
Comments by 59 (page 33)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Walk this way
    For some of us that are older the wood subsides pretty quickly. Girl can get me pretty worked up bar side or table side. But can't remember the last time I walked to/from a lap dance room, whatever with wood. Of course the best case scenario is when the girl has made me cum.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Racist SC's
    Probably should have made my point a little clearer. I was responding to Sinclair's original post re: Cheetah's having a bad reputation at one time for being racist. A long-time bouncer there wrote a book and claimed that. Times have apparently changed, while the dancers probably consider the guys deadbeats no one is stopping them from patronizing these days.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Video cameras in VIP area?
    A fave who has "retired" worked for a few months as a house mom at what is now Club Onyx in Philly. They had a monitor with the champagne room feed in her office as well as the managers office. One time she gets a call from the manager "take a look at what's going on". Older lawyer doing a 21 year old hottie standing doggie. Manager fired the dancer's ass. My fave said it wasn't unusual for extras to happen but normally the girls were discrete. The standing doggie was just too obvious.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Racist SC's
    Trying to get this back on topic a bit I have a friend who sometimes works day shift at Cheetahs in Vegas. She tells me a sizeable proportion of their customers is Mexican weekday day shift. They don't buy dances (they're $10 during the day), just drink beer. My friend is part Mexican.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Worst ripoff dancer price?
    Twice bitten, still shy? Gotta way to stop it. "No thank you". It's amazing what some of the girls order when some one else is paying. I'd say they have balls but...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    One of my current faves is a lesbian. Smokin hot girl. Very good actress, she did a lot of HOP and BJ through the pants type of things when I first met her. She even make a couple of statements along the way that made me think she was a homophone (anti-lesbian). She used to also mention her "roommate" a lot. Another fave said to me one day "you know X is Bi, don't you?". NO, I didn't. She felt bad that she let the cat out of the bag but said X is very open about it. Apparently, in the dressing room only! As time went along X gradually came clean with me and as it turns out she's actually 100% lesbo. Her roommate, a former dancer at the club, is equally as hot. They plan to "get married" although the one set of parents is in denial. Still get dances from her, she's still playful but of course in my mind I know it's an act. It is fun to hang with her and compare notes on the girls in the club. X has nearly convinced me to get a threesome with another girl that she lusts after sometime. X tells me she's a real slut when it comes to hot girls, so I'll probably give it a try some time.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strippers night out - at the strip club?
    Some like to scout. Some like tits and ass nearly as much as us guys. Other strippers I know have no interest in going to another club, it's the last thing they want to do on a day off.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How do bouncers earn their income?
    Maybe it's a regional thing but at the club I'm most familiar with the girls pay a "house fee" to the club to work. $65 early evenings, $85 after 9pm. They don't refer to this as a "tip out". They are required to tip the DJ and the House Mom, a minimum of $10 each. The girls refer to these as their "tip out". Any tips to bouncers, hostesses, and the like are at their discretion. Works similar in Vegas. No pooling of tips in the clubs I'm familiar with.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    First foot party tonight
    Raincoat, some of the Philly strip clubs have (infrequent) fetish nights. Cheerleaders has had foot fetish and bondage nights (separate events), probably others. Not my scene but I gather they are held in the bottle service area and there will be a feature performance or two on stage. I believe Club Risque also has some from time to time. Christine's Cabaret is now advertising a weekly Saturday fetish night in their upstairs VIP lounge which overlooks the stage. Oops, it's a Swingers Night - totally different deal.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    What is a pasty/pastie?
    PA used to be a pastie state. No longer. Towards the end some girls at some clubs bent the rules a bit. They would wear clear latex pasties. Not sure if the law specified them to be opaque, regardless that's what they wore. Often 5-10 minutes into their stage routine they'd remove them. Then have to put them back on if the House Mom caught them in the dressing room.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How do bouncers earn their income?
    "What I gather (from dancer's bitching about tip outs) is that while the dancer's are "independent contractors," bouncers are usually club employees, so they get some hourly wage, plus a split out of the dancer's infamous tip out. (Kinda of like a restaurant, where the wait staff shares their tips with the busboys, dishwashers, etc.)" There's pooling of tips at a club? I thought tip out meant the sum of the tips a girl gives the DJ, House Mom, and any bouncers that line her up with customers (or she needs to bribe to look the other way). I know there are minimum tips to the DJ and House Mom. Learned something new.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rejected by a dancer---seriously!
    PHP, it could be he's paying for the company and paying well. Some guys do that. There are guys with ED problems or loyalty to their SO's that don't do dances but like the attentions of a hot babe. Or perhaps you're not her cup of tea? Who knows? Was talking with a fave last night who's 22 and a hottie. She won't do a dance for any guy who appears to be under 30. The maturity thing. I met that criteria YEARS ago!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Paying in advance for dances?
