
Comments by Jpac73 (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dam'n didn't know my fav thought she was the "Bomb"
    CasualGuy: at this club there are no 9's & 10's. Most of the girls fall in the 6 to 7 range, some around a 5. I know that I am just a customer but this girl acts as if she knows some of the guys that come in there personally. She was going around speaking to some of the customers. I guareentee you that none of those guys spend money on her at the club. Maybe she does know them form OTC I have no idea. I would just assume that a dancer would at least at like she is happy to see one of her regular customers. Driver01: She wasn't in the club very long about 15minutes tops. She mentioned about it being slow. I got the feeling that she decided to take the night off because they are suppose to be having some specail entertainment tonight. Maybe she feels the crowd will be better then. Also it seemed she was with another girl that use to dance at the club. Both came in together and left out together as well. I know for a fact that the other girl is a lesbian( I hope Essence isn't that way).
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    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I love Hooter's buffalo wings. Give me a pitcher of beer, some hotwings and a freindly hot waitress and all is good. It's not as good a stripclub but it can be fun if the waitress is freindly and likes to talk but if you get one that only comes to take your order, leaves and only comes back to bring you your food, then it can be boring. Here is a tip, sit at the bar!! To me this is the best place to flirt with the waitress and watch some sprots on the tube.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Reunions...with strippers
    I would be estatic to see my former ATF but she has move on. If she hasn't been back to the club in 2 1/2years she isn't coming back.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The Bible Belt...defined
    Even though this thread is already long enough I will say that I stay in the Bible belt region. Southwest GA near the Albama line. There are clubs with contact in this region but they can't be full nude or if they are nude then they can't sell alcohol. You have to take your pick. I choose to have contact & drink my beer. I could look at a nude woman on tv if that is what I wanted.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Too many trips to the bathroom
    No Dirk I am only 33, although I don't consider that to be "real" young. Thanks for the advice by all of you.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More erotic adventures of shadowcat. Proceed with caution.
    Well Shadowcat congratulations on hooking up with a crackhead. I knew something had to be wrong with her when she asked you for $10 and supposedly didn't even know who you were. What person would come up to a complete stranger and ask something like that and not even try to be more sympathetic(sp). You took a big chance on going to jail taking that girl to see her dealer. The cops could have been on the stake out of her dealers house. Don't take strippers or people you don't know some where, especially if you are from out of town. A few weeks ago there was a write up in my local newspaper about a girl in town whom danced at a club in Dothan ALabama(a nearby city). Apparently she had convinced a customer to give her a ride home. However, she wasn't going home. She and two guys she knew robbed the customer of his money after he pulled up at a place she said was her house. Luckily the neighbors called the cops and the 3 were arrested. The point of my story is that something like that could have very well happened to you. Think with your big head not your little one.
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    17 years ago
    Wet pants
    For me it depends on the dancer. If a dancer is highmileage then I probably would expect her to make me cum, but if she is not so "naughty" then I wouldn't expect anything out of her. A low mileage or medium mileage dancer would probably take offense to it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Best pants for lap dances.
    Shotdisc are you sure you want to wear Khakis if you are going Commando? That is too big of a risk of embarrasing myself if the dances are real good.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Trying to avoid 1 dancer but want to see another 1 at the club
    Yup I agree with DandyDan. The OTC has a big influence on the way I am treated by Jade & her buddy Carmez.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Black" Stripclubs - The Customer & Dancer have an understanding
    BookGuy I can see where you are turned on by Serena as far as her shape but I don't find Venus attractive at all. She is too thin and not particulary all that attractive. However, I do agree with everything else you said. The part about White guys who act "Ghetto" not going to all black clubs is so true. You might see one of them with a group of black guys but never in a group by themselves.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Trying to avoid 1 dancer but want to see another 1 at the club
    I Have decided that I will go back to the club. When Jade comes over I will play it cool. I will speak to her and say hello. I'll carry on a conversation if she wants to talk, but as soon as she asks for a dance I will tell her that I am not interested. I will just be truthful with her. I will tell her that she acts as if I am only to spend money on her. I will tell her why should I buy dances from somone who trys to treat me like a ATM? This will probably make her mad,but I don't care. If she wants to argue I will grab my drink and move from the bar(That's where I usually sit) and go to a table. I am not going to let someone keep me away from my favorite.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    How much do women really weigh
    100lbs at 5'4 is too thin. She should at least weigh 120lbs at that Height.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Interesting Contact
    Clubber: This girl did all of this right in front of your SO? Most women would have gotten on her ass and told her off. However, the club does sound interesting and I wouldn't mind checking it out, but I want be going to Miami anytime soon.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    There is still a race issue in strip clubs
    I agree with FONDL. The manager apparently is trying to cater to what most of the customers like. More than likely this club has more white male customers who are "well off" than somone who is making an average income.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Football player causes ruckus at Stripclub
    Yes I think all of the strippers tried to get in on the deal starting a big altercation. He would have did better taking some of them to VIP and blowing the money that way instead of making a big scene. I wonder if any of the customers tried to take money off the stage while this was going on??
