
Comments by mmdv26 (page 62)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    New Look?
    "If you just want a list of clubs with new reviews, click here." This fixed my biggest complaint. In fact, I like it better than before. Having the list grouped by date helps me QUICKLY figure out where I left off last time I was logged in.
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    16 years ago
    No strings attached?
    ...not sure what happened there...hunt & peck in the dark maybe. ...re-think the ATF, GF, OTC stuff. Save time and money, stay ITC whenever possible!! Anyway ATF got tossed in jail after she hit a pedestrian while driving. She drove off and ped died. They caught up with her quickly. She was drunk, had drugs in the car and 2 yo daughter with no child seat. She got to stay in jail for...as far as I know still there. I wish I could have helped, we had lots of good times over the years when she wasn't obviously f***ed-up. I had pretty much quit seeing her, and I was told she had lost control of the drugs and alcohol. She needed rehab and a very controlled environment. Maybe she'll get what she needs, afterall. I'll bet she calls me again. If I still have a cell phone.
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    16 years ago
    No strings attached?
    The ones who had my number called for: 1) can I come in to see her today (she desperately needs $200) 2) drug money (only needs $50) 3) rent money The bail bondsman who wanted $50k cash for one of my ATF's several years ago was the event that has caused me to re-think the
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    No strings attached?
    The ones who had my number called for: 1) can I come in to see her today (she desperately needs $200) 2) drug money (only needs $50) 3) rent money The bail bondsman who wanted $50k cash for one of my ATF's several years ago was the event that has caused me to re-think the
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    16 years ago
    DJ, I remember that night! I had just done anal with her in VIP, she did ATM to clean me off, and then headed for the stage. DFK'd the guy standing behind you as she was going up the steps. Good thing she didn't kiss you on the lips!
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    16 years ago
    I pray I don't turn into this
    In VIP, dancer finished dance and stood up; he gave her bills. She walked away, but he wasn't done. Pulled willy out and proceeded to finish the job himself during the next song. Everybody just went on with whatever they were doing. I sorta felt sorry for the guy, but I think he was pretty drunk. Probably won't even remember doing it.
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    16 years ago
    In through the Out door
    Along the way, I have encountered a few dancers who enjoyed a spit-laden finger in the bung. Had one who very carefully explained to me that I could switch from front to back, but not the other way around. Another who got all washed up, and enjoyed some licking back there. Yet another who didn't wash up and you could smell back there from up here. Burned-down club in ESL (that'll leave ya wondering)had a dancer who charged $10 extra to do it that way... I have never run across a girl who really "had to have it" though. For most, I suspect, it's just experimental/curious fun.
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    16 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Vegan Strip Club??
    Portland probably has the most vegans of any city in the USA.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Customers with rules.
    I have one rule: don't do anything that hurts, unless we discuss it first.
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    16 years ago
    Average MIleage and Great Mileage
    My experience is that clubs that have a fairly secluded VIP will generally have higher mileage. Obviously, you probably aren't going to get FS when the dance is performed right out on the floor where everybody can see what you're doing (except for C-Mowes in ESL about 6 or 8 years ago). So, when I visit a club for the first time, I quickly assess the potential for discreet nastiness by how dark and secluded the VIP is. Minimal management also helps. Went up to VIP at my fav club the other day; very dark, adequately secluded, nobody else in there. Before I could sit down, new dancer (to me, anyway) pulls my sweat pants down to my knees and begins BBBJ. Bad economy makes for even badder girls.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Have been in 2 raids. The first about 15 years ago, girls were led out the back to paddy wagons, guys were told to sit still and then were free to go after the girls were all loaded up. I don't recall any "sho ID" or bomb-sniffing dogs. 2nd raid (5 or 6 yrs ago), included undercover in the VIP room. Apparently he observed some way too hot dancing going on and keyed his remote signaling device. I was in VIP, and the guy just suddenly stood up and whipped out his badge and announced that he was a cop and that everybody needed to put their hands in plain view. He singled out a customer and dancer and led them out of VIP. As this was going on about a dozen swat team guys came thru the front door. They took the customer and dancer to the back, turned off the music, lined all the dancers up along one wall, and customers against another. I was not ID'ed, but I did see a couple of other guys being questioned. We were allowed to leave after 10 or 15 minutes. A club manager told me a week or so later that the final score was solicitation counts on a couple dancers, a couple of drug charges on dancers, he thought the customer in VIP was arrested for disorderly conduct, but the charges would be dropped if he testified against the dancer for allegedly rubbing his package with her hand. The manager thought at least one of the guys I saw being questioned was an undercover cop. He thinks they got him on surveillance video, so they might recognize him if he comes in the club again. I am told that LE is primarily interested in the drug possession by dancers aspect of all this, and that prosecutors generally prefer not to go after the customers unless drugs are involved. Don't take your stash to the club wid you.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the ethnicity of your favorite dancer(s)?
