
When is it time to leave a club alone??

I have been dissapointed over the past 4months with one of my favorite clubs. Things seemed to start going down hill around May. So I took a 3month hiatus from going there. I went back in August and found things still haven't changed much. alot of the regular dancers have quit and the new dancers aren't that great to look at. So I went back there last week and it is even worse. I found out that two of my favorite bartenders don't work there anymore. one was fired, and the other just quit. The new bartender isn't very goodlooking and doesn't have much of a personality. One of the long time dancers named Babygirl recently found another job. That only leaves my current favorite who I am not sure I want to call my favorite anymore. She gives inconsistent lapdances, was in sort of a badmood. She didn't say anything out of the way but still wasn't hereself. Totally new set of girls whom I don't think should be dancing.

I was thinking that should I try it out around christmas time?(More girls will be wanting to make some extra money) or should I just leave the club alone? I have had a good 3year run at this club and maybe it is time to move on? It also seems like more of a Bar for real young guys (20 to 25 age range). I don't care to be around guys who want to act and dress like rappers on t.v.


  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Sunday afternoons are the BEST time to get more service and services for less money. Once you've become accepted as not-a-cop among a certain group, at a certain club, or (at the bare minimum) to a certain high-mileage dancer, the fact that other people aren't around is a benefit, not a detriment.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I'll agree, it's usually time to leave a club alone on Sunday at least in the region I live in. Most clubs are closed and if not, dancers and customers are sleeping or taking the day off from strip clubs. I have visited the PP club in Columbia on a Sunday evening when I was in town for a few days. It was slow but not completely dead. I just didn't have anything better to do that evening.

    My current favorite club I went to once or twice shortly after they opened. I wasn't impressed and didn't return for about 2 or 3 years even though I was only a few miles away at another club many times. It's the dancers that make a strip club enjoyable or not enjoyable for me.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Bones, I'm feeling bored at PP in Memphis, too. Although there is a very high volume of both strippers and customers (which is one of its main attractions, and also one of its main detriments), nevertheless I consistently find myself drawn to about six primary performers, maybe ten at the most. I am always delighted to find new blood, but even at that high-volume location I must admit that the number of new blood hotties that I'm attracted to is quite limited. In visiting that club once or twice a month, I find one new hottie that I'm interested in about once every year, maybe?

    I have found one interesting solution is to let the girls do the hunting and picking for you. With most "decent" or "classy" dancers (not to mean that they don't do down-and-dirty activities, just that their mind-set is less based on exploiting and more on true customer service) you can often be up-front about your interest in variety. "Dear near-ATF dancer, although you are stunningly hot to me, you must realize that the reason I come to a club like this is to sample many women. You know what kind of dances I like, and what kind of girl I'm looking for. Let's talk more about the details and then you can recommend someone."

    Or just get a dance from her friend, and then her friend's friend, and then from a member of the same "posse" or "clique," and you'll find out that they are often at a similar level of professionalism and ability.

    By the way, did you know that there's a quasi-official "PP pussy posse" at that club? The DJ mentions it once in a while, "and now a true member of the Platinum Plus pussy posse gets on stage ... welcome TAYLOR" (or whomever). And Lo and Behold, it's a girl who is friends with / hangs out in a clique with / only is ever nice to / other girls whom the DJ says the same thing about. It's not just an expression, it's actually a set of people. Does that expression imply any certain level of other characteristics about the girls other than the mere fact that they hang together, I wonder?

    Hmm, inquiring minds want to know.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    If I have one bad experience at a club, I'll write it off as a fluke and try the place again in another month. Two bad nights, and like someyoungguy suggests, I'll give it a break for about six months, hoping a turnover of girls or management climate will have run their course. Then, if the club hasn't rebounded, I'll stay away for good, unless I hear something by word of mouth or on the internet.

    All of these intervals can vary greatly, depending on a number of factors: how far away the club is, what other options I have, including other clubs nearby, as well as cover charge, etc. (basically, how much time and money it takes to check out the place, balanced against what other clubs offer).
  • I'd say give it three to six months. For me the talent's the thing, and since turnover in this industry is so high, maybe just waiting until there's a new crop will make all the difference. It'd be hard for me to stay away from a used-to-be favorite club forever.
    18 years ago
    I'd say that when you start asking yourself if it's time to move on, you've already answered the question.
  • Shekitout
    18 years ago
    Shadowcat: I have not gotten one single email from you since your last visit. Try sending it again to the one you normally use-if that doesn't work, try the other one.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Shadowcat, don't worry about her ex. Let him pay child support and all the other court costs. I heard divorce can be a nasty business and that is something I would want to stay away from.

