Any strippers out there who have STOLEN MONEY or other items from customers?
Are there any strippers reading this who have STOLEN MONEY, credit cards, or other items from customers? I am talking about OUTRIGHT STEALING here (please be sure to distinguish this from strippers LYING and MANIPULATING customers) If there are strippers out there who have STOLEN MONEY or anything else (but especially MONEY) from a CUSTOMER whether INSIDE or OUTSIDE the club, please discuss it here.
I once stupidly went to the VIP room and left my coat at my chair. When I returned in an hour, it was gone. If you ever see a stripper wearing a 48 long London Fog overcoat, that's mine.
One time, I was sitting at the tip rail, trying to get a couple of ones out, when I clumsily dropped a bunch of fifties and twenties. A dancer came over and helped me pick them up. SInce I had just gotten to the club, and knew how much I came in with, I could easily verify that she gave me back all my money (later that evening, she honestly separated me from much of that money, and I didn't mind a bit.)
Recently, while paying the house mom the ten dollar VIP fee, I thought I had given her a twenty. She gave me back ninety, and it turned out that I had given her a hundred. I told her that she had made a mistake, since I gave a twenty, but she said, no, you gave me a hundred.
A couple of months ago, at Favorite Club, a bouncer gave me a twenty that the manager had said I dropped on the floor.
So, in terms of number of incidents, honesty has won out . That was a really nice overcoat, so I may still be behind in terms of money. But I really think that another patron took the coat, not a dancer.
I had a stripper steal money from me once. Girl probably made more than I did, too. Management's attitude: Well you need to guard your money more carefully in a place like this. My attitude, ok, think I'll ever visit here again?