
Comments by StripShopper (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can a lesbian dancer go straight again?
    Sorry, I'm late to the thread.... But I will say Shadowcat did find a really nice local girl to the club! Not only that but when I tried to move in on her when he went to the car...She rejected my advances and stated her loyalty to Shadowcat. Not bad Old Man!!! Would I do her...without a doubt...she was very open sexually about her life experiences. I'd consider her out of the norm in personality,...she actually had one...she definitely falls in the 1 percent club. Her looks were real...no boob job...just real and big tits. Red head with the traditional pale white skin. Tall, with just a little baby fat. When I asked her what her dances were like, she replied with Pride: "Just to the point of being illegal!" And attention getting enough that the other dancers have threatened to kick her Ass... I can vouch for Shadowcat...he's paid his dues at this club enough that every recommendation that I get from him...has paid off. And he's the only guy I see consistently surrounded by strippers...6 during this visit. I actually didn't know she was Bi - Now I wish I would have stayed a little longer to keep talking to her. I like diving into the personal lives of strippers...its a great way to determine if they're a scammer or not...and she seemed quite genuine. I've only had the opportunity of pulling 3 strippers out of a club during my entire life time....so I know it's possible and I didn't see Shadowcat tossing money about like a high roller either. Maybe, he's due...Good Luck! And next time give her permission...Dammit, I want an almost illegal dance!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The Number One Rule for Going to Strip Clubs
    1- Never buy a stripper a drink...unless she's a known high mileage ATF, who is willing to buy you a drink also. 2- Never treat a stripper like a girlfriend...treat them with the same respect you'd give a used car dealer. 3- Never go with the "Wanna Dance" Girl - she's usually a ROB! 4- Never pay go for the champagne room that cost over $150 - it's always a rip off, unless you're a millionaire sports celebrity. 5- Never ever pay for a dance upfront - unless it's club policy. But my Number 1 rule: Negotiate at all times and make expectations clear!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format...
    Damn! Founder, you got slammed during this string... Hope this doesn't stop you from making improvements...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Personal Attacks
    I AGREE! Use the ignore button... I come to this site to learn and find good "intel" on where to spend my money. Not to read some BS posts about some petty disagreement. For years this board has stayed at least somewhat friendly...with exception of one or two members. Let's stay on mission here...Strippers, tits, ass, and contact! Food for the soul.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shadowcats topics
    Whoa!...WTF did you say to piss these guys off SC?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    You must remember this.
    Casualguy...I like your comparison of Sharks to Strippers, very accurate on many levels. Good job. when you scuba dive they teach you to hit a shark in the nose if it gets to close...sort like telling a stripper "No, I have no desire to buy you a drink" AbbieNormal ...the part about "dating material"...I have one exception...let's not forget that strippers are women. And that women are guided by their emotions...if you have "game"...it can (imho) lead to greater mileage. War of the Minds!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New ratings by club type
    OK founder...where's the Brothel sort?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New ratings by club type
    Chitown....please tell me when you're going. I've got $730.00 waiting for the same endeavor. I can make flight reservation right now... you still speak Spanish?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any update on pink pony south atlanta......
    I'm with you Shadowcat...if you put whip cream on shit you still have shit. And I still can't understand how this club continues to get such a high rating for such Low Mileage and High Prices. The guys from Atlanta who rate this club above a 5...well are...IMHO...are just Chumps! Let's face it ATL guys are not calling the shots in this town...instead they choose to go to clubs like this one with doggie bowl eyes and a willingness to be scammed out of their money....Just for an Air Dances from some Stripper who often times has a bitchy attitude (like you owe her something). I apologize for the rant...but the high ratings for this club really pisses me off. ALL ATL reviewers need to take a trip to Platinum Plus in Columbia...then come back and give the Pink Pony a rating it deserves. enuf said!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you perfer to be approached?
    I prefer the type that understands direct eye contact. If I look at her directly in her eyes for more than 5 seconds...I want her to come over put her arms around me or come sit in my lap to start a conversation and possible discuss terms. The Wanna dance type usually pisses me off... especially when they get pissy when you say "no thank you". Which is only one tick above, "Want to buy the lady a Drink", Or "How would you like to buy me a Drink". If I'm interested...All they have to do is look my way.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private Messages...
