
Comments by mmdv26 (page 55)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Tax question
    Damn! I'm in the wrong half of the population...
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    14 years ago
    A Dancer's Dilemma
    Dudester! Christina Ricci. Nice nice tits. Great pic, man!!!
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    14 years ago
    Only Customer in the Club
    I was the only customer and my ATF was the only dancer for about an hour one afternoon. A "please do not disturb" request and a $20 to the friendly manager allowed unsupervised fun until more dancers and customers arrived. I agree that under normal circumstances, being the only customer can be awkward.
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    14 years ago
    A Dancer's Dilemma
    In option 2, are we talking about VIP "rent" that is zero if she doesn't go to VIP at all, but would not exceed $200 if she did? If she only went to VIP enough to incur "rent" of $0 thru $109, then it appears that it would be better for her to use option 2. Does she still have to tip DJ and overweight fu**er if it's a "bad shift"?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Congratulations to both Duke and Butler for playing all out. Duke won by a hai
    Great final game, great tournament, and overall good season. I'm a die-hard Kansas fan, so I was disappointed - but not surprised that they went down so early. Little bit overrated in my opinion this year.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    North Iowa
    Mayor of Washington Park, Illinois Killed
    mg, thanks for researching these various tax rates!! I am concerned that at some point the county might get tired of WP's periodic bankruptcy filings and obtain a court order to consolidate WP village services with those of the county, e.g., fire, police, streets, schools and codes administration. If that were to happen, our source of ESL fun in WP could be outlawed since the county does not allow strip clubs in the unincorporated areas of the county. I don't know what the likelihood of this actually occurring is, but the trips to bankruptcy court can't continue indefinitely for WP. I would think that the clubs would agree to collect the gate tax without challenge so as to preserve the(unsupervised)incorporated status of the village and assure that local rule would allow the clubs to operate...maybe there is more to all that than I am aware of. My estimate of sales tax revenue from clubs assumed a 1% cut to the village. WP has a low retail sales base (other than liquor-by-the-drink at clubs) because they don't have very many retail businesses. I would think that property taxes could be even less due to a low aggregate valuation for real property in WP. Do they have personal property tax at all? The cars owned by WP residents might be worth more than their houses...I'd laugh, but it's too sad. In Missouri, the current financial woes at the state level are due primarily to reduced retail activity statewide during this economic downturn, and thus, lower sales tax revenue. Real and personal property taxes set by the county (no state ad-valorem taxes in MO)runs a close second to sales tax in most subdivisions, so usually new retail activity is the focus of local economic development. I might just call WP and ask them if they have thought of this gate tax - I'll wait a few more days so they can begin to put closure on last week's tragedy. I hope WP's prepaid cell phone isn't out of minutes....
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    15 years ago
    North Iowa
    Mayor of Washington Park, Illinois Killed
    Over the past 15 years, I have made many treks to WP to sample its primary industry. I have visited all of its strip clubs, shared the sorrow of losing some to fire, seen numerous rule changes and the innovative ways the clubs devised to circumvent most restrictions. I remember when Dolly's was up in the front of the building (with the same really dirty toilet). I remember when C-Mowes opened the 2nd floor on weekend nights. I don't remember the names of the clubs that preceded Hustler Club on that site. I remember when tasting the goods at the stage was encouraged. I am sad to hear of the repeated bankruptcies of the village; and I was unaware that the Annual strip club License Fee was significantly reduced by the court. I was told in the mid-to-late 90's that the fee was $50k per year. I don't know if that's true, but it sounds plausible. As far as revenue from the clubs (other than occupational license and property taxes) goes, I would think that sales tax would be it. I'm not an expert on IL taxes, but based on other states that I have knowledge of, the admission charge is probably not subject to sales tax, but the sale of beverages would be. I did a quick computation using some assumptions that I think are reasonable, and it appears that WP share of annual sales tax revenue generated by strip clubs might be around $100k. Without understanding all of the operating parameters of WP, it seems doubtful that a town the physical size and population of WP could operate on less than $750k per year. While the club-generated sales tax may be significant, it could easily be more...a lot more. Create a $3 per head admission assessment which goes directly to the village. The math goes like this, and it's based on what I think is probably a pretty conservative average: arbeeguy says there are 9 clubs (without looking I'll buy that), my perception is that Hollywood and Hustler have somewhat more customers than the others, so it's 100 customers per day for all 9 clubs and an additional 50/day increase for Hollywood and Hustler each. That gives us 1000 admissions per day for all WP clubs combined...average. More on weekends, less during the week...maybe. So we've got 1000/day X 6 days/week X 52 weeks/year = 312,000 individual admissions to strip clubs in WP each year. At $3 each, that's $936,000. That might be enough to run the town...or more to steal. Have they thought of this? I can't be the only one to think of it....
