
Comments by mmdv26 (page 53)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    The Garden of Eden (Nebraska) asto turfing?
    ...and as far as the drinks go i didn't have any but they didn't seem to bad... Pretty damn useful info there!
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    14 years ago
    Daddy Issues
    Yep, there's a lot of strippers who have no idea where their kid's dad is.
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    14 years ago
    America's Sports Stadium Debt Racket
    This lap dance is very boring, so I'm staying awake thinking about how Houston has probably hired crystal ball guys who predict how many people will go to the planetarium and how many movies will be filmed in a studio in Houston a thousand miles away from where the actors live. The conference center might have a reasonable return on investment if there aren't too many in Houston already. No tip for this chick! The concert venue might be the best use. Add a $5 (or $2 or $3 or $7) per tik fee that would be earmarked for maintaining the AD. Hope you can keep the pols from skimming some off for every other purpose that shows up begging for money. No thanks, I'd better take a break...LOL.
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    14 years ago
    OT: NBA Finals
    Lakers were due for a blow out - unfortunately for Boston, Kobe & Co. has the ability to do that anytime!! I graduated from KU, so I'm a big Paul Pierce fan and I'd like to see him get series MVP. Now, without Perkins, Celts will really have to put it all together Thurs night. Nothing better than a 7 game series and a pair of double D's in yo face!
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    14 years ago
    Stripper gave me her number?
    Normal girls don't usually rent themselves for cash to the next guy that walks through the door. Strippers do that - it's their business. It's possible to find a stripper who hasn't been at it long enough to become totally indoctrinated, and they can actually seem like normal girls. Go over to her house. Maybe she has a boyfriend there who will beat you up and rob you or worse. Probably not going to happen. Perhaps she lives with another girl who is also her sexual partner, and they want to have a threesome with you. Not likely, but I actually had that happen, so it is possible. Chances are greater that she'll want to get high or have a few drinks or both and then have pretty damn good sex with you. If that happens, she may also hint that she is a little short on rent money this month...complicated excuse on the 15th. Dancers can be lonely - just like we all are sometimes. She might really just want to hang with you some. It never hurts to spend a little time chatting with her so you have an opportunity to pick up on inconsistencies or other warnings that this could be a problematic rendezvous. Good luck with it, and (most important) let us voyeurs know how things went!!
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    14 years ago
    Went to stripper's party
    In a community down the road a piece from where I live, a woman videoed her boyfriend having sex with her "obviously pregnant" 16 yo daughter. The woman and her bf ended up in court after daughter showed her friends the video...see how cool I am; I'm gonna be a stripper someday!! State sentencing guidelines allowed probation for both defendants since they had no previous records. The judge apparently didn't see the humor in the guidelines and sentenced the mom to 58 years, and allowed the bf to plea-bargain down to 28 years or so. My wife read the newspaper account of this and declared that, "it's about time sexual abuse of minors was seriously punished". I agreed with meaningful punishment, but I believe that the penalty was overly harsh in this situation: after all, this was just typical Saturday night fun for white trash. Well, obviously I got a negative response to that opinion. I suppose that I have lost my sensitivity to what happened in this case because I've seen that "daughter" (not the same one, of course) dancing in SC's a year or two later many times over the years. I have been led to believe that this is not necessarily "throw-the-book-at-em" behavior in some corners of society. I fear that prolonged SC experience has brainwashed me to the point of having marginal empathy for these teenage victims.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    You cum during a lapdance...
    Years ago, I quit wearing underwear because the spunk left a stain on my white briefs that would show up when wife does laundry. Hummmm, why is he jizzing in his pants? No recognizable stain in blue jeans. Eventually, I got "special" lap dance shorts that I kept under the car seat. When they got too nasty, I washed them by hand and let them air dry in a secret place in the basement. For the past 5 years or so, the only place my emissions end up is in the dancer's hand or mouth. Older age also seriously diminishes the explosive nature of the whole thing, so clean up is fairly simple. I doubt that I would get off today without direct slippery contact.
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    14 years ago
    Close to home
    Are you in a position to give your neighbor's son a little tip on this?
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    14 years ago
    Strip club owners ready for fight
    I was told by a stripper that legislation which potentially impacts the state budget by more than $100,000 is subject to public hearings, which apparently did not happen with this bill because Bartle, et al may have understated the economic impact so they could (perhaps) dodge the law. Furthermore, between gasps for air during the BBBJ she was giving me in the VIP, the stripper told me that this bill was tacked onto an ethics bill, and state law requires that bills have some topical commonality in order to be combined. That issue wasn't raised in the article, so maybe that's not the case. Anybody know? Putnam's analogies are totally self-serving if you add "and strip club patrons must wear condoms". Going to video stores to photograph empty booths - what a perv. Just another control freak hiding behind the church. I think Bartle introduced legislation last year that would create an official state hymn - or something equally as misguided. It's a problem when our elected officials become the special interest. The folks who littered the (MO) highways with X-rated billboards are largely to blame for this continuing backlash by religiously-motivated dicks like Bartle. A little self restraint over the past 10 years might have avoided what appears to be the lid on the adult entertainment coffin in Missouri. Some Detroit PL's harangued me pretty good a couple of months ago when I went off on the right-wing, religious, mega-dittos Rush republicans for causing this repression of middle-class freedoms bullshit. I really WASN'T talking about Detwa and its internet-schooled ministers; I WAS referring to Mr. Bartle and this Missouri issue. deogol, you're on with despotism. I'm worried that people aren't really aware that it is happening.
