I was talking to one of my favorite dancers and I asked her where she was from and she said that she was orginally from New Jersery. I then asked how did you come to be in Alabama? she said her Ex-Husband was in the military. This isn't the first time that a dancer has said she was married to a soldier and that's how she ended up in the town she is at.
I remember this adorable dancer at Angels who I knew for *over a year*. She was like a good friend to me. Anyway, she tells me that she was arrested on prostitution charges. Boy, was I pissed and I told her so! She says Kyle, you don't understand. If I was going to sell sex, then I'd definitely be willing to sell to you because you treat me fantastic and I like spending time with you. (She would spend time with me even when I told her upfront that she needed to look elsewhere to earn $$$ because I was broke.)
Anyway, she told me how truly scary prison was and it was only for a few hours. The judge told her if she insisted on pleading innocent, then she could expect a 6 month wait *in prison/jail* before receiving a trial. While, if she plead guilty or no contest she would be released immediately and would *only* have to pay a few thousand dollar fine with an "easy payment plan." She said that she was afraid for her personal safety in the prison and who was going to take care of her two year old child?
Kyle, I would have pled guilty or no contest to *anything* the judge demanded to get out of prison immediately and get back to my child and the safety of my apartment. Her main concern besides the incedible stress of trying to pay the few thousand dollar fine when she was already struggle financially was her fear that the criminal record would keep her from getting a normal job when she finished school.
Of course, she wasn't the only girl to be arrested on prostitution charges at Angels. Were all the girls guilty? I don't know, but I do know that my stripper buddy had always made it clear to me that she would not sell me sex. It appears like an extortion game: Angels has to pay the police to be left alone or the dancers will be arrested. Since basic rights in this country are basically a complete joke there is no real choice other than to pay off.
Soldiers defending our freedoms??? Oh, please. More like soldiers defending higher oil prices for President Bush's wealthy oil buddies or defending corruption, extortion, fraud, and Israel.
No one should be forced or pressured into supporting a country that is basically just a meal ticket. Most people can't even afford to quit a nasty job let alone look for a new country that protects basic freedoms. Besides one of the few good things about this garbage country is that it is wealthy and people will do a lot of things they'd rather not do in order to earn $$$.
So to you flag wavers I sincerely hope you learn personally how truly evil your beloved country can be. Yes, it is probably not likely you'll get fucked by the government too bad if you can afford to pay off, but who knows . . . and even after you get fucked *real bad* by the government you may still love it and that might be the smartest possible response. :)
LOL while ignoring what Kyle111 is saying for a moment, In the club I was working at last year, 3 women started withing 4 months of each other and all 3 of them lost thier husbands in war, and now are trying to support thier families by Dancing. I know if I lost my partner in a war or something like that and I was being totally supported by her I would probably resort to the quick fix such as dancing. These poor women are thinking they are going to find love once again by working there too, which makes me even more sad that a girl would actually look for love in a crap hole like a stip club (not saying strip clubs are bad, just a bad way to find a mate) OH and I am not saying all of the guys who come to strip clubs are bad either, but same thing applies at a bar, I would want to find my future partner there either.
I hope no one take advantage of thier vulnerablity
I met a very nice and intelligent gentleman this afternoon. He was a wealthy physician in Iran and then fled the revolution and became a wealthy physician in this country. He must be around 90 years old, but was still very sharp for his age. According to him he's been ALL over the world and the US is the greatest country by far (his wife also a doctor feels the same way). The reason this country is so wonderful according to him is that you can make $$$ without having to worry about it being stolen by the government. In Iran the government stole all his money (he really dislikes the Iranian government and its religious leaders).
So every once in a while I will find foreigners who think this country is the greatest. He was aware of corruption in the courts (from experience), but said basically find a good attorney by trial and error, and pay off. He says be grateful you have that option in America. Well, if the Iranian government wants to takeover this country I sure won't be fighting, but then that's the job of "heroic" government soliders.
I wonder how many hours of an attorney's time the average government soldier can afford per month if the attorney charges $300 per hour--2 or 3 hours? Don't government soldiers deserve at least a 5% raise so their wives and girlfriends won't feel forced to work in the sex trade. Hmmm . . . perhaps the soldiers deserve a 25% raise so they can retain a good attorney in an emergency or does the government provide free quality legal services for ALL of a soldier's legal needs . . .
