
Comments by zipman68 (page 58)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Jack Shacks?
    Did you dudes know that Bill Conrad was the Rocky & Bullwinkle narrator. Now he's coming here asking folks 'bout places to pay chicks so he can jack it. Pretty freak-EEE is you ask me! www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUDzuGECfdQ I bet Bullwinkle dug the jack shacks!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Appeals court upholds decision to fire Flint cop who took food to strip club bef
    Dude ain't nothin' but class!
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    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Defending Bieber and Ford...
    And Rob Ford...who among us wouldn't go all crazy with the crack and hookers if we were elected mayor? Sometimes I think Rob Ford is actually a performance artist doing all this crazy shit to see how folks react. I bet the dude plans all of his crazy shit. He goes home in the evening and says to his wife..."ok, tomorrow I'll show up to work wearing only a diaper, then I'll smoke some crack while the camera are rolling, and we'll see how it goes from there...I can't wait to see how folks react!"
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    11 years ago
    Names & Numbers...and Lists
    I have a number for everybody. 237...the number of replies to this thread (238 if you count this). And I have one thing to say about that...WOW...just wow!
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Kate Upton in Zero Gravity
    ^^^ Sexy as Ms. Upton's space boobs may be, I have one comment regarding azdd's "if I could have my way..." EWWWWWWW!!!
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    11 years ago
    O.T. - Canada vs. USA At The Olympics
    Ladies and Gentlemen....the mayor of Toronto! www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dSka6K3X-c Can you imagine an American crack-smokin' mayor as cool as Rob Ford? Who? Marion Barry?! HELL NO! All I can say is "Canada Rocks!"
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    11 years ago
    O.T. - Canada vs. USA At The Olympics
    C'mon guys....what's with all the Canda hate? I mean really, Canada is like the US if you made the US nicer. And added poutine. And made French a second official language. What could be wrong with that? And the whole Rob Ford thing. That is SOOOO American if you think about it. A bunch of suburbanites vote in a crazy crack smokin' Chris Farley-type dude as a big middle finger to the latte-sippin' liberals in Toronto. America invented that kind of shit! Plus, I must say that Rob Ford is frickin' hilarious. However, the Justin Bieber thing was uncalled for. Demerits to Canada on that one. Somebody needs to hire Juice to kidnap Bieber and taser him in the taint. Repeatedly!
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    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Shameful State of Affairs
    Rick, what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? You're always complaining about trolls but this is the trollingest troll post I've seen in a while. This is some concentrated troll juice you're putting out there. You come on here to excoriate folks for creating the potential for bad behavior. Bad behavior that didn't even happen. Many people, myself included, agreed that SW has an audience that should be respected. In other words, we should not invade their house and metaphorically shit on their carpet. Papi's a reasonable dude. Worst case scenario he made a mistake. If he had received a polite email saying "don't do X" I suspect Papi's a nice enough dude to not do X. It seems to me that a problem was manufactured and now your berating folks regarding that non-problem. I used to think Dougsta should lay off of you sometimes...but c'mon dude, you're askin' for it with this post.
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Kate Upton in Zero Gravity
    Space booooooobs! WEEE-YAWWW!!! (OK, I know it isn't space, but double D's in zero G is coo-el)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Need help
    What steve229 said. Only put a coo-el twist on things. A while back we had a young dude posting on here that was all into candy and porn. In addition to playing X-box and starting a band you NEED to cultivate a love of candy and porn. I thought that dude's antics were friggin' HI-LAR-EEEE-OUS!!! He had some routine about drinkin' cherry cola through a twizzler. Just chew off both ends and use it as a straw. Now we all want you to report back in two months, after you've: 1. Quit your job. 2. Become an X-box champ. 3. Sort of learned a lil' guitar. 4. Sold a lil' weed (unless you live in CO, where that is respectable). 5. Started drinking cherry pepsi through twizzler straws while jackin' it.
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    11 years ago
    OT: Car Thieves
    Try owning a one-eyed '77 Gremlin without a muffler. No car theft problem with that bad boy. You can leave it unlocked with the keys in the ignition...people be stealing clear like its got a state of the art car alarm with LoJack. AMC RULEZ!!!
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    11 years ago
    pictures of your Dick
    ^^^ So Subraman, I take that as a "YES, I do Owen pictures of muhdik." I'm coo-el wit' dudes whut Owen pics of they dik. Oops. Just channeled Juice for a minute there. OK, back to myself...
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    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    Slam Dunked the UAW.
    @Che -- I think you're the one making an assumption here. And there is no possible way your assumption can be correct. This *was* a vote between VW and UAW. A major reason UAW lost is because the workers were basically happy. Maybe the pushback against unions in the area had an impact. Who knows? But there appears to have been a good relationship between management and labor in this case. That makes unionizing an uphill battle. All I asked is whether labor can always count on a good relationship with management. I should think the answer is obvious. For anybody who thinks labor can always count on management shooting straight and playing fair...well, I've got the deed to this wonderful bridge that connects Manhattan and Brooklyn. I'll sell it to you cheap!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Ellen Page a Lesbian?
    Wait...you mean the porno pics of Ellen aren't real?!! http://blog.fakefantasy.com/tag/ellen-page-nude/ Well, I for one, choose to believe she does dudes too!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    pictures of your Dick
    Alucard wins the thread by having a number of dick pics large enough to require an off site server farm. So that's what the NSA is storing in Utah!
