
Public Thanks

No One Cares
Tuesday, October 26, 2004 5:49 PM
I would personally and publicly like to express my gratitude to both Shadowcat and Shekitout for their reviews of Platinum Plus in South Carolina. It was your posts that lead me to this club...WoW, What a night! Great job on your reviews, I'll be sure to follow your leads in the future. Thanks Again.


  • Shekitout
    20 years ago
    The lap dances at Mons Venus are not as private as at PP in Columbia but the ratio of pretty girls with killer bodies is much higher. Most dancers will tell you kitty touching is not allowed but some will allow it. Willy fondling is about the same tho with some of the black dancers at PP it is better. For the dollar, PP is the better value. And if you like alcohol, most of the clubs in Tampa don't serve it if they're nude clubs.
  • StripShopper
    20 years ago
    I will have to agree. In comparison, Memphis PP is way over priced and IMHO - the girls need an attitude adjustment. (I've met 3 there that were absolute bitches upon telling them "no thank you") But I do have a friend that swears by Mons Venus. Have not made the comparison yet.
  • StripShopper
    20 years ago
    Shadowcat: Earplugs were not required...it was quite reasonable. So, you must have had some effect on the situation...I hate it when you can't carry a conversation. Shekitout: Your reviews were really detailed and helpful. (almost too helpful...I'd hate for a good thing to go away.) All we need is the wrong people asking questions. Its to bad we don't have PM'ing on this board. "I need to Talk to both of you guys!" Maybe it was just me...My Friends tell be I have good "YMMV" ability. But, I thought I went to heaven last Tuesday night. You know you have a good dancer when she talks phone sex in your ear while lapping you. :-D "GRIN"
  • Shekitout
    20 years ago
    StripShopper: We do what we can and we keep it real.
  • ShotDisc
    20 years ago
    count me in. PP in Columbia is one of the best clubs I have ever been to. Is just a half step below PP in memphis and Ybor Strip in Tampa in my opinion.
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