Newbie dancer was a pleasant surprise

avatar for potheadpl
Went to my favorite club tonight. A dancer I'm friendly with was off-duty but hanging out. She pointed to the girl onstage and told me "It's her first night and her first time onstage.". She was super cute, so I tipped her a buck. I found my seat and she came over after her set.

18, braces, long black hair, 5'2" and tiny. She was nervous so we sat and talked for a while. She's freshly 18, having turned so last month. The 2 for 1 special was announced, so I chose her---mainly to pay her back for the time she'd spent. I was expecting an air dance, at best.

Boy, was I wrong. This cute, innocent little girl was a FIRECRACKER. She ripped her top off, jumped on my lap and ground like her life depended on it. At the same time she's biting my neck, sticking her nipple in my mouth, and pinching my nipple!

There was DFK. Kissing 18 year old girls is really hot. Especially when you're 40. LOL.

She came back to me after the dance. While we were sitting I asked if she'd done any other dances. Her reply? "There's nobody else here I'd dance for.". She'll change her tune, but still flattering.

She's moved to the top of my favorites. :-)


last comment
avatar for vincemichaels
15 years ago
Yayyyyyyy, ph, sounds like a good time.
avatar for sanitago
15 years ago
lucky bastard, I'd like to be able to trade places with you on that one!
avatar for fetish_dancer
15 years ago
Cute! My husband and I met when I was 18 and he was 40 :)
avatar for winorhino
15 years ago
Truly a rare find. Whenever I get dances from a girl new to stripping the experience is awful. On Friday night a cute young thing approached me for LDs. I asked how long she'd been working and with her reply of 1 1/2 month--spider sense begain tingling. I got a few dances from her and it met my expectations. So, potheadpl, enjoy; you're a lucky guy.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Hehe. Careful, pothead, you might have just run into a complete fuck up like fetish_dancer.
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Um, Fetish: didn't THAT raise a few eyebrows???
avatar for nastasia_p
15 years ago
Awww! She sounds absolutely delightful :)
Do you guys really usually avoid new dancers? :s If you are new, should you lie and say you're not? I thought it would be the opposite...fresh meat hehe
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Good to hear you had a good time. I recently took a waitress back in the VIP because I thought she was really hot. I did not have high expectations for our dance but I did get brief ITC with her (not to completion though).
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
nastasia_p, Yes I usually avoid new dancers unless they look really attractive.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
I would avoid new dancers in general since it generally takes them a while to learn how to give good dances and get the clue that's it's not about air dances from a pretty girl. Some know what they are doing right out of the gate, however, and you just have wait until you get the right vibe before taking them for a spin.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
@nastasia_p---She was absolutely delightful! As to the new dancer question, I suppose it depends. Lots of guys on TUSCL are only looking for extras so they would tend toward veteran dancers. But I think it's cool to be a girl's first customer. That's a bond that will pay off in the future. And as hot as this girl was, I'll bet you there's a date and a hookup in the near future.
avatar for fetish_dancer
15 years ago
lol @ sore-ass Dougster. It's funny when you flail all over the place.
avatar for mmdv26
15 years ago
Generally not been really surprised by a dancer who is doing her first gig ever, but have had a few who's technique was similar to what I suspect she would do with bf - probably not as hot as phpl's experience.
avatar for snowtime
15 years ago
I had a dance on Sat. night from a first night girl. She was very attractive but I got an all air topless dance in a full nude club. Very, very disappointing. Wouldn't rule out future dances with a new girl but I have to agree the odds of a good time go down with rookie dances.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
fetish_dancer: sorry you are such an idiot/loser that you had to bounce up and down on dicks for a living. Did you quit because you got tired of too many old guys cumming on you?
avatar for fetish_dancer
15 years ago