    Founder... Like It! Great Job... Bones7599... No one wants to see pictures of Old Farts :-) ...An Avatar would be more in line for you older guys. For security purposes...and reduction of storage space for Founder... I'd like to see an Auto Delete in messages older than 30 days. And the Ignore function as noted above for members looking to pick a fight. Founder...why did you choose to allow any registered name to have access? I'd use private messages as a selling point for VIP members. Just a thought...I'd Like to see you get some coin for your hard work.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How to have fun on the budget. Your definition.
    To Shadowcat - that was me!!! And she was the only one that wasn't nice to me. I'll make it a point to pass up pebbles in the future. To Bones - you give new meaning to the energizer bunny I love saving money.....my method....Think Big Hunt. Unless I get clear indications of a player, I just let them move on. Talk to them, play with them...those who like to play will show their colors. My method works great...at the end of a good visit, I've found my target and if successful, I'm looking for a bowl of frosted flakes and a bed. But it does take a lot of perseverance...especially with the really gorgeous ones that you know are all show. But the upside is that ROBs show their colors within 5 mins. I walk in with 300, and "try" to leave with 200. (excluding 2 drinks and cover)and with 2 dances for $20 being my start off negotiation point....I'm usually looking at 6 to 10 dances with a dancer on track with my line of thinking. Just imagine if everybody used this method... Demand would weed out the ROBs and All show bitches.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just where is the cut off point?
    For those of you still following this thread...maybe I have more of an insight to the mentality of LE. These people are always looking for the easy bust...and if it involves human sexuality...all the better. We would like to think that they are focused on finding the real criminals, but the reality is that subgroups like "Vice" are often guided by politically motivated leaders. I personally could care less about Drink Deal, Happy hour, Decor...Yada yada. But I do care about the inside tip. and I most definitely interested in the ROB or the Rip off Joint. If I give a review with a 9 or 10..."its worth your money"! And I would guarantee that Bones would get plenty of wood. And since I've used Bones as an example...(Who I've met and can relate to, BTW Bones you're a Machine!). Yes, a lot of guys on this board have a mission, but please don't under estimate the power of your information. Here's an example: start reading some of the wording on this site- "usasexguide.info". ...take a look...and if you read it long enough you'll notice that misinformation is used to keep things tossed up when it comes to specifics. Regional meetings of TUSCLers is a great way to get an ideal of who can be trusted...then go create an anon email address where you can talk to your buds about specifics. (Thanks Shadowcat, for the info during our meeting)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just where is the cut off point?
    <my 2 cents> Gentlemen never reveal their sources publicly or with a stranger. Let's face it...loose lips sink the ship. I do believe that the essence of this forum is to discuss quality, cost, performance (in a subjective way), and the general experience. LE loves a tip. And it only takes one tip to start the ball rolling. I work around them, and I can tell you without a doubt that a lot of those self righteous bastards don't see the world in a hedonistic manner like so many of us on this board. Even the mention of something illegal, is enough to bring the heat on our favorite clubs...so, please...Brag by email!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Preplanning for the TUSCL South Convention
    Bones - I'd skip leather and Lace...I've been there a couple of times. Additionally, I'd skip any club in NC...unless you're willing to make an investment. I've literally had dancers in NC say to me: "if I want that type of dance you need to go South Carolina where all the sluts are!"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    your opininions gentlemen please
    As usual I'll have to counter the majority here by saying..."it really depends on her". If she's mentally stable and strong emotionally, then perhaps she has what it takes. Shadowcat is right, "its about sex"...though many unsuccessful dancers will say its about fantasy. To be successful in this industry she'll have to know how to push a man's buttons. And to do that "fast" takes a lot of seductive power...and the ability to live two separate lives. Granted...if she has that ability now...and is currently working on a Grad Degree...then I'd say she probably already has other avenues to investigate first.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    No One Cares
    Been Gone for a Year...So, what's new?
    Awesome!!!! Thanks CG. I even noticed the map app addition....Nicee. So, has the rating process been altered in any way?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Inflation at my neighborhood Strip Club . . .
