
Comments by 59 (page 34)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Your New Year's SC Resolutions
    1. # of visits - less 2. $ spent - less 3. I will seek out providers 4. I will avoid rip off clubs and dancers
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    15 years ago
    Waitress to Dancer
    Happens all the time. Waitress to dancer seems common. In the "other direction" dancer to bartender seems the more common. One club I go to used to have some double and triple threats. Depending on day of week and time of day you would see them as a dancer, bartender or waitress.
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    15 years ago
    Hey, Mom, I"m a Strippper!
    It seems like roughly a 50/50 split. Those who haven't told their Mom often feel they can't, the Mom would be horrified or disown them. It's often stressful for them trying to keep it a secret. One's that have informed their Moms have often told me they are very glad they did. Don't have to hide it and can chat about the good and bad times.
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    15 years ago
    Has a dancer ever left you in the VIP area to go on stage?
    At the club where I have a VIP membership it is club policy that girls are not skipped whether or not they're in the champagne room. My fave is talkative and while we often are back there for an hour I pay for a half hour. During the daytime there's not many girls so it's a guarentee she'll be called up. It's $10 for her to tip the DJ for "a skip". Sometimes I'll front her the money, more often I'll just chill while she's gone for the 8-10 minutes.
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    15 years ago
    South Carolina
    Tips on how to'Make it Rain'?
    I don't see it often but what I've typically seen is a guy buys 100 ones. Usually a hot bartender or waitress does the "honors". Has the girl lay on the stage and fans the ones onto the girl. May stuff a few in the outfit (if there is one). Has the girl turn over and repeats until all the ones are exhausted. Never done it. Would probably only do it if I won the lottery or something.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Favorite clubs
    As someone else mentioned while I have a fave club I do visit others. If my fave club were to close it would be a fairly seamless transition to a new fave. Just would take a bit to get to know the girls in depth but sometimes the experimentation is fun!
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    15 years ago
    Cold Weather
    Definitely warm weather. Shorts for easy access.
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    15 years ago
    Do you go to a strip club on your birthday.
    I've gone several times. Fun way to spend my birthday and treat myself. Don't normally promote it. Some faves do remember it (it's an easy to remember date).
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How far do strippers live from where they work.
    It varies quite a bit. I've known many who commute 45-60 minutes or more. Often it is just because they find a club has better earning potential for them. Or in some cases it's to avoid the neighbors, relatives, etc. Others that have "outed" themselves, where their families, etc. know what they do have no problem with living 5 minutes away. Same thing if they're transplants with no relatives in the area. Was at the Mons in Tampa one time. Girl tells me she commutes from Tampa to avoid friends and family. Likes to dance in only certain locations in the club where she can keep an eye out just in case. Said a couple of times she did spot someone she knew and had to skidaddle to the dressing room. Thought to myself she probably needs another job if she's going to be that stressed out all the time.
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    15 years ago
    Last Dance
    Knew a petite Asian dancer in Vegas for 2-3 years. In her early 20's. Going to UNLV to be a teacher. Got a part time job in a nursery school. Decided to call it quits from dancing at OG. I suggested she come in one last time and dance for me. I agreed to pay her house fee as incentive, at that time it was $40. We did 8 dances over a couple hour period, gave her $200, parted ways, and she headed out. Only spoke with her on the phone briefly one time after that. No idea if I was truly her final lap dance but would like to think so.
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    15 years ago
    Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
    Two out of 16 faves/former faves smoke. I'd say 30% or so of the dancers and female employees of the clubs I frequent smoke. For whatever reason I seem to gravitate to the non-smokers.
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    15 years ago
    Road Trips?
    Two hours to a club in Jersey where I knew a fave for many years. Hot girls, fun club. Nothing like it between here and there. Did the trip many, many times until the fave retired. Longest these days is 1 hr 15 minutes. Go to places further at times but that is combined with gambling.
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    15 years ago
    After the Dance
    It varies. "Good to see you". "When you coming back?". "Are you staying?". "Can I sit with you?" "Let me know if you want some more dances". "Next time we should do the champagne room." "Bring more money next time". "Wanna have a dance with my friend?". "See you later...gotta eat, make my rounds, etc"
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Are you an Ass or Boobs man?
    Never had one ask before that I can recall. During yes. I'm a boob man. They'll adjust their moves accordingly. If on the small side they'll sometimes "apologize". No need to, if I didn't like their boobs I wouldn't have agreed to a dance.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    2 fers
    2 fers are rarely, if ever, offered at the clubs I frequent. I've never done a 2 fer.
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    15 years ago
    Where to you like to sit at the club?
