
What Kind of Sleazy Shit Do Customers Pull?

Ok, I guess I've been pretty harsh about strippers lately. Many deserve it. Especially those strippers who are PLs themselves and call customers that. I'm not positive yet, but I think that perhaps 1-2% of strippers might actually be nice (I'll get back to you guys on this next year).

Anyway, let's bash the customers next: What kind of sleazy shit do customers do that contributes to strippers being so jaded and bitter? The main complaints I hear are rude comments especially of a sexually explicit nature when the customers are with their friends, and/or trying to lick or touch without permission.

Finally, do you think there is anything that can be done about the mutual contempt customers and strippers seem to treat each other with or is this just inevitable given the typical backgrounds of both groups? (We can try and educate the few people who will read here, but I don't think we can reach many that way...)


  • davids
    20 years ago
    Thanks for the post Makalya.

    As for the champagne room this one kind of baffles me. The rates are typically $500/hr or thereabouts. Now I have it on reasonable authority that that is about the rate you would pay for an escort or prostitute working in brothel to have sex with you for an hour. So why should strippers be surprised when customers expect that? I mean there is no one in world I am going to pay $500/hr for just to bounce around on my lap and pretend she is interested in me. Are strippers surprised that customers are not expecting to be ripped off?
  • johnnylingo
    20 years ago
    My favorite mentioned one that makes her sick - guys that ask her to "turn around slowly" so they can get a close look, and probably have no intention of getting a dance. She's learned that if someone asks that, to just leave.
    20 years ago

    whenever I'm bored in a club I like to eavesdrop on some of the nearby conversations. You'd be absolutely amazed at the bullshit that some customers try to fee the dancers. If you want to talk about telling lies, the customers a 10 times worse than any dancer I ever met. For example, a girl who worked with my ATF fell for a customer's line that he was risk (what else) and would take her to Florida with him. She went and about half way there he beat her up, robbed her and laft her stranded. I too am amazed at how nice most of these girls are.
  • Yoda
    20 years ago
    Guys who leave their wedding bands in the car when they go into a sc are near the top of my sleazy customer list, Guys who grab and lick when they are told not to, guys who simply don't pay after a dance is over, guys who sit at the bar spewing "all strippers are whores" while hittling on every dancer that comes over to ask for a dance.
    Spend a few hours really watching what goes on in SC and you will gain a new understanding as to why some of these girls become jaded and start to hate men. As a race we can be real jerks sometimes.
  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago
    One of my ATFs had absolutely perfect skin. Not a pimple or blemish or scar. One day I notice this ugly burn mark on her back. A customer got angry with her because she wouldn't agree to have sex in the VIP room so he burned her with a cigarette. :( A new dancer at Angels was raped by a customer--she didn't become a jaded dancer because after the rape that was it.

    Falling in love with a dancer and *then blaming her* is to me very sleazy and emotionally grinding. I look forward to a dancer who can give me a super high like that.

    I watch guys get fantastic FIVE DOLLAR dances. Song ends and it is time to pay. Does the customer promptly pay and thank the dancer for doing a good job? No, she then has to work some more to get the five dollars that is owed. Even if the five dollars is big money to the guy I think it is extremely sleazy to make collecting what is due a mini ordeal.

    I owned a small bookstore and some of the customers could be abusive and demanding over the purchase of a $2 dollar book. I can laugh about it now, but I can still remember this normal looking customer who demanded a 50% discount off of a $2 book he was interested in purchasing. After almost 20 minutes of listening to his bullshit and after his repeated refusal to leave the store after I had asked him nice several times I jump over the counter. At first he didn't believe I was serious. I wouldn't dare beat the living hell out of him--Once he realized I was indeed serious and more than a little angry he ran smartly, screaming that I wasn't going to get away with it. (I did get a visit from the police and was well treated.) What truly surprises me is how wonderful and sweet most dancers continue to be after working with joe public a few years.
  • Toplessdancer
    20 years ago
    I do have quiet a few stories, but here is the one that will ALWAYS stick out in my mind.

    One night when I got off of work, I went to my car and locked the doors. I noticed to the left at the end of the parking lot was an empty car, and it wasn't one of the girls'. So I decided to be careful, I just had a bad feeling. Well anyhow, I started towards the interstate, and noticed that very car was about 2 cars behind me. I kept going hoping it was just that the person leaving the club was going to the interstate to go to thier home as well. Let me also remind you that I lived 1.5 hours away. This car was around 30 feet behind me the whole way home. So I slowed down enough to get the liscense # just in case. Well this car got off at my same exit. Now I was freaking out!! I wasn't even about to go straight home, so I was driving in store parking lots, and in neighborhoods that weren't mine, and this car was still following me. I ended up driving to the police station and calling them from my car and asking that an officer come out to my car and walk me in. The cop came out walked me in and I told them what was going on, they ran the liscense # and turns out the car was from 2 hours NORTH of where I worked, and I lived 1.5 hours SOUTH of the club. The cops drove me to my friends house and I left my car there over night.

    If that isn't sleazy I don't know what is!! I still get scared to death that someone is following me home.

    Love sara
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