the place for reasons unknown and unknowable. From the wording of the initial post in this thread, I think njscfan nailed it, absolutely. To paraphrase njscfan, "Most of the time, she doesn't do this but at that particular moment she just felt like it so she did it, and then she told the truth about the situation." Book Guy also got it absolutely right, IMHO

Personally I thought there was a HUGE disconnect between the title of this thread and the anecdote provided by the original poster (who also provided the title). To me the anecdote was evidence of how unpredictable strippers, and people in general can be, and had nothing at all to say about whether this stripper, or any stripper, or all strippers think men are gullible, or "somewhat gullible" or "extremely gullible".

But it's fun to read the various posts -- especially bobbyl. Question for ya bobby - are you saying that because this one stripper expressed an extremely cynical view of customers, that that is how "all strippers" feel? From your previous posts, it is clear to me that u have a very cynical view of the whole SC experience (u are welcome to refute my assertion) and so it is not surprising that u feel strippers are also extemely cynical, manipulative, etc. And in fact many are. But there is SO MUCH VARIABILITY on this particular characteristic, it just seems impossible to generalize.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
Hi arbeeguy,

YMMV YMMV YMMV :) Yes, that is often true. I don't know if the stripper was telling the truth. My guess is that it was a lie, but I don't know that. She could have just been in the mood.

Strippers often "know" about me based on stereotypes of other customers. Sometimes it is right on the mark and sometimes it is dead wrong. I think also there is a tendency to project for both dancers and customers. Dancers who are very giving and honest to their detriment project qualities on to their customers, but usually the dancer will learn quite fast that there are a lot of miserable customers.

avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
abreeguy: I would be very surprised if there are ANY strippers who think that customers have anything beyond terrible game, little understanding of women and very little street smarts. That's probably a universal.

As for YMMV, it can be true, but if you have rules that apply in almost every case it hardly matters. In 99.5% of cases those who think they are the exception to the rule are not. Especially in the case of "you're the only one I do this for" or "you're the first one I've done this for". Now, obviously, the last statement isn't always a lie. There is going to be someone who is the first. As for "only one" that is much harder to believe, but I suppose it's possible (she gave you a BJ, but you came in her mouth, or she fucked you bareback but you busted inside of her, so she won't be doing that again).

However, in 99.5% it's just the customer kidding himself:

Hey, look, we all want to think we are more desirable than the next guy, that we have a bit of "game", are special to them, have more street smarts, whatever, and want them to appreciate that. But let's keep reality in mind first and foremost.

As for strippers and honesty:

I think I've met two or three who I thought were basically completely honest. Aside from that, even the otherwise nice and seemingly intelligent ones just seem to think lying is part of the job and completely acceptable. If you ever suggest to them that there might be cases when lying isn't acceptable, they will just stare at you completely unable to comprehend...
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
"the girl said 'I don't do things like that, don't think I do.' This was after I had given her the agreed upon $40 for the three dances she did. On several occasions when some like this service had occurred the girl said virtually the same thing afterwards."

She may just be in denial herself or it could be true or it might be face-saving or it might be bald-faced lie to give the illusion of specialness, or whatever . . .

avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
My rule: If you have any doubts then the stripper is lying. (A variant from the movie Ronin: "When there is doubt, there is no doubt.")
avatar for Polarman
17 years ago
The reason I made the post was to get input from others who had probably been in similar circumstances. I actually had a similar thing happen a couple of years ago with a girl who was a true ATF,I dated her for about a 1 1/2 years when she was not dancing. I always wondered if i should believe her under similar circumstances. I wanted to, but it just did not seem like it was the truth. I believe strippers say and do anything they can to help to justify to themselves what they do to make money.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Lying in general requires a thought process and (apart from the high quality let's say 10% group) I'm not sure most strippers have that many brain cells operating.

Recent conversation with young Dancer A (who has at least some college credits)

Dancer A "Well, what do you REALLY think about me"?

Customer: "You're Ok, but I will have to admit, I think you're a bit flakey sometimes"

Dancer A "Flakey? what does that mean?"

(apparently flakey is now in the "big word" category too.) definition: adj.,to be unreliable, and/or absent-minded, flighty, fickle."

avatar for Yoda
17 years ago
All I care about is what she is doing for me at the time she is doing it. Dancing is a job, primarily a sales job, and dancers will say things like this to sell themselves without really thinking too much about it. I go to get good dances. I could really care less what a lady says as long as I am enjoying the dances.
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
Talked to one just the other night:

Me: "Well this guy was tested and had an IQ of 180."
Her (Serious): "180? Is that good?"
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Many stripper do not seem to know what the term "IQ" even means, and I know this because with a number of different strippers (and these are the higher quality ones) I complimented them on their excellent EQ (people skills) and explained it was the social equivalent of IQ and multiple times these strippers had never heard the term IQ or simply didn't understand what it meant.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
Not long ago I had a dancer insist I was "big." I told her that I'm just standard, which is true. Usually, a dancer will either agree and laugh or move on to a different conversation. This one persisted and I just found it a turn-off because she is an experienced dancer who should have already met many big men---thus, imo it was a poor lie.

I guess a fair number of customers want to hear that. With some women who you could easily insert a hand into it is difficult imagine there being a man big enough for them.

Anyway, when a woman starts saying she wants big my thought is always that she is big. I'd rather just find a smaller woman. This one giant dancer surprised me in that she was complaining her pussy was too small. Given her massive size in all directions it was hard to believe. One of the other dancers exclaimed "Really?!" as if in total disbelief. I *almost* wanted to finger her, but a big dancer even with a tiny pussy ain't my cup of fun. She also claimed that she had the bad luck of getting men that were larger than average when she'd prefer small below the belt and big everywhere else.
Maybe a bigger woman's pussy is smaller because it's surrounded and structured by more folds of fat on the inside.

Ick. I'm not happy with my mind's eye right now. Nor am I interested in investigating the potential veracity of the above hypothesis.
avatar for gk
17 years ago
Two scenarios for the unexpected gift: 1) She's simply trying to set you up for repeat business. Whether the comment that went with it is true or not doesn't matter, it was a business decision to do it. You either put her in a comfort zone, which is good, or you are very predictabale, in her mind, which makes her a good marketer.

2) Second scenario, she was party drunk or high and won't remember it the next day.

I've seen/experienced both. Or maybe she just wanted to meet your Mr Happy.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Super Dude says "They think we're dumb and needy." Isn't that how we think of a lot of them? And don't we think a lot of them are gullible? Seems to me they think pretty much the same about us as we think about them - most of them (and us) total losers with a few gems here and there. The trick is to find the gems, which is part of the fun.
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