Over the last couple of days, what I have witnessed on here has been a bit surprising. A handful of middle aged men were banging on their high chairs and throwing juvenile insults at a guy solely because he won't let them go onto a stripper support site and heap abuse on girls less than half their ages.
Is this what you are like in the clubs too? Or does the anonymity of the Internet empower you to dish out shit on a site that provides support and advice for these young girls?
Fucking disgraceful. Act like you've been there before for fuck sake. What were your next planned adventures after you finished giving abuse, on a support site, to girls young enough to be your daughters? Seal clubbing?
I look at posts from guys like shadow and CP, and then look at the fucking pathetic posts of those of you who are so desperate to go over to SW to spew your bullshit, and it become eminently clear why those two guys, and a few others like them, have so much more success in the clubs than the rest of you. They are in control of themselves and don't get worked up over every little piece of nonsense that comes out of some girl's mouth. They understand who ultimately has the power - they do - and they also know how to apply it with kindness for maximum effect (CP by spreading the wealth and shadow with humor and sometimes even candy, lol). Conversely, those of you who feel the need to hide behind screen names and abuse young girls are likely the same guys who I see sitting in the clubs with scowls on their faces and their arms crossed defensively, clearly intimidated by the strippers and just hoping to be left in peace.
Man the fuck up already. Seriously, what a fucking shameful state of affairs.
Well, your next otc story better not be about being jerked around for hours by some tweaker chick. You are out of control. Something bad might happen to you. Stay in your room for once, instead of having the need to score. This is my advice.
And RickyBoy - get a clue. The young woman received almost exclusively complements. Even joined the thread and seem to enjoy. You are truly just charging at a stupid windmill here. Also coming from a guy who admits to routinely drinking and driving because you feel the legal limits are ridiculously you have no moral authority on anything.
This coming from a guy who's spent his entire free time and life's savings over the last 18 years proudly procuring OTC encounters with prostitutes AND making condescending remarks to others on internet forums to compensate for an inability to address an unhealthy addiction to strip clubs.
I don't disagree with the premise of this thread, but people like you and J. Rediger might want to speak for yourselves before you start chastising anyone else.
Cmon rick. Papi is a well known contributor here and Yoda knows that. The least he could have done was send him a PM telling him that cross posting was a no-no. But no he just drops the hammer on him and bans him. Pretty chickenshit stuff. And you wonder why we got our shorts all knotted up about it? Really?
It just so happened that the hounds on this board showed uncharacteristic restraint in commenting about that girl. It could very easily have gone the other way. And it is a very real possibility that the girl in question would have been mortified simply to know that a post that she intended for dancers became discussion fodder on a customer site, irrespective of the types of comments. I cannot speak for anyone else, but I suspect that this was why he was banned.
But let's also be clear that the comments relating to SW moderation were much broader than just Papi's situation. Call it a high horse or whatever you will, but it was just a sad fucking testament of the members who participated.
And what does my so-called "addiction", behaviors or personal finances (not that anybody here really knows anything about my personal circumstances anyway) have to do with whether it is ok for middle aged men to go onto a stripper support site and add to the misery of the young women who post there? What compels you to want to do that? It doesn't make you a white knight to treat other human beings with a little basic decency (that is for the fucktard who used that term).
^^^Are you afraid these little girls are going to commit suicide like the other teenage emo plur weaklings because of cyber bullying? I also take offense to you telling us to man up while you fuck young girls with problems while cheating on your wife. Live your life, but you're not the one to preach.
RickyBoy: "It just so happened that the hounds on this board showed uncharacteristic restraint in commenting about that girl. It could very easily have gone the other way."
What an idiot. So he was criticizing them for a behavior he thinks they might have done, even though, in reality it was the opposite? Give it up, RickyBoy, you're too much (of an idiot)!
Rick, what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? You're always complaining about trolls but this is the trollingest troll post I've seen in a while. This is some concentrated troll juice you're putting out there.
You come on here to excoriate folks for creating the potential for bad behavior. Bad behavior that didn't even happen. Many people, myself included, agreed that SW has an audience that should be respected. In other words, we should not invade their house and metaphorically shit on their carpet. Papi's a reasonable dude. Worst case scenario he made a mistake. If he had received a polite email saying "don't do X" I suspect Papi's a nice enough dude to not do X. It seems to me that a problem was manufactured and now your berating folks regarding that non-problem.
I used to think Dougsta should lay off of you sometimes...but c'mon dude, you're askin' for it with this post.
Wait isn't Rick the guy who was praying for a girl to relapse on heroine so he could fuck her again? Post seems like some self-righteous bullshit if it's the same person.
There are some contradictory facts being made about you rickdugun. You did try to coherce a quitting heronie addict to fuck for cash...I can't help but see the pot calling the kettle black...is that how that saying goes? Whag say you rick?
I often and easily tangle myself up in contradictions. It's partly due to personality damage. The sociopathic trait of compulsive lying even though I'm not fully sociopathic. I think it's part biological. I'm so focused on capitalizing on the moment I just go for what is right in front of me and can't remember what I said before. But as Gordon Gekko said, "Greed is good". Right? The other thing personality damage I have contributing to this is my grandiosity. I think I'm such a smooth liar that I can use my considerable charm and wit to tap dance my way out of any situation.
A little bit about me (and, just remember, it's always all about me) -
Growing up my father was confined to a wheelchair and did nothing but complain bitterly about the injustices of the world. He was able to find fault in anyone and everything. I was consequently neglected, and dying to escape that world. Since he was too self-absorbed to love me, I was forced to learn to love myself. And really learn to love myself I did.
I wanted to show my always complaining father and really rise up in the world. In my early 20's I was on a bit of a roll doing it too. I was in the corporate world for some time. Unfortunately I was in way over my head. I guess if your motivation is getting back at your father but you don’t have the talents to go with it it’s just a matter of time. In the corporate world there were many people who actually were competent that called me down on my ass-clownery time after time. I had to accept that I just couldn't make it there and be Gordon Gekko as I planned.
During this time, I also married a psycho chick for a couple of reasons – First I thought it was my ticket into a rich family. A world I so deserved to be in. Also my lack of understanding of other people, since I always only think about myself, meant I couldn't really tell she was crazy anyway until it was too late.
Things ended in disaster on both fronts. It was hard times for the RickyBoy, but I pulled out of it. First I started a small snake-oil sales business. Through accounting tricks I defraud the company, using what little revenue we do generate to pay for my strip club adventures. If anyone ever realized how badly in debt we are...Â
But I'm getting a bit off track here. As I was saying, after my bad luck during my 20s the next 10 years were much better. I solved a problem that has challenged great minds for centuries - i.e. how to pay hookers for sex. It was complicated, but mine is a genius mind, so I finally zero'ed in on the solution. You see it's all about being the only one wearing a suit in a dive club. Amongst all the different suits out there the white three-piece polyester suit is my favorite since it best suits my personality. It so impresses the hookers that they want to have sex with you. Sure you still have to pay, but don't you know hookers, contrary to popular myth, really are very selective in who they have sex with. So if you do manage to have sex with a hooker, even if you have to pay, it proves you are a RICH STUD.
Since I only care about myself I routinely drink and drive and put my wife at risk of STDs and cervical cancer via BBFS with strippers. As far as drinking and driving goes – well the legal limits are ridiculously low and a real man like me knows I can handle much more.
I've come to realize that I have personality damage and have admitted this openly on the board. Actually it's a personality disorder, but I figure by changing one word I can throw others a little off track. I do know exactly what the disorder is, but when others calls me out on it, I lie and say "that's not it". I just like to fuck around that way.
My other big thing is constantly contradicting myself. Sometimes in as little as the space of one paragraph. There are a couple of reason for this. First it's partly biological for guys with my personality damage. Secondly I have too much contempt for others to think they will catch on - I know my charm and considerable wit will allow me to tap dance my way out of any situation.Â
Finally, lately, I've been getting involved in market predictions. My analysis has a nearly perfect negative correlation with what happens in reality, so just do the opposite of what I say and you'll be fine. Things really OUGHT to work the way I think which is what really matters right not what happens in reality? And one day they will too. Right after the SEC gets on the people who manipulated the market just to make me look bad.