You're the kind of guy who's stupid enough to get ripped off in a SC on a nightly basis because you believe that all strippers are stupid ;) I guarantee it. Face it. You have tiny-dick syndrome and that is why you follow MisterGuy around like a slavering puppy, and have taken to doing the same to me. Poor self-esteem. But your faux arrogance makes up for it.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
Geez Dougster, you can't even come up with original put downs? You gotta recycle old shit? Or is that the only one your momma gave you this month?
avatar for rickdugan
15 years ago
Dougster dude, I actually got a kick out of the comments to Mister about the "Lifetime TUSCL Achievement Award", but this shit is getting old. Mister admittedly has some half baked, painfully Marxist political views that he shares too freely, but fetish is just a sweet girl who might have been a little naive about her trade - and certainly doesn't deserve the abuse. Hell, even Mister should be able to post without being called names every time.
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
Breaking in a new dancer is definitely a 50-50 crapshoot as to the quality of the dance(s)you'll get. The few times I've popped their cherry it was a bit awkward and far from sensual. They were all clumsy & unsure of themselves. Thankfully most go on to become much more skilled.

My fave encounters are getting LD's from the more experienced dancers who have never danced for a woman before. Those dances usually turn out quite steamy.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
fetish: I don't think all strippers are stupid. Only like 99% of them. And yes, sweetie, you are in that 99%. So how many old guys had to cum on you before you finally gave up stripping? Talk about low self-estemm.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
Man, recycling in the same thread, even. You should really get some new ones. These are losing their impact.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Got some bad news for you, mircodong, complaining about me "recycling" twice in the same thread is recycling yourself. Get a fucking clue, homo!
avatar for fetish_dancer
15 years ago
I would love to dance for you, Iopaw ;) I've rarely ever danced for women.

Dougster, give it up, and quit talking about cum. It makes me realize you must want it in your mouth or something, but keep it to yourself. And those who accuse others of homosexuality are latent themselves. :D

avatar for vincemichaels
15 years ago
LMAO,fetish_dancer @ your latest comment to "Dougster"
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
dougster, you obviously missed the part of English composition class on emphasis, for the readers who missed it the first time. Then again, considering your heretofore erudite notes, maybe you missed more than that.

And I've come to terms with my diminutive dick size, unlike, apparently, yourself (others have shown me the pictures you sent them), hopefully you'll be able to do so as well someday. Good luck with that.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Well looks microdong and fetish_dancer have the same IQ, namely 0.
avatar for fetish_dancer
15 years ago
Oh, look, guys. Douchester stopped slobbering helplessly over dildos long enough to make a weak insult of a post. Put the ball-gag back in, bitch. :P
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Hard to take fetish_dancer seriously give that she used to make money by letting hundreds of old and/or generally sleazy guys cum on her for a little cash. I see she is still pissed off at the world and herself over it all.
avatar for fetish_dancer
15 years ago
Why do you keep bringing this up, Douchester? You must be upset over your mother's "career choice" in regards to the truck stops she frequents.
avatar for DoctorDarby
15 years ago
OK. I'll break up the love fest between you two crazy kids and drag the thread kicking and screaming back to the topic. I like new girls. Even if they aren't very good dancers yet, I enjoy giving them some encouragement and a couple of bucks to keep them coming back. Some of them turn out very well; others never get better or don't return. The ones who stay usually don't forget the guys (or girls) who made them feel welcome.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
DoctorDarby: Agree. My current go-to girl turned 18 (according to her driver's license) the day before I met her stripping, though given her...talent, I have no illusions about her history in her chosen profession. She's not the hottest girl I've ever met, but she's enthusiastic and adventurous.
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
"Mister admittedly has some half baked, painfully Marxist political views"

LOL...ugh, I'm really not a Marxist pothead...come out of your purple haze...and just ignore our Internet Troll people...
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
MG----who are you addressing there?
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
You specifically pothead, and the group as a whole when it comes to our resident Internet Troll.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
I didn't call you a Marxist. As a matter of fact, I didn't address you in this thread at all. Rickdugan called you a Marxist. You might want to pay attention....
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
"Rickdugan called you a Marxist."

My apologies then pothead. Rickie's been a clueless newbie for quite a while now...ugh...
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