
How much do women really weigh

Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
This thought came to mind while I was discussing with like-minded men what I thought my "ideal" body-weight would be for a partner. Many guys said, "whoa man, you don't mean that! That's like, crack-ho thin!"

I had been saying that 100 pounds would be ideal for me. (Isn't that 45.4545 kilograms? I think it's 2.2 kg per lb.) I like 'em small, to the point that you can see a little bit of their abdominal muscles. And I like 'em fairly short, like maybe 5'4" or so. Between 5'2" and 5'6" (which is between 157.5 and 167.6 centimeters, as long as a foot still has 12 inches and an inch has 2.54 cms.)

So, if I like 'em at 5'4", and small enough that you can barely see their abs, and not particularly muscular or stocky, just girlish ... then how much do I like 'em to weigh? I thought it would be 100 lbs. But evidently I'm wrong?

How much DO they really weigh? I dated one girl who kept saying she was 130 lbs, but I could hardly lift her up at all, not even in a bear hug. I can bench press my body weight (185) and can squat at least 3 times it (thank you soccer!), so I'm figuring she was more like 150. I am 5'8" by the way, and she was about 5'6" with natural whopper-sized breasts and a "zaftig" backside. Which I didn't like, but them's the breaks.

So, how big is a 130 lb woman? Is 100 lbs too small? Do women lie about their weight? (Umm, yeah, duh ...)


  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I generally like my favorite dancers to be petite also. But I'v got one that is 5' 11 ". None of my 12 or 15 favorite dancers are porkers. A couple are 10-15 lbs overweight but certainly nothing to say NO to. I never ask them their weights. I think it is impolite. Some have volunterred it and most of them have said that they were trying to lose weight. Why, I wonder? They look great to me. WE have a couple of Twiggy's at my favorited club. On the club discussion board one dancer descibed one of them as so skinny, that she would choke on a grain of rice.I have to agree. My ex ATF's sister had this say about another, " I like her but she needs to gain some weight and stop sucking dicks for $40. I didn't think that she was skinny. Just petite. Short and 80 lbs wet. She was on my favorites list. Last time I saw her was in her hotel room several months ago giving me full service for $100. But my ex ATF's sister is getting at least part of her wish. She is gaining weight. A lot. She is pregnant and the club has barred her from further dancing untill after she delivers. I wonder, do boob jobs add extra weight. I assumes so but by how much?
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I'm less concerned with weight except when it comes to being a description of a fat dancer. I like a dancer to look fit for her size and frame or somewhat close to it. She doesn't need to look anorexic like a model but I don't really enjoy looking at a dancer with belly fat hanging out or extra large thighs either. I don't plan on spending money on dancers I'm not attracted to. A few guys apparently like a dancer to be really big and plump. I don't. I think the models are usually too skinny. I would enjoy looking at models with bigger breasts and not quite so skinny. Cheerleaders often have bigger legs (muscle I believe) than many models and I think their legs look better.
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    Weight is really irrelevant and can be very deceiving. For instance...I'm 5'7" and about 145 pounds. Someone not aware of the muscle vs. fat fact might automatically assume that I was overweight. Quite the opposite. I have an athletic build since I work out regularly, with a good amount of muscle and very little fat (although I do have rather large boobies). My point is that since muscle weighs more than fat, a girl with some good toned muscle can weigh alot more than a fat girl. Actual weight is meaningless.

    5'4" and 100 pounds? Yikes! Fer crissakes get her a cheeseburger!!
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    I can agree with Lopaw. You could look at the typical WNBA roster (perhaps the only place on the internet where women's heights and weights are mentioned) and conclude they are all overweight, but knowing they are professional athletes, you know they aren't, probably. But you find a stripper with the exact same height and weight as someone in the WNBA and almost anyone would probably say they are fat, and they probably are, because they don't work out as much, if they even do at all.

    As for me personally, I don't know and don't care to know, because there's more to it for me than what they weigh.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    There's that "get a cheeseburger" response from Lopaw.

    What I want to know is, what IS a decent weight for a woman of such-and-so bodily proportions and muscle mass.

    For example, is 5'4" and athletic-looking, with feminine curves and a "younger girl" body, including a slightly muscular waist, going to be

    or 80 pounds? I can't get a straight answer.
  • lopaw
    17 years ago

    OK, BG.....if you use the chart supplied on that website I listed, and make some generalizations (a 5'4" girl has a "normal" mid-range BMI of about 21), then her weight should be about 122 lbs. Sounds like alot? If it is all fat, yes, she might appear a bit chubby. If it's predominately muscle, she would appear quite lean & fit. If you follow the chart's BMI range of 18.5 - 23.9, then a 5'4" girl's weight could range from 110 - 140 lbs and be considered "normal"! It's all VERY subjective.

    Hope this helps.
    Or confuses you more.
    17 years ago
    My ATF is about 5'-4" and weighs about 130 lbs. She's in very good shape, works out all the time and is very careful with her diet. She's slender without being thin and she's fairly muscular. When she gets down to 125 (which she has done on occasion) she starts to look too thin. Before I knew better I'd have guessed her weight at maybe 115-120. I've also seen her as heavy as 145 lbs and she still looks great if you don't mind a little extra padding. For a girl to weigh only 100 pounds she'd have to be really tiny and anorexic looking.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Lopaw: according to the BMI, Evander Holyfield and Michael Jordan are morbidly obese. Probably me, too. I'm 5'8", with about a 37-inch waist, and I weigh around 180 or 190 pounds, depending on whether I've been lifting weights regularly (which increases my weight). Their math puts my BMI between 27.4 and 28.9, thus an "increased" risk of heart disease.