And RickyBoy - get a clue. The young woman received almost exclusively complements. Even joined the thread and seem to enjoy. You are truly just charging at a stupid windmill here. Also coming from a guy who admits to routinely drinking and driving because you feel the legal limits are ridiculously you have no moral authority on anything.
Messed up club favoritePosted July 9, 2013 (Last Comment: January 1, 2014)
I am seeing a favorite in a local club who is a mess in almost every way. She has steel rods in her back; was formerly a heroin addict and is now on methadone; was pimped out by her own mother as a teenager for dope; served several months in jail; and may go back to jail soon for violation of her probation.
But more important, she is beautiful and has perfect little tits. ;)
Dougster      Aug 2008
:37Â Â 44
commented July 9, 2013
Really sounds like the perfect girl for you, RickyBoy.Â
Did you use The Sytem to win her over? If so where did you purchase the white three piece polyester suit you wore during the process?
mikeya02Â Â Â Â Â Â Jan 2010
:Â 2Â Â 2
commented July 9, 2013
So whats your intentions with this girl? Be nice to her? Take advantage of her situation?
Dougster      Aug 2008
:37Â Â 44
commented July 9, 2013
Rick thinks that exploiting drug addicts shows his mastery and triumph in our capitalist system. He is very much like Payer11 in that regard.
tumblingdice      Jun 2012
:Â 2Â Â 6
commented July 9, 2013
Dicky! At what price? Unless you look like Alucards asshole,you can do better than that.Sorry couldn't resist.
Dougster      Aug 2008
:37Â Â 44
commented July 9, 2013
Hey, RickyBoy, I wanna try out The System so I too can score chicks like that. Now, I've never tried The System in the field before so I was wondering if you could provide a few tips for me -
a) what is good dive club for a newbie to The System to start practicing in? b) what kind of shoes are best to wear with the white 3 piece polyester suit?
juicebox69Â Â Â Â Â Â Jun 2011
:31Â Â 85
commented July 9, 2013
Yes wear do you ship for your bum suit and Ty look
Dougster      Aug 2008
:37Â Â 44
commented July 9, 2013
Think they should make a video game out of the RickyBoy's strip club adventures, call it "Lesiure Suit RickyBoy".
rickdugan      Nov 2009
:90Â 117
commented July 9, 2013
Did I mention that she is beautiful and has perfect little tits?
The bad news is that she is playing hard to get. She is in that whole "I'm turning over a new leaf - getting my life back together" phase and flatly refuses to do p4p. No doubt that her childhood experiences also factor in. She also has a regular day job, so she is not completely without other income.
Mikeya, obviously I intend to take advantage of her situation. I'm just going to have to wait until she slips up or becomes desperate for the money. It will happen eventually, it always does in these situations. ;)
Dougster      Aug 2008
:37Â Â 44
commented July 9, 2013
Man, RickyBoy has gone FULL PAYER11 aka FULL RETARD.
Rick, if Stripper Web is supposed to be "a site that provides support and advice for these young girls", then what the fuck are you and Yoda doing on it anyway?
I'vd never been a member of SW and never will be. I'm not a hypocrite.
A few of you boys just don't get it. My comments have nothing to do with being a White Knight. I have employed any number of tactics over the years to score OTC with initially reluctant girls and don't see that changing anytime soon.
What I am questioning is the manhood of middle aged men who get so fucked up over what strippers do or say that they feel the need to go onto a place like SW and give them shit. What a pathetic breed of sub-human you are if 20-something year old strippers can affect you so much that it seems so worthwhile for your 40+ year old self to go onto SW and get defensive/troll/whatever.
I never get worked up over SS. Why? Because I am in control of myself and what I do. When I go into a strip club, I know who has the upper hand in any transaction I engage in - I do. I let SS role off my back because it is nothing more than silly comments coming from a young girl who I will never give serious money to. I take this same mentality onto SW, which is why I can enjoy that site without being particularly bothered by most anything said on there.
This is what I meant with "act like you've been there before." Serious SC hounds either don't visit SW at all or can easily move between the two sites. Only fucked up pussies feel the need to go on there and vent, debate, troll, or some combination, and indeed this is very often why they get banned. Well, it ain't the Moderator's fault that these guys are too fucking weak to control themselves when interacting with the girls on SW.
I expect bitch-like behavior from the likes of Dougster and juice, who we all know are heavy on bullshit theory but light on real club experiences. I guess I just expected better from some of the other names that I saw get involved in that whole ruckus the other day.
I'm a newbie, but I have to say - I didn't think what Chulo did merited a ban. Nowhere in SW does it say you shouldn't link a post. If that was clearly in the rules, then I see the ban.
Honestly, most sites say what will merit a ban. I don't understand how a link on another site is a threat to SW. I don't get the argument that it's protective
As I understand it, linking SW articles/posts was also done by other members here - and they were not banned. When you combine the 2 together, I think it's wasted energy to go to this extent, but I do see why the population at large was pissed. They had cause. I have no problems with yoda's comments to explain his actions, it's his call as a Moderator. But I do think it probably wasn't the right call - that's their right to do, but it's also the population's right here to express their opinion, too. The personal angles are a bit much, though.
RickyBoy: ", I know who has the upper hand in any transaction I engage in - I do. "
Yep, like the time you disappointedly stayed at home for months on end on nights when both of your favorites were working. After all, if one saw you talking to the other, she might get upset and that is not a situation you could handle (despite this supposed "upper hand" of yours).
Rick, I like your contributions here and don't think you deserve the flack you get, but I have to say, your interpretation of what's happened is very strange and not at all consistent with what actually happened. The focus wasn't on whether tuscl guys could go torment the strippers, on the one forum where they can feel safe and vent. It was on a completely ridiculous moderation decision there, based on something that happened HERE. And, along the way, there was some ballbusting -- justified and completely earned -- about that mod's behavior being aimed at currying favor with the girls rather than fairness (e.g., your crossposts didn't get you banned, making statements that only hold true in the fantasy world of SW, etc.).
I don't think there's anything wrong with having a stripper-safe forum, run by stripper rules... the strippers act as badly there as we act here, tell as many lies and fantasies as we do here, but hey, that's the fun. Nothing to complain about. But it should be expected that customers might have some fun with some of the more fantasy-based stripper opinions (and vice versa if the strippers were interested, but to their credit, they're not)
You keep bringing up the notion that middle-aged men go on SW to troll and attack young women. Yet I haven't yet scene a concrete example. Like, I said, I rarely go on there and have never posted. Maybe it happens.
So what? It's wrong, but has NOTHING to do with Yoda's error in judgement in banning Papi so quickly without even a hint of a warning.
That's all most of us are saying. Papi was neither trolling nor attacking, so why even mention that?
@Motor: You'll have to go there and find it for yourself since, of course, we now know that cross posting it not allowed. ;) But their are ample examples of it over there, including guys who have posted on here saying that they were banned on SW for [take your pick].
@Everyone Defending Papi: The crap that a few members gave Yoda was far from limited to the Papi situation. What they are ultimately taking issue with is the fact that he doesn't let them go over there and start shit with the girls. Indeed, the bitching and whining about the fact that they cannot go over there and troll, argue, etc., has been going on for some time now. Frankly I am getting tired of the girly squealing coming from a few middle aged men who so desperately want to go onto SW and pull that shit. Truly some sackless wonders, for all of the reasons already stated.
Great logic, RickyBoy. In your opinion some guys go over there to harass young dancers. Thus, even though Papi and others didn't, it's possible that it could have happened, even though it didn't. Thus banning Papi was fair.
As I say the length you go to suck Yoda's dick make it completely obvious that Yoda is just another of the dozens of aliases you post under.
Rick - if some members were giving yoda shit for past penalties, sure, that's on them. BUT, let's stick to why there was a massive outpouring of anger - Chulo's penalty was WAY out of line for the offence.
