Am I the only person who doesn't care if Ellen Page is a lesbo or not? I say to her, go make some movies, nobody needs to know what you do after hours.
I don't get it either. My older sister is a lesbian. She's been with her partner for 30 years. And as far as I am concerned, she did It the right way. Never "came our" per se. She just did it.
She never announced to the world her sexual orientation. It was obvious. Just live your live the way you want to.
Like the football player that came out recently. Why? No one cares if your gay. The backlash comes from making a point of announcing it. Not the fact you're gay. People don't care in the long run.
It can be liberating to see it for those isolated kids in small backwoods towns who are discovering their sexuality and realize that they are not alone. It does help to inspire a community feeling especially for at-risk youth. That's a big reason that most celebrities do it. And if you listened to Ellen Page's speech she spoke about that very thing- wanting to be more open in helping LBGT youth.
There's a vocal group among gay people that seems to feel like anywhere and everywhere is appropriate for graphic images and discussion of sex. When people react negatively to it, they accuse them of homophobia. But said people would react just as negatively even if the images or discussion was of straight sex.
Ironically, back before 1970 or so, it was easier for closeted gay people to shack up than it was for straight people. You could have a same-sex roommate. People would not jump to the conclusion that you were gay, just because of that.
"There's a vocal group among gay people that seems to feel like anywhere and everywhere is appropriate for graphic images and discussion of sex."
OMG where have these people BEEN all of my naughty gay life???
Please point them out to me.....I'd love to have a nice chit-chat with them about disgusting dirty sex acts over a cup of coffee and maybe a nice cinnamon cruller.
Just trying to remember a lesbian tennis player. Shows you how much I care.
A dancer was just telling me the other night she felt special because I actually remembered her saying I forget about most dancers I've met. True, true I thought. Now if I could only remember who I was Talking to. I don't remember. I must have recognized her though.
That's kind of scary when dancers think they know me. Maybe I should start asking if we had sex and see what they say.
No offense intended, but I think your points are just modern age physco BS. Why, simple, people have been gay for eternity and managed to do just fine without "help", or telling the rest of the world they are, or saying we HAVE to accept the lifestyle and think it normal. Sorry again. Just my opinion.
To claim that gay folks have "managed to do just fine without help" is simply ridiculous. Teen suicides today are at an all time high, many of them due to harassment and bullying over their sexual orientation or even their PERCEIVED sexual orientation. We can thank the explosion of social media for alot of it - anonymous cyber bullying has taken over the old fashioned playground type, and it can have deadly consequences. Many kids today are still lost and confused and alone, and having an actor or musician that they follow come out shows them that they are really NOT alone. I don't expect anyone who isn't gay to understand. Again if you had actually listened to Ms Page's speech you'd understand the audience that she was directing her words to - confused kids. But the media didn't focus on that aspect of it, which IMHO was the most important thing about it. Instead they all jumped on it and broadcast it all over the fucking place like it was a publicity stunt. And no where in it did she demand in any way that the whole world HAS to accept her or her lifestyle choices. Same thing with Michael Sam. He is an inspiration for a kid somewhere who wants to play football but might have been afraid to try and thought that there has never ever been a gay football player EVER so he'd better not even try. Many of you guys aren't getting what this is really all about and who it really is for. THE FUCKING CONFUSED GAY KIDS. Helping LBGT youth to realize that there are many more gay people out there who are good honest people and want to help them find their way in this fucked up world.
No offense meant to you either, Clubber. You're no doubt a good guy but you just will never understand our world. It would be unfair to expect you to. But I would expect you to be tolerant, and understanding towards those that need a little reassurance that they aren't the monsters that their parents, classmates, some religions and the ignorant portray them to be. And they can get that reassurance from people coming out and sharing their stories.
Some excellent point, but one thing really stands out to me, You said, "But I would expect you to be tolerant...". Seems to me the gay community is anything but tolerant to the views of most of society. That is of course their right, but don't go preaching tolerance to others.
As for me, I am tolerant of the gay community and have known a few fine fellows that were gay. They all had one thing in common, they didn't preach it, nor did they expect me to accept their lifestyle. And I didn't expect them to accept mine. Live and let live.
Being a gay kid is tough, I am sure, but so is growing up with freckles, being fat, pimples, buck teeth, whatever. Just a part of life that makes us better adults. Your social media comment was right on. The anonymity of it is terrible. At least on the playground I could deal with an ass face to face. BTW, I was the fat kid.
I don't know anyone who hid their freckles, pimples, buck teeth for decades. I don't know anyone whose parents kicked them out of the house for being overweight. I'm not homosexual but none of those things even remotely compare and that comes from someone who spent some time as the fat kid.
@Lopaw ever seen a gay pride parade? I suppose it's not unheard of for straight people to partake in planned public raunchyness. Like Bourbon St. NOLA and spring break in FL. But I can't think of any other case where a parade through downtown is considered an appropriate occasion for public raunchyness. I get it that gay people have a right to be angry at their oppression. But that's a scatter-shot way of expressing it.
