
Comments by StripShopper (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why are Strippers so Contemptuous of Prostitutes/Escorts?
    In some regard women (strippers) view their bodies as Commodity...where they continually ask...how much money can I make while performing the least amount of sexual contact. At some point she'll get to a "Sexual Comfort Zone" ...in that during her dance routine she understands that she must compete with other dancers to achieve a desired level of income. (Assuming looks are equal) Example: I recently was at a club that had a visiting dancer and I got several dances from her. At one point she was laying with her back against me and she pulled her "G-string to the Side"...I of course was playing with her. What struck me as really interesting...was the dancer directly across from us with her customer. When I was playing with my girl...you could tell by the facial expression of the other dancer, that she "did not approve" at all. Competition...the other woman realized that this girl was driving "up" the Stakes or Commodity cost. Thus pushing the "Sexual Comfort Zone" of the club and her... Now consider the Social Dynamics of women. How will this girl be treated? She has effectively rocked the apple cart...now women accustomed to low sexual contact for $$$$$ a year must react. How they react depends on the club dynamics and personal interactions. Prostitues are more willing play in a different "Sexual Comfort Zone"...where a stripper for the most part is unwilling to venture into it due to social morality.
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    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    The Fear of Setting Expectations
    FONDL: "Exactly" what I mean.... So, why do so few actually ask questions before they buy?
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    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    The Fear of Setting Expectations
    Lexus300: So in one of your recent reviews...Just how did you go about asking for that CBJ that you talk about??? Did you just grab the dancer's head and shove it in your Lap???? Or did you just imagine that you her getting Head, especially since you're such a gentleman. Or are you of a "PL" who drops a Grand to get service in a Club...Mister LEXUS 300 Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house!! The Question was intended to invoke thought and start a discussion on handling business discussions with your intended Dancer. Especially since most men make the dancer's job to easy...like sheep to the slaughter.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    High contact
    FONDL: "Nice Jabb at Atlanta" - "Very true Statement" High contact for me....can be defined by a dancer who basically Fucks you with your clothes on. And makes you believe it... Few have the talent..but the ones that can create that fantasy...oh my god!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    The Fear of Setting Expectations
    Baddy: My experiences have been different than yours in some regard. Your comment about the Dancer basically blowing smoke up your ass to get a dance....well, I can usually tell....at least now. The ones that sound like a cheesy car salesman....well those I can eliminate right away. On the opposite spectrum....is the "mouse"...the type who is either new or has no business being in the club. They're shy, talk very little, and exude very little self esteem. Both are usually guaranteed to "Air Dance" you. The Clubs that I've seen that take money up front are the ones that take a piece of the Dancer's action....which usually leaves no room for bargaining for all "Two for Ones". They also usually have a closed off backroom which in not visible to patrons to perform Lapdances....this really sucks for Recon purposes. My technique if I'm interested is to act skeptical... Toss them if I get canned answers to my questions or if they're to timid. If I can't build a conversational connection within the first few minutes that's usually a sign that....she's just there to take money. The hard part, is to talk about sexual contact without directly talking about it. A sure way to piss a woman off...talk about sex. The "Rules" question is a starting point...Like in any negoiation...the first one to speak usually loses. If I state that I'm prepared to spend "X" amount of money for multiply dances...then she realizes I'm serious. And then it really begins. But I see that most men just open up their pockets like the Dancer has Keys to the Bank.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    The Fear of Setting Expectations
