
Comments by arbeeguy (page 19)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Saving strippers
    First - what is ppl - poor pathetic loser? That seems redundant, so I may be way out of the ball park. Second - it is all about supply and demand. If you "saved" a thousand strippers, this would just create demand for a thousand replacements. They would show up from various sources -- drug users, college students, attractive women who want more spending money, women who have been abused by their boyfriends, etc. etc. So I really don't see this as a very worthwhile pursuit. But I'm still curious about "ppl"
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Breaks After Dances . . .
    1. What is a shooting gallery 2. Yeah, I have had the POOF experience - I imagine most dedicated clubbers have had this one time or another. An hour is too long for POOF recovery. After 20 minutes (at most) put it behind you and either (a) find a dancer that you can click with, <or> (b) move on to another club. My most memorable POOF occured about three months ago at Centerfolds in Houston. Tipped a girl on stage, she thanked me and said she would come out to sit with me as soon as she towelled off in the dressing room. Never saw her in the club again. But I amused myself with other dancers (even talking to a bartender or another customer is better than obsessing over one cute but empty headed dancer). Eventually I connected very well with a Hawaiian girl and ended up having a great time.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dumber than dumber. A true story.
    I am forced to agree with Parodyman. I often count on my fingers for one reason or another. BIG DEAL (well maybe i am dumber than dumb - let others be the judge.)
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    16 years ago
    Am i Normal?
    According to Wikipedia, average hard is about 5 1/2 inches, average soft around 3 1/2 inch. Standard deviation was not stated, but I agree with njscfan, you are well above normal
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    16 years ago
    To much sex in the champange room??
    A club I had frequented became known for hand jobs and blow jobs. LE sent in Undercover Cops, and the club was charged with prostitution. As far as I know, there was never any actual fucking in the champagne room, but that didn't matter, cuz the HJ and BJ were in violation of city ordinance. So the club was closed. As I recall there was never a trial. Perhaps the management paid a fine. The main thing was, the club closed due to "too many extras in the VIP" From what I have read, similar things have happened in Memphis, Houston, City of Industry, East-Saint-Louis-area, and Ohio. Probably a lot of other places around the country, both officially and unofficially. It is very hard to know if claims of illegal activity, posted on this web site, have contributed to fines, closures, or jail time. I hope not. My guess is that LE has better methods than reading TUSCL reviews -- but who knows for sure. "Loose Lips Sink Ships"
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    16 years ago
    Staying on Topic
    CLUBBER -- I agree and disagree with your "bull session analogy". I AGREE that great dialogue often flows from unexpected diversions from an original topic. I spend an hour every week in a no-constraints bull session and it is great. And in no way would I try to impose any rules on this discussion board. People should say what they feel like. But one difference between a face-to-face discussion group and an online discussion board is the delay between posts. The advantage of having multiple topics on the board at the same time is, we can post the thoughts to each different topic, in one sitting. That is nice. And if somebody wants to post a random (irrelevant but possibly interesting) comment, more power to him. But he might also consider the idea of taking that same comment and starting a new thread with it. Consider this as sort of an ideal -- if you do read an irrelevant but interesting comment on a certain thread, why not think about your answer a little and then start a new thread with an appropriate title? Just an idea (ideal). In the meantime, there are no "rules" nor should there be. This board is for our enjoyment and for our enlightenment. Let us continue to enjoy and enlighten, as each of us sees fit.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Am i Normal?
    Only 10.5 inches? Sheesh whatta handicap to cope with. Is that in hard or soft condition?
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    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    Which do you prefer: Dancer approaches you or you approach dancer?
    Wondergrl5: Just because they "expect $3" doesn't mean they necessarily get it, does it? I like to be approached by dancers. I think it is flattering --- at least it strokes my ego a little. However, I do NOT like the "wanna dance? No? OK - bye bye" routine -- this seems really really rude. (I can't imagine any guy likes this approach but if girls can make money doing it, more power to them.) The ones who offer to sit with me and visit are the best. If I see a hot dancer that turns me on, I will quickly approach her -- occasionally with a $5 bill in my hand -- and ask for a lap dance on the spot. Some clubs don't permit lap dances out in the open, but in most of the clubs I visit it is OK. Some might say $5 for a lap dance out in the open area is "too much" but at Minx in Des Moines the fee is $10, and my hands have to stay at my side. True, it is for a full song. The $5 version I am used to lasts about 1/3 of a song. Then there is Vic's Place in Irvington where the "dancer" will approach you, slide her hand down your pants, allow your finger into her pussy, sometimes without any money requested or offered. A rare place indeed. The "dancers" at Vic's must have a business on the side. So many variables. So many opinions. So .....