On the subject of strip clubs (his son, a successful businessman, is in love with the strip club scene as am I) he says that is only for losers.
I don't think Kyle111 has to worry about being considered unfit for duty... Hey, there's always a place for him in target practice...heheheh...:-) As far as the court systems go, money and a good lawyer gets you justice more often than not. That's not fair, but it's true...
Supposedly some soldiers have wives and girlfriends who feel forced to work in the sex industry because the government in not paying our "heroic" soldiers enough money.
Gee, the soldiers supposedly protect our freedoms and then they're cheated financially??? Their love ones forced into "brothels" and other sex work like stripping.
I'm sure President Bush the moral one will put an end to this obscenity by building as many prisons as possible to put an end to the evil sex industry. Or, maybe he'll give the soldiers a 5% raise. I think the soldiers support him so it seem like a good investment.
Anyway, I think most people actually believe that the soldiers are fighting to protect our supposed freedoms so why in the world are they being cheated financially? Is the government ignoring the will of the people? There is absolutely no shortage of money--President Bush has the printing presses working fast and furiously . . .
So with all the freedoms we supposedly have and tremendous love of heroic soldiers why o why is the government cheating its soldiers? Wont the voters be heard in this supposedly freedom drenched country???
Many many years ago I met this man who was fighting a bitter custody battle. He told me all these ***really insane*** stories about the court proceedings. I told him that he was probably not seeing things clearly and that I was sorry, but that I didn't believe him. He was wealthy and had an expensive attorney so what's the problem? Well his ex-wife and her new husband were even wealthier.
So I got to know the man. Conservative christian flag waver who thought this country was the greatest with tons of freedom. He said Kyle not too many years ago I would have thought that you were a complete nut and now I agree with you--at least about the government.
Well, whatever. He got fucked by the government so he was not so blindly in love with it. Other people get fucked by the government and not only do they still love and support the government, they support the "laws" that were used against them. Whatever. Why aren't these so called heroic soldiers protecting these people's rights??? Probably cause that ain't a soldier's job?
Freedom of speech is sort of an amusing freedom in that it has little real value to most people most of the time. I *think* Bork in his book and writings pointed out that the ***freedom to control/regulate speech thru our democratically elected government is at least as important a freedom if not moreso than so called freedom of speech.***
So what is a more valuable freedom? So called freedom of speech or fair reasonable appropriate speech.
If you don't like it, then go to another site or build your own (IOW, the love it or leave idiocy right back at you) or petition the founder; he may agree with you.
I'd be really shocked if the founder didn't LOVE this country and it is his right to kick me or anyone else off his site for any reason.
I always remember being told how the brave soldiers sacrificed not only their lives, but their very blood and limbs for our freedoms. I would read how a man lost his arms or legs or eyesight or mind protecting and defending our freedoms.
How does this make any sense?
I want to know how the soldiers dying and being crippled in Iraq are protecting freedom. If it is condominium type freedom, then ok I see the point. Soldiers are doing a wonderful job and I shouldn't be critical or bitter or angry.
If the soldiers were dying and being crippled fighting a foreign invader, then I could see how they are protecting whatever freedoms this two-bit government allows (more importantly they are protecting the two-bit government). Perhaps they are even saving lives assuming the invader wants kill people en mass.
The country is garbage when it comes to basic freedoms and is extremely dishonest and corrupt. Perhaps if you get the opportunity to experience the government first hand then you might appreciate that fact. No, you couldn't figure that out unless they put in a prison to be raped and tortured--and, even then you might not figure it out. I guess your proud that this country's prison system dwarfs the rest of the developed world. I guess your proud the way we cowardly drop bombs en mass on innocents. I guess your proud that this country is a puppet and virtual slave to Israel. Etc. Etc. Etc. Whatever, even the Soviet Union died so there is always hope things will change for the better.
The brave or cowardly government soldiers have *absolutely nothing* to do with freedom of speech especially my alleged freedom of speech. They generally will fight for whatever savage, clown, genius, crook, moron, or ***whomever*** has the mantle of power.