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the longest time you have ever spent in a strip club?
    3hours is the longest but I usually do about 2hrs.
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    18 years ago
    Monthly strip club spending
    I want say how much I spend on the average but I have been going more and spending more since I got my tax return.
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    18 years ago
    Hot Girl w/ the "Bad Boy" or Jerk
    Doug I had the exact same experience last night. I had aksed a girl for a dance and she said okay but spent most of the time with the guy sitting next to me who had the long "dreadlocks" hairstyle going on. I had told another dancer could she peep in the private room and tell the other girl I was waiting on her. Dancer B told me " I am going to be honest with you, if she is sitting back there with another customer and not dancing apparently she must not want to do a dance." I think dancers gravitate to people or guys that are more like them OTC. The dancer in question has more of a badgirl look to her. To sum things up I guess "People know there own kind."
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    18 years ago
    Soaked by a Civilian
    Are you sure some of the "Drench" wasn't some of your manjuice?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    The Fundamental Problem With Strippers
    I meant to say fined a stripper not a stripclub will be honest with you.
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    20 years ago
    Would you feel betrayed if your ATF lied to you?
    Superdude I am glad that you have a firm stance on what you won't putup with at the stripclubs. I guess you don't really have a favorite or "ATF", but I would like to ask if a stripper is telling you things about her personal life (includinng her boyfriend) couldn't it be concieved that she is a little more comfortable with you and feels that you should know that by now there won't be anything between you and her? I guess some strippers "game" is better than others, asking you for a tip before the dance is over with isn't good at all. I think some of the strippers who take the "aggressive" approach feel that a customer who is by himself will feel intimadated or guilty into giving her more money.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Why aren't they starlets?
    Maybe they aren't motivated to do any of the things you mentioned. You have to have some kind of motivation to do anything in life.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    When is it time to leave a club alone??
    FONDL: I wouldn't classify her as my favorite anymore. When I saw her first come out of the dressing room she went by the DJ booth and was carrying on a conversation with him. I decided, that I would go up there and let her know I was in the club. Well there were no other people by the DJ booth. She had her head turned in the direction of the DJ when I walked up. I stood there for about 5seconds, thinking that maybe she would look my way. She did not look my way until I called her name. Even then she just gave a glance and went back to talking. Maybe 15 seconds later she was threw talking and then she decided to speak to me. I don't know what was so important she was discussing but she could have at least said hi and not act like I wasn't there. I just think she showed her "true" colors. She isn't as honest as I thought. She is carrying around alot of Personal problems in her life and all she does at the club is drink. She had already had a few drinks before I bought her a shot. So I don't think I will have anything to do with her again. She is 23yearsold with a police record(mentioned she was on probation) and as far as I know does not have any goals set for herself. I think she is a classic example of what looks good to you isn't always good for you.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Anybody ever had a private session with a female wrestler?
    Token: I have seen Yvette Bova Before. I don't know if she ever did any wrestling sessons but she has posed nude before with another female. Actually I am referring to 2 women that stay in the Atlanta area. one of them is named Christine Fetzer (Christine Rocks) and the other is Layla Lane. Both are very good looking and are fit but not masculine looking. I think Christine is younger than Layla possibly around 35yearsold or so. Layla might be in her early 40's but still nice looking.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    bleeding you dry
    Huge: The dancer just showed her "true colors". She isn't your friend. She is looking out for the best interest of herself and other club employees. I guess if you coulud afford paying $400 then $20 wasn't much, although personally I would never tip that much to 1 person. That could be another lapdance.