
Knowledge Tool for you Gazers

No One Cares
Wednesday, October 6, 2004 2:32 AM
This is not a Plug. Members should visit [view link] for an attitude adjustment when dealing with strippers. Good advise to apply with knowledge gotten here at TUSCL. Some of you guys need to go back to school...I'm talking about the wall flowers


  • StripShopper
    20 years ago
    I have some other interesting links that I would be willing to share with members. And out of respect for Founder I will not post them here. BTW, their non-competitive just enhance the information posted here. Just email me if you're interested.
  • StripShopper
    20 years ago
    Hey, no problem Kyle1111.... Alot of the crap even works on my wife!!! It's alot to read, but I was mostly talking about the 101 section. It's the most applicable to increasing your level of FUN. Even for Geazers.
    20 years ago
    Sorry, I misread your heading, I thought it said "geezers" and figured it was for me.
  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago
    Hi StripShopper, What little I read was well written and interesting. Seems like the information is even more valuable to strippers. Thanks for the link. :)
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