
Sex in VIP room

Friday, May 7, 2010 8:58 PM
Has anyone else had sex in the VIP room? I had previously thought that it never happened, but I'm not a regular club-goer. I stopped at a place I had heard about on a whim when I had time to kill, thinking I would just get a beer and watch some girls. A beautiful young woman, Greek/Italian, approached me for a LD. I had never had one, as I always thought it would be lame, especially if you couldn't touch the girl. But, I've been making more money so I figured why the hell not. We get back to the semi-private dance area, I sit down, and this babe, maybe not a 10, but definitely a 8.5-9, starts with the dance, riding, grinding, etc. But then she grabs my hands and puts them on her breasts. I said, "I thought I couldn't do that" she says, "please, I like, you're making me horny." So I touch her, literally everywhere. For about 3 songs we're making out, touching, caressing, etc, and she invites me to go upstairs to VIP with her. Again, this is something I had never considered doing, especially since I've heard you can't touch, and even if a little touching, not below the belt, and if I can't do that I'm not paying hundreds of dollars. But this girl is incredible so I figure why not continue this, as long as it's under 300 bucks. She asks for 200, so we go. I had to beg her to slow down, after five minutes she was rubbing my member all over her body, including along her naked vag. I'm afraid a bouncer is going to come in and kick me out, but she insists that she wants it. I told her I can't have sex with her, I'm in a relationship with someone and very happy, and I can't do it. But I'm in a weakened state, and this "exotic dancer" puts a condom on my shaft, and slips it in her and rides me for a few minutes, turns around on all fours and we go doggy, and instructs me to come on her breasts. It sounds crazy, I could not believe the experience. To top it all off, I tried to give her more than 200 but she wouldn't let me! I think I got lucky for my first lap-dance, and I seriously doubt anything like that would ever happen again. Maybe she was just super-horny that day, but wow. We were talking after, she's 22, from Italy, going to college in the states, wants to be a journalist. She was actually very articulate and I could tell she was quite bright. Unbelievable experience. My question is, if I go back for more with a different girl, could I expect this to happen again? I'm not the typical strip-club go-er, so I don't know what's normal.


  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    I'm sorry I read this. Could you maybe post a three line summary for everyone else? Welcome to TUSCL.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    That was 30 seconds of my life that I'll never get back
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    A dancer jerked me off with her feet in the Champagne Room.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Depends on what club is this? It is probably not a regular thing. I did once have sex at a hole in the wall right out in their main area. People could see us and afterwards I got a couple high fives. Not the norm but yes YMMV and it does happen. Gotta love those foreign girls! Although the porkers put out for you too lol
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    [view link] Chris Rock -No Sex In The Champagne Room
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    At first glance I thought samsung said he had sex in a hole in the wall. He was about to earn a whole new level of glory...
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    One hell of a visit to a strip club. Forget about the other dancers, keep fucking the one that is into you.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Yes it happens, it does depend on what club it is.
  • Slothrop
    14 years ago
    Never happened to me, but I saw a guy and his girlfriend going at it -- she straddling him on his chair -- just in front of the stage at Aloha Beach years ago. It happened so suddenly and it seemed so, I don't, normal, that no one said anything or tried to stop them. We all just looked at each other and laughed until it was over and they left.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    And when you woke up was the sheet wet?
    14 years ago
    Pothead, did she audition for "America's Got Talent"?
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    pothead, is that abbreviated as a FJ? lol I have had a dancer play with my dick using her feet but never to completion. I prefer them to use hands or tongue
  • sanitago
    14 years ago
    I have to agree with the comment that if she's this willing, stick with the one you scored with! finding a dancer that will give you any 'extras' in the club isn't that common, so you lucked out big time. enjoy it!
  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    dude u hit the lottery. Stick with this club and your new ATF and life should be good.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    It depends on the club. At the club where I am VIP I get it there all the time. POP there has been $150 - $300. You can usually get a break on price if your a regular otherwise it could be $300. I like going to my club (I am LT VIP) and taking a gal up to VIP or over to CR to fuck her. But with 2 gals who are meeting me otc and offering POP $100 - $200, spending upwards of $200 to do a new girl who might not be tht great does not float my boat. My problem is not in finding pussy but which girl am I gonna do and all the budgeting challenges that go with that. I don't believe in paying VIP entry fees over $25. If they wanna make a lot of money from me then they will have to meet me at motel for sex.