    Since my situation is probably different....meaning that I have limited time and money to go to Strip Clubs...I want to get the most out of my visit. Some of you have said "find one particular girl and stick with her"....well I can't really do that...I travel extensively and by the time I get back to a particular club, the dancer is usually not working that night or has left. As for the Subtle hints...Yes and No...some of the examples weren't subtle...and even I would make the jump for those examples. But I understand what you mean....but even that has been a hit or miss for me over the years. And I'll tell on myself here....I just recently had a bad experience because I focused on suggestive conversation. Overal - "While being a gentleman"....I find it much more successful to: 1) establish club rules, 2) establish dancers rules, 3) establish a slight rapport, 4) Define my dollar limits, 5) Probe for "bending the rules" 6) Negotiate # of dances -if possible 7) establish my expectations. I'm not going to elude myself that any woman working is going to be my friend given the # of repeat visits....so the return customer benefit is "out" for me. So, it has to be a pure business transaction. I have the money "she wants" and She has the service "I want"....if she's willing to break with normal Dancer conduct and make a deal.....Usually....65% of the time we both end up happy. It's the other 35% that have the take it or leave it mentality that go off in a Huff...."of course no deal was struck" The women in these places don't give a damn about us...they care about our money. So why not make the best of it? If you're willing to haggle over a product that costs you a lot of money....Well what makes a dancer any different. She's there to provide a service for you... And she's not going to give you your money back if you're unhappy with that service....unlike a real business transaction. Men tend to forget that these women are not here to be our girlfriends, wives, lovers....so other than following the "Golden Rule of - Treating people like we would expect them to treat us." Normal male/female courting rituals need to stay at the door.....else it will be used against you. Some Dancer's call that being an Asshole...other's have told me that they apprieciated my no "BS" approach. Frankly...I like the "Deer in the Headlights" look from a Dancer.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    A Real Relationship or A monthly Stripper Allowance
    FONDL: LMAO :) Good one!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    A Real Relationship or A monthly Stripper Allowance
    Frankly...I'd hire a maid and a dog walker!!!! Just can't determine if I'd miss the hair in the Drain?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How often do you go clubbing?
    Did someone mention BRAD's.....Holy Shit....What a club!!!! Last time I was there...I fell in Love... Back in the VIP room this hot late 20s early 30s woman treated me as if I was the last man on earth....Frigin Mind Blowing!!!! All $50 dollars...Unbelievable!!! What's really interesting is the women who collects the money just ignores all the different...."huh"...Dances being conducted. I watched a girl pass out on a guy why playing the Flute...kinda scary at first until I realized she was just fucked up.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Massage parlors
    Years ago I tried a Massage parlor...or Jack Shack. And to be honest...I've asked myself why I would spend $200 in a strip clup...when I could just go down the road and get a massage with a pop for $120. The answer...its the hunt...and the quality of the girls. If massage parlors started employing 8-10 rated babes...I might have to evaluate this again. Besides sometimes I just want to hangout, have a beer, listen to some music and gaze in wild wonderment. And you can't get that in a massage parlor To bad you can't combine the two...
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    A Real Relationship or A monthly Stripper Allowance
    FONDL: Friggin Great response..... I wonder what would happen if they put strippers in nursing homes?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers and their promises
    phoenix: Just when I pegged you as a typical dancer on the "take"...you make a fairly compassionate statement on a man's behalf. If we could just get you realize that sexual conduct on occasion with a good customer...is O.K. and that doing so...doesn't put you in the same category as your example. Then...Just maybe...you'd be one of the few enlighted Dancers. At least you're stepping in the right direction.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How often do you go clubbing?