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Mostly Off topic -- favorite web sites in general
    amazon.com -- the reader reviews provide a nice contrast to TUSCL reviews. Books, CDs, videos, etc. antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod (or just type "APOD" into google -- fantastic photos of astronomical objects of all kinds. Both of these are like TUSCL in that they both have a wide variety of information posted by various people - some experts, some just ordinary folks. Can spend endless amounts of time on just three sites -- amazon, tuscl, and apod.
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    16 years ago
    When does a guy become a slut?
    I have a question for NJSCFAN. WAS it a trick question? Chitown says it was, and provided evidence. None of the other respondents seemed to think it was? If it was NOT a trick question, what conclusions do you draw from the answers, NJSCFAN?
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    16 years ago
    Wondergirl, welcome back and keep your lighthearted humor going -- we all need more of that.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For the best time, Trust you're reviewer.
    Minnow, NJSCFAN, and a couple others made some excellent posts to this thread. We can all benefit from more critical reading of the reviews and especially checking the QUALITY of other reviews by a poster who gives a really high rating to a club like Hot Lap Dance (which has been REPEATEDLY accused, with good reason, of using shills.) To reinforce Minnow's point -- does the review sound more like it was written by a good advertising copy writer than an actual customer? That's a good clue of a shill at work. Jablake, Casualguy, and Clubber -- I invite you to read a new thread entitled "Staying On Topic". Your comments are definitely invited, for that thread, cause I think if we all stayed on topic this board would be more USEFUL, and more ENJOYABLE TO READ
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    16 years ago
    "Chi-townLawyer" - if you read this
    Whoever is posting as "David9999" may have personal issues that none of the rest of us can even begin to comprehend. If he is this touchy on an anonymous board, I wonder what his real life must be like? Since everybody on this board is anonymous BY CHOICE what difference does it make to David9999 or anybody else? This is not a rhetorical question. I am actually curious to know - if there is an answer.
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    16 years ago
    old posts?
    I tried both Internet Explorer and Firefox on TUSCL today. Both performed flawlessly. In Both, the "[Older 25 Topics] appeared at the bottom of THE LIST OF DISCUSSION TOPICS. However, that message does NOT appear at the bottom of any of the actual threads. That might be the problem. People don't always notice, when they "get to the bottom", if they are at the bottom of the LIST or at the bottom of A PARTICULAR THREAD.
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    16 years ago
    The issue of truth
    If I could offer any advice to David9999 it would be to forget about David9999 completely, let some time pass, and start over with a new handle. Next time around, just stick to the issues and forget all about any attempts at self-justification or self-aggrandizement. Just OHO (One Humble Opinion) I do admire David9999 for persistence but not for the pathetic and ongoing attempts to prove "something" about himself. Who really cares?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Join the Club
    I totally agree with one point that Chandler made -- there is NO reason why a person should have to post any reviews in order to participate in the discussions. However that was NOT the point of contention. The point that Carolina Wanderer and a couple of others made was that it makes sense to look at reviews and post reviews (not mandatory, or course -- just sensible) before asking VERY SPECIFIC questions, which, if you actually read the reviews that have been posted, will probably be answered. I certainly do NOT mean to criticize singleinaz. As I said previously, his initial post led into some of the best discussions I have EVER read on this site. So I congratulate singleinaz for this. I also agree with recent posts by clubber and njscfan that we will all better off if we concentrate on seeking/providing information, maintaining a generally pleasant demeanor, and avoid criticizing each other. Sometimes it is hard for a person to offer an honest opinion without seeming to criticize someone else for their contrary opinion, but that's life.
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    16 years ago
    RolLexx and Royalty's Sister?
