
where did everyone go?????

Tuesday, December 28, 2004 4:56 PM
I know its beena long time since I have posted here... but where did everyone go? Realguy, niceass, mouse, pinhead, jimjazz, jolicour23 (or like that) bestbustybabe, Dusty,DD (I don't remember her name exactly). There are more but I can't think of thier names off hand. Well if anyof you are still here, I just wanted to say hi and whats up! ANd for the people I don't know, HAPPY LAPPING!!!`


  • Mouse
    19 years ago
    Happy Hollidays. Nice to see you posting. How's business been?
  • Toplessdancer
    20 years ago
    I am here, but haven't really been posting much, I have been volunteering at the red cross for a week now and have been to tired to get on the cpu. I KNOW A STRIPPER VOLUTEERING!!!!! it happens, shut up ... lol I am just kidding. Andrea and I are taking turns at the red cross, and even on the days I am not there, our son is pooping me out. I will try to post more, but today was the first day neither of us did anything. love sara
  • SuperDude
    20 years ago
    Some of us are still around and glad to hear from you.
    20 years ago
    Hi Gingersnap. I used to have a good frind named Ginger who was often call Snaps, but I'm guessin that isn't you because she was never a dancer (unless she is now) and that's probably pretty common. Anyway to answer your question, this board got pretty negative for awhile because of a couple of haters spewing junk and we lost a lot of the people you mentioned. Hope you're back to stay, we need more dancer opinions here.
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