    Just like everyone...I fall in love with women outside the clubs....Non Dancer types that is. But inside the clubs I fall in love or lust whatever you call it from time to time....I call this Stripper Love. Seems like every time I went to Brad's Brass....I was in Stripper Love by the time I left. Thank god I don't live in that area.....I'd be broke! Shadowcat be warned....use my procedures to get the best for your $50 and don't forget to buy them drinks....these are real drinks not the inflated ones.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Liberal vs conservative
    O.K. Being one of the posters that "rant" about conservatives. I need to clarify. I have been surrounded all my life with people who have been brainwashed. Ever heard of a person by the name of "Jerry Fallwell".....ever heard of Larry C. Flynt. http://www.hfac.uh.edu/comm/media_libel/cases-conflicts/print/hustler.html Well...we've all heard the term "Bible Belt"...well I lived at the "Buckle" for many years. Kinda scary...to live among people willing to be instructed on how to "think and respond" about life. Am I against religion....absolutely not!! Am I flaming liberal...absolutely not!! I'm just a GD independent...who revealizes that world is rapidly becoming a very small space. So, I rant about conservatives...whether it be government or religious organizations. The same people who would take our hobby away from us...if they were given the power to do so. I guess that's what's really the issue here...Is that Power being "Flexed" to alter the behavior in a particular club in a particular geographic region? Is it external pressure outside the club? Or is it internal pressure set by the social moral code of individuals within the club?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    A Real Relationship or A monthly Stripper Allowance
    First Discount to be discussed on national TV Headlines: Strip Club takes advantage of Dirty old men hehe
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Massage parlors
    I never ventured into the other establishment. I really didn't have a need for it. At that time I was about 19 and had an arrangement with a 37 year old woman. The arrangement consisted of me being able to knock on her door any time of the night on a weekend and get laid. So, I'd spend my paycheck at Danny's and spend the night with her....nice arrangement that included breakfast the next morning.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Liberal vs conservative
    FONDL: You need to visit places like TN, VA, and WV...Bible thumping and Snake worship are still the norm. And as far as setting policy....tell that to the would be liquer salesman....A lot of Counties are "Dry"! ....yes even in 2005 a man cannot even get a drink. Another example in WV...in one club acts very similar to a very good club in SC....very liberal policies. But one county over...about 10 miles...the girls can't even take their tops off. Local ordnace....so where do you think all the customers go?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    Clit Rings and Belt Buckles
    X-Ray vision
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    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    Clit Rings and Belt Buckles
    A Wiley Coyote Magnet.....if she squeals...you'll know.
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    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    Clit Rings and Belt Buckles
    Metal Detector....
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Hostess Club Question
    Everybody brings their own "Ding Dongs", "Twinkies", and "Ho Ho's" ;-)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    do strippers like to be treated well?
    PLEASE READ THIS: (a QUOTE FROM ANOTHER SITE) Here is quick run down of what it means to me. If you watch animal shows on PBS or Discovery Channel, many species have a dominant male who has sex with all the females in the group, while the other males get none while waiting for him to die or until they are tough enough to kick his ass and become the alpha male themselves. Many males never get to be an alpha male (never get laid). Often it seems like you know guys who are always getting laid and other guys never get laid. You'll even see women talking to/hanging out/being friends with the average guy, but then sleep with some other guy (even if he is a jerk, sleeps around and doesn't respect them). The guy who gets laid is playing the role of the alpha male, while the other guys are submissive males. I'm saying be the guy who gets laid. That guy is confident that he's going to get laid, because he knows he's an alpha male. He knows that women and people in general want to be with him so he doesn't shy away from conversation and meeting new people. He doesn't worry what others think about him when he's doing his thing. He takes control of a situation with authority. He knows he's fun to be with because he is always having a good time and therefore he _is_ fun to be with. He knows that if he is in a group of guys and a group of girls, he will be the one the girls choose to be with, and by having this to be the expected outcome, it is a self fufilling profecy. Being the alpha male is all about attitude and projecting the image that you are fun to be with and the woman should want to be with you. Being the alpha male is self perpetuating. The more you believe you are the alpha male, the more you become the alpha male." You have to be the MAN who has all the sexual power. And when a woman (no matter how hot) sees and feels the presence