
Are clubs bedoming more upscale?

I've read a lot of posts from people who claim that clubs are going more upscale, but I haven't really noticed it. I only know of two clubs that remodeled recently and became fancier, but both were pretty fancy to start with. And if this is a trend, I have trouble understanding why. It must take a lot of money to put up a fancy gentlemen's club. And frankly it doesn't sound like a good investment to me. I'd think the low overhead operation would be much more profitable because they can keep prices low and attract more customers that way. I especially have trouble understanding how dancers can make a lot of money in the fancy GC's because typically the house has to take a big cut to cover their overhead. Am I missing something?


    20 years ago
    StripShopper, I completely agree with you, I don't think it makes any sense either. And I really can't believe that these places are making all that much money. It must cost a fortune to set one of them up, then you look at how many staff people there are, it just doesn't make any sense to me. They have to take in a huge amount of money just to cover their overhead. I see a lot of complaints on the Pink Site from ladies complaining about how poorly they are being treated by customers in GC's. I'm wondering if GC's high prices aren't a major source of their problems. I have this feeling that in the smaller local places the customers are mostly regulars who know the ladies well and therefore treat them better. Anyone else notice this?
  • StripShopper
    20 years ago
    Back to the Discussion: Clubs are trying to push the "BBD" -"Bigger Better Deal" to increase cash flow. Its like alot of things...if you charge alot and it looks good from the outside...well, then it must be "Good!". But of course...the veterans here know better. Its the dumb chump who has deep pockets that thinks he's going to get laid because the price is so high.

    Case in point, I had a good friend disappear to a VIP room...only to come out 4 hours later with blue balls and a $850 Visa bill. I had no Idea, that he was so wet behind the ears.

    In another club...just to show an extreme...it added a VIP room - and is now charging $400 and Hour for the room. Dancer gets half and its left up to the dance how far she'll go. Why anybody would do this instead of hiring a Pro...well... baffles me.

    In all honesty I try to shy away from the really upscale clubs...Hell, by the time you pay For: Valet parking, manditory coat check, tipping the host for good seating, purchase of the first drink and some outrageous cover charge...Well your out $45+ And then they want you to pay $40 a song lapdances.

    What I don't understand...how many men are out there willing to pay more than $200 during a vist to a Strip Club. If you take $200 away from someone slowly and convince that person he's had a good time for that night...Isn't that better than sucking him dry in a couple of hours...and leave feeling ripped off. Hell, maybe there's alot more money out there than I imagine......
  • Yoda
    20 years ago
    FONDL: I also visited the Club Risque near the hotel I was staying at and found it to be much more low-key place. A fair amount of silicone and a little more flab than at Delilah's but also some very nice ladies.
    20 years ago
    I've never been to Deleliah's or any of the other upscale GC in Philly but from what I've heard it's pretty much a typical GC. I don't usually go downtown, it's too much of a hassle and there are better and cheaper places in the 'burbs anyway. I'm particualrly fond of Club Risque in Bristol (just north of the city) which is more of a nieghborhood bar type place and easy to get to. Inexpensive, medium contact and very friendly laid back atmosphere. My kind of place.
  • Yoda
    20 years ago
    The last club to open in Boston (and the first to open in about 20 years) has billed itself as a GC. There are no tuxes but it's pretty much a gown club with a 3 foot rule and ZERO contact. Since it also offers ZERO excitement I don't go in much. FONDL: I'm curious, would you consider Delilah's in Philly a GC?
    20 years ago
    DD, most of the clubs which I'm familiar with fall into one of three types: large upscale places that resemble nightclubs - they generally have doormen and bouncers who frequently wear tuxedoes, bathroom attendants, DJ's, full bars, put a lot of emphasis on the stage dancing, and have a variety of private rooms to choose from. These places usualy represent a large investment which means that they have to charge very high prices. Such places are usually referred to as gentlemen's clubs. Then there are the smaller local bars that have dancers and may or may not have laps as well, depending where they are. And finally there are the nude juice bars that are usually little hole-in-the-wall type places, sometimes in combination with a XXX bookstore. These places are usually pretty seedy and usually have private dances or private shows of one sort or another.

    Apparently a lot of people think that the only segment of the industry that's growing is the gentlemen's club. I have not seen that in my travels, I'm just wondering if anyone else has or is this supposed growth a myth. I'm asking because I really don't know.
  • DandyDan
    20 years ago
    I'm not sure what you mean by upscale. My favorite club has recently added a champagne room (that no one ever uses, apparently), but it's still the same old club it always was. Maybe clubs that have just opened are upscale, but if your club wasn't upscale to begin with, it isn't ever going to be.
    20 years ago
    The place I've been going lately has 4 separate rooms - a champagne room ($125/hr), a gold room ($150), a crystal room ($250), and a private shower show room (?). They all include an open bar during the half hour. And actually you end up with closer to 40 minutes because the timer doesn't start until the waitress comes in and takes your drink order, then when you're done you don't usually leave immediately. So it's not a terrible deal but it isn't great - I think they'd sell more if they lowered the price, but maybe not because they are pretty popular. Also the dances are better because the girl wears less than in the regular LD room and the guy can do more. I've only ever done the first two rooms.

    But this has always been a pretty fancy club. Anyone know of any clubs that went from being average to being really fancy? I don't.
  • Jpac73
    20 years ago
    Shadowcat I don't think the Champagne rooms will ever be that cheap($25.00dollarhr). Maybe a more reasonable price would be $100hr plus the Chamagne. The clubs I visit don't have one and if they did I wouldn't waste money on it.
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