How Much Are LDs in Your Region?

avatar for davids
Ok, time for another survey. I'll start:

In Seattle LDs are officially $20. This is the standard price at the DejaVu. At Rick's and other naughtier clubs $20 will usually only get you a very lame dance. $30 is more typical. You can cut deals quite easily, however, if you buy in bulk.

How about in your region? Please state what your region is too, please.


last comment
avatar for DandyDan
20 years ago
Most of the clubs I visit are $25 in E Nebraska and SW Iowa. The one club (The Playhouse) in Iowa has a VIP room where you pay $20 for the nightly pass and $35 per dance. I know in Kansas (Lawrence and Topeka) they are $20, and one cheap club is $10.
avatar for SuperDude
20 years ago
$20 in most clubs in Detroit. The Coliseum charges $25.00 and $30 -$35 for VIP.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
How about entrance fees and cover charges? The BYOB and juice bars that I'm familiar with all have an entrance fee ranging from around $12 to $20, and some require an annual membership that's an additional $20. The fancy gentlemen's clubs also usually have an entrance fee but typically only in the evening. None of the neighborhood titty-bars seem to have stuff like this, I guess they make enough on their drinks.
avatar for RomanticLover
20 years ago
Do any of you HAGGLE over the price of lap dances?
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
The songs I heard cut short were not on the advertised two for one which is what got me a bit upset. Several songs were cut short that night but I didn't continue getting lap dances after I noticed that. I already avoid getting two for ones on announced two for ones because I know those songs are cut short. Perhaps the DJ at the Greenville club I was at was in a bad mood that night because the music was also too loud as well. It hasn't been that loud in a very long time at that club. Of course that volume was still lower than the 120 decibel volume I experienced in Columbia. Seems strange I haven't been back there in over a year now. hmmm, 120 decibel volume music and I haven't been back in over a year (if club management ever reads this stuff, maybe they'll get a clue) I plan on staying home for awhile now.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
I should note that I said that I don't pay anymore than the above amount except possibly when I go on vacation such as to Myrtle Beach. I paid $25 for a lap dance but I felt like it since the dancer had been so nice to me. (ie she found a seat for me in a very crowded club and dragged it to the stage and sat in my lap for at least 30 to 40 minutes before even asking for a dance) Typically if the dance price is as high as $20 a dance I will refuse to get any dances even if asked 40 times in an hour.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
I believe I am getting dances as good as shadowcat's and I don't pay any more than $10 up to $15 per dance but I always get at least two sometimes even 4 or 6 if I like the dances. If I get multiple dances, I can usually get another for $10. However I complained to one dancer on my last visit I thought the DJ was cutting the songs short. If that keeps up, I will either wait late into the night before I get any dances (when the DJ stops messing with the music player) or refuse to get any dances above $10 average price. With gas shortages in my area and breaking $3 gallon, I think I will just stay home for awhile and skip the strip clubs. I live in the southeast.
avatar for GooberMan
20 years ago
$8-$10 in the open area and $20 in the private area for topless contact lap dances here on the Space Coast of Florida.
avatar for easyed14
20 years ago
Here in So. California, the prices for lap dances in topless clubs is usually $10 which are in bikini with very little mileage although sometimes YMMV. The nude clubs usually offer topless lap dances of varying mileage from mid to high, for $30. Nude lap dances are usually $40 with most clubs requiring a minimum of 3 dances in private to semi-private booths. Mileage, depending on the clubs can be medium to ultra high with a menu of extra's offered at some clubs.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
I should have added that there are apparently many inner-city all-black clubs that are cheaper, but other than reading the reviews I don't have any personal knowledge of them.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
In the small neighborhood titty-bars in PA and MD, $20 seems to be pretty standard for a topless or pastie medium-contact LD, if they have any. The fancier places charge $30 for less contact mainly because they're trying to get you to spring for a VIP that's $150 and up. Which is why the fancy places don't do much business except on Friday anad Saturday nights. There are also some places where there really isn't a fixed price, you're on your own. And a few places where you pay the house for a private room, then negotiate a tip with the dancer. Those places can get very expensive in a hurry, but also often provide the most contact. I only know of one club where the private dances are fully nude, but you're watched closely - prices average $25 but are negotiable.
avatar for Jpac73
20 years ago
One of the club charges $7.00dollars before 6:00pm and 8.00dollars after. They also have a policy that you have to buy a soda or something equivlant for $3.50. The other club charges a straight $10.00dollar cover but still try to push you to buy a drink even though it isn't mandatory.
avatar for Yoda
20 years ago
Jpac: What kind of cover charges do these places have? Just curious. The highest regular cover charge in Providence is at the BYOB club. Covers also seem to be another way of making up for revenue lost from alchool sales.
avatar for tom_pb
20 years ago
In South Florida (Palm Beach and Broward counties) they range from 10 to 30 dollars. Cheetah in WPB has a sign that says $30 but you can get 3 for $50 if you are a regular.
avatar for Jpac73
20 years ago
Yoda: That is excatly one of the reasons why the charge 10 to 15dollars extra for the 1st dance in middle and South GA. Those clubs DON"T sell alcohol therefore they are probably trying to make that money back through the lapdances. The clubs in Dothan Alabama are either topless or Pastie they charge $20bucks at most places.
avatar for FunSeeker
20 years ago
Just to add to my previous posting:

In all of those vists I made to Michelle's Beach House, I just had one of those price dance. This club is good for drinks and tipping actions with the favorite dancers. Dancers' drink prices are $10, $20 and up.

At Pleasure, I did have many dances beacuse, the prices are reasonable and songs are longer than at MBH. Dancers' drink prices are $10, $20 and up.
avatar for Clubber
20 years ago
South Florida, at least where I go, average $20. Some clubs have gone to $25. however. Some still have $10 dances.
avatar for FunSeeker
20 years ago
Here in Wichita, KS - the two clubs those I visit:

Michelle's Beach House - the price is firm at $25/song (could be due to the house rules) - topless full contact (except down below). Dances are good to great. Very very pricy because of the length of the songs. They last on an average of 2.5 minutes (about 2 to 3 minutes). If the songs were full-lengh and per song would be $20 - it would be really great.

Pleasures - $20/song (topless full contact except down below). Some dancers are firm on the prices. Other dancers are willing to make deals such as 2 for $30, 3 for $40 to $50, etc. Dances are good to really great depending on the dancers. Songs are mostly full length lasting 3 to 5 minutes.
avatar for Yoda
20 years ago
"Do you think whether the club sells alcohol or not has any bearing on LD prices and/or house share?"

Not in my experience though I'm sure thier are some exceptions. I've been to Alchohol clubs, BYOB clubs and Juice Bars all over thecountry. All charged $20 for dances and none took a per-dance cut.
avatar for themailman
20 years ago
West TN: 2 for $40. But not 1 for $20. At this particular club the house gets NO take from the LDs. The girls have about a $60 payout plus tips to the leeches/bouncers/DJ/Mgr. Beer sold in the club $4.75.
In East TN my favorite club is $40 per song and they only run 241 before 5pm and periodically on Monday nights. House gets $10 per dance. Club is BYOB. Soft drinks are 2.50.
Do you think whether the club sells alcohol or not has any bearing on LD prices and/or house share?
avatar for Yoda
20 years ago
LD's in Providence RI range from $20 - $30 for topless to $30 - $65 for all nude. The standard dancer take-home is $20 for topless and $30 - 40 for nude. Some clubs charge a per-dance fee and some don't. What's amazing is the range of services that your money will buy in Providence. I can spend $100 on low one-way contact dances in one club and the same $100 will get me a BJ across town.
avatar for dennyspade
20 years ago
Chicago area clubs will normally charge between $20 to $30 per song. Some bars will get you a good dance for $15 topless. Area clubs will package the $20 dances as 3 for $50 or $3 for $55.
avatar for chandler
20 years ago
Here in the Midwest, $20 is the probably the most common price. A few years ago, some clubs went from $20 to $25, but that's the highest you usually see. And that's about the only price increase I've observed. There are still quite a few places where you can get a terrific lap dance for $10. Bargaining over price is generally not done, which is fine with me.
avatar for Jpac73
20 years ago
In Central GA around the Warner Robins area the prices go $30 to 35bucks for the 1stdance and 20dollars there after. Management gets half the cut from the girl on the 1stdance. On the other hand in Dothan Alabama Lapdances or Tabledances(depending on the club) usually run 20 to $25dollars.
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