Listen, SW is a dancer-centered site, and we can't go over there and stir up shit. I can live with that. But in NO way was what Chulo did even close to anything listed against the rules.
Honestly, you're using a straw dog argument - using other people's past problems to somehow justify a VERY WRONG action with Chulo. I'd be the first to say yoda's decisions there are probably right 95+ percent, if not 98 percent of the time - but they were not right here.
Frankly, I get why most of the angry responses came - having read both sites, and seeing Chulo's original post, it didn't look ANY different than when other members did the same - and the tone was very constructive in his OP. Frankly, though, anything said over here is IRRELEVANT to protecting a dancer at another site. That argument has zero weight. Then you add the fact that other members have done the same thing, and not been penalized, for taking SW material & posting it here - really, yoda made a wrong call. Now, the personal stuff is just dumb, but the anger, and the issue with the decision made with Chulo, those are entirely legit.
I get that you have to protect the strippers to post safely there - but nothing done with Chulo meets the criteria set out in their ruleset for bans, and the notion that discussing that SW thread here somehow damages them when it's being posted on a DIFFERENT site is just plain ridiculous. Contrary to most of the strongest opinions, I suspect yoda's decisions there were correct - but this one wasn't, and it's pretty clear. If it was a more grey-area call, believe me, I don't think you'd see the intensity of reaction.
If you really can't see that, then I think your mind is already made up. Frankly, I don't know any of you, I go to both sites, and I enjoy both perspectives. If you are surprised by the intensity and widespread reaction, maybe you ought to ask yourself maybe there's a reason beyond your perspective that everyone else is being unreasonable.
No, no! You guys have it all wrong. People should be judged based on things they actually did, but on what they might possibly have done but didn't! That is so obvious! How come you folks just don't get it?
Like many tusclers, I view Papi C as a fun loving, good natured fellow with nary a mean bone in his body. As such, it was initially easy for me to view his SW ban as a heavy handed action. However, I realize the "truth" that the world wide web is not a universal democracy, but that many sites exist for the enjoyment of (and facilitation of said enjoyment) for the core common interest of its membership. With that in mind, I think that Yoda did the right thing, for his position as moderator. While Papi meant no harm, he lifted a post from a section where ONLY dancers are allowed to post (but that anyone can view, though viewing some pictures may require a log-in from members-only). Regardless of how Yoda found out about it, he did the right thing to insure some basic site integrity, not to mention core membership satisfaction. (Potential for others finding out about this breach could lead to more fallout over there, if left unaddressed). I'll say one more time that the world wide web is not one big universal democracy. As an analogy, suppose some guy that modded an old clapped out Camaro went on a Corvette or Ferrari enthusiasts forum, and made a bunch of posts over there saying that he could whip their ass in the QM, and that they were a bunch of suckers for paying mucho $$$$ for their (fill in the blank) car. How long do you think such a poster would last on that forum. To some of those saying "grow a pair", I say "grow up." I've had a few posts (out of 500 plus) deleted over there (almost all no foul called), yet it hardly registers on my Richter Scale of indignation. Really now, what is preventing the loudest screamers here from starting their own website, or blog if they don't like how things are going on a particular website ?
minnow , you're a good guy , and I kind of see the point you made, however...
I think, in year 2014, the web has been around enough that everyone is aware that once something is out there, it's public. Everyone is saavy enough from Twitter and Facebook to know that by now.
Maybe Papi didn't stop and think and use the best judgement before he cross posted the link, but if the dancer did not want her picture out there, then does she not bear some responsibility. It's not all on Papi. Heck, I'd like to know if she even cares. Afterall, she wanted people's opinions. And isn't a customer's opinion more important than other dancers?
I was on the site before they even started using vBulletin. I had God/ess status, which means I had literally thousands of posts on the site.
Going great.
Then the white knights began appearing, you know, the kind like yoda. And then the ones like, if I remember right, The Other Guy, were on and got busted for rape.
From that point on, men couldn't have an opinion. Many of the original women bailed to a yet to be named site (and I ain't naming it) complaining about being restricted in freedom of speech on a web site dedicated to freedom of speech. Everything has to be candy coated and dipped in honey before being powdered in sugar.
I believe part of it was a turnover from generation x to the generation y and their trophies for just showing up. Now the millennials are showing up which are even a bigger sad sack of wanna be bullshit.
Now it is just a parody of what it was... a sad joke. No great loss of a membership in my opinion. Just a loss of a once-great web forum.
Nah, it's because Yoda is one of the dozens of aliases I post under. When I saw my alias under attack I came to its defense. I did realize I was wrong - what I assumed Papi had done he hadn't. In fact he did the opposite. But once I say something, I will never admit I am wrong. Especially not if people are criticizing me for it.
“… But it should be expected that customers might have some fun with some of the more fantasy-based stripper opinions (and vice versa if the strippers were interested, but to their credit, they're not) …â€
Credit should be given where credit is due – but in the back of my small mind; I cynically wonder if the reason the gals over on SW don’t mention TUSCL outright is b/c of the super-tight moderation/police-state there.
I’ve heard a dancer or two “vaguely†mention SC “customer sites†in general w/o actually mentioning TUSCL outright.
So I think the original quoted statement above may often be true; but my suspicion about mentioning TUSCL on SW being a no-no may perhaps also hold water.
"complaining about being restricted in freedom of speech on a web site dedicated to freedom of speech"
[Sarcasm] Internet forums are SUPPOSED to be Democracies?? Thought they were Dictatorships, run by the rules/dictates of the owner and any Moderators empowered by the owner. Fairly or unfairly.
A drunk man ended up in court after a 'doing a Del Boy' and mistaking a female police officer for a stripper, a court heard.Â
Paul Harbord, 27, was in a pub with his friends after an all day drinking session when the police officer walked in to investigate their 'rowdy' behaviour.Â
One of his friends had told him to expect 'entertainment' - and Harbord thought the WPC was a stripogram dressed in a police outfit.Â
Harbord shouted: "Look, here is one of the strippers and began to dance in front of her and whipped her with a bar towel", a court was told.Â
He soon realised his mistake when the officer arrested him, but he still refused to believe she was not a stripper until they arrived at a police station.Â
Messed up club favoritePosted July 9, 2013 (Last Comment: January 1, 2014)
I am seeing a favorite in a local club who is a mess in almost every way. She has steel rods in her back; was formerly a heroin addict and is now on methadone; was pimped out by her own mother as a teenager for dope; served several months in jail; and may go back to jail soon for violation of her probation.
But more important, she is beautiful and has perfect little tits. ;)
Dougster      Aug 2008
:37Â Â 44
commented July 9, 2013
Really sounds like the perfect girl for you, RickyBoy.Â
Did you use The Sytem to win her over? If so where did you purchase the white three piece polyester suit you wore during the process?
mikeya02Â Â Â Â Â Â Jan 2010
:Â 2Â Â 2
commented July 9, 2013
So whats your intentions with this girl? Be nice to her? Take advantage of her situation?
Dougster      Aug 2008
:37Â Â 44
commented July 9, 2013
Rick thinks that exploiting drug addicts shows his mastery and triumph in our capitalist system. He is very much like Payer11 in that regard.
tumblingdice      Jun 2012
:Â 2Â Â 6
commented July 9, 2013
Dicky! At what price? Unless you look like Alucards asshole,you can do better than that.Sorry couldn't resist.
Dougster      Aug 2008
:37Â Â 44
commented July 9, 2013
Hey, RickyBoy, I wanna try out The System so I too can score chicks like that. Now, I've never tried The System in the field before so I was wondering if you could provide a few tips for me -
a) what is good dive club for a newbie to The System to start practicing in? b) what kind of shoes are best to wear with the white 3 piece polyester suit?
juicebox69Â Â Â Â Â Â Jun 2011
:31Â Â 85
commented July 9, 2013
Yes wear do you ship for your bum suit and Ty look
Dougster      Aug 2008
:37Â Â 44
commented July 9, 2013
Think they should make a video game out of the RickyBoy's strip club adventures, call it "Lesiure Suit RickyBoy".
rickdugan      Nov 2009
:90Â 117
commented July 9, 2013
Did I mention that she is beautiful and has perfect little tits?
