
Comments by mmdv26 (page 61)

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    15 years ago
    the weekend is almost here and you know what that means
    OK, let's give it up for DNGV. I said earlier in the week that he reminds me of Don Rickles - self deprecating, nasty toward others - this guy (or girl) has it down pretty good. I agree with HOW that the original post here was pretty good, but hey man (or babe), entertain me. Don't bore me. Know when to give it a rest.
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    15 years ago
    Average lapdance tip?
    Agree on how much per dance, and pay that only. Agree on how much for extra services, and pay that only. If you are buying dances, and it morphs into an extra, then you probably will be expected to tip. Better to ask as soon as she puts it.....but that's no fun!
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Politics and economics
    Hey cat, this board would get pretty boring if every topic was exclusively about strip clubs and dancers and ex-dancers. I can tolerate some diversion. I appreciate that many contributors have an impressive understanding of something in the world besides SC's, and I think I have probably learned something from them. This group seems pretty good at being able to wander off course for a short while and then come right back to the purpose of the board - oftentimes in the same thread. Don't mess with success.
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    15 years ago
    Strange story??????
    True story! Long ago, I took one of my atf's out for some dancer clothes shopping at a place that had a video arcade in the back. She didn't see any outfits she liked, but was curious about all of the guys standing around in the arcade area. For the hell of it, we found an empty booth and started the video. I was vividly imagining what was about to happen between us in that cramped little viewing closet, when suddenly she screamed and pointed at the eye looking through the hole in the plywood wall. We made a hasty exit. She talked about that night for years.
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    Yeah samsung1, you'd think the girls would figure out that on a slow day for instance, they might make more by lowering their price. The club shouldn't care - they still get their $5/dance. Probably pisses-off the other girls, and the low-bidder gets a bunch O' crap from them. And then the drama builds, and the manager gets tired of listening to the dancer shit and tells the girls they have to charge the published rate...something like that. When the club is getting a portion of each dance, I rarely see quantity discounts or lower each price.
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    15 years ago
    Best strip club cities for EXTRA's!
    As a long-time ESL patron, I agree in general with what Kprince and how have said: it's not the slam-dunk it used to be. But, there are still some places there where extras are normal and inexpensive. Granted, you may want to close your eyes and focus on the sensation.... I've been meaning to do El Paso when I have an opportunity. I usually don't pay more than $100-$150 for extra's ITC, so I haven't really set my sights on Detroit...yet. Thanks for the info, tho!
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    15 years ago
    SC Attire
    Loose fitting, soft fabric, elastic waistband, black, athletic shorts - commando. Long tail, dark color, casual shirt - unbuttoned. Can be partially buttoned if necessary. A lot of guys who wear suits ask the bartender for quarters.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Music
    I've been exposed to music in clubs that I wouldn't otherwise have listened to. Some of it I have found enjoyable and have purchased a CD - now I can have strip club sound in my car or even at home!!!
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    15 years ago
    Bad day at the Strip Club
    I got pretty hung up on the good day / bad day thing a while back, so now I go to the club with no expectations. It's really hard sometimes, but I am able to focus on just being there, as opposed to what I expect to happen and who I expect it to happen with. As a result, I have had dances with girls I normally don't get dances from. They say I seem more approachable. I feel more relaxed, and I think it shows in my attitude and in my shorts. LOL. So, I might not have a great time, but I rarely have a boring, bad or disappointing time....
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    1st nude club experience
    Probably was the first nude lap dance I ever got. Can't remember the name of the club. Near the airport in Tampa, right next to the highway, with water on the other side of the parking lot. I think I heard that they widened the road and the club went away...Anyway, the dance was so non-contact that it was nothing to remember. Went to Mons on the next trip to Tampa. Much better memories!!
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    15 years ago
    Look/Touch.........Tell me what you want
    .....when at a SC are you there to look or to get off? Both, neither or either depending on my willingness to let go of cash. ....I am being what the audience or more important the gentleman I am doing the LD for is satisfied!!!! I don't think you've danced enough to know the answer. Repeat business is a good indicator of a satisfied customer. Measured in LD's or tips on the stage.
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    15 years ago
    One dead, several injured in strip club rampage
    The Cat is right, this can happen anywhere. Be selective about where you go, and what kind of situations you allow yourself to be in - like a poorly lit parking lot. I think it was last year - or maybe the year before - that a guy got pissed off at the Mayor in Kirkwood, MO (St. Louis burb) pulled out a gun during a City Council meeting and killed several people - including the Mayor. I think it would be a mistake to single out strip clubs as violent places as a result of isolated incidents. I suspect that bars without strippers has a higher incident of shootings per store.