Furthermore, I don't believe my freedom of speech or any other real freedoms are being protected. And, posting a few unpopular internet posts doesn't prove anything other than the government currently doesn't have the time to bother with small fries with zero public support. Nor, does the alleged right to burn the U.S. flag prove anything other than what was it? 5 out 4 juctices thought it acceptable--I'm not sure, but usually it is some 5-4 nonsense. The real deal is how many cases are ignored something like 16,000 to 1 or perhaps it is worse now, but that is the last count I read.
Get rid of the government soldiers--I don't believe this two-bit government was even allowed under the garbage constitution (which is really excellent, btw) to have a standing army! The constitution has been rendered a joke so I don't read it with much consideration.
The government soldiers and government is a threat to FREEDOM unless your freedom is like the freedom of a condominium association. If that is the kind of freedom you want, then the soldiers are protecting freedom and they doing a great job.
The way the country has turned out I wish those treasonous rebels-- the founding fathers--had gotten the hell out of this country instead of killing brave government soldiers who were trying to defend their country. Bring back the legitmate government. :)
Getting back somewhat to the original point. Should this two-bit government pay ***its*** soldiers enough $$$ so that wives and girlfriends wont feel the need to sell their bodies stripping to survive?
I humbly think the answer is yes even if it means the government has to has the printing presses working an extra few minutes.
Gee, Kyle1111, I guess it never occured to you that the freedom of speech you enjoy on this site, is due to brave young men, with their whole lives ahead of them, who died to give you the chance to spout off your bullshit. If you hate the USA so much, get the hell out and stay out!!!
Ivy is actually a dancer I remember and that's saying something as far as dancers I remember. She was very fun to be around. I remember I got lucky to see her when she was brand new to PP. I think she must have thought I was a regular seeing me twice in a short time period. She had a good memory too. When I saw her again she told me it had been 3 months rather loudly. On later visits she seemed to be very busy or rather popular. Did she have a total of 4 nipple piercings? I thought she went overboard on the piercings but I never said anything about it.
Perhaps I'm just misreading history or there is a definitional problem concerning freedom.
Some people may consider freedom to be a "drug free" or "booze free" society. The government may need to be fairly heavy handed with an ample supply of police and soldiers to enforce this kind of freedom. Others may see freedom as a "gun free" society and still others see a freedom as a "color blind" society. Again soldiers and police may be needed to enforce this and other supposedly wonderful freedoms. And it would seem to follow that soldiers and police and other government hired hands would be viewed by many as "heroes."
I view the homosexual or the drug lord or the pornographer or some other criminals as far more the hero than the modern soldier. My interest in gay sex is zero and I find it unnatural at least between males. Drugs seem boring whether alcohol or whatever compared to paid sex. Pornography seems boring compared to paid sex. The issue is freedom, not whether I like or dislike such activities. Is a society that has alcohol and other dangerous drugs freely available more free than a society where the people thanks to their "heroic" government are freer from such menaces?
If you believe the government should be protecting the society from the evils of pornography, drugs, homosexuality and the like, then I can see how hired killers like soldiers would be viewed as "heroes."
I would probably view soldiers as heroes, if they were protecting fundamental rights such as due process of law, jury trials, the coining of money, etc. Now, this nonsense of terrorism is just a little too stupid and phony for my tastes so I wouldn't give the soldiers a dimes worth of credit in this phony war on terror. For numerous reasons--obesity should be one of many higher priorities and perhaps fast food pushers should be treated like drug lords . . . Freedom from fast food (alliteration! :)
Finally, if strippers are really such bad people then perhaps "heroic" soldiers can save us from this menace of sexy greedy naked females . . .
I still remember how my father was to be raped and tortured in this supposedly free and wonderful country. It didn't happen. Thank god the judge had no intention of sending the police over to enforce the sentence--it was just a scare tactic. I still remember how I've been treated by an unbelieveably corrupt court system whose sole purpose seems to be to facilitate theft by attorneys.
So I will have less freedom in some other country??? I don't think so based on what I've learned from the many foreigners that live and work here, legally and illegally. The big loss will be $$$. So it is a tradeoff. Do I want freedom or $$$. I'll take the cash (and warm weather) thank you very much. :) But, if I had $$$ I'd take the freedom!!!