The bad news is that she is playing hard to get. She is in that whole "I'm turning over a new leaf - getting my life back together" phase and flatly refuses to do p4p. No doubt that her childhood experiences also factor in. She also has a regular day job, so she is not completely without other income.
Mikeya, obviously I intend to take advantage of her situation. I'm just going to have to wait until she slips up or becomes desperate for the money. It will happen eventually, it always does in these situations. ;)
Dougster      Aug 2008
:37Â Â 44
commented July 9, 2013
Man, RickyBoy has gone FULL PAYER11 aka FULL RETARD.
Music to my earsPosted January 4, 2011 (Last Comment: January 5, 2011)
In what is just about my favorite club in the country, I hear words that are music to my ears...
HER: I need money to pay my house fee, sitter and rent. ME: Sounds like a tough situation. HER: I only made $60 tonight, including the $20 that you gave me. ME: I'm sure we could work something out. HER: I'll charge you $200 for VIP and you can do anything you want. ME: Deal.
For a little background, in this club I'm known as a guy who has been with (let's call her) "Crazy Dancer", which makes me safe in the eyes of other friendly girls in the place as eveyone knows what Crazy Dancer's gig is.
And she was true to her word, as has every other girl in the place that associates me with Crazy Dancer.
Drugged up dancersPosted August 25, 2013 (Last Comment: August 26, 2013)
I hate the current population drugs that seem to be popular in the clubs. Back in the day (15+ years ago), coke was popular in the clubs that I frequented in the northeast, which was not so bad as the girls still seemed alert.Â
Much more common now is weed, which was also an issue back in the day but really seems to have permeated the dancer community now. Not only does the shit stink in my opinion, but pothead dancers are no fun as the weed tends to mellow them out just a little too much for my tastes.
Even worse, however, is heroin, which is a real problem in the clubs that I know frequent in the south. The girls who are on this shit can barely function and I am seeing way too many using this stuff now. I recently had a girl actually nodding off with her head hitting my chest and saw another girl falling off of the bar stool. And, of course, my recent post about a horrible OTC experience also involved a girl on heroin.
I really hate these drugs. I'm starting to look upon the day when most dancers simply over-drank with a certain amount of nostalgia - lol.
Dougster      Aug 2008
:37Â Â 44
commented August 25, 2013
If it wasn't for these drug addictions the "success rate" of The System might only be 10% of what it is today. But your head is so far up your ass as demonstrated by your recent epic OTC failure you'll never realize that. I'm surprised you aren't thankful for the addictions (well in one recent notorious thread of yours you were, niw per your usual MO you are flopping all over the place.)
Are these girls really so stupid or am I missing something?Posted September 8, 2013 (Last Comment: September 9, 2013)
Two girls from the same club try to run some the same hamfisted scam on me.
About 5 months ago I met a girl in my new local club and, about 20 minutes into our conversation, she starts pushing to "hang out" sometime and we exchange numbers. Now I believed, at that time, that this was a normal and customary stringalong gambit and treated it accordingly - meaning I ignored it. However, I enjoyed my time with her enough (she was a hot fucking ticket) that I tipped her barside over the course of an hour and a half - perhaps $120 all-in, though that 90 minutes included two stage sets and a couple of circuits around the room. When I left, she echoed her offer, which again I simply assumed was an effort to put me on the hook for future club visits.
I was wrong. In fact, the few times I texted her over the next four weeks to find out when she was working again, she instead tried to steer me towards dinner or other social meetups. And each time, she tried to lock me in for the very next night. I had no interest in seeing her in an ambiguous social meetup until I knew what she was looking for, so I continued to decline.
Finally, on a night when I was supposed to see her in the club, the following text exchange occurred:
***************************************************************************************************************** Her: Would you possibly meet up with me and lend me a few bucks to get to work and get some food for my house? I just got my own apartment...I need help and maybe we can meet up later after work and arrange something funnÂ
Me: Sorry honey, but that's really not my type of gig. And I don't know you well enough to be doing those types of favors on spec.
Her: Okay I am just get gas to get to work. (Unlikely)
Her: How about u come in tomorrow night I'll be working from xx to xx (Also unlikely)
Me: Maybe I gave you the wrong impression about me. My "friends' become so through established p4p relationships. And when they need $$$, I offer them earning gigs, not loans.
Me: And if u really wanted to get to work so badly you would have asked for a ride, not cash at some public spot." *****************************************************************************************************************
Probably needless to say, but I didn't hear back from her after my last texts.Â
Then, just last week ANOTHER girl, who I hung out with once for about an hour at this club, sends me the following text:
"Hey its XXX how r u? I have a big emergency work was real bad and I cant pay my hotel can u help me please"
I really have to start working on whatever vibe I'm giving off. Are these girls really so stupid as to believe that some guy is just going to drive out to them and hand them money based upon one brief visit in the club? What might I be missing here?
Breached the 30 year old barrierPosted October 14, 2013 (Last Comment: October 17, 2013)
Last week, I took a girl out of a Cleveland club who is in her early 30s. This is the first time that I ever (knowingly) breached the 30 barrier with OTC. She was a hot early 30s, but over 30 nonetheless.
I'm not sure how I feel about that. I always used to draw a hard line at 30, but this one was just too good an opportunity to pass up. Maybe i am aging to the point that girls who I would have passed on a few years ago just look that much better to me now - lol. I really don't know. I am 43, so I am still over a decade older than her, but there it is.
Club_Goer      Dec 2010
:13Â Â 21
commented October 14, 2013
Rick, your preference is the opposite of mine. I'm much older than you and I prefer dancers who are *over* 30. I sense your age *is* catching up to you, as you surmised.
Dougster      Aug 2008
:37Â Â 44
commented October 14, 2013
This is just further proof that RickyBoy is just plain full of shit if he really is in strip clubs as much as he claims and doing OTC as much as he says and he has done any with a girl over 30 until now.
Is today rent day?Posted October 30, 2013 (Last Comment: October 31, 2013)
With tomorrow being Halloween, I wonder if many girls consider today to be the day that they need to earn their rent. After all, most of us family types are going to be trick-or-treating with our kids. In any event, Halloween is one of those nights that I've always avoided clubbing on due to heightened police activity on the roads.
Younger DancersPosted November 25, 2013 (Last Comment: November 27, 2013)
As I sit here and think of the various dicey activities that I engaged in with dancers during 2013, one thing that sticks out in my mind is the downtrending in the ages of the girls that are offering up alternative services.Â
I am not sure how to feel about this. For many years, the girls that I engaged in edgier activities with were at least in their mid to late 20s and, since I was 40 and under myself, I didn't think much of it. However, I am now getting older while, at the same time, the girls offering these things are getting younger. Shit, some of the girls that made offers to me over the past couple of years were not old enough to drink, while I am 43.Â
This changing dynamic is starting to give me pause. If I was 50 and they were 30, then I doubt that I would care so much, but at 19 or 20 most girls know so little about life and their options that it makes me wonder how informed their choices really are.Â
Anyway, in 2014 I think that I will need to set a higher minimum age standard for my dicier activities. I simply no longer feel comfortable messing around with a girl who is not only young enough to be my daughter (albeit I would have needed to have her at 21 or 22), but is also too young to make decisions with her eyes wide open.
@minnow: Great points. Don't expect the few here who are acting intentionally obtuse to acknowledge it though, nor to admit that their issues extended far beyond this one incident (as was obvious by the posts).
@Papi: There is no restriction upon mentioning tuscl on SW. It happens all the time, usually in reference to the site as a database of clubs and reviews.
OK I don't anything about the history between you and Doug and so I'm missing all the subtexts. I'm also quite happily missing the subtexts. I see tons of you being trolled and that seems pointless and rude. But I do consider you a legit poster.