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    15 years ago
    North Iowa
    Mayor of Washington Park, Illinois Killed
    Sad, but not really surprising. City Hall = cesspool...hahaha. Except for the strip clubs, the whole town is blighted. Sounds like Detroit. I can say that, because I learned a lot about Detroit recently.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    After too many years of "just getting dances", things changed at my fav club and extra's became more common. Nowadays, I go the club looking for and expecting sex. Sometimes I will get a dance from a girl who I know does not do extra's, but it's only one or two dances. And it's usually because I truly believe that one day, on that dance, she will have a change of heart and start doing extra's right then and there. A classic example of the insanity that accompanies the chase. fetish_dancer, don't worry about not doing extra's. The whores are lazy. That's why they do extra's - fewer dances, same money. It doesn't sound like you are chemically dependent, or have a couch potato bf who thinks he's a pimp, or any of the other "whore-maker" conditions in your life. Avoid being critical of the extra-givers. They are very popular these days! You do your thing and let them do theirs. You might have to do more dances, but you will be able to look at yourself in the mirror and be proud that you are living by the values you have established for yourself. Hey, thanks for the dance...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Update on Detroit
    WOW! Didn't expect that reaction. I guess I really hit a nerve with the Detroit crowd. Too bad the matchbook ministers are putting their neighbors' stripper daughters out of work. LOL. No apology to the Rush Lovers if I pissed you off - you're already pissed off about everything anyway. Chi_sam, the extent of sarcasm was limited the use of the word "entitled"; most of Detroit's population as well as it's auto-makers understand that concept all too well. Are there any car-makers actually in Detroit? And, yes, I am stupid for referring to MI, when I knew the 6-foot rule would pertain only to clubs within the city limits of Detroit. Sorry if I scared the readers in Kalamazoo. Otto22, thanks for the recap of Detroit's political disaster. I said straight up in my post that..."I am not sure who or what is driving these actions." I would have been OK with an answer to that quandary, without the additional bullshit. The fact that you referred to ..."this unfortunate ordinance"...made me understand how personally you are taking this reduction of freedom. Pretty much my feeling as well. In MO & KS, I know that the drivers of anti strip club bills at the state level are socially conservative, reclaim our constitution (arguing from it is like arguing from the bible), keep your assault rifles, religious right, white, mostly male (one of 'em walks like a girl - maybe he's gay), state legislators. Did I say they are pro-life, too? I don't care who is behind the action in KY. I doesn't really matter. The outcome has the same chilling effect on the fine art of semi-public groping.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Shootings stem from theft during lap dance
    Jerome should have a TUSCL membership where he could have complained to understanding readers about ROB's. And everybody would have told him it's a bitch, but it's not worth getting all worked up over. Think of the trouble he would have saved himself!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Low Mileage Favorites?
    I keep an eye on new dancers. If I see that they routinely only do one or two dances for a customer, then I am usually not interested enough to mess with them. There is a reason for failing to generate repeat business.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    "Trainable"??? Yea or Nay??
    I don't pay for OJT. I'm too old and grumpy to be so charitable. When I get a cold fish, I have been known to stop mid dance, hand her a twenty and suggest that Subway is hiring. Slacker dancer behavior is bullshit. They know what they are supposed to be doing.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What type of dancer do you think is most aggressive?
    A dancer who unzips me before the music starts is aggressive.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Update on Detroit
    Disturbing trend emerging across the country. MI, KY, MO & KS all have passed or are considering legislation severely limiting strip club essentials. I'm not going to go off on a political rant here, but I am not sure who or what is driving these actions. I am entitled to feel-up a hot chick at a club whenever I want to, and no Rush Limbaugh "mega-ditto" shit head conservative small dick state legislator is going to deny me that constitutional right.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Kentucky Senate passes bill restricting nude dancing
    Bad trend emerging here. Missouri and Kansas are advancing similar legislation. Looks like these bills are heading for approval in both states. Easy to shoot fish in a barrel.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    black guys, white girls
    I have seen lots of white dancers who hang with black customers. Be the kind of guy that any color girl wants to hang out with. Flowers might work, but that crutch might be interpreted as trying to overcome a stereotype that can be more effectively dealt with by just being a sincere person. Avoid the hustle; word gets around strippers pretty fast that you are a nice guy.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Will a topless bar strip homes of their value?