I just can't see how the soldiers are somehow protecting what little freedom we allegedly have. I *think* most serve the U.S. military because it is better than the alternative of working at Burger King or doing jail time. A very few might believe the media and government propaganda--at least I hope a very few believe it. :) Anyway, in my book being poor or naive (stupid), and willing to kill for the government in NO WAY big or small makes a person a hero.
Oh and Fondl, there was a time when my father would have considered it a privilege to fight for this country. I guess he was stupid or the country was a lot different. He claims the country is a lot worse or perhaps he is not so naive.
Shakowcat and Squid - she sounds like someone who could dance in either Choo Choo's or McDoogals. Or on the Block if she's desparate. Most of the other MD clubs which I'm familiar with only hire young girls.
Kyle, I happen to agree with your views on Isreal - I think the creation of Isreal was the biggest political blunder of the 20th Century - but ours are a minority view. No politician could ever seriuosly address the issue. It's like the drug issue - everyone knows that our policy is terrible but nobody can challenge it without being labeled a kook.
But I think you're wrong about our military service people. I was in the military (voluntarily) during Viet Nam and I think a lot of those people were real heroes, just like today. Without them we wouldn't have any freedoms at all.
Thank you for the "public service message." Strip clubbing culture goes hand in hand with politics and economics and religion and marriage and etc.
Government can decide to eliminate strip clubbing altogether. In my area the government has decided to grant effective mini-monopolies to strip clubs decreasing choice and increasing prices. OTOH, placing a good number of young men in prison (or on the battlefield) should help increase the number of young women who decide stripping is a good career choice. So the government giveth and the government taketh. :) On balance, I'd rather see anyone free to open a strip club and have young men run "wild" as was intended by the Grand Crayon.
Given all the garbage I read about strippers on this site perhaps you would like to have a moderator to keep it "fun"?
This idea that the soldiers are heroes is very depressing and if one thinks stripping is a bad occupation then it is depressing that the wives and girlfriends of soldiers may feel the need or be forced to strip because the two-bit corrupt government is not paying its hired help fairly.
One alternative is not to surreptiously (sp?) get involved in other people's wars. Sending economic and military aid to Israel is an open invitation that United States wishes to be part of the fun and games (murder and terror). Another idiotic story was that these people (religious warriors) are "jealous of our freedoms." Far more likely they are angry about our support of their enemy.
Why is the U.S. such a puppet of the tiny nation of Israel?
Another alternative is that the U.S. actually pursue and attack those tiny number of people responsible--this would resemble more of a police action than an actual war.
Acting as terrorists hardly stops terrorism, but actually works to increase their numbers. Sort of like how reducing the flow of illegal drugs helps the drug lords make obscene profits. So the alternative whether in fighting "terrorism" or "drugs" first and foremost try and isolate the *problem* from the *symptoms*. And, don't exacerbate (sp?) the symptoms or turn the *symptoms* into the problem.
With "terrorism" the real problem appears to be our support of Israel. Solution: Eliminate economic and military and other support for Israel. Or, if there is a real need to throw away taxpayer money (always a good thing screwing the stupid taxpayer), then give the Palestinians equal military and economic aid.
In this garbage country we are supposed to have the right to a jury trial. Of course, that is just another fraud amongst many.
I would have LOVED to have had a jury trial. A bright jury or a even mentally average jury--mainly a jury that didn't have an interest or bias.
Anyway, are these soliders, allegedly heroes, fighting to protect my right to a jury trial or other people's right to a jury trial? NO WAY! Their fighting for whatever clown currently has power. Are they fighting to protect freedom of speech? NO WAY! Killing Iraqis left, right, and center has nothing to do with protecting freedom of speech. Protecting us from those religious warriors who would use terror against the U.S.? NO WAY! Attack Saudi Arabia if that is the deal--I *think* some absurd number something like 15 of 19 the supposed hijackers were from Saudi Arabi.
War is usually a scam and soldiers are usually not heroes.
Strippers are heroes moreso than soldiers. Soldiers like strippers are hired help and should be treated as such--very well.
Occasionally, soldiers fight because they've bought a bill of goods like protecting liberty; they're more like dupes. Perhaps if the weapons of mass destruction fraud had been used 50 years earlier we'd still be hearing about it, but as an irrefutable fact taught to school children and the masses.