    Don't really know what to make of this post, but I do have a question - (you might guess that I am a sixth grade English teacher but that is wrong.) My question is, why do you refer to "Gambling dancer" ? You are always consistent on this. I would think the name would be either "Gamblingdancer" or "Gambling Dancer". Trivia, yes, but that's pretty much where my mind gets stuck -- on the trivia. Regardless, I recommend you find an intermediary to get you and this mysterious Royalty look-alike into a conversational acquaintanceship. At least you have to find out what her name is, and what her relationship is to Royalty. That seems like an easy task, and it might lead to something better - who knows?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    FONDL I LOVE YOUR POST EARLIER TODAY (9:11 AM) Yes, there are some people in this world that have a little understanding how diverse the world really is. FOR EXAMPLE: The prudes who fervently believe that since they hate porn & commercial sex, it should be banned. Makes no sense. But then we have people post on this site, who should know better, that make it seem like people who don't share their particular views on sexual activities are somehow a bit wierd or inferior. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THAT. CELEBRATE DIVERSITY ! One view in particular that puzzles me: that the main purpose of walking into a strip club is to get laid. If that is YOUR view for YOURSELF, fine, but why should you denigrate other purposes, such as to admire gorgeous naked babes, or to talk to ditzy 20-somethings?, or to cum in your pants? Maybe I should start another thread, entitled: "What is your reason for walking into a strip club" Nawww, too predictable -- gotta think about that. This thread is reaching record-breaking length. Are people still reading it? (Besides Arbeeguy and - hopefully - FONDL)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Pleasing the Stripper
    When I wrote the original post I promised to describe the incident that caused me to write it. Here is what happened. I met a really hot dancer in a club that is famous for having mediocre dancers with strict limits on where you can touch. This dancer made it clear that no such limits would apply when we went to the VIP. So as soon as we got back there, I shoved my hand down the front of her thong. She said, "Oh I have a great idea - how would you like to stick your finger up my asshole?" No dancer has ever requested this before. I was happy to oblige. While I was massaging her colon, she was massaging her clit with plenty of spit. Pretty soon she was cumming like crazy, and just as happy as could be. Later she couldn't stop thanking me, and told me she had NEVER asked anybody to do that before, and didn't even understand for sure why she asked me to do it, but she really loved the outcome. So I was happy I had pleased her in this way, even tho I did not cum myself. Somehow this seems distinctly different from putting a fresh coat of paint on my house to please my realtor.
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    16 years ago
    Join the Club
    Sorry about the typo in the above post. It should read "one of the BEST threads I have ever read". My keyboard seems to have a mind of its own sometimes.
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    16 years ago
    Join the Club
    Well, you are NOT wrong. TUSCL isn't all that different from a Potluck Dinner. People are expected to share. Some people don't mind freeloading, and some get away with a LOT of freeloading. On the other hand, consider that with his slightly "freeloading" question, singleinaz started one of the BEST threads I have eer ready. Just look at the huge number of posts. And some of these posts have a lot of good content in them. I have really enjoyed reading that "VIP" thread. (Keep up the good work, guys.) Furthermore, now that singleinaz has been exposed to this wealth of information about the VIP, maybe he will decide to try one out and let us know how it went. Probably an accident it turned out so well. Go figure.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer kisses. what to they mean?
    what is a game of the dozens?
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    16 years ago
    WTF's up with the dance prices?
    I think there is some kind of a law -- let me think -- oh yes, the law of supply and demand, that's it. It is hard to say that a girl will make more money, net, by selling her dances for $10 instead of $20, or $30. Definitely, some girls, and in some clubs, would be better off with $10 dances. But not all. If the club/area/girl is really ritzy, $30 or even $50 might be the best price. (Hard to believe in USA that $50 would work the best unless extras were expected.) There are so many variables, it is impossible for us customers to guess what the "best" price is. But the good news is, we are free to negotiate. And I recommend it. It is actually a LEARNING OPPORTUNITY. The negotiating skills you polish with the stripper might actually help you later in negotiating with boss/wife/offspring.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Banning parody man...
    Who is the herd? The "herd" in this case is whoever doesn't agree with or support P-man. As far as who is promulgating "idiocy" the record speaks for itself. At first I found P-man's single-minded insults very annoying. Just like a lot of "upright citizens" find what goes on inside strip clubs annoying or worse. After while, my attitude changed, and now I agree with njscfan. Although extremely childish, they are sometimes amusing (IMHO), and no one is hurt by them. The good news is, both Parodyman and Shadowcat advocate the same thing -- if you don't want to read his stupid single-minded insults just put him on "Ignore". For better or worse I'll keep reading whatever he - as well as the rest of you - has to say. Don't want to miss any of the Soap Opera.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Banning parody man...
    Oh right Mr. Shadowcat - all 180 (or however many) solemnly promise to click the "ignore" button for parodyman. Repeat after me: "I do solemly promise..." Problem solved. SIMPLE