    I remember getting $7 dollar table dances at a Place called Danny's in Memphis, TN years ago. At that time, it was the elite strip club in the area...and the dances were superior. Now, the Elite club is Platinum Plus....Their dance prices are $40 Each. Absolute GREED and Lazzzzynesss.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Inflation at my neighborhood Strip Club . . .
    Guys, you're fighting over the standard economic theory of Supply and Demand. As long as there's some hard dicked smuck out there willing to pay $40 dollars for a dance...there will always be a taker. (BTW shadowcat I never pay full price). So, if all the "Big Heads" started thinking for the little heads - We'd actually control this market. "Dick Economics is what's fucking this up for all of us working guys". - "Same Reason Women Can Vote!!" And Yes, I have been to a club in Maryland that has gone price Retro $7...The Girls are working their ass off - and smiling about the countless guys stuffing her G-string. Happy - I'd say for a girl that is considered a "6" she was real Happy!!!!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    A theoretical Question on Stripper Behavior
    The amazing phenomenon was first described in 1971 by researcher Martha McClintock, now with the University of Chicago. Having asked around a bit, I'd say it's common knowledge among women, but I'll bet not one male in 50 has ever heard of it. Women do have their little secrets. Synchronous menstruation has been observed among mothers, sisters, and daughters who live together, and "sometimes among women who simply work together". McClintock tells of seven female lifeguards who started out one summer with widely scattered periods. Three months later they were all menstruating within four days of one another. The most well-known theory is that some women feel that their sex drive kicks into highest gear when they are ovulating at mid-cycle, approximately 14 days before they get their next period. The surge in estrogen and the added testosterone bonus that accompany ovulation can help explain why some women experience a heightened libido during this time. This change makes logical sense when viewed within the context of evolution. Ovulation is the most fertile phase for women, and being more interested in and responsive to sex during this time ensures a greater probability to conceive and procreate than during other times of the cycle.Based on this perspective, women might feel less sexual when they have premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and during their periods, because mood swings and menstrual cramps would interfere with libido.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Any customers AFRAID OF REJECTION when ASKING to see a stripper OUTSIDE THE CLUB
    Hmmmm - Rejection, well alot of us just go so we don't have to deal with the whole Human Mating Game... You know....The Bullshit hoops that attractive women want you to jump through. My suggestion: It you have the smallest inclination of asking a dancer out...NEVER BUY A DANCE FROM HER. On many occassion I've discussed this subject with a dancer...as soon as you flash the cash...Most their minds go into how to get it from you. Instead of getting to know you on a relationship basis. Then again, A strip club is one of the best places to learn about rejection and how to push a woman's buttons.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Seems Incongruous for Strippers to Visit or Post at a Stripper Site . . .
    IMHO - Any Dancer that visits this site for "club intel" is of much higher IQ than your average Dancer. Hell I'd say at least a third of the dancer's I've meet don't even know how to use a computer. And 80% of Dancer's that I tell about this site - never knew it existed. ----Therefore, every member at his two year anniversary should get a free TUSCL Shirt and agree to wear it to strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Any customer overheard a stripper RIDICULING him when she thought he didn't hear
    I was in Laredo,Tx - This latin goddess - well let's just say she was very agressive and by the 4th dance with her liplocked on me - I lost control ---Whhoooo! The song ended she looked in my eyes....and then started to giggle. But I like that kind of laughter!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers who COMPLAIN about customers LOOKING FOR A GIRLFRIEND in strip clubs
    RL - Seek some counseling... Women complain Period! It's in their nature to complain...and if they're more attractive the more they complain. <Tip> Refuse to listen to it and be clear what your expectations are. You'll have more Fun. Your real question should be...So, how do men really get this level of service. And how do you deal with a woman has played this game ...in Marriage.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How about an Annual meeting in Vegas. During the erotic movie convention. We could meet for three days - party our asses off and talk about it for the rest of the year. Or how about a secret organization like the Mason's - we'll call our selves the "Raters"....hehe.. With regional meeting every 6 months. On a move serious note: The strip club industry would stand up and take note. TUSCL the equivalent of Consumer Reports. .....I wonder if members would get special treatment????