The average Iraqi, under Saddam, probably had as many or more rights than the average U.S. resident. The deal is standard of living for god's sake. At the zenith of aparhtied (sp?) in South Africa blacks were overwhelming trying to get into South Africa. That didn't make South Africa a good country anymore than Mexicans trying to get into the United States makes the United States a good country. Put another way just because an 18 year old hottie wants to marry a 99 year old man doesn't mean she loves him or even likes him. It may be the $$$.
Anyway, soliders as heroes is just so much garbage propaganda from a ruling class that absolutely no qualms about murdering people for profit & power and telling the most idiotic stories like the so called "mandate" of President Bush, or marijuana has no medicinal value, or your with us or against us, or deflation is the monetary danger not inflation.
I'm a child of the 60's who protested the war in Viet Nam. I believed then and now that we treat military people, especially combat troops, like hired help instead the heroes they truly are. Our combat soldiers are ususally young men, outside of the U.S. for the first time, scared, sucking it up and trying to do their assigned jobs. We pay them nothing and leave them prey to every hustler, loan shark, scam artist and quick buck grabber in the towns around the bases. I have seen this up close. No wonder their wives have to work, bankrupties increase, divorce rates soar and re-enlistments drop. It's not right to treat people who volunteer to go to war for the USA the way we do.
I think it's pretty common, especially if you're in an area where there is a military base not far away. A lot of enlisted men don't make enough money to support a family, which is probably one of the causes. And I think that some of these girls who claim to be divorced aren't, they just say that to make themselves more appealing to customers.
last commentI remember this adorable dancer at Angels who I knew for *over a year*. She was like a good friend to me. Anyway, she tells me that she was arrested on prostitution charges. Boy, was I pissed and I told her so! She says Kyle, you don't understand. If I was going to sell sex, then I'd definitely be willing to sell to you because you treat me fantastic and I like spending time with you. (She would spend time with me even when I told her upfront that she needed to look elsewhere to earn $$$ because I was broke.)
Anyway, she told me how truly scary prison was and it was only for a few hours. The judge told her if she insisted on pleading innocent, then she could expect a 6 month wait *in prison/jail* before receiving a trial. While, if she plead guilty or no contest she would be released immediately and would *only* have to pay a few thousand dollar fine with an "easy payment plan." She said that she was afraid for her personal safety in the prison and who was going to take care of her two year old child?
Kyle, I would have pled guilty or no contest to *anything* the judge demanded to get out of prison immediately and get back to my child and the safety of my apartment. Her main concern besides the incedible stress of trying to pay the few thousand dollar fine when she was already struggle financially was her fear that the criminal record would keep her from getting a normal job when she finished school.
Of course, she wasn't the only girl to be arrested on prostitution charges at Angels. Were all the girls guilty? I don't know, but I do know that my stripper buddy had always made it clear to me that she would not sell me sex. It appears like an extortion game: Angels has to pay the police to be left alone or the dancers will be arrested. Since basic rights in this country are basically a complete joke there is no real choice other than to pay off.
Soldiers defending our freedoms??? Oh, please. More like soldiers defending higher oil prices for President Bush's wealthy oil buddies or defending corruption, extortion, fraud, and Israel.
No one should be forced or pressured into supporting a country that is basically just a meal ticket. Most people can't even afford to quit a nasty job let alone look for a new country that protects basic freedoms. Besides one of the few good things about this garbage country is that it is wealthy and people will do a lot of things they'd rather not do in order to earn $$$.
So to you flag wavers I sincerely hope you learn personally how truly evil your beloved country can be. Yes, it is probably not likely you'll get fucked by the government too bad if you can afford to pay off, but who knows . . . and even after you get fucked *real bad* by the government you may still love it and that might be the smartest possible response. :)
I hope no one take advantage of thier vulnerablity
I met a very nice and intelligent gentleman this afternoon. He was a wealthy physician in Iran and then fled the revolution and became a wealthy physician in this country. He must be around 90 years old, but was still very sharp for his age. According to him he's been ALL over the world and the US is the greatest country by far (his wife also a doctor feels the same way). The reason this country is so wonderful according to him is that you can make $$$ without having to worry about it being stolen by the government. In Iran the government stole all his money (he really dislikes the Iranian government and its religious leaders).