    That's the way it is at Club Risque in Philly. You pay the guy for your first one on the way in. Mileage varies, nothing off the charts. If you want more dances you pay on the way out. Not sure but this may be to screen out the deadbeats who "discover" at the end of their first song "oh, it's 20 per dance?".
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Fakes for looks, real for feel?
    As long as it's a good job often the fakes are fun to play with too! A nipple is a nipple. Hard as a rock, not much fun. Where the fakes can fall down is Russian. Some notable exceptions but generally the real ones perform better in that regard.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Too good to tell?
    I agree, the more the word gets out the better the club is likely to do. This is a very tough economy to be launching a club. Just ask the owners of several Philly clubs that opened in the last year. What good is a well kept secret that doesn't last 6 months?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Founder-About new clubs ??
    I've done it, added the Penthouse Club in philly awhile back. It'd been open for a bit so I took the plunge. Was able to get some of the details, phone number, address, link, hours etc. off their web site. I've also updated and corrected information many times. As RW says, it's our responsibility. Who else is going to do it? Pay it forward.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Had a "different" experience last night
    GMD, not my thing but they are out there. Had a lap with a dancer one time new to me at a club with fairly tame laps. First she does a head stand between my legs on the couch and puts her clothed crotch in my face. Next she bites my ball sack HARD through my pants. Then she asks me to pinch her nipples HARD. Not hard enough, HARDER. This is at a club where I wasn't even supposed to be touching the boobies. Never hooked up with her again. Once was enough. Don't think she was impressed with my nipple pinching.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Playoffs? Playoffs!?
    Playoffs? Strippers? Playoffs for me. The strippers ain't going anywhere. Playoffs just once a year. Regular season games I do in a club often. But not a playoff. In fact I'm making an extraordinarily early visit to a club today for me in order to be at a sports bar or home for the playoff games. Guess it depends how big a fan you are and whether your team is contending.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Jerzey boi
    How do you get free from a fave?
    Before a fave becomes a fave she'd have to be pretty dense to not notice I like to spread the love. We'll check out other girls on stage or walking by. I'll ask her if another girl is there that night or been around. They'll sometimes suggest I try out another girl. If I decide we're "done" for the night I'll ask the girl "if you see X let her know I'm available". The one's that become my faves have no outward jealous streak. It's like the 80/20 rule. I may get 4 dances from a fave, buy her a drink or two, and hang by the hour. Then get a dance or two from another girl. Only can recall one fave that got jealous. That was the last we spoke in the club. If she'd apologized I might have considered giving her another try but didn't happen. Interestingly enough we sat across from each other on a flight to Vegas last Superbowl weekend. We chatted a bit but didn't bother pursuing a hook up at her Vegas club.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Back to my ATF
    Dude, you're beating a dead horse. Ain't gonna happen and you'll empty your bank account trying. Stay away from this girl if you can't control your actions. Or just stop visiting this club.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Playoffs? Playoffs!?
    I thought your wife was OK with you going to clubs? Or am I mixing you up with somebody else? I don't have a SO monitoring my moves. I'd watch the game.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Crazy bar fights
    I've seen very few fights in strip clubs. It normally doesn't get beyond shouting and threats before the bouncers break it up. I've seen more fights in non-strip club bars.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If a dancer gives you her number, how do you interpret that?
    Jmoney, do I understand correctly? Unsolicited, a girl gives a fake number? Don't they have better things to do?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If a dancer gives you her number, how do you interpret that?
    My experience for a first time meet is typically 2. They'd like you to come back and spend some more money on them. Best to be careful about revealing your own number. Once they've got it many will do a "call-in". "Come see me at the club (and spend some money on me)..."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    A pretty face don't make no pretty heart
    Smokin hot fitness type long haired brunette comes up to me and asks if I'd like a dance. We arrive at the dance room half way through a song and she begins right away. I'm not really enjoying it and expect her to say "that's one" half way through the next song. No. But some girls, especially the first time, will consider the 1st partial a freebie and only count the complete song. So I'm expecting her to ask me at the end of that song, again no. I think I see where this is heading now and halfway through the next song I stop her and say "thanks, that's roughly two?". "No, honey, thats four!" I think she'd read me as being drunk. I said we did 1/2, a full, and a 1/2 - two songs total. Are you trying to rip me off? She admits she might be off "by one", insists it was three, and tells me "honey, I do fine, I don't need to rip anyone off." I gave her $40, the equivalent of two songs, and we parted ways. I was still fuming. I'm a regular at that club but it's a large one and not clear who/where the manager is at any given time. I ask a bouncer to point the manager out and it turns out he was nearby. I explained my beef, mentioned that I didn't pay anymore than I felt I owed the the girl, but wanted to flag it in case there was any pattern with this girl. He heard me out, wasn't overally sympathetic, but agreed with me if my version was true that the count was two songs. Haven't seen that girl around much since, probably coincidental, and have no intention of giving her any more business.