
Comments by mmdv26 (page 54)

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    14 years ago
    Two people arrested for prostitution at Myrtle Beach strip club
    He must have skipped school the day they lectured about "loose lips sink ships"....
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    14 years ago
    Breeze. Star.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Warns me that this dancer might not be in to grinding very hard.
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    14 years ago
    (Off Topic) Need Advice-How to Deal
    So the call center couldn't find a copy of the call tree or the 3-week old email, but they knew that you had a reputation for handling operational problems efficiently, so, with no other resources, they contacted you. Even though you aren't supposed to be(or required to be) in that loop, would it have made sense for you to forward an indication that there was a problem to someone who you thought could handle that situation? Sounds like the Manager isn't a very good team builder.
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    14 years ago
    Newbie dancer was a pleasant surprise
    Generally not been really surprised by a dancer who is doing her first gig ever, but have had a few who's technique was similar to what I suspect she would do with bf - probably not as hot as phpl's experience.
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    14 years ago
    Sex in VIP room
    wallifer, for some this would just be another day at the club. For others it would only happen after they had invested hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars at clubs. Take the advice given here, and ride this dancer out for a while. Refer to glossary for meaning of ATF.
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    14 years ago
    Lap Dances
    As long as they get paid for that dance, most strippers don't care when you get off during a song.
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    14 years ago
    Smoking, when it comes down to it
    I have been on the front lines of the smoking issue. I am a city councilman in the city I live in, and we passed a smoking ban last year. 27 of 32 eating establishments within the city limits were already smoke free. All of the pool halls (5 or 6) allowed smoking. No strip clubs in my town. My position was, "what's the problem? 27/32 already smoke free." The potential adverse effects of 2nd hand smoke on employees' health was the item that tipped the scales in this case. After months of debate, we crafted an indoor smoking ban that contained some effective date delays for certain classes of (smoking)establishments so they could adjust their marketing and business model. It was a good compromise which passed unanimously, but ultimately left the convenience of "choice" by owner or patron out of the formula. I had to recognize that the overall well-being of the community in this health-related issue outweighed the convenience of choice. Many portray the indoor smoking ban as a "quality of life" issue, and I don't really disagree with that. Discussions with scores of my constituents revealed that a majority of them favored a ban without complicated signs on the door that caused them to have to make a decision. Chances are great that the state will upgrade its clean indoor air act within the next few years. They need to focus on that now, and ignore any bills that contain the phrases "shall not touch" or "stay 6 feet away from"...unless they're talking about open fires.
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    14 years ago
    2nd booth from the stage
    Nipple stubble?
    Back in the bikini days, I'd seen several dancers with a fairly pronounced landing strip from the bikini line to the navel. I don't see that much in this modern era of dancing nude and shaving.
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    14 years ago
    This Exists? Strip Club's Sarah Palin Look Alike Contest to Benefit "Tea Party"
    Is the "left" terrified of her because she is "right", or because she's a smartass chick who doesn't know what she's talking about.
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    14 years ago
    The Longest Club Review I Have Ever Read
    I agree w/ arbeeguy, cheezwhiz's review was long, but interesting and well written. Sometimes it takes a while to tell the whole story!
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    14 years ago
    American capitalism gone with a whimper
    Obama was elected because the GOP took it's eye off the ball. Dizzied by 8 years of constitutional recklessness by dumb and dumber, Republican leadership wrongly believed that American voters would be smittened by the likes of Sarah Palin and would vote for her. At the time I thought the combination of "Tuff Takin' Sleepy John" and the "loudmouth cheerleader from Antlerland" would surely be the demise of America. Now, I'm not so sure about that....
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    14 years ago
    Smoking ban in Michigan
    The clean indoor air crowd that has championed smoking bans across the nation now claim that if you are in a smokey environment away from home, and you come home to your children, the carcinogen laced smoke/nicotine particles will jump off your clothes and into the lungs of your children. These ban-advocate groups are getting pretty nasty with elected officials, so I expect to see more statewide bans in the coming years. For whatever reason, the common sense post a sign that says "we is smokin' herein" on the door approach hasn't done well as an argument for free choice. At the end of the day, the only argument that sticks at all is the hazard to employees who allegedly have less choice in the matter.
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    14 years ago
    To all the dancers: What's going on here? Really need your imput.
    I frequently get approached on the next trip by, "heeyyy baaaaby, remember me? It's the one I hoped I would never see again.