So every once in a while I will find foreigners who think this country is the greatest. He was aware of corruption in the courts (from experience), but said basically find a good attorney by trial and error, and pay off. He says be grateful you have that option in America. Well, if the Iranian government wants to takeover this country I sure won't be fighting, but then that's the job of "heroic" government soliders.
I wonder how many hours of an attorney's time the average government soldier can afford per month if the attorney charges $300 per hour--2 or 3 hours? Don't government soldiers deserve at least a 5% raise so their wives and girlfriends won't feel forced to work in the sex trade. Hmmm . . . perhaps the soldiers deserve a 25% raise so they can retain a good attorney in an emergency or does the government provide free quality legal services for ALL of a soldier's legal needs . . .
On the subject of strip clubs (his son, a successful businessman, is in love with the strip club scene as am I) he says that is only for losers.
"[M]oney and a good lawyer gets you justice more often than not. That's not fair, but it's true..."
Sounds like money and good lawyers are the true "heroes" . . .
Supposedly some soldiers have wives and girlfriends who feel forced to work in the sex industry because the government in not paying our "heroic" soldiers enough money.
Gee, the soldiers supposedly protect our freedoms and then they're cheated financially??? Their love ones forced into "brothels" and other sex work like stripping.
I'm sure President Bush the moral one will put an end to this obscenity by building as many prisons as possible to put an end to the evil sex industry. Or, maybe he'll give the soldiers a 5% raise. I think the soldiers support him so it seem like a good investment.
Anyway, I think most people actually believe that the soldiers are fighting to protect our supposed freedoms so why in the world are they being cheated financially? Is the government ignoring the will of the people? There is absolutely no shortage of money--President Bush has the printing presses working fast and furiously . . .
So with all the freedoms we supposedly have and tremendous love of heroic soldiers why o why is the government cheating its soldiers? Wont the voters be heard in this supposedly freedom drenched country???
Many many years ago I met this man who was fighting a bitter custody battle. He told me all these ***really insane*** stories about the court proceedings. I told him that he was probably not seeing things clearly and that I was sorry, but that I didn't believe him. He was wealthy and had an expensive attorney so what's the problem? Well his ex-wife and her new husband were even wealthier.
So I got to know the man. Conservative christian flag waver who thought this country was the greatest with tons of freedom. He said Kyle not too many years ago I would have thought that you were a complete nut and now I agree with you--at least about the government.
Well, whatever. He got fucked by the government so he was not so blindly in love with it. Other people get fucked by the government and not only do they still love and support the government, they support the "laws" that were used against them. Whatever. Why aren't these so called heroic soldiers protecting these people's rights??? Probably cause that ain't a soldier's job?
Freedom of speech is sort of an amusing freedom in that it has little real value to most people most of the time. I *think* Bork in his book and writings pointed out that the ***freedom to control/regulate speech thru our democratically elected government is at least as important a freedom if not moreso than so called freedom of speech.***
So what is a more valuable freedom? So called freedom of speech or fair reasonable appropriate speech.
If you don't like it, then go to another site or build your own (IOW, the love it or leave idiocy right back at you) or petition the founder; he may agree with you.
I'd be really shocked if the founder didn't LOVE this country and it is his right to kick me or anyone else off his site for any reason.
How does this make any sense?
I want to know how the soldiers dying and being crippled in Iraq are protecting freedom. If it is condominium type freedom, then ok I see the point. Soldiers are doing a wonderful job and I shouldn't be critical or bitter or angry.
If the soldiers were dying and being crippled fighting a foreign invader, then I could see how they are protecting whatever freedoms this two-bit government allows (more importantly they are protecting the two-bit government). Perhaps they are even saving lives assuming the invader wants kill people en mass.
I humbly think the answer is yes even if it means the government has to have the printing presses working an extra few seconds.
The country is garbage when it comes to basic freedoms and is extremely dishonest and corrupt. Perhaps if you get the opportunity to experience the government first hand then you might appreciate that fact. No, you couldn't figure that out unless they put in a prison to be raped and tortured--and, even then you might not figure it out. I guess your proud that this country's prison system dwarfs the rest of the developed world. I guess your proud the way we cowardly drop bombs en mass on innocents. I guess your proud that this country is a puppet and virtual slave to Israel. Etc. Etc. Etc. Whatever, even the Soviet Union died so there is always hope things will change for the better.
