
Comments by casualguy (page 153)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Tricks you can try on strippers
    On the other hand we may all be expert liars just giving enough truthful information to make something sound real.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Tricks you can try on strippers
    I will also disagree that no one on here is an expert. I believe shadowcat is an expert when it comes to his favorite club. :) (no offense meant to you shadowcat) Some other posters on here have been going to strip clubs before I was even born. If 30 or 40 years of experience doesn't make someone an expert, I don't know how skilled one has to be then.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Tricks you can try on strippers
    getting back on topic, if you want the dancers to leave you alone.. Tell a few of them that you are out of money and don't have enough left to buy a dance. Word will spread fast and only the uninformed will bother you. Note: If you suddenly go back into the VIP room for lapdances, you blew your cover.
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    19 years ago
    Nevermind favorites, any dancers you avoid?
    I avoid a lot of dancers. For some it's just their looks. For others it may be a bad attitude or a snotty attitude if they got turned down for a dance and act better than everyone else including me. I may want to avoid dancers who immediately ask for a dance or immediately ask for a drink but they are hard to avoid without knowing anything about the dancers in a club.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Why so LOUD? Does Noise = $$$?
    It's not just sickening, it's painful and will likely cause hearing damage at the volume I heard in shadowcat's favorite club. If OSHA fined strip clubs, they would have a party at clubs like that. I even thought the volume was a bit too loud even when I wore ear plugs but it may have been within a more tolerable level. I usually drink a lot more at other clubs where I can sit back and relax. I can't do too much relaxing when my ears hurt. When a club is too crowded to have seats available and the noise is so loud it can cause hearing damage, it turns me off the club big time even if the dancers give the best value dances for the majority of the area.
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    19 years ago
    RL's new friend Rita may be coming to visit, will he get lucky?
    RL you seem to be getting excited about something. Such a storm of posts, do you have to evacuate soon and leave your pc behind? Good luck with Rita. I heard she bites. I just want to point out that I have nothing to do with this storm. If you believe negativity (such as zillions of negative posts here) creates bad karma, then you may need to be more positive especially if you start getting little hints from mother nature. I'm trying to be positive myself.
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    19 years ago
    South Carolina
    Getting rid of RomanticLover
    I somehow never did see the joke exchange.
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    19 years ago
    Any Photographers here
    I consider myself to be a pretty good amateur photographer even though I might be a bit rusty on the latest technology. You might even consider me to be an astrophotographer since I have taken a number of night time pics of stars etc. (no not movie stars for anyone thinking). I am curious what kind of legal issues would be involved in taking pics of a different sort of heavenly bodies during the day time. I imagine you are referring to a specific type of professional photographer though.
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    19 years ago
    A Known Regular, or am I getting pimped?
    I wouldn't be surprised if the dancer who is sending over other dancers either believes she is helping those dancers and/or you. You just have to convince her otherwise to stop this. Maybe an approach that you prefer to initiate who you are going to contact and it turns you off from a dancer if it seems like she was sent over to you. Talking about avoiding those dancers or people who are dealing with the bigger fish reminded me of a similiar situation from years ago. I just started a pretty good paying college summer job and I got stuck with 5 girls and the company stuck us in a basement to sit for what turned out to be 2 or 3 hours before giving us real work to do. One girl seemed to be getting interested in me but I kept my distance since she was the plant manager's daughter and I didn't want to risk my new job or cause an incident for my father who also worked there. Getting stuck with 5 girls with nothing to do on a new job can really make your mind start wandering. Well especially if the plant manager's daughter starts off a conversation by saying she had a pet monkey and didn't know what that thing between his legs was so she cut it off because it didn't look right. Then she said she wished she hadn't done that after she found out what it was. I didn't know what to think about that story.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What kind of guys do strippers think are lowlife scum?
    shadowcat: I bet they feel better getting that off their chest so to speak. I forgot that some dancers may read this at your favorite club. I didn't know what I was stirring up, lol. I got an earful late at night at Wendy's one time when I heard the workers talking about some woman who complained about the slow service and said they need to get some education. The workers were telling me all this while I waited on my food and said "that is like calling me stupid." They weren't very happy about that comment she made. I just kept quiet or nodded my head in agreement. I know it's not very smart to upset the people who prepare your food. It also seems to be a stupid move to go to your favorite club and ask how much for anything other than a drink or dance.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Top ten reasons for stripper fights
    worst dancer for a dancer to fight - one who has martial arts training, lol I remember one dancer told me she got fired because she gave a great punch to the woman at the front desk or cash register. I forgot the reason why. It was probably something trivial.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Top ten reasons for stripper fights
    Might be slightly off topic but whatever happened to strippers wrestling in oil? I haven't seen any planned fights or wrestling in a long time.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Why so LOUD? Does Noise = $$$?
    shadowcat: I believe it. I ate some food at a strip club once and got sleepy afterwards and apparently dozed off while sitting in a chair until a bouncer asked if I was ok which immediately woke me up. The music level wasn't nearly as loud as your favorite club but it was still turned up.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Why so LOUD? Does Noise = $$$?
