O.k. - A lot of us have been in the following situation: The girl suggests that she's open to some hand roaming But the VIP room bouncer barges in to stop the play. Any suggestion on what is the norm to tip this guy to get a little more privacy? Or even deterimine if he can be persuaded to turn his head?
There's a simple solution here guys - find another club. Personally I wouldn't go to a club where someone sits 4 feet away and watches. Just like I won't go to a club where there's a bathroom or parking attendants. I've never tipped a bouncer in my life. And the only way I would would be if the girl told me that was normal for the club and guaranteed that you got privacy.
This business of having to tip everyone in the place cuts into dancer income and customer enjoyment. It can't go on like this, because there is an upper limit that guys will just give away for no real service. With cover, valet parking, mandatory coat check, tip to get seated in a booth, tip to enter the VIP, tips for waitresses, shot girls and men's room attendants, the whole thing can cost a customer $50-75 before he can get a dance.
Shadowcat: It really varies and depends on the logistics of a club. Hell, in one club the bouncer actually used a flashlight on us the entire time...and sat 4 feet away
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