
Comments by StripShopper (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    It's been written "If you want a stripper as a GIRLFRIEND then DON'T SPEND MONEY
    Yes Superdude, you're right...all women are creatures of opportunity. However, A stripper uses the "game" to entice men to release their money as a job. Unlike the average woman (a 5-6 range look). Yes dating occurs, but on many occasion during discussions with strippers they have confessed that a customer becomes an "object of resource" as soon as the money is displayed. Is this a hard fact "NO"...but from my experience, strippers as a rule do not date customers. If you refuse to be a customer, then this becomes a loophole in their rule. Of course, then you face the hard task of getting her to spend time with you in the first place....so, personality and repor is the key as in all initial relationships. A good example: Anna Nicole (a well known stripper), was literally bought by a millionaire...
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Seems Incongruous for Strippers to Visit or Post at a Stripper Site . . .
    See what I mean.... This only further illustrates that we (Tuscl, and its members) have not become a known force to deal with. It would be to our advantage to be known as a group that can make or break a club.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Any customer overheard a stripper RIDICULING him when she thought he didn't hear
    Yeah, and you should here the ragging I get from my business partners. It's embarrassing as hell....But, what the fuck...IT WAS A BLAST AT THE TIME! But, you know the next night she headed straight for me....so it must of been a good laugh for her.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    North Iowa
    Strip Club Ethnicity?
    Go to the Atlanta Board. You will see that there is protocol to follow...but then again, if you're white and you show up in an all black club...you might be surprised by the action you get. Just don't piss off the other customers or you're a dead man. Stay respectful and have fun.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    North Iowa
    Are, or were, $5 lapdances real?
    HELL YEAH!!!, they are real...but your really have to search them out. New Mexico...is one place also, but they're 7-10. Ultimately, as you spend more in these types of clubs the better the dances get. (that is with a single girl). To me, It's this type of club that I enjoy the most...I spend a lot more time with the girls instead of just drinking at the bar.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    Tipping guideline suggestions for a VIP Bouncer
    Shadowcat: It really varies and depends on the logistics of a club. Hell, in one club the bouncer actually used a flashlight on us the entire time...and sat 4 feet away
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Crap... we screwed up!
    Holly Shitt - 8 hours worth of review work gone! FOUNDER - A little Less Vodka please. ....hehe.... Sounds like you had a bad Day. Care to Enlighten us?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    FONDL: Thanks for the advice. But of course everything I write about is fiction. As for the meeting idea, Half you guys sound so old...well, if I hung with you...I'd end up spending more money. You old guys spend money like it grows on trees. ****To Rich for Me*****
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    Can we take more of a fact based Approach to Rating Clubs
    Officer is on the track that I'm talking about...but with a twist, You only add reviews in the Catagories that you are interested in rating....at the end...the average of all numbers gives the final score. With a breakdown of your ratings as a summary. If you like only mileage...review only mileage....if you like it quiet....review sound level or club atmosphere. ETC ETC. AT least this way we get a more informative rating system. NOT JUST A DRUNKEN NEWBIE RATING. OR a club owner/associate fluff rating. The real question is - what are the main catagories that need to be rated that reflects the majority of Club member views and preferences.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    Can we take more of a fact based Approach to Rating Clubs
    For Me: (in order of Preference) 1-Mileage 2-Girl Quality 3-Dance Price 4-Decor 5-Drink Price 6-Cover Charge 7-Club Atmosphere 8-Privacy 9-Annoying Waitresses - Buy Girl a Drink? 10- Music I think if I could fing a club that rated an 8 or above in all 10 of these categories....I'd never go home.
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    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    Knowledge Tool for you Gazers
    Hey, no problem Kyle1111.... Alot of the crap even works on my wife!!! It's alot to read, but I was mostly talking about the 101 section. It's the most applicable to increasing your level of FUN. Even for Geazers.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How much $ to bring.
    I used to be able to have one helluva time with $150 @ a club in West Virginia (hey no WV cracks). But since I'm in Atlanta now...Well you guys who've been here understand. "The entire city is over priced as far as strip clubs go". The deal here is the "BBD-Bigger Better Deal"....which means you get $10 air dances to entice you to go for the VIP room. Here's the run down of a typical night in Atlanta. VIP parking (sometimes Manditory) = $3-$5 Average Cover = $10 4 to 5 Drinks +Tip = $35 3-4 Air Dances (test runs) = $40 VIP for 30 min = $150 (non-high priced club) Tip to Dancer (if she was good) = $20 Dinner or Breakfast to or from club = $10 GRAND TOTAL = $285 Absolute bullshit! (This why my reveiws have been so low...I refuse to pay it. I wait till I'm out of town) In all honesty...I'll stay home and call an escort and drink my own liquer. Compare this to "Brad's Brass Flamingo" in Indianapolis. $3 drinks $50 for 1/2 hour VIP room - with real value!!!!! Grand total night (average) = $140 How I long for the days in Memphis where a guy could get 6-7 flaming lap-dances and get drunk for under $100.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    Knowledge Tool for you Gazers
    I have some other interesting links that I would be willing to share with members. And out of respect for Founder I will not post them here. BTW, their non-competitive just enhance the information posted here. Just email me if you're interested.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    Public Thanks
    Shadowcat: Earplugs were not required...it was quite reasonable. So, you must have had some effect on the situation...I hate it when you can't carry a conversation. Shekitout: Your reviews were really detailed and helpful. (almost too helpful...I'd hate for a good thing to go away.) All we need is the wrong people asking questions. Its to bad we don't have PM'ing on this board. "I need to Talk to both of you guys!" Maybe it was just me...My Friends tell be I have good "YMMV" ability. But, I thought I went to heaven last Tuesday night. You know you have a good dancer when she talks phone sex in your ear while lapping you. :-D "GRIN"
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    Public Thanks
    I will have to agree. In comparison, Memphis PP is way over priced and IMHO - the girls need an attitude adjustment. (I've met 3 there that were absolute bitches upon telling them "no thank you") But I do have a friend that swears by Mons Venus. Have not made the comparison yet.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Vampire Fangs on a stripper - sexy?