    fu**in' puritans
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Top 100
    When you become sexually aroused, what happens inside your pants is your business and is generally lawful. The problem begins when your sexual arousal causes things start "happening" outside of your pants. If you enter an establishment with the intention of being sexually aroused but with the understanding that the result of that arousal shall remain confined to your pants then that is the typical circumstance of a titty bar or strip club. And again, this is usually lawful. If, however, you enter an establishment with the intention of being sexually aroused and with the expectation that the result of this arousal should happen outside of your pants, then depending upon the jurisdiction you are in, such an "outside the pant" (OOP) condition" may or may not be lawful. When comparing establishments, the "normally within or without of the pant" test should be the criteria for a fair comparison. If an establishment allows OOP conditions in violation of local laws, then those establishments should be compared to other establishments that may legally allow OOP conditions to exist on the premises. The risk associated with illegal OOP conditions must be considered by the reader. Keep in mind that there are "pant equivalents" that are usually considered to be an OOP condition. If a hand other than your own is in your pants, then this is, by extension of the arm of the other entity, an "out of pant" condition. Another obscure, and often overlooked, constructive OOP condition arises when you put your hands or fingers in someone else' pants or shirt. The intentional contact of your mouth or tongue to the skin of another person or animal is an OOP condition. The Ultimate Brothel List (TUBL), states clearly, that only establishments that legally allow "out of pant" conditions may be reviewed on its site. TUBL defines strip clubs that host illegal OOP conditions as "wanna be" brothels where you don't know what you'll get or what it will cost. TUBL also defines "mileage" as the distance from your house to satisfaction.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Love em or hate them?
    lopaw, what other way is there!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    all by myself
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    15 years ago
    How much can a "clean" stripper make?
    sharkiee123. She works at a club where LD's are $50 each! Is this in downtown NYC? I'm not familiar with the Manhattan clubs, but I have read where they can be pretty pricey. Otherwise, $50 is a lot of money for a single lap dance, and it makes me automatically think that such dances must be "enhanced" for a customer to routinely pay that much. For me: $20 each - after all, it's only sex. (sorry!) There are lots of variables, and that makes it hard to guess about the extra's. I respect your desire to know, and you're right it doesn't make sense to worry and agonize over the subject. If you were dating a skydiver, I suppose you would find it reassuring to know that she packs her own parachute...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How much can a "clean" stripper make?
    First, do the math. Many factors to consider, but in a normal eight hour day shift, with 3 or 4 stage appearances (20 mins ea), bathroom, make up & hair adjustment time... assume typical customer gets 3 or 4 dances from a hottie at $20 ea. Round the numbers, and with intro and payment collection time dancer should be able to generate 4 or 5 dances from a different customer in a 1/2 hour. Let's say $100 gross per half hour. Do that for 12 half hour blocks (remember stage time, potty & make-up breaks)it looks like she could net a grand after tip out just doing regular dances. I don't know of very many girls who do 60 dances per shift - that means she's actually dancing 50% of the shift time. She be 2 tired 2 fu** when she get home.... Not unusual for a daytime regular to get 10 (or more) dances straight thru, plus a nice tip. Even without extra's, GFE (not an extra in my book)is common with regulars and tends to run up the number of dances a reg will get. If she's got 2 or 3 regs each day, that may increase her income significantly. Second, do the talk. "Geez baby, your legs are so toned. You must do 50 dances a day....oh wow, only 10 huh...." If it appears that she is making over $50 per dance, you might wonder what she is doing to make those dances worth that much. If she washes a lot of thongs, that could be an indication that somebody's bodily fluids are causing them to need washing a lot. If her income drops when her aunt Flo comes to visit, that could be important information as well. Most important, her job involves rubbing her parts against a guy's parts in order to cause the guy to attain some degree of sexual satisfaction. Therefore, I'm not sure I understand why you would be so hung-up on the extra's thing. It's all sexual activity in some form or another.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    The alleged mistress of Sandra Bullock's husband Jesse James is a stripper
    What in the world did Sandra Bullock see in JJ? He's permanently stuck in the 7th grade.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What cities have the best stip clubs with extras available?
    East Saint Louis. While everything is available, the quality of the provider is probably below average.