Most Outrageous Lie a Stripper Has Ever Told You

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avatar for johnnylingo
20 years ago
Down in LA a few months ago, I spoke for nearly an hour with a 40 year old dancer with a German accent, who claimed to be from Germany and said she'd be going back there in a few months. The DJ said she was a playboy playmate from Idaho, but she said that was wrong.

I decected something fishy, so when I got home I did some research and found out she was the club's "feature" performer for th emonth, and had done about 20 porn movies in the late 90s. The biography said she was 100% American raised in LA, so I rented one of her movies and found she didn't have an accent at all.

Wasn't mad about it at all, just thought it was funny she had gone through all that trouble to create this "character". Maybe she was moving on to Germany soon and just needed some practice speaking.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Jpac, I'm sorry, I thought I had answered you a long time ago but I've been having computer problems (computers don't like me, the feeling is mutual) and I guess it never got posted. Anyway you have to put her actions into context: the girl was 19, a real clown and we didn't know each other very well then. She's 27 now and is my closest friend, and she hasn't told me anything fictional in years. I don't consider it lying in a strip club when there's no malice intended, I consider it fiction. She was an entertainer doing her job, trying to entertain me (as well as herself) by telling me a funny story. Just like a comedian on stage, you don't consider their fictional stories to be lies, do you? This girl is very intelligent, has a wild sense of humor, and is very playful. I love it. Wish more dancers were like that.
avatar for Toplessdancer
20 years ago
We want a naked babe pic over here!!! lol... My SO was reading this board, and told me to put that on here lol.

Love sara
avatar for ShotDisc
20 years ago
Shadow. I would love to see that pic.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
$30 million? I'd like to hear the story on that one. Seems like someone could work out an advance loan to get by until they got the $30 million.
avatar for tom_pb
20 years ago
Recently a dancer I know told me she was going to inherit something in excess of 30million dollars next summer but she was going to still dance. I think I'll check her out next August.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
Yep, she tried to squeeze as much out of me as possible I believe.
avatar for SuperDude
20 years ago
casualguy--Sounds like a line designed to get you to buy dances right up until your last day in town.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
So many lies, it hard to pick just one. I remember one good one. I once told a dancer who I routinely got dances from every month that I was moving out of state. She told me that she's in love with me.

I was wondering if she might be telling the truth since I had been over to her house a few times but thought it more likely to be just another line.
avatar for davids
20 years ago
I personally am not impressed by people who lie. I mean I guess there are circumstances under which lying is justified: If the Gestapo knocks on your door during WWII and asks where the Frank family is for instance. Or maybe to spare someone's feelings (although not as often as most would imagine even here). But it's just plain sleazy to do it for personal gain.
avatar for SuperDude
20 years ago
I don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
avatar for Jpac73
20 years ago
FONDL I would not have found it funny that she lied and I bought her a graduation gift because I thought it was true. I would have told her off and got up and walked away.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
My ATF told me she had just graduated from college (I think I even gave her a graduation present) in elementary education. It was total bullshit. Years later I was helping her draft a resume and she confessed, she told me that she made up a different story like that for each customer - it was a game she played to see if she could remember who she told what. I thought it was hilarious. I still do.
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