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    14 years ago
    Seattle stripping vacuum
    New restrictions affecting SC's are happening way too often these days. R.I.P. Detroit and Seattle.
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    14 years ago
    First Attempt at OTC - Unsuccessful
    @rickdugan, you misread what I told EDGO. I confess that I too paid half-down one time when I was a novice, and didn't get screwed. In fact she never showed up...
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    14 years ago
    First Attempt at OTC - Unsuccessful
    After you left, she got to talking to another customer and they agreed on money for her to come to his room after shift. Probably just as well you didn't talk about money; she might have wanted half as a retainer and still been a no show. Two hours is very long in stripper time; likely she forgot all about your "arrangement". Try setting up OTC again - maybe even with her. You'll get there. There are lots of strippers who will show up close to on-time, for the amount of money you agreed on, and screw your brains out.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Investment opportunity....Way off topic
    LOL, I got the same one. When I emailed Vinnie back I told him my occupation was "pimp" - I'll bet that got his banker-boy tighty-whitey's all balled up. I know it's just a scam to get me on this bank's mailing list, so nothing lost.
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    14 years ago
    Dangers Lurk in Impotence Drugs Sold on Web
    Men are driven to the internet pills because of the outrageous price of both Viagra and Cialis through pharmacies in the U.S. I think you can get the real thing on the internet. The price isn't that much better, but you don't need a "real" prescription. I have tried the internet brands, and I believe that they do often contain more active ingredient. The key is to take as little as possible to achieve the intended results. Some of the fakes only required half the normal dosage for me. Right now, I'm getting screwed by U.S. pharmacy Viagra. Looking into Canadian sources. Would feel better getting the real thing.
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    14 years ago
    Are You a Day Guy or a Night Guy?
    I'm a day customer as well, but I go in at night on occasion because it's more of a party atmosphere than days, and I like that. Days can be a little boring at times if there aren't many customers. I agree that the night girls are generally prettier, but I have had some remarkable mileage at night despite the increased observation by the goons.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer on the rag.
    Actually, the dancers at the nude club I go to cut the string off and no one knows that aunt Flo has come to visit. I know a couple of dancers who allow exploration of other places during that time...well, they allow that exploration even if Flo isn't around. Some guys who savor finger in the kitty, aren't turned on by finger in the ass.
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    14 years ago
    South Carolina
    New term?
    Have run into the "not on stage" chick three times. One had massive stretch marks from a recent pregnancy, otherwise OK body. I got one dance from her, and could actually feel the stretch marks. Not nice. Another fucked the owner and let everybody know of her special status by not having to demean herself by dancing on that unsanitary stage with its foul-smelling pole. She wanted $10 extra per dance. Nice looking, allowed hide the finger...yeah, the unsanitary one. The third one was in her early 40's, average looking and did dances plus $100 extra for FS. Never got interrupted because she had to go on stage. I think she had a special arrangement with the owner as well. So Shek, I would call this type of dancer either a slacker or a whore depending on her mileage.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Take some viagra. Go rent a room. All get naked. You bring lots of rubbers. Have fun. Make sure wife understands that all-ways oral will be happening and that you plan to hose all three. Can you could say that you intend to fill all holes? Most important: tell us how it went!!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Feature Dancers ?
    Only been to a feature event once. After the show was over and they had their pictures taken with a pair of 48" tits, the young crowd left and things were back to normal. No doubt the club made a few bucks on the admission charge, but I didn't see dancers doing more than normal number of dances before or after. My feeling from that experience is that "features" are more of a distraction than a benefit for the club.
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    14 years ago
    What would you do if you owned a club?
    What would I do if I owned a club? Sell it, and go enjoy myself at somebody else' club.
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    ITC vs. OTC "Activities"
    If I really like a girl, and want to get totally sexual with her, then OTC is the best. But it's a 2 or 3 hour time commitment. For a quickie, of course, ITC is the best.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    I got a lap dance from a dwarf stripper
    Would you tip them with miniature dollar bills?
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    14 years ago
    Neighbors upset downstate school has been converted to strip club
    Good customers could join the PTA.
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    14 years ago
    Two ATFS at the same club...what would you do?
    Pick 1, make sure to pick the one who gives you special attention consistently.
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    14 years ago
    What do you make of this review?
    I hate it when the dancers puke on the pole.