The brave or cowardly government soldiers have *absolutely nothing* to do with freedom of speech especially my alleged freedom of speech. They generally will fight for whatever savage, clown, genius, crook, moron, or ***whomever*** has the mantle of power.
Furthermore, I don't believe my freedom of speech or any other real freedoms are being protected. And, posting a few unpopular internet posts doesn't prove anything other than the government currently doesn't have the time to bother with small fries with zero public support. Nor, does the alleged right to burn the U.S. flag prove anything other than what was it? 5 out 4 juctices thought it acceptable--I'm not sure, but usually it is some 5-4 nonsense. The real deal is how many cases are ignored something like 16,000 to 1 or perhaps it is worse now, but that is the last count I read.
Get rid of the government soldiers--I don't believe this two-bit government was even allowed under the garbage constitution (which is really excellent, btw) to have a standing army! The constitution has been rendered a joke so I don't read it with much consideration.
The government soldiers and government is a threat to FREEDOM unless your freedom is like the freedom of a condominium association. If that is the kind of freedom you want, then the soldiers are protecting freedom and they doing a great job.
The way the country has turned out I wish those treasonous rebels-- the founding fathers--had gotten the hell out of this country instead of killing brave government soldiers who were trying to defend their country. Bring back the legitmate government. :)
Getting back somewhat to the original point. Should this two-bit government pay ***its*** soldiers enough $$$ so that wives and girlfriends wont feel the need to sell their bodies stripping to survive?
I humbly think the answer is yes even if it means the government has to has the printing presses working an extra few minutes.
Perhaps I'm just misreading history or there is a definitional problem concerning freedom.
Some people may consider freedom to be a "drug free" or "booze free" society. The government may need to be fairly heavy handed with an ample supply of police and soldiers to enforce this kind of freedom. Others may see freedom as a "gun free" society and still others see a freedom as a "color blind" society. Again soldiers and police may be needed to enforce this and other supposedly wonderful freedoms. And it would seem to follow that soldiers and police and other government hired hands would be viewed by many as "heroes."
I view the homosexual or the drug lord or the pornographer or some other criminals as far more the hero than the modern soldier. My interest in gay sex is zero and I find it unnatural at least between males. Drugs seem boring whether alcohol or whatever compared to paid sex. Pornography seems boring compared to paid sex. The issue is freedom, not whether I like or dislike such activities. Is a society that has alcohol and other dangerous drugs freely available more free than a society where the people thanks to their "heroic" government are freer from such menaces?
If you believe the government should be protecting the society from the evils of pornography, drugs, homosexuality and the like, then I can see how hired killers like soldiers would be viewed as "heroes."
I would probably view soldiers as heroes, if they were protecting fundamental rights such as due process of law, jury trials, the coining of money, etc. Now, this nonsense of terrorism is just a little too stupid and phony for my tastes so I wouldn't give the soldiers a dimes worth of credit in this phony war on terror. For numerous reasons--obesity should be one of many higher priorities and perhaps fast food pushers should be treated like drug lords . . . Freedom from fast food (alliteration! :)
Finally, if strippers are really such bad people then perhaps "heroic" soldiers can save us from this menace of sexy greedy naked females . . .
Hi Fondl,
I still remember how my father was to be raped and tortured in this supposedly free and wonderful country. It didn't happen. Thank god the judge had no intention of sending the police over to enforce the sentence--it was just a scare tactic. I still remember how I've been treated by an unbelieveably corrupt court system whose sole purpose seems to be to facilitate theft by attorneys.
So I will have less freedom in some other country??? I don't think so based on what I've learned from the many foreigners that live and work here, legally and illegally. The big loss will be $$$. So it is a tradeoff. Do I want freedom or $$$. I'll take the cash (and warm weather) thank you very much. :) But, if I had $$$ I'd take the freedom!!!
I just can't see how the soldiers are somehow protecting what little freedom we allegedly have. I *think* most serve the U.S. military because it is better than the alternative of working at Burger King or doing jail time. A very few might believe the media and government propaganda--at least I hope a very few believe it. :) Anyway, in my book being poor or naive (stupid), and willing to kill for the government in NO WAY big or small makes a person a hero.