If you're every are in North Carolina, I know just the dancer for you
Yes, ilbbaicnl, I have seen a handful of gay pride parades and for the most part I dislike them. I agree that some of the stuff that the gay boys do is outrageous and waaaaay over the top. I remember lamenting to a friend once while watching a pride parade in WeHo that it's no wonder than we are not taken seriously. I mean really....have a little dignity and - oh I don't know - PRIDE! And that was like 10 years ago. I imagine it hasn't gotten any better since. I stopped watching parades in general about that time.
She never announced to the world her sexual orientation. It was obvious. Just live your live the way you want to.
Like the football player that came out recently. Why? No one cares if your gay. The backlash comes from making a point of announcing it. Not the fact you're gay. People don't care in the long run.
My sister wasn't shy and she lived in Indianapolis. But I can understand that less urban kids might feel awkward.…
Well, I for one, choose to believe she does dudes too!
@lopaw- as always, well said.
Ironically, back before 1970 or so, it was easier for closeted gay people to shack up than it was for straight people. You could have a same-sex roommate. People would not jump to the conclusion that you were gay, just because of that.
The fact that plenty of people's response to finding out a third party is homosexual is "WOW, he/she is GAY?!" is telling.
Rightly or wrongly I assume people are straight until I have some sort of evidence to the contrary and I think that's true of most people.
OMG where have these people BEEN all of my naughty gay life???
Please point them out to me.....I'd love to have a nice chit-chat with them about disgusting dirty sex acts over a cup of coffee and maybe a nice cinnamon cruller.
Just trying to remember a lesbian tennis player. Shows you how much I care.
A dancer was just telling me the other night she felt special because I actually remembered her saying I forget about most dancers I've met. True, true I thought. Now if I could only remember who I was Talking to. I don't remember. I must have recognized her though.
That's kind of scary when dancers think they know me. Maybe I should start asking if we had sex and see what they say.
No offense intended, but I think your points are just modern age physco BS. Why, simple, people have been gay for eternity and managed to do just fine without "help", or telling the rest of the world they are, or saying we HAVE to accept the lifestyle and think it normal. Sorry again. Just my opinion.
To claim that gay folks have "managed to do just fine without help" is simply ridiculous. Teen suicides today are at an all time high, many of them due to harassment and bullying over their sexual orientation or even their PERCEIVED sexual orientation. We can thank the explosion of social media for alot of it - anonymous cyber bullying has taken over the old fashioned playground type, and it can have deadly consequences. Many kids today are still lost and confused and alone, and having an actor or musician that they follow come out shows them that they are really NOT alone. I don't expect anyone who isn't gay to understand. Again if you had actually listened to Ms Page's speech you'd understand the audience that she was directing her words to - confused kids. But the media didn't focus on that aspect of it, which IMHO was the most important thing about it. Instead they all jumped on it and broadcast it all over the fucking place like it was a publicity stunt. And no where in it did she demand in any way that the whole world HAS to accept her or her lifestyle choices. Same thing with Michael Sam. He is an inspiration for a kid somewhere who wants to play football but might have been afraid to try and thought that there has never ever been a gay football player EVER so he'd better not even try. Many of you guys aren't getting what this is really all about and who it really is for. THE FUCKING CONFUSED GAY KIDS. Helping LBGT youth to realize that there are many more gay people out there who are good honest people and want to help them find their way in this fucked up world.
No offense meant to you either, Clubber. You're no doubt a good guy but you just will never understand our world. It would be unfair to expect you to. But I would expect you to be tolerant, and understanding towards those that need a little reassurance that they aren't the monsters that their parents, classmates, some religions and the ignorant portray them to be. And they can get that reassurance from people coming out and sharing their stories.
Some excellent point, but one thing really stands out to me, You said, "But I would expect you to be tolerant...". Seems to me the gay community is anything but tolerant to the views of most of society. That is of course their right, but don't go preaching tolerance to others.
As for me, I am tolerant of the gay community and have known a few fine fellows that were gay. They all had one thing in common, they didn't preach it, nor did they expect me to accept their lifestyle. And I didn't expect them to accept mine. Live and let live.
Being a gay kid is tough, I am sure, but so is growing up with freckles, being fat, pimples, buck teeth, whatever. Just a part of life that makes us better adults. Your social media comment was right on. The anonymity of it is terrible. At least on the playground I could deal with an ass face to face. BTW, I was the fat kid.
We will never see eye to eye on this topic, but we can certainly agree to disagree.
Thank goodness there are stripclubs out there to occasionally help us take our minds off of the serious stuff =D
I don't know anyone who hid their freckles, pimples, buck teeth for decades. I don't know anyone whose parents kicked them out of the house for being overweight. I'm not homosexual but none of those things even remotely compare and that comes from someone who spent some time as the fat kid.
Likely because the freckles, pimples, buck teeth, etc. are generally considered normal. The flip, I don't believe so.
If you're every are in North Carolina, I know just the dancer for you
You forgot Fantasy Fest in Key West. The time I went, I think that is when they invented "raunchyness". :)
Yeah I guess that's true if one of them is a siamese twin.