    Personally like the look as long as their Theatrical grade Fangs. But have to put the brakes on leaving in physical marks..nibbling is O.K. Hell, this sounds kinda kinky! LOL
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Best Turn-on by Stripper
    1) A True ShowGirl Dancer body - A very low fat hard body. 2) Short bobbed Blonde hair - Like a Vegas Show Girl. 3) Everything she does simulates excellent sex. 4) The ability to use her pelvis bone as if it had radar. 5) Direct eye contact.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    Getting down to business
    I'll go first... One technique: cut out the middle man. find out whatever the club is forcing the dancer to do to "tip-out" at the end of the night. If it's drinks...give her the money up front for the drink without buying the drink. But neogiate...I took care of you...now you take care of me. In essence, make her job a little easier...but don't go over board.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Liberal vs conservative
    Fondl, in all honesty and with no disrespect....this answer might sound like I'm being a smart ass...but I'm not. Have you ever held a conversation based on Logic with a hardline conservative? If you have...then you know that most conservatives are also living a life of Hypocrisy? I've noticed the same things you have...which just goes to show that the human race has a long way to go. It's O.K. to display death, Violence, War, and distruction on TV.....but heaven forbid...don't show nudity, consensual sex or how loving humans make new people. Friggin backward world... Life is about balance...and you can see that TX, FL, SC have their outlets.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Are clubs bedoming more upscale?
    Back to the Discussion: Clubs are trying to push the "BBD" -"Bigger Better Deal" to increase cash flow. Its like alot of things...if you charge alot and it looks good from the outside...well, then it must be "Good!". But of course...the veterans here know better. Its the dumb chump who has deep pockets that thinks he's going to get laid because the price is so high. Case in point, I had a good friend disappear to a VIP room...only to come out 4 hours later with blue balls and a $850 Visa bill. I had no Idea, that he was so wet behind the ears. In another club...just to show an extreme...it added a VIP room - and is now charging $400 and Hour for the room. Dancer gets half and its left up to the dance how far she'll go. Why anybody would do this instead of hiring a Pro...well... baffles me. In all honesty I try to shy away from the really upscale clubs...Hell, by the time you pay For: Valet parking, manditory coat check, tipping the host for good seating, purchase of the first drink and some outrageous cover charge...Well your out $45+ And then they want you to pay $40 a song lapdances. What I don't understand...how many men are out there willing to pay more than $200 during a vist to a Strip Club. If you take $200 away from someone slowly and convince that person he's had a good time for that night...Isn't that better than sucking him dry in a couple of hours...and leave feeling ripped off. Hell, maybe there's alot more money out there than I imagine......
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    When did lap dancing become common?
    1984 - Danny's, Memphis TN....Still called a table dance but it was much more than that....all $7 a pop. Opps I just aged myself...
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Any strippers out there who have STOLEN MONEY or other items from customers?
    I have notice that the really young dancers will try to pull the ...."don't have any change routine...give me your $50 and I'll be right back"....of course they don't come right back...and then you have to confront them. "Oh that wasn't a Tipp?"...is there usual excuse.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    This is a quote from her Website: "some of the posts i read talked about dance"mileage"..wtf?are dancers cars now?what the whole mileage thing means is how far you,ll let them go in a dance..how risque things can get..some guys say that unless you allow lots of things that doesnt make for a good dance...ditto that if you dont show alot of skin or let them lick all over you or kiss you..my view..a good dance is just that...good...its how the lady entertains you...if she is portraying the fantasy and is at least acting like shes enjoying it(or actually is)..being risque or whatever MAY play into it or not,but i think any man who goes into a strip club looking for mileage or extras and thats how he bases his satisfaction on a dance or not ought to save himself and dancers the hassle by calling up an escort,because,really,hes looking for private fun,not just a dance for entertainment. Definition: Air Dancer! She's pretty twisted go to her website and read some of her BS...She's your average dancer on the TAKE. http://www.cumgetsum.com/pages/fs_holder/firstpage.htm
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Gentlemen: Please Read phoenixxxblaque postings and notice how she continually talks about her "feelings". Pure "Chick Logic"... "If it doesn't feel right to "me"...well it must be wrong!" Look Phoenix, I have no Idea what would convince you to come to this Board...but like ShadowCat...I have my doubts about your motives. As a woman, you should get a grip on the fact that men want sex. Whether it range from titilating conversation to hardcore fucking....our motives are hardwired. Women who cater to this base knowledge and understanding...."Capitalize". Those that don't.....bitch about their feelings.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Any strippers out there who have STOLEN MONEY or other items from customers?
    When I was at PP in SC, I bought a drink with a $20 and the waitress came back with "7" 2-dollar bills....I thought...what the fuck am I going to do with a "2 dollar bill", its just another scam to make you spend more money tipping. Then I kept asking myself..."Who the hell really uses 2-dollar bills anyway???" Well....NOW I know....THANKS SHADOWCAT!