    My ideal is at the bar with a good view of the room, stage, and lap dance areas. Like the bar for the service. When I want a drink, or want one for a girl I've invited to join me, I want service. Waitresses don't seem to see me when I'm at a table, busy talking to someone most of the time. If a girl on stage really appeals to me, I'll head over and tip her and ask her to stop by when available. Seeing a girl go in and out of the lap dance room frequently, in comparison to the competition, is typically a good sign. Don't pay much attention to the dressing room but do prefer not to sit with my back to it. Leaves you open to the sneak attack, sometimes not pretty.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Best Vegas strip club for Monday Night Football
    Been to Olympic Garden a couple of times. They have the 1/2 time dollar dances. You get bombarded by 20 or so girls for a dollar each. Drink specials. I think there may be food, it's been awhile.
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    15 years ago
    My Baby got the Swine Flu
    In mid-Sept I started coming down with what I thought might be the H1N1. Turned out to be an upper respiratory infection, with a lot of the same symptoms but not as severe. Doctor told me to take precautions as I was infectious. 3-4 days prior I'd done a lot of DFK with a fave. It was her last night as she was "retiring" (we all know how that often goes, time will tell). I was concerned maybe we were now both sick. But it turned out that she was fine.
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    15 years ago
    Currency Readers at couches & in VIP ???
    At some clubs I'm familiar with the girl wears a swipe card around her wrist (these are nude clubs). She swipes the reader on your way into the lap dance room. If you have a customer friendly girl at the end of your song or songs she bust ass and swipes the reader, then comes back and gets dressed. Pricing is $20 per 4 minute song and the computer is the arbiter. Another club I go to you pay $20 to the guy at the desk on your way in and he hands a ticket to the dancer. Guy keeps track of songs. If you get more than one dance you pay the girl or the front desk guy for the additional songs and she gets more tickets. Presumably turns then in at shift end and gets $15 per ticket. Other clubs same process except you don't prepay for the 1st song. Other clubs things are squared away immediately. Guy monitors the number of songs. You pay the girl your $20 per, she pays the guy $5 per as she exits. As another poster mentioned I prefer the clubs where the girl pays her house fee up front, then the meter is not running in the lap dance room and we can chill a bit if we want.
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    15 years ago
    ATFs or New Exploration?
    I prefer my faves. Some I've known for 10+ years. I like the known. Last visit was a Sunday afternoon for football. Not my usual day and time, no faves on hand. Saw a cute girl. Eventually got her to stop by. New girl squared, 2nd day on the job. Hyper. Talked my ear off. Couldn't wait to get away. Give me my faves every time.
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    15 years ago
    Anybody get a free extra?
    Got a free HJ to completion once. Other times I've received brief HJs but not till completion. Actually the girl who gave the HJ started with an unsolicited BBBJ. When I told her I was close to popping, she switched to the HJ. I've also received brief BBBJs several times from two other girls. Don't ask for it. It just happens and I sit back and enjoy.
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    15 years ago
    Dancer Sucking on her Thumb
    I've found that some dancers are really into giving a thumb "BJ". In one case it turned out to be a preview of her awesome oral technique. Unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to get a demonstration from the others...
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    15 years ago
    Items Lost in a Strip Club
    Come to think of it I've "lost" my cell phone at least a couple of times. Left it on a table (black phone on black table) in a VIP room one time. Went back a little later and the hot blonde cocktail waitress had it. Tipped her well. Another time was a regular lap dance room. Went back and it was a little awkward. Cell phone was sitting on a table by the "naughty girl" couch that I'd just vacated. Kind of tucked into a corner, not much visibility by bouncers or other room occupants. Had to say "excuse me" and reach over a guy and girl having similar fun to what I'd just had. Another time was humorous. Finish my series of dances with a fave and as she's gathering up her purse and costume she picks up my cell phone. "Hey Kara, that's mine." "Oh, it looks just like my cell phone." Had a laugh. I've also had the dancer rock the singles out of my front pocket deal where they've landed up partly in the couch cushions. That girl was nice enough to point it out to me, not sure I would have noticed!
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    15 years ago
    Items Lost in a Strip Club
    Lost my glasses at Mons Venus years ago. This was back when it was wall to wall girls and customers. Dancer suggested we move and we had a miscommunication. I thought she grabbed my glasses along with her costume but she did not. She was apologetic once I ended my series of laps with her and she helped me look back where they'd been. No glasses. Went up to the girl at the entrance podium who calls the groups of girls up on stage (Hip Hop, next song - do they still do that?). She paged "anyone found a pair of glasses?". No response. It was like midnight-one, she suggested I call back between 4-6 am once it emptied out. I think I did call around then and then later during the cleaning crew. No glasses - did have at least one wallet though! I suspect some jerkoff pocketed them or something. Fortunately I had a older spare pair back at the motel, which was the Hojo across the street.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Celebrities you've actually seen inside a strip club
    Saw Pauly Shore at Delilah's outside Atlantic City years ago. Don't know that it qualifies but I saw Gina Lynn, porn star, chillin' as a customer at Delilah's in Philly earlier this year. Even with that much cleavage and big blonde hair circulating the place, less dressed than her, she stands out. Just had a conversation this past weekend with a fave. She mentioned the athletes suck, they're poor tippers. I thought the Plaxico incident was in a night club, not a strip club?