    1st Black. (Tall and slender with smallish natural breasts.) 2nd White. (Petite, small breasts, loose thong!)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Catching something from a dancer
    Book Guy, those are crabs! They jump right out of her thong and fall right on the top of your socks.... Seriously tho....can STD's, like gonorrhea, live in a girl's mouth for very long? Something to think about next time you're getting that ever so enjoyable BBBJ.
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    16 years ago
    What to wear?
    Anna, your "definition" is very correct and very accurate in a lot of clubs. While you have set your limits at a point that is comfortable for you, there are many dancers in many clubs whose limits go considerably further than yours apparently do. I think much of the conversation in this thread is based on anticipated contact with those dancers. Btw, baggy shorts or sweat pants, commando and a long-tailed loose shirt all in darker colors is good club apparel. Gives the dancer the option of making more money if she wants to. I usually pack a cover in my shirt pocket for easy access in case I encounter a really serious producer.
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    16 years ago
    Can a guy get rid of the SC itch?
    SuperDude is probably right about cold turkey. 12 step programs have a saying about changing playgrounds and playmates. So those who suggest not visiting this site are probably right about that. Obviously, staying out of the clubs would be an important part of quitting, LOL. I went cold turkey for 6 months about 7 or 8 years ago primarily for financial reasons. So, I am pretty sure I could do it again if I needed to. Apparently, for me, I don't feel that I need to quit entirely at this time. I do feel that I need to cut down on spending, and I have reduced my outlay by around 50% during the past couple of years. I need to be careful about wasting money on bad dances/dancers. Can't be perfect there, but I do have a couple of fav's and tend to stick with them. Reducing the "chase" part of it seems to help in controlling the cash burn rate. But I've always got an eye on the other side of the fence. I try not to give much thought to the ultra high mileage newby that caught my attention back in December; I binged, and dropped a grand on her in two weeks (it was worth every penny of it, btw. No regrets). Not a very good way to reduce spending. I intentionally avoided OTC with her for cash reasons - and I am avoiding her at the club these days as well. But, one of these days... If I was forced to stop completely, I would have to get very honest with myself about my motivation for going to clubs. God, I hope that doesn't happen anytime soon. I got into a lot of CC debt 10 years ago largely as a result of clubbing, and I refuse to do that again. That made those dances cost $100 each by the time I got it all paid off. If you are successful, try not to replace that behavior with something that is even more expensive, or more dangerous.
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    16 years ago
    Can you tell what kind of a dance it will be with an un-familiar stripper???
    I have a rule that if an unknown dancer isn't fondling the package thru my pants by the end of the 2nd dance, we're done. I find that most high mileage dancers go for the package pretty quickly to let you know that she'll play. Some won't do it the first dance because they want to see if you have the interest in her to do a second dance. And of course she makes more money. I got fooled the other night. Nice little black spinner that I figured would let me pet the kitty pretty quickly. Total dud. Lap style wasn't even very good. Did 3, she said 4, and I paid her for 3 and told her if she wasn't happy take it up with management because I counted 3. I hate that situation. I don't really think she was a ROB. DJ was slurring the music a little bit that night, so it could have been 4, but two songs would have been very short. She apologized and said three was probably correct. That's why this sport is so damned expensive. The girls need to wear colored bracelets that correspond to the mileage they provide. The guys who don't want very much mileage can quickly spot the dancers that he wants and doesn't have to waste his time and money getting a hand job when all he came in the club for was to get an air dance. And for the rest of us...