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    wallifer, for some this would just be another day at the club. For others it would only happen after they had invested hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars at clubs. Take the advice given here, and ride this dancer out for a while. Refer to glossary for meaning of ATF.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    I used to do it in the little rooms in Dolls. I once did it at the Trophy club-but Trophy club is now closed (economics, not cops). Last week I did at Splendor.
  • how
    14 years ago
    This sort of thing happens all the time. Don't expect it, though; just enjoy it when it happens...
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    When I read this, I was thinking Dick Johnson all the way.
  • FinalLap
    14 years ago
    wow. 15 years going to clubs all over the country and I've never experienced anything like that. Certainly some hot nights & some happy endings. And a few that continued elsewhere. But nothing like the poster described. I think he won the Lottery on his first ticket.!
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "I think he won the Lottery on his first ticket.!" Exactly. Unfortunately, future strip club visits will not measure up to this experience, leading to a lifetime of increasing disappointment and despair. Might as well kill himself now.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    I'll buy you a beer wallifer to help celebrate your good luck. Hopefully it will continue, but history shows us how fleeting such luck is. Best of luck to you
  • 10inches
    14 years ago
    have gotten bj and hj in vip but never fs!!
  • minnow
    14 years ago
    "I think he won the Lottery on his first ticket.......... I don't- more like he scored a hole-in-one on his first stroke........
  • Notsosly
    14 years ago
    In south FL, that shit can happen in nearly every club. And I would agree with the other posters. Stick with this girl. If you remember her stage name, call the club and ask when she usually dances. You'll find her again easily.
  • stamina734
    14 years ago
    The most unusual thing about that is she let you cum on her,most i know would have you keep the rubber on. In the clubs in my area with more private VIP rooms $200 would help something like that happen really easily. I know of one of the smaller clubs where 10 bucks gets you in the VIP and the dancers give bj's, hj's and ride customers to completion in plain view of the bouncer.
  • wallifer
    14 years ago
    so i went to a different club, spent 4 times as much which got me a very nice dance from a beautiful girl, but that's all. they enforced that thong stays on amd no touching below the belt. it was a much classier place, with prettier, but colder women and drinks 4 times the price. only in strip clubs can you get less for so much more. i've learned my lesson and will have to drive an hour back to the first club to hopefully find my 'true stripper love' again.
  • wallifer
    14 years ago
    or, like steve said above, i could just kill myyself and save the 'heart' ache
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Don't kill yourself, wallifer, unless you know you are coming back as something better, like a hot stripper. LOL
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    You're a good sport, wallifer. Welcome to TUSCL. And yeah, please don't kill yourself, lol.
  • ArtCollege
    14 years ago
    write a review of the place. Or at least tell us where it is.
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    If this guy kills himself I'd feel bad for messing with him, so I'll just LOL instead. But really why is $300 the cutoff? Is this a lurker who just up and decided one day he'd brag on the boards because he finally scored? Isn't $800 more than $300? Or was it just 4 times the cost of a few lap dances and not VIP, which may not be over the $300? If any of this isn't utter poo poo (for the sensitive among us), didn't he see all the responses saying he had a pretty interesting bird in one hand and a board full of messages telling him what was in the bush?
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    wallanon, the reason I said before that, "That was 30 seconds of my life that I'll never get back" is because this is obviously a gag post - a blatantly obvious PL fantasy post. ;)
  • DoctorDarby
    14 years ago
    It sounds like a Penthouse Forum letter from the 1980s (or 90s or whenever). " . . . the 18 year old blond hitchhiker grabbed my throbbing shaft as the car sped up to nearly 100 mph along the deserted stretch of highway . . ." Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just get to the part where you "pump a gallon of cum into her steaming cauldron" so I can skip to the centerfold and commence to fapping.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    rick, my sentiments exactly. I almost had to look to see if it was a DJ post, but it didn't have the same flair.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    In fact, he had such a good time, he forgot to write a review about the club.
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