of a man whom she recognizes as the dominant one while SHE isn't, she does what every woman does - that is SURRENDERS to the more powerful being. And all that acting like she's hot and knows she's the stuff and all those other "head up in the air" tricks are just a test and a way to weed out all the men who are less powerful than her and don't know their role as a MAN." NOW COMPARE THIS TO THE GUY WHO JUST GOES TO THESE CLUBS AND JUST STARES AT THE GIRSL!!!!! SO, ITS NOT ABOUT BEING AN ASSHOLE!!! (ANOTHER QUOTE) I'll make it short: don't buy her a drink. Don't offer to buy her a drink neither agree to her demands ("I'm thirsty..", "Will you buy me a drink?" etc). Here's why - if you do, you supplicate. And women have nothing but scorn and disrespect for supplicating men. Let me give a few examples to illustrate this. Her (thinking "Let's see if I can hook this sucker:)"): "Will you buy me a drink?" You (thinking "Oh boy am I in luck, this woman must like me, she's asking me to buy her a drink:)"): "Sure!" Her (thinking "Ha! Another supplicating male to buy me a drink just because I asked him. What a wimp. Do they really all think I'm gonna go in bed with them for a bottle of beer? Jeez… I'll take my drink and continue searching for a REAL MAN."): "Thanks! You're so sweet! Bye now!:)" You (confused): "Hey… wait! Um…?" So even if she stays for say five or ten minutes and has a nice little chit-chat with you - you started with a crash and burn, you've already been crossed out in her book of prospective partners because you SUPPLICATED! Offering to buy her a drink is even worse. You are voluntarily becoming a supplicator. The women will either refuse the drink (they want nothing to do with a wimp like you), accept the drink and then ignore you (they still want nothing to do with a wimp like you, but they wanted the drink) or - the more sensitive women will accept the drink and even stay with you but all the while feeling uncomfortable about it ("I accepted the drink, so I guess I should stay for a while, it would be rude to leave. But he must be thinking now, that if I accepted the drink and am staying with him, then there's some more in this for him. But there isn't! He's a supplicator! I don't want him! I'll have got to try to make my exit the moment the situation presents itself!"). And if she feels uncomfortable about being with you, do you think you stand a chance with her? Of course, you can turn the situation around for you if you're REALLY GOOD - but why make life harder for yourself? So what to actually do if she gives you a "Will you buy me a drink?". If she seems to be actually interested in you - you have been having a conversation for a while and she uses the "buy me a drink" to test you ("So does this guy like me enough to buy me a drink?") or she is approaching you with the intention getting to know to you and just happens to use the most popular AFC-line ("Can I buy you a drink?") reversed ("Will you buy me a drink?") to initiate a conversation - then explain to her, that it is not your principle to buy drinks to women, but she could buy YOU a drink:) An example: Her: "Will you buy me drink?" You: "No. But you can buy me a drink:)" Her (thinking "Argh… Gmph… He didn't supplicate! Could this be… a real man!? What's this, I'm getting wet!?"): "Am… um… Yes!" If however she seems to be cruising, fishing for drinks and doesn't seem to care the least bit about you, telling her "No" would mean she'd just move on without listening to you any further and getting her drink from some chump eventually anyway. So you need to stop her cold in her tracks:) Here's an example from ASF: Her: "Will you buy me a drink?" You: "Give me a French kiss." NOTE that the tongue play must be an explicit part of the bargain up front. None of this peck on the lips BULLSHIT, because you are still supplicating if you settle for that. Here's the beautiful part: If she says no, now SHE is the person who said "no" in the situation, instead of you! You don't have to be the "jerk" for turning her down. If she says yes, tongue-action and kino right away. Then get her a drink as a reward:) Note that she will probably demure before caving in, this is your chance to show personality and be playful. Go GM and Mr. Smooth on her right away! "You aren't uptight are you? Don't you go out to have fun? We're having fun!:)" "You like cool guys don't you? :)" "It's not hot sex or anything...just a little kiss!:)" GENTLEMEN...THIS SHIT WORKS, AND I SUGGEST YOU TRY TO UNDERSTAND THE WAY A STRIPPER THINKS.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Nuevo Laredo, Mexico - Across the border from Laredo, TX
    Yes I'll have to admit it's really pretty nasty but If you can get a group of rich dirty old men together to experience it...Well I don't think I've ever had that much fun. Maybe, it was the Texas in these guys that made it a blast... All I know, it I came in at 4am plowed...and I still had money in my pocket!!! But Thank god I could cross back over the border!!!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Nuevo Laredo, Mexico - Across the border from Laredo, TX
    ShadowCat, You In for a little Latin Love????
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Nuevo Laredo, Mexico - Across the border from Laredo, TX
    So, ShadowCat...was your EX-Wife Latin??? Or do you just have a general distaste for the women south of the border? As far as traveling to another country....I'm pretty cautious about that... I like knowing I'm sleeping in the US. But I would consider Thailand, just don't have the bucks for that.