
What is the longest time you have ever spent in a strip club?

Atlanta suburb
12 hours for me and I have done it several times but not recently. I am getting too old for that shit. 8 is about the most I can handle now. 5 or 6 if I am having fun is more normal. 10 minutes if the club turns out to be shitty...


  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    A little diversion on this topic "what's the longest time you spent in a traffic jam with some strippers?" I spent another hour in a traffic jam due to a 4 car accident on the interstate the other night. One dancer was apparently just a short walk behind my car and another was a bit of a walk in front. I believe the traffic was backed up about 10 miles around midnight. Same two dancers were in the last traffic mess I was stopped in. I stayed in my car this time though so I didn't get to talk to them. One stopped me and talked to me last time.

    I think I remember a group of 3 or 4 vehicles flying by me in the left hand lane weaving in and out past the other vehicles. I'm glad I stopped for a bite to eat. They probably caused the wreck but I may never know. It seems like a nightmare to pull onto the interstate and you see a parking lot stretching for miles too late to do anything about it.
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    Let me emphathise that these hours were spent in my favorite club with my favorite dancers. I have spent 3 hours with trogangreg at an Atlanta club but I had him for company.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    3 or 4 hrs in any 1 club it for me, 6 or 7 cumulative hrs of clubbing per night(aft/evening) with meal break.
  • Jpac73
    18 years ago
    3hours is the longest but I usually do about 2hrs.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I spent from about 2 pm Friday to about 2 am Saturday in a club, once, give or take, so I'm at a roughly 12-hour record too. I came in and out a few times to check the cell phone, and got a parking lot hot dog, IIRC. Twice serviced in the back room, saw three shift changes. But that is not my usual tenure. Generally I'm in there around three hours maximum before something happens to move me along -- dancers get bitchy, I run out of hotties, I piss off the management, I get too hungry to subsist on nachos, I get too drunk to stick around without going out for air, something.
  • Chili Palmer
    18 years ago
    While on vacation in Phoenix a few years ago, I took a detour to Las Vegas to visit OG. Flight got in at 6 PM, took a cab directly there, and didn't leave until 8:30 AM the following morning. Don't even want to think about how much I dropped there, but it was worth every penny.

  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I'm not really sure but if I had to guess I would say maybe up to 7 hours is my record. Now if you said club hopping with breaks in between, I could go as high as 9 or maybe even 10 hours including the breaks and other stops including the travel time as well. Some clubs I usually only stay 1 to 3 hours while if I'm having more fun I may stay up to 4 or 5 hours.

    I suppose if you got liberal and said what's your longest dancer experience if you start in the strip club, it could be all night and into the morning. I remember many years ago, I would see a dancer in a club and then leave with her. Then we would get a bite to eat or go hang out at various other places.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    There is a natural dynamic that limits my time in strip clubs. After about two hours, one of two things will happen. EIther I will not see anyone I am interested in getting close to, or I will. If the first, then I leave. If the second, then it is back to the private area. There, one of two things will happen...either I will achieve the desired objective, or I won't. If I don't achieve the desired objective, that is reason to leave. If I DO achieve the desired objective, then that is reason to leave.

    The point is, regardless of where you end up on the flow chart, after about three hours, I am gone.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    I know I've done 6 hours straight a couple times at my favorite club, because I'll show up at 9 and stick around til 3 in the morning. It will go from nearly empty to overcrowded in that time. I seem to recall being in a club 8 hours straight once, but I can't place where or when that would be at the moment.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Sometimes I can keep going past my usual limit when my night gets off to a slow start, or if time flies while I spend a long time hanging out with one or two girls. An especially hot stripper I'm hoping to connect with can keep me interested longer, too.

    About five or six hours is my longest in one club. Early in my clubbing years, I had some marathon days of 12 hours or more in multiple clubs. Especially on trips to Tampa, San Francisco or East St. Louis, where I would get started early in the day shift and keep going until near closing with barely a break. I had travelled a long way to get there, so I was determined to wring every minute of fun out of it while I was in town.
  • lopaw
    18 years ago
    The longest I ever did was a 15 hr marathon - opening the place @ 11 am, then closing it @ 2 am. It was a few years ago, and I don't plan on doing that again anytime soon. Nowadays, the average is anywhere from 2 - 6 hrs per visit.
  • motorhead
    18 years ago
    Typically for me, it is 5-6 hours, but I have been a little "crazy" the past year. I usually get to my favorite club at about 8 pm but my ATF doesn't start until 9:30 or 10. Then, I spend the remainder of the evening with her, until 4 am closing, so that ends up being about 8 hours.

    But like Chandler, I spent my longest marathon sessions in Tampa. I would fly down on a Friday morning, check into a hotel, take a shower and hit my favorite club. Usually stay there non-stop til almost closing...sometimes with a brief break for a meal and to shower again. So I guess that ended up being 12+ hours.

    But I'm getting a little old to do that anymore.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    Short Answer - just under 13 hours.

    Long Answer -
    My habits have changed over the last few years. It seems like the less frequently I'm in clubs, the longer my stays are - I guess to make up for "lost time".

    Before I started OTCing, my average club visit was 2-3 hrs. Once I got the "wild hair" and started trying to take things OTC, my pattern changed. I began spending more and more time - always with the one girl that I was trying to get to know, and build a rapport with, which always resulted in marathon sessions of 5 or more hours.

    The closer we'd get, the more time I'd spend in the club until that point when I'd finally coax the girl into OTC. Then while that relationship lasts, I won't step foot in a club - unless for an hour or so to meet at the club before going out.

    I haven't set foot in a club since my ATF and I took things the OTC route. Prior to that, we were spending on avg. 9 hours together at the club.
    18 years ago
    I once went into a favorite club and had a favorite girl join me around 8 pm, and the first thing she said was that she didn't feel like working that night and would I sit with her until closing (2 am) so I did. Other than that my usual visits are at most 2 hours. When my ATF was working it was often a little more than that but not by much. i've always found that if I stay longer than that the fun starts to decline.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    18 years ago
    Other than spending just about ALL DAY & ALL NIGHT in Columbia's PP..... I would have to say I spent close to 5 hours in Bugsy's Speakeasy in Elyria, OH.

    Why not longer? Two reasons.

    First, evilcyn had worn me out and I failed to bring Viagra!
    (keep in mind, wearing me out is NOT providing me EXTRAS)
    Secondly, all though I still had cash and a couple of credit cards which I could have and would have used, I had to make it back to Columbus that evening. Other than that, I would have gotten a motel and spent the entire evening with evilcyn!
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