
Monthly strip club spending

Monday, February 19, 2007 6:36 PM
On average what do you guys spend at the strip clubs monthly? I was just thinking about how much I spend and was wondering if I was normal excessive or on the low end compared to other strip club lovers


    17 years ago
    When my ATF was dancing I was probably close to $1,000 a month. But since she quit it has been declining steadily, and last year it was zero for the entire year. Instead I get a massage once a month. And tomorrow's the day. With my ATF.
  • parodyman-->
    17 years ago
    On average what do you spend at the strip clubs monthly 2Jiggab? I was just thinking why should any of us tell you how much we spend without you disclosing your expendatures.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Too much. I could do my budget and tell you exactly, but I'll give you a "less technically accurate but more representative" answer. Last year I was in the roughly $1000 - per - month category, and that was a typical year for me. This wasn't for strictly strip clubs. It was more, for all my mongering. That would cover trips to strip clubs, including cover charges, drinks, VIP charges, stage and tittie tipping, private dances, and all extras services; but also trips to massage parlors, or hook-ups with internet escorts. The whole shebang. Too damn much. I got a problem. :(
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    One problem with calling a group normal is that all of us posters may be abnormal in our spending. It might be hard to know what is normal. If you're having trouble with not enough money for bills, you're spending too much. If you're going to strip clubs and still saving enough for retirement and it's just a matter of how much extra money you're saving, I'd say you're just enjoying the moment while you can. I've known people many years ago that would drop 40 to 50 dollars just to play a game of golf and play multiple times a week and do this every week. They would even get golf memberships that cost $1000 to $2000 a year and this was their entertainment. If you studied economics, you could say there is an opportunity cost for everything. Instead of going to strip clubs if you spent $1,000 per month for 2 years, you could be growing a $24,000 nest egg at over 20% a year if you knew what to invest it in. 20% interest or capital gains comes up to $4800 per year just to let your money continue to sit there while you do nothing. If you didn't spend money on strip clubs for just a couple more years at that rate, you could support your strip club habit on the interest alone. Of course that is assuming you knew what to invest in to get higher rates of return instead of sticking it in the bank and getting only 1 percent a year.
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    I used to feel very guiilty over the $$$ I was spending at the clubs, until I rationalized that as long as I'm paying all of my bills and putting away a good chunk of cash in savings/retirement each month, the left over was "fun money". And the clubs are much fun indeed. Besides....you can't take it with you, right?
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I can live well on 1/2 my take home pay. No debt other than my mortage. Utilities and food are my only other obligations. I piss off $1200 each time I visit my favorite club for 3 days. More , if I meet up with trograngreg for an ATL meet up. The raise in pay that I was supposed to get next January is going to be retoactive to Jan of this year. January of 2008, it goes up By $500 month. This part is still a little up in the air. I may get a 30k one time only payoff for losses resulting in my company being in bankruptly...If that happens...look out strippers...
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I average a little under $200 per month. I used to spend a lot more without really getting any more for it.
  • trojangreg
    17 years ago
    Like Book Guy I average around $1000 per month. Some months I am too busy and don't set foot in a club. Then other times I am in twice a week. As long as the money is disposable why not spend it on something we enjoy.
  • Jpac73
    17 years ago
    I want say how much I spend on the average but I have been going more and spending more since I got my tax return.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    For me, it's a combination of club visits and OTC expenses (hotel, travel - gas $$ ouch!, dining plus some money for Miss ATF to offset her missing time from work and travel expenses). All said and done, it probably works out to about $1,000 a month, on average.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Doug: In another thread, you talked about 7-8 hour VIP sessions at $100/hr., plus tips. One of those alone would use up your monthly average, wouldn't it? Or am I missing something? (Not challenging you, just puzzled.)
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Chandler: Sorry for not being more clear... Since I've been doing OTCs with Miss ATF, I haven't been in any clubs. In fact, the last club visit was mid Oct. Also, with ATF three hours away, I'm not making it down nearly as often as I'd like.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Chandler: Even when visiting THE club, with it three hours away, and with my lack of alibis, I'd usually only get down there once a month, on avg.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Well, Doug, that would explain it. Somehow I had the impression you went to clubs more often.