The internet does not allow for public forms that are free from outside comment. SW moderators can control who can post on the dancer only subsite. They can enforce rules about cross posting from the dancer only subsite to the rest of the board.
But the administrators can't control what everyone else anywhere posts. Attempting to enforce this sort of rule using administrative powers is bound to fall. If Yoda objects to Papi's behavior of posting on TUSCL the appropriate place to take that is to TUSCL not to take revenge on SW. An agreement not to cross post, requires an agreement. The SW admin made an administrative ruling that Papi's behavior on TUSCL warranted a lifetime ban, the TUSCL crowd strongly disagrees. The appropriate way for that to be dealt with is between the two communities. SW wouldn't be the first, hundreds, thousandth or ten thousandth site to end being counter blogged because of censorship attempts on the internet. That's a bad idea.
Now let me say up front a few things. 1) I have no knowledge at all of Papi and Yoda's previous interactions. 2) Being a moderator is often a time consuming and thankless job. 3) SW is likely a particularly miserable board to moderate.
So I won't comment to much on the particulars, I don't know the facts.
As for middle aged men, girls young enough to be your daughter.... If the girls on SW want to pull that they are entitled to the protections accorded young people then they should be posting quite differently, for one a lot more respectfully. You want to talk daughters. I can't imagine my daughter acting the way the girls on SW do in a mixed age / experience setting. I've seen my daughter interact with older people on subjects she is interested in on the internet and she doesn't interact with them rudely. She understands that by virtue of age and experience they have advantages and insights she doesn't. Which isn't to say she doesn't meet middle aged idiots on the internet in the forums she frequents but she remembers and respects the differences inherent in their roles.
The girls on SW attitude sucks both towards the older more experienced dancers and towards the men who've been in the industry and towards clients. That's not appropriate conduct. My daughter would look to middle aged people commenting on her career as a positive, guiders or potential mentors. She'd be interested in what people with more experience who have a better sense of the world and better connections think. That's not to say she isn't going to question them, but if she's going to contradict someone like that, she going to do her research and make sure she knows her shit. The attitude is going to be "sir here is how I'm thinking about this, can you explain what I've missed". And frankly she'd also be highly suspicious of any kind of sycophant middle aged man playing into her ego, knowing they likely have ulterior motives. A girl my daughter's age understands that right now what she has is the potential to be someone whose accomplishments will warrant respect and that's what she aims for professionally.
Rick, if you really want to apply the daughter standard, then I think an entirely different post is warranted. Teens and twenty somethings think they understand everything. Your telling them that they do is doing them a lot more harm then someone saying mean things about their looks. If you are asking how I'd want you interacting with my daughter, I'd want you acting like an adult not playing into her ego. And as an aside, if you were abusing that role and boning her I'd put in a bullet in your brain without hesitation.
So how comparable is the situation really? Stripping obviously short circuits the whole maturation process because the women involved make a salary often much higher than their superiors would be making in a vanilla job. They get treated special because they play with middle aged men's penis and egos. They get paid to engage in inappropriate conduct and the men they are playing with them treat them inappropriately. So no, the daughter standard doesn't apply. That's a cheap shot towards Papi. I'm not sure what standards should apply to strippers when they are off, I think it best to handle the situation case by case oscillating in what age they get treated.
"The internet does not allow for public forms that are free from outside comment"
If a person owns an Internet Forum and runs it as a Dictatorship, that owner can impose any rules he/she wishes. I am not aware of any sort of enforcement agency that will jump in when a rule violating member is capriciously suspended or banned. Doing that sort of thing may have an impact on the site, but that may not be readily apparent.
last commentI hate to point this out, but this is how Alucard started acting right before he went off the deep end.
I don't disagree with the premise of this thread, but people like you and J. Rediger might want to speak for yourselves before you start chastising anyone else.
But let's also be clear that the comments relating to SW moderation were much broader than just Papi's situation. Call it a high horse or whatever you will, but it was just a sad fucking testament of the members who participated.
And what does my so-called "addiction", behaviors or personal finances (not that anybody here really knows anything about my personal circumstances anyway) have to do with whether it is ok for middle aged men to go onto a stripper support site and add to the misery of the young women who post there? What compels you to want to do that? It doesn't make you a white knight to treat other human beings with a little basic decency (that is for the fucktard who used that term).
Fucking seriously now.
What an idiot. So he was criticizing them for a behavior he thinks they might have done, even though, in reality it was the opposite? Give it up, RickyBoy, you're too much (of an idiot)!
You come on here to excoriate folks for creating the potential for bad behavior. Bad behavior that didn't even happen. Many people, myself included, agreed that SW has an audience that should be respected. In other words, we should not invade their house and metaphorically shit on their carpet. Papi's a reasonable dude. Worst case scenario he made a mistake. If he had received a polite email saying "don't do X" I suspect Papi's a nice enough dude to not do X. It seems to me that a problem was manufactured and now your berating folks regarding that non-problem.
I used to think Dougsta should lay off of you sometimes...but c'mon dude, you're askin' for it with this post.
Maybe I've just never spent enough time on SW -- show me examples.
A warning was called for - not a ban. Don't read anything more sinister into it than that.
Yeah that was me. Here's the thread you are thinking of -
I often and easily tangle myself up in contradictions. It's partly due to personality damage. The sociopathic trait of compulsive lying even though I'm not fully sociopathic. I think it's part biological. I'm so focused on capitalizing on the moment I just go for what is right in front of me and can't remember what I said before. But as Gordon Gekko said, "Greed is good". Right? The other thing personality damage I have contributing to this is my grandiosity. I think I'm such a smooth liar that I can use my considerable charm and wit to tap dance my way out of any situation.
Seriously did Yoda hack Rick's account?
Growing up my father was confined to a wheelchair and did nothing but complain bitterly about the injustices of the world. He was able to find fault in anyone and everything. I was consequently neglected, and dying to escape that world. Since he was too self-absorbed to love me, I was forced to learn to love myself. And really learn to love myself I did.
I wanted to show my always complaining father and really rise up in the world. In my early 20's I was on a bit of a roll doing it too. I was in the corporate world for some time. Unfortunately I was in way over my head. I guess if your motivation is getting back at your father but you don’t have the talents to go with it it’s just a matter of time. In the corporate world there were many people who actually were competent that called me down on my ass-clownery time after time. I had to accept that I just couldn't make it there and be Gordon Gekko as I planned.
During this time, I also married a psycho chick for a couple of reasons – First I thought it was my ticket into a rich family. A world I so deserved to be in. Also my lack of understanding of other people, since I always only think about myself, meant I couldn't really tell she was crazy anyway until it was too late.
Things ended in disaster on both fronts. It was hard times for the RickyBoy, but I pulled out of it. First I started a small snake-oil sales business. Through accounting tricks I defraud the company, using what little revenue we do generate to pay for my strip club adventures. If anyone ever realized how badly in debt we are...Â
But I'm getting a bit off track here. As I was saying, after my bad luck during my 20s the next 10 years were much better. I solved a problem that has challenged great minds for centuries - i.e. how to pay hookers for sex. It was complicated, but mine is a genius mind, so I finally zero'ed in on the solution. You see it's all about being the only one wearing a suit in a dive club. Amongst all the different suits out there the white three-piece polyester suit is my favorite since it best suits my personality. It so impresses the hookers that they want to have sex with you. Sure you still have to pay, but don't you know hookers, contrary to popular myth, really are very selective in who they have sex with. So if you do manage to have sex with a hooker, even if you have to pay, it proves you are a RICH STUD.
Since I only care about myself I routinely drink and drive and put my wife at risk of STDs and cervical cancer via BBFS with strippers. As far as drinking and driving goes – well the legal limits are ridiculously low and a real man like me knows I can handle much more.
I've come to realize that I have personality damage and have admitted this openly on the board. Actually it's a personality disorder, but I figure by changing one word I can throw others a little off track. I do know exactly what the disorder is, but when others calls me out on it, I lie and say "that's not it". I just like to fuck around that way.
