Any strippers out there who have STOLEN MONEY or other items from customers?

avatar for RomanticLover
Are there any strippers reading this who have STOLEN MONEY, credit cards, or other items from customers? I am talking about OUTRIGHT STEALING here (please be sure to distinguish this from strippers LYING and MANIPULATING customers) If there are strippers out there who have STOLEN MONEY or anything else (but especially MONEY) from a CUSTOMER whether INSIDE or OUTSIDE the club, please discuss it here.



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avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
any . one?
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
My record in strip clubs with stuff:

I once stupidly went to the VIP room and left my coat at my chair. When I returned in an hour, it was gone. If you ever see a stripper wearing a 48 long London Fog overcoat, that's mine.

One time, I was sitting at the tip rail, trying to get a couple of ones out, when I clumsily dropped a bunch of fifties and twenties. A dancer came over and helped me pick them up. SInce I had just gotten to the club, and knew how much I came in with, I could easily verify that she gave me back all my money (later that evening, she honestly separated me from much of that money, and I didn't mind a bit.)

Recently, while paying the house mom the ten dollar VIP fee, I thought I had given her a twenty. She gave me back ninety, and it turned out that I had given her a hundred. I told her that she had made a mistake, since I gave a twenty, but she said, no, you gave me a hundred.

A couple of months ago, at Favorite Club, a bouncer gave me a twenty that the manager had said I dropped on the floor.

So, in terms of number of incidents, honesty has won out . That was a really nice overcoat, so I may still be behind in terms of money. But I really think that another patron took the coat, not a dancer.
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
Does a stripper feel guilty?
avatar for LapFanM20
19 years ago
A personal test of mine is, if I am sitting with a girl, I normally have 8-12 in ones sitting under my drink. Go tot he bathroom leaving the money and stating, " I will be right back" I i come back and the Cash is gone, no dance for her
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
What about strippers who REGULARLY STEAL from customers but are NOT REGULAR DRUG USERS?
avatar for RomanticLover
20 years ago
Any strippers out there who ROUTINELY STEAL who have NEVER USED illegal drugs?
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
I have noticed that at clubs that only give change in $2 bills, I tip a whole lot less so maybe it's not all that bad for us customers. Probably bad for dancers and management but they just don't get it. They would rather get an occasional $2 tip rather than a whole lot of ones.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
The PP in Greenville refused to give change in $1 bills when I asked before unless of course that is the exact change you need. Therefore I always bring plenty of my own one dollar bills and never tip anyone a $2 bill as a result of the club attitude. I'd rather give two ones if I thought someone deserved it than use the club mandated money. I will use $2 bills for drinks or save it for admission back to the club at a later date. I do not like the $2 change. I know PP in Columbia doesn't act the same way.
avatar for Yoda
20 years ago
I always have 20's, 10's and 5's. Most dancers don't even ask if you need change after a dance session. I got to a club in Maine once in a while tat gives you your change in $2 bills. It doesn't bother me since I usualy tip $2 anyway. Whats funny is, All of the dancers cash in the $2 at the end of their shift so the club can recycle them. The customers cash them in-or spend them all. If you pay for anything anywhere else in town with a $2 bill, everyone knows where you got it!
avatar for StripShopper
20 years ago
When I was at PP in SC, I bought a drink with a $20 and the waitress came back with "7" 2-dollar bills....I thought...what the fuck am I going to do with a "2 dollar bill", its just another scam to make you spend more money tipping. Then I kept asking myself..."Who the hell really uses 2-dollar bills anyway???"

avatar for StripShopper
20 years ago
I have notice that the really young dancers will try to pull the ...."don't have any change routine...give me your $50 and I'll be right back"....of course they don't come right back...and then you have to confront them. "Oh that wasn't a Tipp?" there usual excuse.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
I agree, and I'm also astonished at how trustworthy many dancers are. I've had lots of dancers leave their purse full of money with me while they went up on stage to dance. I've had several give me thier car keys and ask me to get something out of their car for them. I've come to view strip clubs pretty much as bars/restaurants with a slightly different menu.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Shadowcat, yes I have. But I also recall a couple of times being with a dancer who had just had some money stolen in the locker room, so they're not all completely honest.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
In 40 years of going to strip clubs I have never had anything stolen, either from my person or from my car. In many many cases I have left a stack of money laying on the bar or table when I went for a lap dance and never once was it gone when I got back. I think that in general strippers are about as honest or dishonest as the general population. You are just as likely to encounter a thief in a regular bar as in a strip club.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
davids I would say if you told that to management and they said that, they definitely are not very good managers. I would hope that those stealing are successful enough to spread the word about the thieves in that club and kill that clubs business. The managers deserve an empty club with very little business. I'm actually on your side in this case when management has that attitude. I haven't encountered that so far when I speak to management at clubs.
avatar for davids
20 years ago
I have slightly more important projects than that to work on CG. Strippers will just have to stop spending their money on drugs, alcohol, gambling, and dead beat boyfriends until someone develops such a program, although it's not a bad idea.

I had a stripper steal money from me once. Girl probably made more than I did, too. Management's attitude: Well you need to guard your money more carefully in a place like this. My attitude, ok, think I'll ever visit here again?
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
The criminal strippers probably do not even have enough money to buy a computer to even use to post messages on. I would say that any stripper that has to resort to stealing money etc. from customers is extremely desperate and not very bright. They'll eventually get caught by customers and/or the management and get fired/ fined, and/or jailed. Any stripper that didn't get caught would kill the business at the club thus the management would start getting determined to let her have it after they found out who it was. Stealing is a very bad idea for a stripper. Maybe davids should start a stripper rehabilation program for those strippers who can't afford to pay their bills and don't have the job skills to work anywhere else.
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