    But last time I visited a doctor he told me that I'd be a little healthier if I gained some body fat, because my BF percentage was so low that it was impeding my immune system's function. In fact, when I did slack off on working out for a while, I stopped getting little flu-like symptoms and regular Human RhinoVirus type non-threatening colds.

    So, I guess I'm still confused. Un-hot chicks are always subtracting 20 pounds from their weight, I guess because they think a smaller number will give a guy a boner more often than a larger number, or something. I remember one (civilian) girl I knew who was basically "waggly" all over, who never exercised at all, but had a naturally "curvaceous" shape. She always told any man trying to pick her up that she ran marathons. This was a preposterous assertion, of course, and no guy believed her. But she hadn't "gotten the concept" that the ACT OF RUNNING a marathon doesn't matter to most men; it's the SKINNY BODY which comes FROM running, that matters. So, she continued to spin the tale. I guess she thought the men were visually impaired, or something. She even asked, once, "Why do men care what I do in my spare time?"

    Amazing. Chicks who don't get the concept ... is that redundant? ...
    17 years ago
    BG, there are plenty of guys who don't get it either. In fact I see two guys regularly at my gym, both about 50, both with muscles so huge that they have to turn sideways to walk thought a doorway and their arms stick out to the side. And both have huge beer bellies and are at least 60 pounds overweight. All I ever see them do is either bench presses or squats - with huge amounts of weight. I'm convinced that one of them will drop dead at the gym one day. And then there's the woman who's there almost evey day and all she ever does is run on a treadmill, and she's skinny as a rail. I keep thinking that the guys and the lady would all be better off if they switched places.

    Who knows why people are like that? Makes no sense to anyone else.

    But I'm curious, how do you have a 37 inch waist on a 5-8 frame with low body fat? That doesn't make sense.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    100 pound woman around 5'4 is ideal in my opinion. My girlfriend was 5'2 and 90 pounds. No muscle at all and no fat, but medium size tits.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    FONDL: how do you get a 37 inch waist on a 5'8" frame? By means of typographical error! :)

    32. I meant 32. I wear pants that range from 28 to 34, depending on how the style accommodates my humungous buttocks.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    If you want to compare your bmi or others people bmi to the average, you can visit here.

    You just need the weight, height,and age to get a comparison.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Or perhaps this one since it defaults to female as the sex instead of male.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I agree about muscle adding some weight to your frame.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I've never had "ideal" body weight. When I was ridiculously skinny in college (so much so that people freaked out) I weighed 155 lbs at 5'8". I'm not going to try to get back down to that EVER again ...
  • Jpac73
    17 years ago
    100lbs at 5'4 is too thin. She should at least weigh 120lbs at that Height.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    OK, Jpac73, define what 120-5'4" looks like. How do I know what you're talking about? That's exactly my question -- I don't know whether what you are referencing with the number 120 would be something I would like or dislike, since I can't get a woman to tell me honestly what her weight is, and therefore, by extension, I don't know what 120 represents.

    I just don't know. I know that I like 'em in the thin-to-average range (kind of like Britney Spears at the top of her game, or like Natalie Portman). I don't like 'em so muscular that they have a "masculine" edge to them, or so skinny that any given bone is visible, or so flabby that there's that "waggle" to them.

    So, is that 120, or 100, or 140, at 5'4"? You seem to think you know ...
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    Book Guy - short of carrying around a scale and persuading women to actually step onto it (good luck with that), I don't think that you're question can ever be really answered concretely. At least not to your satisfaction.

    For what it's worth - from your description, I'd say that your prefered women would be about 120 lb, +/- 5%.
  • Ironcat
    17 years ago
    I think a good point has been made - people get too hung up on how much they weigh. A pound of muscle is more dense than a pound of fat and therefore fat takes up a greater volume than the same mass of muscle. Muscle also makes the subcutaneous fat (fat located between the skin and muscle) less "flabby", so an untrained person can weigh the same as a person who lifts weights regularly but their body can look quite different. The BMI is only good for large population studies that attempt to describe obesity trends. As was stated earlier, most NFL running backs are classified as obese since they average around 5'10" and 220 lb., but you would never consider them to be fat and out of shape.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    A much better measure of your health would be to measure the hip to waist ratio. I read today bmi is very flawed which I think we discussed here. Someone with a lot of muscle could have a high BMI when they actually have low body fat while a woman could have a normal range BMI but have too much fat. The hip to waist ratio also is a much better predictor of your heart attack risk. Now I'm thinking about getting a measuring tape so I know what my ratio is.

  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    As far as a women's weight goes, I don't ask and dancers don't usually volunteer that information where I visit.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Quote from http://www.wyff4.com/health/5250269/deta…
    "The waist-to-hip ratio is calculated by dividing the waist measure by the hip measure. The cutoff point for cardiovascular risk factors is less than 0.85 for women and 0.90 for men. A higher number signals more risk."
    From what I read, this is a much better predictor of your health and heart attack risk than the flawed BMI. I thought I read an article today that said the number for men was 0.95, I can't seem to find that now.

  • apesht45
    17 years ago
    Obsess much BG? A pound of flesh is a pound of flesh.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Apsht: yeah, but girls seem to keep on saying it's on a half-pound. I was just wondering if I could figger out when they were telling the truth or not. For example, as a useful pointer in online dating, etc.
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