My other big thing is constantly contradicting myself. Sometimes in as little as the space of one paragraph. There are a couple of reason for this. First it's partly biological for guys with my personality damage. Secondly I have too much contempt for others to think they will catch on - I know my charm and considerable wit will allow me to tap dance my way out of any situation.Â
Finally, lately, I've been getting involved in market predictions. My analysis has a nearly perfect negative correlation with what happens in reality, so just do the opposite of what I say and you'll be fine. Things really OUGHT to work the way I think which is what really matters right not what happens in reality? And one day they will too. Right after the SEC gets on the people who manipulated the market just to make me look bad.
So that's me. I am. I am. The RickyBoyDugan!
Thing though is the rule for coherence and brevity seem to have flown out the window.
How in the hell should I lay that out in my. It's like doing anal sex on a cheap sofa, dangit.
I am seeing a favorite in a local club who is a mess in almost every way. She has steel rods in her back; was formerly a heroin addict and is now on methadone; was pimped out by her own mother as a teenager for dope; served several months in jail; and may go back to jail soon for violation of her probation.
But more important, she is beautiful and has perfect little tits. ;)
 Aug 2008
commented July 9, 2013
Really sounds like the perfect girl for you, RickyBoy.Â
Did you use The Sytem to win her over? If so where did you purchase the white three piece polyester suit you wore during the process?
 Jan 2010
:Â 2Â
commented July 9, 2013
So whats your intentions with this girl? Be nice to her? Take advantage of her situation?
 Aug 2008
commented July 9, 2013
Rick thinks that exploiting drug addicts shows his mastery and triumph in our capitalist system. He is very much like Payer11 in that regard.
 Jun 2012
:Â 2Â
commented July 9, 2013
Dicky! At what price? Unless you look like Alucards asshole,you can do better than that.Sorry couldn't resist.
 Aug 2008
commented July 9, 2013
Hey, RickyBoy, I wanna try out The System so I too can score chicks like that. Now, I've never tried The System in the field before so I was wondering if you could provide a few tips for me -
a) what is good dive club for a newbie to The System to start practicing in?
b) what kind of shoes are best to wear with the white 3 piece polyester suit?
 Jun 2011
commented July 9, 2013
Yes wear do you ship for your bum suit and Ty look
 Aug 2008
commented July 9, 2013
Think they should make a video game out of the RickyBoy's strip club adventures, call it "Lesiure Suit RickyBoy".
 Nov 2009
commented July 9, 2013
Did I mention that she is beautiful and has perfect little tits?
The bad news is that she is playing hard to get. She is in that whole "I'm turning over a new leaf - getting my life back together" phase and flatly refuses to do p4p. No doubt that her childhood experiences also factor in. She also has a regular day job, so she is not completely without other income.
Mikeya, obviously I intend to take advantage of her situation. I'm just going to have to wait until she slips up or becomes desperate for the money. It will happen eventually, it always does in these situations. ;)
 Aug 2008
commented July 9, 2013
Man, RickyBoy has gone FULL PAYER11 aka FULL RETARD.
TOO MUCH raging Testosterone rampaging around here unchecked.
I'vd never been a member of SW and never will be. I'm not a hypocrite.
What I am questioning is the manhood of middle aged men who get so fucked up over what strippers do or say that they feel the need to go onto a place like SW and give them shit. What a pathetic breed of sub-human you are if 20-something year old strippers can affect you so much that it seems so worthwhile for your 40+ year old self to go onto SW and get defensive/troll/whatever.
I never get worked up over SS. Why? Because I am in control of myself and what I do. When I go into a strip club, I know who has the upper hand in any transaction I engage in - I do. I let SS role off my back because it is nothing more than silly comments coming from a young girl who I will never give serious money to. I take this same mentality onto SW, which is why I can enjoy that site without being particularly bothered by most anything said on there.
This is what I meant with "act like you've been there before." Serious SC hounds either don't visit SW at all or can easily move between the two sites. Only fucked up pussies feel the need to go on there and vent, debate, troll, or some combination, and indeed this is very often why they get banned. Well, it ain't the Moderator's fault that these guys are too fucking weak to control themselves when interacting with the girls on SW.
I expect bitch-like behavior from the likes of Dougster and juice, who we all know are heavy on bullshit theory but light on real club experiences. I guess I just expected better from some of the other names that I saw get involved in that whole ruckus the other day.
Honestly, most sites say what will merit a ban. I don't understand how a link on another site is a threat to SW. I don't get the argument that it's protective
As I understand it, linking SW articles/posts was also done by other members here - and they were not banned. When you combine the 2 together, I think it's wasted energy to go to this extent, but I do see why the population at large was pissed. They had cause. I have no problems with yoda's comments to explain his actions, it's his call as a Moderator. But I do think it probably wasn't the right call - that's their right to do, but it's also the population's right here to express their opinion, too. The personal angles are a bit much, though.
Just my 2 cents as an outsider looking in.
Yep, like the time you disappointedly stayed at home for months on end on nights when both of your favorites were working. After all, if one saw you talking to the other, she might get upset and that is not a situation you could handle (despite this supposed "upper hand" of yours).
I don't think there's anything wrong with having a stripper-safe forum, run by stripper rules... the strippers act as badly there as we act here, tell as many lies and fantasies as we do here, but hey, that's the fun. Nothing to complain about. But it should be expected that customers might have some fun with some of the more fantasy-based stripper opinions (and vice versa if the strippers were interested, but to their credit, they're not)
You keep bringing up the notion that middle-aged men go on SW to troll and attack young women. Yet I haven't yet scene a concrete example. Like, I said, I rarely go on there and have never posted. Maybe it happens.
So what? It's wrong, but has NOTHING to do with Yoda's error in judgement in banning Papi so quickly without even a hint of a warning.
That's all most of us are saying. Papi was neither trolling nor attacking, so why even mention that?
@Everyone Defending Papi: The crap that a few members gave Yoda was far from limited to the Papi situation. What they are ultimately taking issue with is the fact that he doesn't let them go over there and start shit with the girls. Indeed, the bitching and whining about the fact that they cannot go over there and troll, argue, etc., has been going on for some time now. Frankly I am getting tired of the girly squealing coming from a few middle aged men who so desperately want to go onto SW and pull that shit. Truly some sackless wonders, for all of the reasons already stated.
As I say the length you go to suck Yoda's dick make it completely obvious that Yoda is just another of the dozens of aliases you post under.
Listen, SW is a dancer-centered site, and we can't go over there and stir up shit. I can live with that. But in NO way was what Chulo did even close to anything listed against the rules.
Honestly, you're using a straw dog argument - using other people's past problems to somehow justify a VERY WRONG action with Chulo. I'd be the first to say yoda's decisions there are probably right 95+ percent, if not 98 percent of the time - but they were not right here.
Frankly, I get why most of the angry responses came - having read both sites, and seeing Chulo's original post, it didn't look ANY different than when other members did the same - and the tone was very constructive in his OP. Frankly, though, anything said over here is IRRELEVANT to protecting a dancer at another site. That argument has zero weight. Then you add the fact that other members have done the same thing, and not been penalized, for taking SW material & posting it here - really, yoda made a wrong call. Now, the personal stuff is just dumb, but the anger, and the issue with the decision made with Chulo, those are entirely legit.
I get that you have to protect the strippers to post safely there - but nothing done with Chulo meets the criteria set out in their ruleset for bans, and the notion that discussing that SW thread here somehow damages them when it's being posted on a DIFFERENT site is just plain ridiculous. Contrary to most of the strongest opinions, I suspect yoda's decisions there were correct - but this one wasn't, and it's pretty clear. If it was a more grey-area call, believe me, I don't think you'd see the intensity of reaction.
If you really can't see that, then I think your mind is already made up. Frankly, I don't know any of you, I go to both sites, and I enjoy both perspectives. If you are surprised by the intensity and widespread reaction, maybe you ought to ask yourself maybe there's a reason beyond your perspective that everyone else is being unreasonable.
