
Comments by casualguy (page 152)

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    19 years ago
    How Much Are LDs in Your Region?
    I should note that I said that I don't pay anymore than the above amount except possibly when I go on vacation such as to Myrtle Beach. I paid $25 for a lap dance but I felt like it since the dancer had been so nice to me. (ie she found a seat for me in a very crowded club and dragged it to the stage and sat in my lap for at least 30 to 40 minutes before even asking for a dance) Typically if the dance price is as high as $20 a dance I will refuse to get any dances even if asked 40 times in an hour.
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    19 years ago
    Are Strippers Female Players?
    I believe a smart stripper will like to count on certain regulars and will even assign a certain dollar amount range to each guy that she can get every week or month depending upon how far thinking she is. Then she can either string these regulars along selling them a fantasy while possibly enjoying their company as well. Of course at that point the regular has become a routine customer like a supplier to Walmart. All the other people become bonus points to rack up or possibly even a new regular if she plays her cards right. In this sense I believe it is common for strippers to play guys in strip clubs selling them a fantasy that she likes them more than the other guys etc. etc. Business often behaves the same way making customers feel special or delivering good customer service unless they have a monopoly or start taking customers for granted.
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    19 years ago
    September Proclaimed "Kiss a Stripper" Month
    I'd rather play paintball with a stripper than kiss her. Then she could point to me in the strip club when she had a bunch of cool bruises from when I shot her, lol. Then I could just say, she should have ducked. Of course I won't play paintball with anyone unless they agree to some rules ahead of time (for our own safety).
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    19 years ago
    How Much Are LDs in Your Region?
    The songs I heard cut short were not on the advertised two for one which is what got me a bit upset. Several songs were cut short that night but I didn't continue getting lap dances after I noticed that. I already avoid getting two for ones on announced two for ones because I know those songs are cut short. Perhaps the DJ at the Greenville club I was at was in a bad mood that night because the music was also too loud as well. It hasn't been that loud in a very long time at that club. Of course that volume was still lower than the 120 decibel volume I experienced in Columbia. Seems strange I haven't been back there in over a year now. hmmm, 120 decibel volume music and I haven't been back in over a year (if club management ever reads this stuff, maybe they'll get a clue) I plan on staying home for awhile now.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    META: Tell me about the history of this board.
    I thought someone once posted a method for reviving old threads. I don't remember what it is though unless it has something to do with adding to past thread numbers. This is actually the one thing that RL seems to excel at. I'm actually perfectly fine with threads disappearing after a week of no postings.
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    19 years ago
    best hustling strategies ever
    I don't know if this is a hustle but one I usually fall for is after the dancer does an excellent lap dance she might ask if I would like another one or two for only $10 or half the regular dance price for two dances. I often fall for that.
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    19 years ago
    How do some strippers stay employed when they aren't making much money?
    I know of one club where at least a few of the dancers told me they work a regular job during the week and freelance at the strip club as a dancer on the weekend. I may have asked because one dancer sat and chatted with me for what seemed most of the night and I only bought 3 $10 dances after 3 hours so $10/hr is not very big pay for a decent looking dancer. Apparently she wasn't at all concerned about how much money she was making but more interested in talking to me while I was there. I don't usually like to sit and talk that long either so that was a very unusual night.
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    19 years ago
    How do you find out if a stripper REALLY CARES about you?
    Maybe RL should try asking questions I haven't seen before such as how does the customer pick up on the fact that a stripper might be falling for him or how does a stripper start seeing a customer OTC for free without changing things in the club? Is the fact that a dancer kisses you on the lips a sign that she likes you a bit more than normal? I remember a few dancers did this but I didn't think that much about it at the time. I remember one dancer even told me about a club where some dancers hang out when they aren't working. It was a club I was already going to. Anyway I saw her (same dancer) there one night before she went into work. The only thing she did was walk in, see me sitting at the bar and come over to talk to me for a little while, then she told me she was going off to work and asked if I was going to stop by. Of course I don't expect much originality out of RL.
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    19 years ago
    Does Anyone Really Go To Strip Clubs for "Fantasy"?
    I don't go to strip clubs for fantasy. I go to at least one club because I enjoy eye candy. I often go to more than one club in the same night and at one club I have never bought a lap dance since they have been open and that has been for two or 3 years I believe. I once bought a $10 table dance from one girl at that club and thought afterwards I may have made a mistake since I had several dancers come over to me afterwards and claim that I never bought any dances from them. True. I didn't want to start either and am glad they forgot quickly that I actually bought a dance. I do tip the dancers a dollar tip on stage when they get naked. In such a club as the above where I have never purchased a lap dance, I find it amusing when a new dancer tries to talk me into paying for an expensive jacuzzi room. I asked how much since I forgot how much it was. She said $300 along with a free bottle of champagne for a certain amount of time. I forgot my exact response. I don't believe I laughed at her but was thinking she doesn't even realize she is talking to someone who has never even paid $30 or $40 dollars for their two for one special lap dance. I believe the normal price is $40 but one dancer tried harder one time to get me but it did not work. If all I did want was fantasy, I could just look around online or start emailing a number of girls online. Lots of eye candy that seems eager to please you seems to be more fun though.
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    19 years ago
    Dances for Free?
    I remember getting one or two back and neck rubs while at a strip club. I believe one dancer told me she was a massage therapist or something like that or working on it. I let her massage my back and neck and paid her $5 in the strip club. I think she got my arms too but wasn't sure why. I believe I enjoyed the massage better than some lap dances. I don't remember massaging any backs but I did have one girl who had recent breast surgery say her doctor told her that her breasts should be massaged. She put me to work. I wonder if I could do part time work as a breast massage therapist. :)
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    19 years ago
    What is the BIGGEST amount of MONEY you have PAID a stripper for CONVERSATION?