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    16 years ago
    Salt Lake City "topless" clubs
    It is what it is! Obviously there are enough people in Salt Lake City and Utah who subscribe to the tenets of the Mormon Church so that the Mormon way has become the prominent way in that region. Too bad if you live in SLC and would like to watch nude dancers or, "heaven forbid", get a lap dance. Kind of a long drive to any decent places for SC activities.
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    16 years ago
    Have you ever had this happen to you???
    Happens all the time. Don't worry about it. Could be Stripper Advanced Attention Deficit Disorder (SAADD). Few years back, I asked a fairly new girl for dance after stage. Ten minutes later she came out looked right at me, so I thought she was on her way over. But she turned and sat down with another guy across the room, they shook hands like she was introducing herself so my guess is she didn't know him. Well, I'm a little steamed about it, and suddenly here is sometimes favorite Beth sitting down next to me. Beth asks how I've been, and I start into this crap about the new girl. Beth says 'yeah, I know.' New girl had asked Beth in the dressing room if the guy at the end of the stage with the red shirt on was a good tipper because she was going to do some dances with him. Beth looked out and saw it was me, and told the newby:'all he wants to do is pull it out and rub it on your leg while he licks your neck.' Then Beth says to me: 'I just wanted you to myself tonight!' We went to lap dance area, she pulled it out and rubbed it on a lot of things. I licked her neck and we were both happy. Forgot all about the new dancer.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Anyone Concerned with the New Investigation Services?
    hi how, I think the "liberal" legislators are concerned about how collect the equivalent of gasoline tax used to fix roads as more vehicles become hybrid and therefore use significantly less gasoline. The idea is to tax people at license plate renewal time based on the miles they have driven since the last license plate renewal. I'm not aware of GPS being part of that idea, but there's a few issues for sure!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How many dancers have violent boyfriends?
    Gettin' the shit beat out of ya is predictable. For some women it's the only thing she can actually count on the guy to do. Changing his behavior becomes her life mission. It's a worthwhile goal, after all he's there, he's paying attention to her when he's (probably drunk) beating on her. It's the way dad treated mom, so it must be love, right? WTF... My experience is that the few dancers I've known who actually admitted to being in physically abusive relationships were quick to offer extra's - sometimes for only the price of the dances. Over the years, I've had 4 or 5 in that category. Probably no correlation. Just bored strippers...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Thanks yank! Sorta' soothing and hypnotic.
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    16 years ago
    Man Sues Akron Strip Club For Injury
    I certainly hope OSHA doesn't get involved in work rules for strip clubs. Just imagine, repetitive-motion wrist, neck and groin injuries... This Akron guy got hurt on strip club's property; surely the club has general liability insurance that would cover something like this. It is plausible that the guy had to hire an attorney to negotiate with the insurance company, but what happened to that negotiation? Filing suit is de-rigeur now days I guess. Years ago, I witnessed an incident where a stage-side patron who had plenty to drink point out in a very loud voice that the dancer on stage was a bit overweight. I think he called her a pig. She removed one of her high heels, crawled over to him and smacked him right up side the face with the heel. He bled a lot from the resulting gash. Staff quickly brought him a towel and offered to call for medical help. He declined - didn't want the wife to know how or where he suffered this wound. I was told that the dancer was fired shortly thereafter, and that the club never heard from the guy again. The club and the dancer were lucky. This had assault, and lots of personal injury written all over it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    LOL, naked tap dance. That'd be somethin' to see!
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    16 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    Great topic! I think we've all seen this behavior more than once.
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    16 years ago
    Daytime vs. nighttime
    My comments would be pretty much word-for-word the same as robofan above except the club is a Missouri "juice bar", so the girls have to drink BYOB in the dressing room. Same unavailability at the beginning of night shift for same reason!! I have been 90/10 daytime for many years.