Just my 2 cents.
Thank you
However, I realize the "truth" that the world wide web is not a universal democracy, but that many sites exist for the enjoyment of (and facilitation of said enjoyment) for the core common interest of its membership.
With that in mind, I think that Yoda did the right thing, for his position as moderator. While Papi meant no harm, he lifted a post from a section where ONLY dancers are allowed to post (but that anyone can view, though viewing some pictures may require a log-in from members-only). Regardless of how Yoda found out about it, he did the right thing to insure some basic site integrity, not to mention core membership satisfaction. (Potential for others finding out about this breach could lead to more fallout over there, if left unaddressed).
I'll say one more time that the world wide web is not one big universal democracy. As an analogy, suppose some guy that modded an old clapped out Camaro went on a Corvette or Ferrari enthusiasts forum, and made a bunch of posts over there saying that he could whip their ass in the QM, and that they were a bunch of suckers for paying mucho $$$$ for their (fill in the blank) car. How long do you think such a poster would last on that forum.
To some of those saying "grow a pair", I say "grow up." I've had a few posts (out of 500 plus) deleted over there (almost all no foul called), yet it hardly registers on my Richter Scale of indignation. Really now, what is preventing the loudest screamers here from starting their own website, or blog if they don't like how things are going on a particular website ?
I think, in year 2014, the web has been around enough that everyone is aware that once something is out there, it's public. Everyone is saavy enough from Twitter and Facebook to know that by now.
Maybe Papi didn't stop and think and use the best judgement before he cross posted the link, but if the dancer did not want her picture out there, then does she not bear some responsibility. It's not all on Papi. Heck, I'd like to know if she even cares. Afterall, she wanted people's opinions. And isn't a customer's opinion more important than other dancers?
Going great.
Then the white knights began appearing, you know, the kind like yoda. And then the ones like, if I remember right, The Other Guy, were on and got busted for rape.
From that point on, men couldn't have an opinion. Many of the original women bailed to a yet to be named site (and I ain't naming it) complaining about being restricted in freedom of speech on a web site dedicated to freedom of speech. Everything has to be candy coated and dipped in honey before being powdered in sugar.
I believe part of it was a turnover from generation x to the generation y and their trophies for just showing up. Now the millennials are showing up which are even a bigger sad sack of wanna be bullshit.
Now it is just a parody of what it was... a sad joke. No great loss of a membership in my opinion. Just a loss of a once-great web forum.
Credit should be given where credit is due – but in the back of my small mind; I cynically wonder if the reason the gals over on SW don’t mention TUSCL outright is b/c of the super-tight moderation/police-state there.
I’ve heard a dancer or two “vaguely†mention SC “customer sites†in general w/o actually mentioning TUSCL outright.
So I think the original quoted statement above may often be true; but my suspicion about mentioning TUSCL on SW being a no-no may perhaps also hold water.
Internet forums are SUPPOSED to be Democracies?? Thought they were Dictatorships, run by the rules/dictates of the owner and any Moderators empowered by the owner. Fairly or unfairly.
Like I said, it was a great site until six or seven years ago. Now it has become candy land where posters whisper vague references.
Paul Harbord, 27, was in a pub with his friends after an all day drinking session when the police officer walked in to investigate their 'rowdy' behaviour.Â
One of his friends had told him to expect 'entertainment' - and Harbord thought the WPC was a stripogram dressed in a police outfit.Â
Harbord shouted: "Look, here is one of the strippers and began to dance in front of her and whipped her with a bar towel", a court was told.Â
He soon realised his mistake when the officer arrested him, but he still refused to believe she was not a stripper until they arrived at a police station.Â
I'm lovin' it!
I am seeing a favorite in a local club who is a mess in almost every way. She has steel rods in her back; was formerly a heroin addict and is now on methadone; was pimped out by her own mother as a teenager for dope; served several months in jail; and may go back to jail soon for violation of her probation.
But more important, she is beautiful and has perfect little tits. ;)
 Aug 2008
commented July 9, 2013
Really sounds like the perfect girl for you, RickyBoy.Â
Did you use The Sytem to win her over? If so where did you purchase the white three piece polyester suit you wore during the process?
 Jan 2010
:Â 2Â
commented July 9, 2013
So whats your intentions with this girl? Be nice to her? Take advantage of her situation?
 Aug 2008
commented July 9, 2013
Rick thinks that exploiting drug addicts shows his mastery and triumph in our capitalist system. He is very much like Payer11 in that regard.
 Jun 2012
:Â 2Â
commented July 9, 2013
Dicky! At what price? Unless you look like Alucards asshole,you can do better than that.Sorry couldn't resist.
 Aug 2008
commented July 9, 2013
Hey, RickyBoy, I wanna try out The System so I too can score chicks like that. Now, I've never tried The System in the field before so I was wondering if you could provide a few tips for me -
a) what is good dive club for a newbie to The System to start practicing in?
b) what kind of shoes are best to wear with the white 3 piece polyester suit?
 Jun 2011
commented July 9, 2013
Yes wear do you ship for your bum suit and Ty look
 Aug 2008
commented July 9, 2013
Think they should make a video game out of the RickyBoy's strip club adventures, call it "Lesiure Suit RickyBoy".
 Nov 2009
commented July 9, 2013
Did I mention that she is beautiful and has perfect little tits?
The bad news is that she is playing hard to get. She is in that whole "I'm turning over a new leaf - getting my life back together" phase and flatly refuses to do p4p. No doubt that her childhood experiences also factor in. She also has a regular day job, so she is not completely without other income.
Mikeya, obviously I intend to take advantage of her situation. I'm just going to have to wait until she slips up or becomes desperate for the money. It will happen eventually, it always does in these situations. ;)
 Aug 2008
commented July 9, 2013
Man, RickyBoy has gone FULL PAYER11 aka FULL RETARD.
In what is just about my favorite club in the country, I hear words that are music to my ears...
HER: I need money to pay my house fee, sitter and rent.
ME: Sounds like a tough situation.
HER: I only made $60 tonight, including the $20 that you gave me.Â
ME: I'm sure we could work something out.
HER: I'll charge you $200 for VIP and you can do anything you want.
ME: Deal.
For a little background, in this club I'm known as a guy who has been with (let's call her) "Crazy Dancer", which makes me safe in the eyes of other friendly girls in the place as eveyone knows what Crazy Dancer's gig is.
And she was true to her word, as has every other girl in the place that associates me with Crazy Dancer.
Music to my ears. :)
I hate the current population drugs that seem to be popular in the clubs. Back in the day (15+ years ago), coke was popular in the clubs that I frequented in the northeast, which was not so bad as the girls still seemed alert.Â
Much more common now is weed, which was also an issue back in the day but really seems to have permeated the dancer community now. Not only does the shit stink in my opinion, but pothead dancers are no fun as the weed tends to mellow them out just a little too much for my tastes.
Even worse, however, is heroin, which is a real problem in the clubs that I know frequent in the south. The girls who are on this shit can barely function and I am seeing way too many using this stuff now. I recently had a girl actually nodding off with her head hitting my chest and saw another girl falling off of the bar stool. And, of course, my recent post about a horrible OTC experience also involved a girl on heroin.
I really hate these drugs. I'm starting to look upon the day when most dancers simply over-drank with a certain amount of nostalgia - lol.
 Aug 2008
commented August 25, 2013
If it wasn't for these drug addictions the "success rate" of The System might only be 10% of what it is today. But your head is so far up your ass as demonstrated by your recent epic OTC failure you'll never realize that. I'm surprised you aren't thankful for the addictions (well in one recent notorious thread of yours you were, niw per your usual MO you are flopping all over the place.)
Two girls from the same club try to run some the same hamfisted scam on me.