    I believe you can tune out noises sometimes. To my great surprise I actually slept through an ear piercing fire alarm in college one time. I could hear those fire alarms 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile away on campus and they hurt your teeth standing in the same hallway. Therefore I was really surprised when I didn't even wake up one time. I guess I was dead tired. We had over 430 firealarms in my dorm building the first semester so I was pretty used to them. Perhaps 4 or 5 had a good reason for going off. The rest were pranksters and malfunctions. Speaking of ear plugs, I have found that different sizes fit differently and don't block out sound as well as others. I was surprised that I could actually hear dancers more easily wearing the ear plugs. If the music volume hurts, you definitely need to be wearing ear plugs because I believe that is a sign that your hearing is getting damaged. You don't get your hearing back after you lose it.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any customers who are EMOTIONALLY NEEDY?
    You apparently don't live in the Houston area do you RL? I guess you can fool me by not posting though when the hurricane knocks out power along the Texas coast. I feel a bit needy. I was wondering if our government could try some weather modification by dropping some of those powerful gas explosion type bombs into the eyewall to knock out a chunk and weaken the storm. I've heard the idea of dropping nukes into the eyewall to weaken it but we don't need a radioactive hurricane. I'm just curious what would happen to a hurricane if you dropped several massive timed gas explosion type bombs into a section of the eye wall and had all the explosions going off at different altitudes simultaneously. I don't know, this idea might require lots of bombs but it might be cost effective.
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    19 years ago
    South Carolina
    Anonymous complainer
    What disclaimer? I always tell the truth. I would never and I'm sure shadowcat and all other guys always tell the truth about their sexual encounters and their visits to strip clubs. We are like RL on here only telling the gospel truth. Either that or we are some good liars with years of story telling experience, lol. I only feel safe in saying this because, uh, there hasn't been any lightning or rain in over a month and even the hurricanes are avoiding my location. Speaking about reviews and details, I would only provide specific details if I was angry at a club or person and wanted to get them in trouble. Someone might believe me especially here in the Bible belt south where anything bad is always believed. Actually I believe a number of people assume something worse is going on than what you say. Some people are such nasty thinkers.
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    19 years ago
    South Carolina
    Anonymous complainer
    I think I know why it's easy for people to imagine the worst. If they never experience it themselves, they just hear the rumors and gossip and only hear about the worst things. Then they get a picture in their head and that is the way things are to them. I remember the first time I went to a strip club I was apprenhensive about what kind of sexual things might be going on. I saw topless dancers up on a stage and some girls occasionally dancing in front of guys but nothing else except a bunch of guys sitting around, talking, and drinking beer like any bar. Now as far as lying or rather exaggerating goes, it's possible one college roomate may have given me a little bit of practice. I heard he had like 26 girlfriends but he only claimed he had 9. He had me telling stories on the phone to some of them. We both thought it was funny though. Just little fibs here and there.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If REASONABLE prices are charged for dances, there may be less problems with....
    Apparently our leaders believe $50,000 per person displaced by hurricane Katrina in the entire gulf coast area is the proper amount. Let's see, for a family of four that would be $200,000 if the government paid it directly to the displaced family. I think that's enough to get a fresh start, build a very nice new house, two new cars, etc. etc. and have money left over. I'm serious about these dollar amounts though. Of course I do not believe the people displaced are going to get this money. Some of this money may be going to repair some infrastructure but I wonder where all the rest is going? corruption, corporations, someone's pocket? The price of trying to get affection from the public is too high in my opinion. People need to start complaining to their state senators NOW that strict oversight is needed. I heard the cost for this affection will be over $3,000 per person in the rest of the US.
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    19 years ago
    Why do some customers spend their money foolishly?
