Seems Incongruous for Strippers to Visit or Post at a Stripper Site . . .

avatar for Kyle1111
I can see why strip club customers would want to post and visit a site like this, but dancers?

Seems like taking your work home with you . . . of course, if you love your work or are workoholic or . . .

Good reasons for dancers to visit a site like this:

1. Find new clubs?
2. Complain about a club they left . . .
3. Complain about customers . . .

Other reasons:

1. Drum up business . . .
2. Develop friendships . . .
3. Look for lost brothers . . .


last comment
avatar for kitana007
20 years ago
I as a dancer go to this site to get a better insite of the clubs I might decide to work at in the future. And to get a better understanding of what makes the average customer "tick".

I liken my browsing of this site to a Wall Street worker reviewing the Journal to brush up on business.

avatar for ShotDisc
20 years ago
i have told dancers about tuscl so they could go in and look at my review of them.
See what I mean.... This only further illustrates that we (Tuscl, and its members) have not become a known force to deal with. It would be to our advantage to be known as a group that can make or break a club.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
20 years ago
StripShopper: I am sure that the number of strippers who have never heard of or the other stripclub websites is higher than 80%. Whenever I leave my home area and visit strip clubs elsewhere, I tell them I found out about their club on the internet and they always ask me whether a website listing stripclubs could really exist. I did get to meet one girl who knew about the existence of, and she said the only reason she ever looked at it was to look up new clubs to dance at.
IMHO - Any Dancer that visits this site for "club intel" is of much higher IQ than your average Dancer. Hell I'd say at least a third of the dancer's I've meet don't even know how to use a computer. And 80% of Dancer's that I tell about this site - never knew it existed. ----Therefore, every member at his two year anniversary should get a free TUSCL Shirt and agree to wear it to strip clubs.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Hi SuperDude,

Perhaps cheap comic relief? Perhaps to learn why giving a $5 lap dance is usually NOT a brilliant idea? Perhaps to learn that REAL NAMES and PHONE NUMBERS should only be given to customers who are real FRIENDS?

There must be a good reason somewhere. I just can't see ANYONE being insulted by RomanticLover. I can see a really really really kind wonderful sweet stripper giving him a $5 lap dance out of the goodness of her heart . . . then she'll learn NO good deed goes unpunished . . .
Why should a stripper open herself up to be insulted by RL and his ilk?
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