    I'm not sure what all of the divorce laws are but I know of someone who got divorced and moved to Florida. I don't know if child support payments increase depending upon where you live at or not. If they have a 2 yr old kid, he can expect to pay child support for another 16 years plus the time the kid is in college so perhaps 20 years he'll be paying. She just needs a good lawyer in my opinion. PI too? I don't know. If he already has someone he's been cheating on to start with, it would seem to me like he's broken the marriage. I might be thinking about this a bit too much but I seem to keep getting called for jury duty a lot. I live in south carolina too. Just thinking what a coincidence it would be if...
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Shadowcat, your ATF reminds me of a dancer I knew around 9 years ago who got pregnant and her boyfriend left her at that time and didn't want to help with child support. That's probably not a too unusual story for a stripper. Apparently your ATF got married though.
  • Shekitout
    18 years ago
    When you don't want others to know what you do in the club: Shadowcat I'm talking about you!
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I often find myself sitting and staring at a wall for long periods of time. A lot of what interests me about strip-clubbing is the "zone out" time that I get. A pre-ordained block of time during which I am allowed to be non-productive, profligate. Nobody can phone me. My email is not on. So, leaving when the fun dries up is really beside the point. Often I'll stick around when no dancers appeal to me, or go outside and chat with the parking lot staff, or take a quick trip to a fast food joint and bring back fries for everyone, or just watch shift change. I don't need my clubbing to be high-yield all the time.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    There is an opportunity cost to everything. I prefer to maximize my fun. If I'm not having fun at one club or one activity, I'll try something old that is fun or try something new just to find out if it is or not. I could spend my time off from work playing golf, going to movies, hanging out at sports bar, or going to any fun strip clubs that I know of or some I haven't tried. If you're not having fun or enjoying what you're currently doing, then just do something different. You could have fun trying something different. just my 2 cents.

    At one time, I used to just visit friends on Saturday night and would stay up all night long and sometimes into the morning shouting at my friends playing an old style war game with dice and war pieces on a game board. Now I've substituted that fun with getting dancers tits in my face and shouting at me saying "wanna dance?" It's easy to get in a routine after you get used to doing something.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    Right now sounds as good as any to leave it alone. Clubs change all the time and not always for the better. 5 years ago, I always assumed the club that was my favorite club then would always be my favorite club. I've only been there once this year, and that trip was a total waste of time. I'm not sure there is ever hope for a club that has fallen downhill.
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    Leave the club alone and move on. You've given it repeated chances and if the one reason you frequented the club has gone downhill well what else do you need? I used to go to a club I hated juss for one girl and now that I don't see her anymore why go back to the club? If there are other places close by you owe it to yourself to check them out after consistently underwhelming outings.
  • Jpac73
    18 years ago
    FONDL: I wouldn't classify her as my favorite anymore. When I saw her first come out of the dressing room she went by the DJ booth and was carrying on a conversation with him. I decided, that I would go up there and let her know I was in the club. Well there were no other people by the DJ booth. She had her head turned in the direction of the DJ when I walked up. I stood there for about 5seconds, thinking that maybe she would look my way.

    She did not look my way until I called her name. Even then she just gave a glance and went back to talking. Maybe 15 seconds later she was threw talking and then she decided to speak to me. I don't know what was so important she was discussing but she could have at least said hi and not act like I wasn't there.

    I just think she showed her "true" colors. She isn't as honest as I thought. She is carrying around alot of Personal problems in her life and all she does at the club is drink. She had already had a few drinks before I bought her a shot. So I don't think I will have anything to do with her again. She is 23yearsold with a police record(mentioned she was on probation) and as far as I know does not have any goals set for herself. I think she is a classic example of what looks good to you isn't always good for you.
    18 years ago
    When it stops being fun it's time to move on. Places change. A lot of clubs go downhill. If I were in your situation I'd tell the favorite that you don't enjoy the place anymore and plan to move on, but that you'd love to continue seeing her somewhere else and see what she suggests.
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