
If you were a...?????

If you were a stripper what kind would you be? I would be the type that gave great stage shows because I liked to be well prepared. I would also give great lapdances too cuz i would care about ccustomer satisfaction. I would definitely not give any xtras tho, cuz i'm not that kind of girl. I would also demand respect from the customers and have lots of regulars.


  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    Personally, I like great stage shows, but I know that clubs require the girls to wear those hideous platforms. It's hard to walk, let alone dance in those. If it was up to me, girls would wear flats or go barefoot. The platforms do nothing for me. As far as LD's, I know I'll stick with a girl longer if she lets me suck her nipples and play with her kitty. If I was a dancer I would allow it, unless the guy was hideous.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Touching, let alone giving lap dances, let alone getting sexual with someone I didn't find attractive is completely incomprehensible to me. I have no idea how strippers do it. I also have no idea what the "other side" is like to deal with, so I haven't even a billionth of a clue, of what kind of stripper a female "BobbyI" would be.
    16 years ago
    Bobbyl says "I have no idea how strippers do it." In a word, drugs. My ATF once told me that she never ever went to work without first getting high. Not once. And at least in her club, that was pretty common. I think that's true everywhere. That's where a lot of the money goes, which is why they're always broke and complaining about not making enough. That's why extras have become prevalent.
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    FONDL, you and I must live in different parts of the country, because around here there is SOME drug abuse, but I know plenty of strippers who DO NOT USE DRUGS. One of them makes a good living without even breaking the club rules or using any alcohol, let alone drugs. (She is actually a bit prudish.) She has a great figure and a decent personality. I did one Private Dance with her and found it pretty boring, but there seem to be enough guys who are happy with what she has to offer. I don't think drug-free strippers are uncommon. So, to put a big umbrella over drug dependency as "that's true everywhere" is a big exaggeration IMHO.

    As far as what kind of a stripper I would be if I WAS one, I am sure I would be a failure. Assuming I had the proper sex, face, and figure, my downfall would be my nit-picky and irritable manner. My potential customers would get pissed off at me and ignore me. I would quit after a few days and go back to may day job. I have nothing but admiration for the many females, young, old, thin, chubby (but not fat) who put up with their lousy bosses/DJs/bouncers/peers, make guys happy, and make a decent living in the process.

  • Dudester
    16 years ago

    Some of us have things we absolutely hate about our job. I landed my first post military job by going out in shirt and tie in 100 degree heat to pull an acre of weeds (it was a test). You will do whatever you have to to pay the bills. You may or may not do drugs to numb yourself, but you still numb yourself. As a Marine I had to numb myself to certain aspects of my job. Ever wonder why combat vets go a little cuckoo? Some strippers also go a little cuckoo.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I would say that among all of the dancers that I know well, 50% do and 50% don't. To take that a step higher. When it comes to high mileage or extras the ratio is more like 90% do and 10% don't. Now I have a new favorite dancer that is working really hard to become my 3rd ATF. She has done nothing to make me believe that she is a user but she sure rocks my boat. I know that it is just a matter of time before we meet OTC. If she was soaking me for money, I could understand why a girl less than have my age would want to date me/fuck me. I can only believe that it comes back to that "tust" thing. I joked "you can put another notch on your gun. You have never done a senior citizen before". She said "I have never meet one so romantic. A bubble bath? You know how to turn a women on". Later she said "half the people in this club are on Viagra. The other half are on Xstacy (sp - spellcheck was no help). I know which half I am in.
  • chandler
    16 years ago
    I'd be a ROB. I'd tell all the PL suckers things would get more exciting in the VIP, then once we got in there and they forked over the money I'd do an airdance. If one of them as much as tried to lay a finger on me, I'd pepper spray the fucker or sick a bouncer on him. No way I'd let some pervert touch me. Cause I'd be a lesbian, of course.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    I would say at least 95% of strippers do some recreational drugs. You usually have to know them for a while and prove you'll be non-judgemental before they'll admit it, though. Come to think it, I can't think of any who I'm completely convinced do nothing at all. Maybe one, but even she admits she "used to be" pretty into MJ.
  • lopaw
    16 years ago
    LOL chandler - sounds like the kind of stripper I would be also. Of course I'd put out for the female customers.......for them I'd be a big ole' ho.
  • chandler
    16 years ago
    For sure, Lopaw, for any hot chicks who come I'd be their extras girl.
  • nevelsnoot
    16 years ago
    being a typical hetero guy and an honest one at that
    I must say that I can't see this from the XX chromosome side. So if I were a stripper...I'd be the most requested stripper in da club 'cuz I'd be throwin down with every stiff dick in da place.
    I'd first train in karate till I got myself one of dem black belts and then I'd take every customer home and sex 'em up till they passed out.(if I'm a women I might as well be my fantasy women)
    If they went just a bit psycho on me or tried to get rough I'd just go Angelina on their bitch ass.
    Either way I'd get their dough.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Not trying to pick a fight but has anyone else noticed that FONDL relates everything to his ATF who isn't even a dancer? In his eyes if something was her experience than it MUST be true of all strippers. Because she was stupid and weak and had to use drugs to tolerate guys like FONDL groping her does not make it so for everyone.

    Expect anger at me for posting this, then gushing over what a wonderful human being she is. Lots of hearts and flowers shit.
  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    I would probably quit after a day. I don't know if I would like the idea of strangers feeling me up.

    As for the drug debate, I know some do and some don't, but no one ever said anything about alcohol consumption. At the two clubs I visit most, I would have to say at least 3/4 of the dancers can be seen with a can of beer in hand most of the time. I've met several dancers with a DUI, which was probably gotten when they left work to go home. I know one who never drinks, and she is often the one responsible for giving a number of the other dancers a ride home.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    ***Not trying to pick a fight but has anyone else noticed that FONDL relates everything to his ATF who isn't even a dancer?***

    Yes, but in his blog I think there were a bunch of others.

    ***In his eyes if something was her experience than it MUST be true of all strippers.***

    That is like the scrape of finger nails on a chalkboard. It is like he can only see one side of an issue and therefore it MUST be true.

  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    I'm not saying 95% are addicts. But to meet a stripper who won't at least smoke the occasional joint, or pop an E or a benzo, would be very rare. Not sure what the addiction level is, certainly high but also certainly less than half. And it also seems to be rising.
  • jablake
    16 years ago

    I'd be surprised if *addiction* was even as high as 10%. Now, *abuse*----governments' definition e.g. a single joint or pill---might be higher than 99%. :)

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