    I'm certainly not going to pay for any conversation. I have thought about paying a dancer to be quiet though. As far as paying a dancer just for talking, I don't remember ever doing that. Paying a girl to talk seems as silly to me as paying a bird to go fly. If you get a lap dance after talking for a while though, this question might be arguable that I do end up paying .
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    19 years ago
    In the Spirit of RL...
    ...In the Spirit of...?? Does this mean that RL has left us?
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    19 years ago
    What do you bastards look like?
    Oh I forgot to add my ancestry is Scottish and some German as well as possibly some viking blood. I'm looking for a new strip club to conquer, lol. :)
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    19 years ago
    What do you bastards look like?
    6'2" or so, brown hair, brown eyes and I've been told all the time I look like I'm in my 20's even though I'm not. I keep wondering if that's why I'm constantly asked for my id at almost every club.
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    19 years ago
    If a stripper refuses to tell her (real) name and phone number is she a FRIEND?
    I consider a stripper to be friendly especially if she spots you OTC in a public place and stops you to talk to you. This happened to me last night on the interstate after a bad wreck stopped traffic for awhile. However, I'm not going around trying to get phone numbers or see dancers OTC.
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    19 years ago
    First New Orleans evacuee I met, a New Orleans dancer
    should say bought a few dances not dancers (typo)
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    19 years ago
    What Do You Want Out of This Board?
    I used to enjoy watching model railroads but also enjoyed an old tv show where a guy enjoyed blowing them up and/or watching them collide in a big train wreck. I've seen some video footage of jet model airplanes and think those would be even cooler if they had dogfights with ammo and miniature rockets. Of course those hobbies would be way too expensive for me to participate but it would be fun to watch. I guess I'm here for the entertainment and any useful tips as well.
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    19 years ago
    First New Orleans evacuee I met, a New Orleans dancer
    It was not a stripper scam. She mentioned this New Orleans thing after I paid her for the dances and was getting ready to part company with her. She didn't try to gain anything out of it. However, I can imagine some dancers now thinking about using that line to try to get some dances. I'm not going to buy any sympathy lap dances. If someone wants sympathy, they can go to the red cross or salvation army who are collecting donations.
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    19 years ago
    What makes a PL?
    The way I see davids interpretation of PL, many married guys are pathetic losers when I hear stories about them buying things for their wives to get the kind of sex they want. I suppose taking a girl out to eat, paying for the meal etc. makes you a pathetic loser by this definition as well if you thought you wouldn't get any affection if you didn't pay for the meal and told the girl she had to pay her own way. I suppose some people still haven't figured out that women use their power over sex to get material things whether they are married or not. I suppose you might get lucky and find a horny girl but she will probably want something out of you sooner or later. Apparently some guys believe in sugar coating the reality of life that people use what they can to get what they want. In this case I believe most women use sex to get what they want. It may not be immediate and may require a commitment first but there is still a price to pay. Many divorced men might agree with me I believe. Getting things for free is only some guys interpretation in my opinion the same as I could claim that I get free lap dances because I am paying a special two for one price and the second dance is always free. I suppose if the wife is the breadwinner and the husband is lounging around getting sex for free that is more of an aberration than what is normal. Just because a guy gets things for free while dating doesn't mean that will continue either. That may be one of the freebies that guys get to try before they buy and start paying in a commitment. I just see guys ultimately end up paying one way or another to get and keep a girl they want. Therefore I disagree with davids interpretation of PL as anyone who pays for affection etc.
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    19 years ago
    Why would a stripper stay with an ABUSIVE BOYFRIEND?
    We see a wreck and want to go find out what it's all about. We want to see the carnage out of curiosity. In the case of such a stripper or female staying with an abusive partner, I believe it may have something to do with a false belief that things will get better and false assumptions. Perhaps the females don't know where to turn to escape their situation. Maybe some females bond so much to a male that they are willing to put up with a lot of abuse to maintain that bond. There are probably some good reasons why females stay in abusive relationships but I haven't read up on it.
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    19 years ago
    Why would a stripper stay with an ABUSIVE BOYFRIEND?
    I will agree that if someone comes from an abusive family their brain has been programmed to accept that behavior. Overriding a lifetime of programming is a hard thing to do. We all have programming in our brains of what we consider to be acceptable behavior.
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    19 years ago
    So Long!
    I left the board without thinking about it for two or 3 days. I think I heard this line above before, lol. Now, I'm just waiting for the plea from RL for davids to stay. I will say, it seems scary when davids agrees with me on several posts in a row. Just joking.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Tricks you can try on strippers
    I've had a nude stripper on stage accept a cheetoh as her tip. Actually she requested it and wouldn't take a dollar since I already tipped her, lol. I believe I held up another cheetoh and tipped her again before she went off stage. That may be the first stripper I've fed on stage, lol.
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    19 years ago
    Things that you should be cautious of doing
    I'm not afraid to drink and have fun. However I'm also not afraid to piss a dancer off if she doesn't take subtle hints I'm not interested in her. I don't usually get rude but step things up a bit if I want a dancer to leave and she refuses. I have rarely gotten a dancer angry since it happens more often to me than to her. Usually I just have fun. If a dancer sits with me and immediately asks for a drink I will typically tell her no thanks. If she immediately comes back with a rude comment, well I don't believe she is going to be working in that club for very long because I will spread the message about her if she did get me angry.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    How would YOU Grade Club Visits?
    club 1) a 4 or 5, average of a hot 10 dancer and a club that rates a lousy 1. I'm not interested in clubs with only one decent looking dancer unless I already know her and think she's the hottest girl around. club 2) somewhere in the range of 5 to 7. It doesn't sound that great but I might be back if I have nothing better to do and I am in the area.