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    I feel like such a slacker. I don't visit clubs nearly as often now as I did in the past. I usually restrict my visits to favorite clubs in cities I travel to often for work. I don't come close to the dollar amounts you guys are talking about. I wish I could, but it is just not an option.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    ShotDisc: If you ever get down to my favorite club, I'll buy you a 2fer but not from [view link]...
  • TimboAtl
    17 years ago
    I feel a lot better knowing that I'm not the only guy in the $1,000 - $1,200 per month range. Funny that no one has discussed the cost / benefit of this hobby vs marriage. From my personal experience, clubbing is way cheaper and way more fun.
  • Pete22z
    17 years ago
    Just some clarification on "saving for retirement". Like most I've got contributions going to my 401K that I really don't even consider as income. Is that what we're talking about here or are we referring to saving a separate nest egg along with paying the bills?
  • trojangreg
    17 years ago
    Pete22Z: Some of us are older gentleman such as IGU and myself. We have worked many years provided for our families and our retirement. Pensions, 401k's, Real Estate etc are in our portfolios. This is expendable money that will not make or break us. It beats spending a $1000 a month on other hobbies that are not as much fun or as rewarding. Let me see go to the SC and hang out with beautiful naked women or buy a bass boat and spend my money that way. It's just a choice on what to do with your time and money. And yes I do give time and money to charities.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    greg. I echo you. I turned 65 last month. I can start drawing full social security in November and still keep working. I am healthy and still have a sexuall appetite. I have no intention of quiting work or strip clubs untill I am at least 70. Yeah I know that I am not the 20YO fox that I once was and that I got to pay for it now but the ALPHA "B" will pay...
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    TimboATL: If only it were as simple as marriage vs. hobby.... try doing both!
  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    I don't really have a monthly budget. At this point I lump strip clubs,OTC and escort activities into one "Adult Entertainment " category. I'm self employed so my income varies depending on the time of year. I also travel a lot so I will sometimes go for months without hitting a favorite club or seeing a favorite lady. When I get some time off I tend to spend quite bit-maybe a grand or more in a two or three week period-and then go back to almost zero when I get busy with work again.
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    shadow, thank you for the generous offer. unfortunately, my travels do not take me to Columbia any longer. And based on my family situation, it would be hard to justify a trip there that wasn't business related. my most recent visit, where we crossed paths unknowingly, might be my last to that area for a long time sorry to say.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    When I mentioned as long as you have enough money to pay your bills and save for retirement, I was also thinking about saving enough to save up for major expenses such as a car, new HD TV, new computer, new furniture, or whatever you think you might be buying down the road that could cost thousands of dollars. I was thinking if you don't make too much money, most people can put money aside in a Roth IRA and let it grow tax free and even take out their original contributions if they really wanted to. However if that money was growing anywhere from 10 to 20% a year, you'd be better off borrowing money to pay for major expenses. But then that means you still aren't saving enough if you aren't setting aside other money. Or you could just forget about all that and enjoy the strip clubs and cut back when you got a car or something else to pay for. hmm, I just remembered my house will be all paid for in about 10 or 12 years if I don't move before then. I will have a big extra chunk of money every month to figure out what to do with if I don't move first. Maybe by then I will be interested a lot more in another hobby which is making money in the stock market. Seems like a game to me and I like to do good at games.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    I spend from $600 to $750. I usually spend about $150 a visit. $50 will pay cover, a cocktail or two, and some table dances, for which I pay $5 per. I then will spend $100 for a three song set with the favorite dancer that night. That's a good evening for me.
  • maybeenuf4u
    17 years ago
    It depends. I spend aprox. $200 per visit. If I'm away on business, then I could go 4-5 times per week. If I'm home, I just go oftern enough to keepo up my TUSCL subscription.
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    I'd say my most expensive month ever was $1800, but that was on a buisness trip and was sort of my introduction to the Texas lapdance. When I was going 2 or 3 times a month I probably spent about $500. Remember most of my clubbing is in DC, no lapdances but $10 beers. Lately I rarely break $200 from one or possibly two short visits.
  • DrRon
    17 years ago
    Well, I feel like a penny-pincher. I go only three or four times a year and since one LD is all it takes, I can get away with $50 - 60 per visit. I of course sit and take in the sights for an hour or so before the LD. So that comes to about $20/month. I now live near Tampa, so that may change.
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