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    15 years ago
    St. Louis outing.
    I am told that I will be reverting to bachelorhood just for that weekend. If my work schedule doesn't interfere, I am considering coming over from KC either late Fri evening or Sat. am.
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    15 years ago
    Try a little tenderness
    Some dancers are appreciative of fairly insignificant things. They respond to kindness, and they are able to reciprocate with genuine feelings. I run into one of these every few years. The rest are...typical dancers.
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    15 years ago
    Cheerleader strippers?
    Many got a kid instead of a diploma. A few were cheerleaders or athletes. No homecoming/prom queens.
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    15 years ago
    Strippers with sleazy boyfriends
    These kinds of relationships are the hardest to watch. At least this guy was at the club "spreading the cash around". I have known girls who have a guy at home doing drugs, playing video games and screwing the chick next door, who sets a quota for her regarding the amount of cash she brings home each day/night. One that I know right now, is working 10 shifts per week, and recently added $300 anal to her ITC menu. I've never seen signs of abuse or injury (that's another common relational malady), but other dancers tell me about the suspected guy at home. I don't really care that much, as long as she keeps doing the $200 menu item!
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    FUCK YOU Mr Guy
    SC, would you direct us to the message from Mr. Guy that triggered your anger?
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    RU Goal-Oriented?
    These days everything is available. If I want it, I can get it. That takes a huge amount of "the hunt" out of it, and it allows me to relax and enjoy myself. I can do a lap dance without constantly trying to figure out how to get my fingers (or more) in the "nice" place. If it's offered, great. If not, maybe just one dance with her, LOL. So, I go in the club just looking for a mellow time. No pressure, no conquest goals. Whatever happens...happens. Find something about it to enjoy.
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Things You Aren't Supposed to Say to a Stripper
    71) What are you going to do when you're too old to dance? 72) Are those real? 73) I love you.
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    15 years ago
    Do you enjoy real crowded clubs where it's hard to find a seat?
    I'll second YANK's motion. Sometimes I do like the crowded, rowdy atmosphere; but I'm usually sitting at the stage and not getting dances.
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    15 years ago
    In the mid nineties, my wife and I were invited to the wedding of the son of a good friend of mine. I can't convey in words the feeling that went through me when the bride's eyes met mine as she was walking down the isle. WE DIDN'T KNOW!! We had looked each other in the eye many times before, but she was usually laying naked on the stage stroking her bare "parts". She glanced my way a couple of times from the alter - I hoped no one would notice. I think I briefly considered objecting to the marriage on the grounds that the world might lose a perfectly good dancer, etc. etc. She quit dancing when she got married. The next time I saw her was a couple of years later at a memorial service for a guy that I had known who had also been a friend of her husband's family. Without acknowledging each other we stood almost side-by-side in line waiting to enter the funeral home. As the line began to move forward, she reached back and gave me a discreet stroke on the front of my pants. She looked up and our eyes met once again. I smiled knowingly. Sorry, but that's the end of the story. We didn't get together and have incredibly hot sex. I think she and hubby moved away from this area and have a couple of kids now.
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    15 years ago
    North Iowa
    Can a good personality or stage presence overcome bad looks?
    I'm allergic to overweight dancers, so the greatest personality in the world isn't likely to affect the cold, clammy feel of flab during a lap dance for me. In the darkness (we hope) of the VIP, a BBBJ from a 5 generally feels about the same as one from a 9...except for the price perhaps. Average personality usually does just fine.
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    15 years ago
    What is too much Fun?
    Want to cut down spending at SC's?? Stay out of them.
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    15 years ago
    Yawn..another boring SC outing.
    Samsung1: the "thrill of the chase" is just not there for me right now either!! It's like shooting fish in a barrel right now. Problem is, I don't want to spend the money for additional rides. And the inflow of new(huntable)girls is low as well. The timing of my apathy attack probably couldn't be better. My business (custom home builder) is slow right now, but it will come back over the next 12 months. So, I am considering taking most of this year off from the club. Already slowed down to being greeted with "where have YOU been". I'll probably go in to check on the NEW stock from time to time. I think I'll have an opportunity to get out of town for a couple of days in June. I might go over to ESL - I'm jonesin' for a petite black spinner with smelly underarms that brings her own rubbers. Or maybe an anorexic white chick with a recent c-section scar.
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    15 years ago
    (off topic) Hostage Rescue-the truth
    Ya know Dudester, you make this appear that you were given all of this info from your "sources", but I got this same message 3 days ago from one of my ultra-conservative, right-wing, BHO-hating political buds. If I wanted to listen to Rush-type shit, I wouldn't be at this web site!