    I usually try to avoid judging people who seem to spend their money foolishly. Society is full of people who are either stupid, desperate, or just plain lazy. If a lot of these people fall into one group or another, hold onto your horses talking about them or you will be highly criticized for being politically incorrect. I believe that guy was either just complaining or didn't wave around his money good enough. I don't know too many dancers who would pass up a shot at $800 in easy money if they know about it. I'll say this anyway even though it may be considered politically incorrect. If a WWII elderly veteran was able to walk 60 miles away from New Orleans on foot to evacuate New Orleans, then I bet many of those other people walking around who didn't evacuate could have walked away from NO as well. I put the blame on the people who didn't evacuate but could have. I also blame the people complaining about no food and water at the astrodome or whatever dome it was. A place of last resort does not provide food and water. That is what a shelter is which it wasn't. duh, Apparently those people didn't seem to hear or understand when that was announced that you had to bring your own food and water. I also put blame on the mayor for telling people to go there and not having enough resoures ready to assist along with the governor. Then I put more blame on FEMA for being so stupid about the whole thing. Having the then leader of FEMA claim he didn't know about the people in the dome makes him look really stupid. Having FEMA deny assistance into NO doesn't make sense to me either. Having the media talk to those who took no steps to prepare for one of the worst hurricanes ever heading for the US and expect our government to take care of them hand to mouth, exasperating. Sorry didn't mean to ramble my thoughts here but if feels good to get this out.
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    19 years ago
    Why do some customers spend their money foolishly?
    Oh I forgot one more big one. Having our leader put a price tag of 250 billion dollars as the cost for the displaced is a bit too much. That's $50,000 per person or $200,000 for a family of four. Congress needs to appoint some strict watchdogs on this. I don't expect the people to end up with hardly any of it and I don't think that everyone else in the US needs to be stuck with a $3000 bill to pay for it. I think I could rebuild a few cities inland for that much money.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What's the most trouble you've gotten into in a strip club?
    My history has not been getting into trouble as much as causing trouble for anyone who gets me angry. There have been a couple of dancers who I was not angry with at all who I believe got canned when they went all nude on stage in a topless club. Maybe they wanted to quit and just went nude in front of me on stage and didn't care what the manager thought. Maybe the manager was stricter than they thought. I once considered saying quite a bit to one dancer who picked my pocket. Rather than lose control because I was very angry I said something to one dancer or someone there and then immediately left. Then I emailed the management of the strip club chain of the crime committed in the club with my real name identified. They investigated and found the suspected dancer who had been stealing from others as well. They put 8 dancers and one bouncer on a 2 week suspension for a cooling off period. I actually went back to the club and the manager wanted to speak to me and I confirmed the identity of the dancer who stole from me. I was anxious when I went back to the club not knowing what to expect if they might be hostile to me or not. To my surprise, everyone was very friendly including the manager. I didn't consider this to be causing trouble but I had another dancer get fired or to quit because the manager said she would be fired if she left early. I wanted to leave a club but this one particular dancer insisted on leaving with me. She got me to stay much longer than I intended and then left and got fired 30 minutes from closing time. I consider that to be quitting more than getting fired because I was willing to stay another 30 minutes after staying over 2 or 3 hours longer than I originally intended. I didn't really even know her that well and didn't know why she was so insistent on leaving with me that night either.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What's the most trouble you've gotten into in a strip club?
    I just remembered I did get into a verbal fight with one dancer one time. She wanted me to buy her something (nothing sexual) and it wasn't a lap dance. I refused and didn't know why she actually thought I would pay for anything than a dance. She was very mad which just confused me like crazy. Then she went and quit that club so I didn't see her again for a couple of months until she came back. It was nice to get a break from her since she seemed obsessed with me at times.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What's the most trouble you've gotten into in a strip club?
    Maybe I should have added all the trouble I had was years ago. I've also had my shirt ripped open by a feature entertainer which made me a bit angry. I didn't do anything about that.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do you act differently depending on where you are?
    Possibly. I always want to be safe and be aware of my surroundings while looking to have fun. If I don't feel comfortable in a club I won't go or stay long. If I'm in a town where the best dance in the city costs $20 or $25 when I know I can get cheaper dances where I live at, I might break down and get a lap dance anyway especially if a dancer sat on my lap for 45 minutes. If dances are a whopping $30 a piece, I won't bother getting any dances especially if I know I'm going back home the next day. I seem to tip more girls at the stage though since I know I may not see them again.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why do people at strip clubs look so serious?
    If I'm not having fun, I won't be smiling. Fortunately though, I often have fun and am smiling. I heard alcohol will intensify whatever emotion you are having before you start drinking. Therefore if you aren't happy to start with, you won't be after drinking a few. I remember recently several dancers commented that they liked my smile when I was at a nude club at the beach. I was having lots of fun there. Lots of pretty nude girls eager to show me their stuff and they seemed happy to get in front of me. I was happy to see them and tip them. I think I was smiling an awful lot. I didn't get any dances but I even had fun with one dancer telling her she could come back again and ask me later. She smiled the second or third time she asked me and told me that she thinks I am enjoying her coming back. I think I was. I told her with a smile that she could come back again and ask me for a dance later. I think there is something sexy about a smile. I know I enjoy dancers who smile at me.