About 5 months ago I met a girl in my new local club and, about 20 minutes into our conversation, she starts pushing to "hang out" sometime and we exchange numbers. Now I believed, at that time, that this was a normal and customary stringalong gambit and treated it accordingly - meaning I ignored it. However, I enjoyed my time with her enough (she was a hot fucking ticket) that I tipped her barside over the course of an hour and a half - perhaps $120 all-in, though that 90 minutes included two stage sets and a couple of circuits around the room. When I left, she echoed her offer, which again I simply assumed was an effort to put me on the hook for future club visits.
I was wrong. In fact, the few times I texted her over the next four weeks to find out when she was working again, she instead tried to steer me towards dinner or other social meetups. And each time, she tried to lock me in for the very next night. I had no interest in seeing her in an ambiguous social meetup until I knew what she was looking for, so I continued to decline.
Finally, on a night when I was supposed to see her in the club, the following text exchange occurred:
Her: Would you possibly meet up with me and lend me a few bucks to get to work and get some food for my house? I just got my own apartment...I need help and maybe we can meet up later after work and arrange something funnÂ
Me: Sorry honey, but that's really not my type of gig. And I don't know you well enough to be doing those types of favors on spec.
Her: Okay I am just get gas to get to work. (Unlikely)
Her: How about u come in tomorrow night I'll be working from xx to xx (Also unlikely)
Me: Maybe I gave you the wrong impression about me. My "friends' become so through established p4p relationships. And when they need $$$, I offer them earning gigs, not loans.
Me: And if u really wanted to get to work so badly you would have asked for a ride, not cash at some public spot."
Probably needless to say, but I didn't hear back from her after my last texts.Â
Then, just last week ANOTHER girl, who I hung out with once for about an hour at this club, sends me the following text:
"Hey its XXX how r u? I have a big emergency work was real bad and I cant pay my hotel can u help me please"
I really have to start working on whatever vibe I'm giving off. Are these girls really so stupid as to believe that some guy is just going to drive out to them and hand them money based upon one brief visit in the club? What might I be missing here?
Last week, I took a girl out of a Cleveland club who is in her early 30s. This is the first time that I ever (knowingly) breached the 30 barrier with OTC. She was a hot early 30s, but over 30 nonetheless.
I'm not sure how I feel about that. I always used to draw a hard line at 30, but this one was just too good an opportunity to pass up. Maybe i am aging to the point that girls who I would have passed on a few years ago just look that much better to me now - lol. I really don't know. I am 43, so I am still over a decade older than her, but there it is.
 Dec 2010
commented October 14, 2013
Rick, your preference is the opposite of mine. I'm much older than you and I prefer dancers who are *over* 30. I sense your age *is* catching up to you, as you surmised.
 Aug 2008
commented October 14, 2013
This is just further proof that RickyBoy is just plain full of shit if he really is in strip clubs as much as he claims and doing OTC as much as he says and he has done any with a girl over 30 until now.
With tomorrow being Halloween, I wonder if many girls consider today to be the day that they need to earn their rent. After all, most of us family types are going to be trick-or-treating with our kids. In any event, Halloween is one of those nights that I've always avoided clubbing on due to heightened police activity on the roads.
 Aug 2008
commented October 30, 2013
RickyBoy: "thoughts?"
Yeah, you're still a fag.
As I sit here and think of the various dicey activities that I engaged in with dancers during 2013, one thing that sticks out in my mind is the downtrending in the ages of the girls that are offering up alternative services.Â
I am not sure how to feel about this. For many years, the girls that I engaged in edgier activities with were at least in their mid to late 20s and, since I was 40 and under myself, I didn't think much of it. However, I am now getting older while, at the same time, the girls offering these things are getting younger. Shit, some of the girls that made offers to me over the past couple of years were not old enough to drink, while I am 43.Â
This changing dynamic is starting to give me pause. If I was 50 and they were 30, then I doubt that I would care so much, but at 19 or 20 most girls know so little about life and their options that it makes me wonder how informed their choices really are.Â
Anyway, in 2014 I think that I will need to set a higher minimum age standard for my dicier activities. I simply no longer feel comfortable messing around with a girl who is not only young enough to be my daughter (albeit I would have needed to have her at 21 or 22), but is also too young to make decisions with her eyes wide open.
 Aug 2008
commented November 25, 2013
^^^ rick the retard strikes again!
@Papi: There is no restriction upon mentioning tuscl on SW. It happens all the time, usually in reference to the site as a database of clubs and reviews.
OK I don't anything about the history between you and Doug and so I'm missing all the subtexts. I'm also quite happily missing the subtexts. I see tons of you being trolled and that seems pointless and rude. But I do consider you a legit poster.
The internet does not allow for public forms that are free from outside comment. SW moderators can control who can post on the dancer only subsite. They can enforce rules about cross posting from the dancer only subsite to the rest of the board.
But the administrators can't control what everyone else anywhere posts. Attempting to enforce this sort of rule using administrative powers is bound to fall. If Yoda objects to Papi's behavior of posting on TUSCL the appropriate place to take that is to TUSCL not to take revenge on SW. An agreement not to cross post, requires an agreement. The SW admin made an administrative ruling that Papi's behavior on TUSCL warranted a lifetime ban, the TUSCL crowd strongly disagrees. The appropriate way for that to be dealt with is between the two communities. SW wouldn't be the first, hundreds, thousandth or ten thousandth site to end being counter blogged because of censorship attempts on the internet. That's a bad idea.
Now let me say up front a few things.
1) I have no knowledge at all of Papi and Yoda's previous interactions.
2) Being a moderator is often a time consuming and thankless job.
3) SW is likely a particularly miserable board to moderate.
So I won't comment to much on the particulars, I don't know the facts.
As for middle aged men, girls young enough to be your daughter.... If the girls on SW want to pull that they are entitled to the protections accorded young people then they should be posting quite differently, for one a lot more respectfully. You want to talk daughters. I can't imagine my daughter acting the way the girls on SW do in a mixed age / experience setting. I've seen my daughter interact with older people on subjects she is interested in on the internet and she doesn't interact with them rudely. She understands that by virtue of age and experience they have advantages and insights she doesn't. Which isn't to say she doesn't meet middle aged idiots on the internet in the forums she frequents but she remembers and respects the differences inherent in their roles.
The girls on SW attitude sucks both towards the older more experienced dancers and towards the men who've been in the industry and towards clients. That's not appropriate conduct. My daughter would look to middle aged people commenting on her career as a positive, guiders or potential mentors. She'd be interested in what people with more experience who have a better sense of the world and better connections think. That's not to say she isn't going to question them, but if she's going to contradict someone like that, she going to do her research and make sure she knows her shit. The attitude is going to be "sir here is how I'm thinking about this, can you explain what I've missed". And frankly she'd also be highly suspicious of any kind of sycophant middle aged man playing into her ego, knowing they likely have ulterior motives. A girl my daughter's age understands that right now what she has is the potential to be someone whose accomplishments will warrant respect and that's what she aims for professionally.
Rick, if you really want to apply the daughter standard, then I think an entirely different post is warranted. Teens and twenty somethings think they understand everything. Your telling them that they do is doing them a lot more harm then someone saying mean things about their looks. If you are asking how I'd want you interacting with my daughter, I'd want you acting like an adult not playing into her ego. And as an aside, if you were abusing that role and boning her I'd put in a bullet in your brain without hesitation.
So how comparable is the situation really? Stripping obviously short circuits the whole maturation process because the women involved make a salary often much higher than their superiors would be making in a vanilla job. They get treated special because they play with middle aged men's penis and egos. They get paid to engage in inappropriate conduct and the men they are playing with them treat them inappropriately. So no, the daughter standard doesn't apply. That's a cheap shot towards Papi. I'm not sure what standards should apply to strippers when they are off, I think it best to handle the situation case by case oscillating in what age they get treated.
If a person owns an Internet Forum and runs it as a Dictatorship, that owner can impose any rules he/she wishes. I am not aware of any sort of enforcement agency that will jump in when a rule violating member is capriciously suspended or banned. Doing that sort of thing may have an impact on the site, but that may not be readily apparent.
Outside comment means the internet as a whole. Forum X commenting on the activities of forum Y not people on Y commenting on themselves.