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    14 years ago
    SEC Ogled Porn As The Financial Crisis Unfolded! So Did You
    Porno v. Wall St.; somebody always getting f***ed. Maybe SEC staffers were really just reading GS e-mails. Problems on the porno movie set: performers spending too much time doing e-trades on laptops between scenes.
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The dark lives of strippers
    Another dancer told me that a 22 yo dancer I was seeing OTC was raising her mentally retarded brother. I assumed younger brother. I was very proud of her for being so responsible. A year or so later after she dropped out of sight (strippers do that, you know...LOL), her estranged sister (lived on welfare - not a dancer) told me he was older half-brother (few strippers have full-siblings)but his "retardedness" came from ingesting way too much cocaine, which he would steal from her inventory as a dealer. According to sis, haf-bro impregnated dancer so frequently, that she ran into the maximum limit that social services would pay for her abortions, and was actually thinking about having the latest product of their incestuous relationship. That story goes on, but it gets sadder. In the day, I suppose I would feel sorry for anything in a thong...jeeez. Other stories include a 27 yo grandmother, and a cute little thang who had served time for her part in a series of aggravated assaults and robberies of elderly people. She and BF worked their way around the country rolling old folks. Other tales too tall to believe...
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    14 years ago
    New York Times Article On Sin Taxes
    Tax prostitution? Why not. Now the "rich states" will be the ones with the legalized whore houses. Good solution for the rust belt states that have lost so much industry over the years. Old steel mills filled with people fucking, LOL. You can't suppress sexual desire. So get it out in the open. Legalize it and make it as safe as possible. And tax it too. It's recession proof.
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    14 years ago
    Don't ask rule
    For many years I couldn't mutter the words "wanna dance". I always waited for the dancer to approach me and ask if I wanted a dance...don't want to act too hungry - she might think she has me on the line. There have been dancers that I really want to get in their pants, so I have gone to the edge of the stage to tip - a ten used to be the code for "I wanna dance (when you get off stage)". Lately, I will ask a dancer that has come over to chat "shouldn't we be dancing?", and it almost always garners the response, "we should!", or similar. I have found in my older age that a little less drama helps grease the wheels...or lubricate something. Eliminating the posturing on my part makes me more approachable.
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    14 years ago
    karaoke nights
    Karaoke at a strip club makes no sense. The heavy beat of sexually charged rock & roll music is what makes guys buy lap dances...and of course the big tits and nice ass on the dancer. I have been to a club that throws in a Sinatra ballad now and then - but that is high quality music for slow, deliberate lap dancing.
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    14 years ago
    About the Rude Surprise?
    I saw a dancer start her period. I didn't know her very well, but enough to feel ok motioning for her to come to the edge of the stage so I could tell her. She was very cool, reached down with her fingers, looked down at her fingers, looked at me with that eeewwww face, then stood up and walked off stage. Next time I was in the club she came over and thanked me for being such a gentleman for telling her.
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    14 years ago
    Why is Virginia so strict about nudity in strip clubs?
    Yeah, steve, I was thinkin' the same thing!!!
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    14 years ago
    Drink prices $4.25 instead of $4, $5.75 instead of $6, etc.
    If the change is 75 cents (I just discovered there is no cent sign on my keyboard...wtf), anyway, the 3 quarters gets left on the table for the waitress. If they only charge $4 for the drink, I am more inclined to hand her a dollar. The quarters just confuse the issue. Clubs that give quarters in change want you to buy rubbers in the bathroom and spend big bucks on extra's.
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    14 years ago
    This situation is the ebb and flow of the hunt. Definitely part of the game. One minute you've got the prize, the next minute it's as if you didn't exist. There is a great deal of obsessive/compulsive behavior in play here. The strip club experience parallels mental illness in many ways.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Would you stop going to the clubs if you were not as aroused from lapdances as y
    The more lap dances I get, the less I am stimulated. I have seriously cut back SC'ing for that reason. Waste of time and money if I'm not a top performer. In the last two years, I've put on an additional 25% of my body weight, and I have nearly stopped all "high heart rate" exercise. I dearly miss the feel of hot pussy rubbing up and down my rock hard manhood....sorry...hahaha. So, I am returning to the gym starting tomorrow, 30 mins on elliptical for starters. I'm doing this for my self. I'm doing this for my pathetically limp manhood. And finally, I doing this so the girls won't have to ask "what's wrong?" right in the middle of the damn dance!!!!