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    11 years ago
    Reality show snake-handling preacher dies -- of snakebite
    Should have handled less dangerous snakes. A nice hognose would be good. You can still say it is venomous, but the worst that could realistically happen is a lil' swelling. Plus they're cute snakes!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Will Stripperweb suffer a JDoS attack?
    @ilbbaicnl -- agreed. SW clearly has its constituency and it is bad taste to go into their house and metaphorically shit on the carpet by not following rules. I also think that Papi would have gladly complied with a polite request to refrain from excessive crossposting. He just strikes me as a reasonable dude. This thread was purely a joke -- I remembered the story about Garfield being able to write in Greek with one hand and Latin with the other and thought to myself "I wonder if that's how Juice does it..." That made me think of some crazy geek that sets up his own sweat lodge and posts while in the midst of a shamanic experience. And I stand by that being funny (albeit impractical).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    Slam Dunked the UAW.
    Althogh the conventional wisdom of labor supply and demand may be "Econ 101", actual analyses are far more equivocal. However, what we're taught in freshman classes is often oversimplified. The science says the minimum wage actually has a limited impact on unemployment, if any. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/02/14/why-economists-are-so-puzzled-by-the-minimum-wage/ (Includes link to the peer-reviewed publication) One of the things I've found interesting with the Republican ascendency is their ability to convince people to vote against their economic interests. I'm in an income bracket where Republican policies have little impact on me. I'm not rich enough that I really profit from their policies. But if my taxes went up a bit it would have essentially no impact upon my life. On the other hand, the Ken Cuccinelli wing of the Republicans could have an impact on all of our lives. I doubt any of us are rich enough to have Republican policies make a real difference in our lives. A more serious issue is that the Democrats are just as problematic with their Wall Street connections and lack of concern with privacy. But don't kid yourself that voting Republican helps. They're just as bad on most issues and they have an extra dollop of craziness (the Cuccinelli wing) on top of the issues that the Dems have. I don't feel good about cheering the demise of the UAW. Unions did a lot of good in the early 20th century. In this case many workers were happy with VW. But can workers trust management to always treat them well?
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    11 years ago
    RIP Yoda
    You're the next hit rapper Slick. Just remember that the name "Old Dirty Bastard" is taken. And may he rest in peace.
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    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What's with this Yoda faggot ?
    @GoVikings -- I'm a firm believer that people can self organize without the need for a moderator, at least under certain circumstances. So I respectfully disagree with you regarding the need (or desirability) of a moderator here. I can get wanting to ban dudes that actively troll over at stripperweb. If strippers want to have a place to discuss customer shit and not suffer attacks I'm down with it. If there's fear that cross posting will attract folks they don't want I can even understand that. Hell, even if Yoda wants to ban arbitrarily that is his prerogative as a moderator. But don't be shocked when people here call you out on it. A lot of the crazy shit here makes me laugh. That's why I read and post. Sometimes I'm interested in the perspective people have, even when I think they're totally wrong. If people say stuff I don't like I can ignore it. If they constantly say stuff I don't find interesting or funny I can ignore them. That said, I would like to see less of the pointless attacks. If you're going to attack be funny, and lay off folks that don't want to engage. A lot of folks are going to ignore these comments, but -- if they go too far -- I can ignore them.
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    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Will Stripperweb suffer a JDoS attack?
    I bet ol' Juice, safely ensconced in his sweat lodge with multiple computers, prodigious amounts of speed, posters of '70s playmates, and a case of Jolt Cola would be just like James Garfield. Except that, instead of writing Greek with one hand and simultaneously writing Latin with the other, he'd be typing Juicinese with both hands, something similar to the wookie language with his feet, slappin' out nonsense with his cock, and speaking in ancient Aramaic to an iPhone. I hear he can also send Morse code messages by slappin' his ass cheeks together. Suck on that Garfield!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What's with this Yoda faggot ?
    @govikings -- threads that bring up the dreaded "m" word always get a zillion replies. I suspect this one will as well. Papi is one of the level-headed non-rabble rousers here so I'm shocked to see him on a tirade. On another note...I mean c'mon Yoda-dude...isn't a banning a bit much? Dude cross posted. I can see the banning of folks that *actually* troll. If the point of SW is to have a place where strippers can post without being attacked (I assume that is the point...) I can understand the ban hammer. But, of course, you can do whatever you want 'cos you're a moderator. Your prerogative. Just sayin' you'd be more popular here if you sent a PM politely askin' Papi to stop. He's a nice dude. I suspect he would have done so (or at least asked the parameters of what is allowed and made a choice regarding whether he wanted to stay).
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    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What's with this Yoda faggot ?
    @deogol -- "Yoda is a guy, but says the site is for dancers, but he himself isn't a dancer. Just from that you can tell the mind fuckness that goes on over there at stripperweb." When you've got the Jedi mind powers you can bend the world to conform to any belief you have. Hmmmmm....use the force he did. Yes. Yes.
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    11 years ago
    dear yoder
    Keep it classy Bonerbreath. Keep it classy!
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    11 years ago
    Paying Hookers for Sex is an Accomplishment Worthy of Gordon Gekko!
    I love the fictional biography for this new character. System on RickyBoyDugan...system on indeed! I know that "The System" is actually a proper noun, but so many people appreciate it that I think it should also be verbified. Henceforth, we shall use the verb "to system" to mean that we have artfully used "The System" to pay an extras girl for sex. For example, "I systemed the shit out of this pill-head stripper last night, until her boyfriend showed up and challenged me to an X-box tournament to defend her honor!"