Oh and Fondl, there was a time when my father would have considered it a privilege to fight for this country. I guess he was stupid or the country was a lot different. He claims the country is a lot worse or perhaps he is not so naive.
But I think you're wrong about our military service people. I was in the military (voluntarily) during Viet Nam and I think a lot of those people were real heroes, just like today. Without them we wouldn't have any freedoms at all.
Thank you for the "public service message." Strip clubbing culture goes hand in hand with politics and economics and religion and marriage and etc.
Government can decide to eliminate strip clubbing altogether. In my area the government has decided to grant effective mini-monopolies to strip clubs decreasing choice and increasing prices. OTOH, placing a good number of young men in prison (or on the battlefield) should help increase the number of young women who decide stripping is a good career choice. So the government giveth and the government taketh. :) On balance, I'd rather see anyone free to open a strip club and have young men run "wild" as was intended by the Grand Crayon.
Given all the garbage I read about strippers on this site perhaps you would like to have a moderator to keep it "fun"?
This idea that the soldiers are heroes is very depressing and if one thinks stripping is a bad occupation then it is depressing that the wives and girlfriends of soldiers may feel the need or be forced to strip because the two-bit corrupt government is not paying its hired help fairly.
One alternative is not to surreptiously (sp?) get involved in other people's wars. Sending economic and military aid to Israel is an open invitation that United States wishes to be part of the fun and games (murder and terror). Another idiotic story was that these people (religious warriors) are "jealous of our freedoms." Far more likely they are angry about our support of their enemy.
Why is the U.S. such a puppet of the tiny nation of Israel?
Another alternative is that the U.S. actually pursue and attack those tiny number of people responsible--this would resemble more of a police action than an actual war.
Acting as terrorists hardly stops terrorism, but actually works to increase their numbers. Sort of like how reducing the flow of illegal drugs helps the drug lords make obscene profits. So the alternative whether in fighting "terrorism" or "drugs" first and foremost try and isolate the *problem* from the *symptoms*. And, don't exacerbate (sp?) the symptoms or turn the *symptoms* into the problem.
With "terrorism" the real problem appears to be our support of Israel. Solution: Eliminate economic and military and other support for Israel. Or, if there is a real need to throw away taxpayer money (always a good thing screwing the stupid taxpayer), then give the Palestinians equal military and economic aid.
In this garbage country we are supposed to have the right to a jury trial. Of course, that is just another fraud amongst many.
I would have LOVED to have had a jury trial. A bright jury or a even mentally average jury--mainly a jury that didn't have an interest or bias.
Anyway, are these soliders, allegedly heroes, fighting to protect my right to a jury trial or other people's right to a jury trial? NO WAY! Their fighting for whatever clown currently has power. Are they fighting to protect freedom of speech? NO WAY! Killing Iraqis left, right, and center has nothing to do with protecting freedom of speech. Protecting us from those religious warriors who would use terror against the U.S.? NO WAY! Attack Saudi Arabia if that is the deal--I *think* some absurd number something like 15 of 19 the supposed hijackers were from Saudi Arabi.
War is usually a scam and soldiers are usually not heroes.
Strippers are heroes moreso than soldiers. Soldiers like strippers are hired help and should be treated as such--very well.
Occasionally, soldiers fight because they've bought a bill of goods like protecting liberty; they're more like dupes. Perhaps if the weapons of mass destruction fraud had been used 50 years earlier we'd still be hearing about it, but as an irrefutable fact taught to school children and the masses.
The average Iraqi, under Saddam, probably had as many or more rights than the average U.S. resident. The deal is standard of living for god's sake. At the zenith of aparhtied (sp?) in South Africa blacks were overwhelming trying to get into South Africa. That didn't make South Africa a good country anymore than Mexicans trying to get into the United States makes the United States a good country. Put another way just because an 18 year old hottie wants to marry a 99 year old man doesn't mean she loves him or even likes him. It may be the $$$.
Anyway, soliders as heroes is just so much garbage propaganda from a ruling class that absolutely no qualms about murdering people for profit & power and telling the most idiotic stories like the so called "mandate" of President Bush, or marijuana has no medicinal value, or your with us or against us, or deflation is the monetary danger not inflation.