
One dead, several injured in strip club rampage

Avatar for mreef

This is my one only fear, wrong place at the wrong time:


By John M. Guilfoil, Globe Correspondent

SPRINGFIELD — A 24-year-old man is under arrest after police say he came out of a bathroom at a local strip club early today and started firing a gun, killing one man and injuring several other people.

Marcus J. Blanton

A State Police community action team was on patrol near Club 418 on Worthington Street when troopers saw people streaming out of the building in panic.

Nearby, they encountered Marcus J. Blanton of Springfield, who allegedly tossed away a handgun as troopers approached him and placed him under arrest, said Springfield Police Lieutenant John Bobianski.

Blanton is accused of shooting five people and stabbing a sixth during his 1:30 a.m. rampage at the club, Bobianski said. ‘‘He came out of the bathroom and just started shooting,'' he said.

Police said victims were taken to Baystate Medical Center, where a 23-year-old Springfield man was pronounced dead. The victims' names have not been released.

Blanton was charged with murder, assault with a dangerous weapon, and other crimes, Bobianski said.

Police don't know what prompted the shooting, but adult entertainment venues have seen their share of problems in this city. Earlier this year a fight at Mardi Gras, not far from Club 418, resulted in the fatal shooting of a 22-year-old man, Bobianski said.

Club 418, a tiny venue open from noon to 2 a.m., has also apparently been the scene of previous problems. CBS 3 Springfield reported that the club was put on probation and risked having its liquor license suspended after management failed to notify police of a fight between two exotic dancers, during which one hit another in the head with a stiletto heel.

A bouncer at the club referred media inquiries to a manager, Tony Long, who said in a telephone interview that he was at the club at the time of the attack, but would not comment.


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Avatar for mreef

From the second most recent review of 418:

"The only reason the club gets a 2 from me instead of a 1 is that I didn't get shot while inside and from the looks of this place, it's seen that kind of action before."

Avatar for shadowcat

Well shit. Shit happens. What was it, a year ago or so that a pissed off attorney shot through the front door of the Gold Club in Columbia SC killing the club manager. This could happen to you at Wal-Mart. Use some diligence. Stay out of the ghetto clubs.

Avatar for samsung1

There was a club here in Columbus, OH, named Dockside Dolls, and it was the scene of two shootings. They installed metal detectors..but what good are those? Sure, they feel safe inside, but what about all those people waiting outside with guns? They KNOW you don't have one.

A year or so later, Dockside Dolls was shut down and it has been nearly a year and not work has been done to show it reopening.

I only went to the place one time and it was a rip off. The waitresses worked as dancers and the people sitting around the stage did not tip as if that was the norm. I think I was well liked in the club because I was one of the few sitting at the stage and actually tipping.

Avatar for mmdv26

The Cat is right, this can happen anywhere. Be selective about where you go, and what kind of situations you allow yourself to be in - like a poorly lit parking lot.

I think it was last year - or maybe the year before - that a guy got pissed off at the Mayor in Kirkwood, MO (St. Louis burb) pulled out a gun during a City Council meeting and killed several people - including the Mayor.

I think it would be a mistake to single out strip clubs as violent places as a result of isolated incidents. I suspect that bars without strippers has a higher incident of shootings per store.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

If you'd read the reviews, you wouldn't have been there. :)

Nevertheless, it reminds us all that we are none of us engaging in a risk-free venture. The adult entertainment industry is always close to the margins of other more dangerous pursuits.

And, I really like this sentence: "the club was put on probation and risked having its liquor license suspended after management failed to notify police of a fight between two exotic dancers, during which one hit another in the head with a stiletto heel." Damn those heels ...

Avatar for shadowcat

While we are on the subject. I would be leary of any club that does not open during the day (noon)until 8PM.

Avatar for MisterGuy

Springfield, MA is a lot rougher than you might think based on its location in Western MA.

"I would be leary of any club that does not open during the day (noon)until 8PM"

...because that's basically the only time that you bother go to any strip clubs...sheesh...

Avatar for londonguy

Does anyone ever think guns will be outlawed or is the gun lobby too powerful? Luckily all fiream ownership is banned in UK, though that doesn't stop the criminals owning them of course.

Avatar for lane

2 things, why don't they have a metal detector if it's that bad? I'm paranoid as it is so thanks for this :) Oh, and the 2nd thing, as a dancer for more than 5 years, it's a very known fact that the "day" girls at clubs are much cleaner and nicer than the "night" girls, as most "day" girls have families, participate in their community and do other things besides wake up at 6pm and go to work... Just saying...

Avatar for Clubber



Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

In my experience the "day" girls are the ones willing to do the most service for the least price. "Night" girls are used to working when there's a crowd; "day" girls know how to make sure they're getting their income when nobody's looking.

Avatar for casualguy

I remember hearing stories about certain regular bars and/or nightclubs. If it's a rowdy place and bar fights and/or gun violence is common there, I don't want to visit. Same goes for strip clubs if the bouncers or others allow that kind of violence in their clubs. By the way, I have no problem visiting strip clubs that don't open until after 730 or 830PM. It used to be no strip club was open earlier than that from my more recent memories of local strip clubs. Platinum Plus became the exception and was bigger like the Walmart of strip clubs and open longer hours. If smaller clubs are open earlier hours, I believe they are pretty dead in comparison to the busier hours.

Avatar for Digitech

I have only seen a fight break out in a strip club one time. I guess I'm a wimp, but I have to say I got pretty scared because I have read about the shootings and stuff that take place all-too-often in clubs.

The fight was only between two guys and lasted probably only 20 seconds. The poor girl on stage was quite shaken, though!

Avatar for MisterGuy

"Does anyone ever think guns will be outlawed or is the gun lobby too powerful?"

This can't ever happen in the USA, and no one is advocating for the outright outlawing of all guns at all either.

Avatar for sandman74

As far as the day girls go from my expreience those outstanding citzens sa they were implied are usually the first ones to offer extras or a little. OTC action.

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