
Comments by CCRiderm (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    "You got me all wet"
    I had one of the girls from my local place (you would know her Gator, she is one of the ones that were recently "charged") in one of the private rooms in the back. Well, after the second or third dance things got interesting. The full roaming light was on and fingers were everywhere. After we were done, she got real embarrassed when she realized that the entire leg of my pants was soaked (so was the spot in the front but that was my fault). She got kind of giggly and gave me the best quote ever from a girl in the back room. "That was twice....even my husband can't get twice." Damn I miss that place before the busts last year.
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    15 years ago
    Nasty, ugly dancers- What was your worst experience?
    Here is a section from one of my reviews of a local club: There was only one girl that just didn't make it. A dancer should not be scary looking, she really shouldn't. There was one girl who was about 5'10" and probably about 195. She looked like she could play linebacker for the Eagles. It just wasn't fair to her today. The girls on shift really could dance and they worked the poles for all they were worth. At one point, Jamie had her feet up on the bar, bending over backward to hold onto the pole and just slid all the way down to the stage with her feet still up on the bar and her back arched. That is talent. This poor girl was trying to compete with talent like that by just standing up on stage and shifting from one foot to the other. Needless to say that in the two hours I was there she didn't have any customers. Her whole sales pitch was "Look what I have to play with!" while jiggling the girls. Give me a break. This girl looked like a lap dance would hurt.
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    15 years ago
    Amateur Nights - Worth It?
    I agree with Sinclair. They are usually dancers from other clubs. I've seen "amateurs" work the pole vertically. Six feet up. Yes, I know there are classes for this, but you can tell when a girl is used to the stage and the attention. I keep going hoping for the hot drunk civilian but they seem to be more uncommon than unicorns or honest politicians.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    You got that right PAS. Like a fine wine.
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    15 years ago
    Have a Merry Christmas
    Merry merry to all my friendly pervs. Yeah, that means you too...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Club in London? (on Sun evening)
    Good luck in London....you'll need it. The prices are very high and every dance is an air dance. The Rhino at least usually has pretty girls. As long as you only want to look and buy some overpriced beer, go on ahead.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Via NY or Chicago?
    If you can rent a car while you're there, I would go for the Chicago option. While the clubs in Chi-Town are horrible, you're about an hour away from the Industrial Strip in Hammond Indiana. Much better than any others in either city. Keep us posted!
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    15 years ago
    Anyone know when bestgfe.com will be back "up"?
    Is it just me or is this just begging for "Here's your sign!"?
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    15 years ago
    Are you an Ass or Boobs man?
    100% ass man. It has to be curvy and round. I actually turn dancers down with big boobs. Just not my thing.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I one night earlier this year at Flashdancers in New York city I saw two girls that were look alikes. One Russian girl looked exactly like Maria Sharapova. Damn she was hot. The other was a dead ringer for Michelle Pfeiffer from her "Scarface" days. Stunning. Unfortunately I had already tapped the LD bankroll for the night so I couldn't take either one back. I need to find a reason to be in the area of Di Carlo's in Albany. Eva Mendez just KILLS me. I think I would have a new ATF if that dancer really looks that much like her....now....why do I need to be in Albany....
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    15 years ago
    Stripper Attire
    Ummm..yeah...I agree with SuperDude. That whole Bridgette collection would be a winner on that sexy body. Yeah...a winner. *grin*
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blonde, brunette or redhead?
    Absolutely no contest. Long brunette hair, maybe with some silky waves in it. The girl who can flirt with that hair will just turn me into a PL in a matter of minutes. I just spew dollar bills in her direction.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    It's a Sad Sad Day in Mudville
    Yeah Gator, I stopped by this afternoon and it was the same. I know a good deal of the girls there from being there often and even with girls I know it was bad. The girls are really scared. Most of the "A" team was gone. There were a bunch of new girls and some of the old favorites. Ruby the energizer bunny was there but even she was subdued.... The good news is that the place was pretty well packed this afternoon. That should help a bit. Here's hoping this all resolves itself quickly.
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    15 years ago
    Rape isn't about sex . . .
    Yet another use for the Ignore button. Thanks for the handy tool Founder! *click*
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Hard Bodies vs. Experienced
    I don't think the age is a deciding factor. What I look for is an attitude that says "I am sexy and I damn well know what to do to turn you on." I've gotten that from 20s, 30 and 40s.... My last set of dances was with a woman who was easily in her 40s. BUT, she knew how to sell the dance up front and DEFINITELY knew how to deliver on the marketing in the back. She was just about the hottest and sexiest thing going. The last set before that was with a 20 something that also just knew what to do right. (I've been lucky twice in a row..good deal) I think the moral of the story is that you read each girl as she stops by. I've known some young'uns that could handle themselves well and some mature, experienced dancers that I wouldn't give the time of day to let alone $20....
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    15 years ago
    It's a Sad Sad Day in Mudville
    I was just there on the 22nd. Hope that wasn't my last visit... We need info from guys who have been there since the bust. What's going on inside? Can anyone translate those names to dancer names? Anyone know who got hit?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever get caught doing extras?
    "Got chased out of the original Tattle Tales on Roosevelt Blvd in Philly , with the bouncer screaming " you pulled it out ? " That is just friggin' funny. Especially since I knew the old club in question. Too Funny...I can see that happening....
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Butt Plug
    How about anal ring toss? They put the stick in there and you toss rings like horseshoes... That count?
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    15 years ago
    Wad blowing during lapping....
    Where's Judy on this one? We really need her opinion here. Do they or don't they?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Thirsty girls
    Isn't that always the case Clubber. We go in with very strict rules for ourselves and they just seem to melt when just the right cute ass comes sauntering by....
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Is loneliness unhealthy?
    Wait.....we need a reason? We have to justify? Damn, I've been going about this all wrong! I just go because I like 'em..... Thanks for the backup Samsung, now I have an excuse!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Wad blowing during lapping....
    You're right txtittyfan, some see it as their personal cause and are upset if they don't. Ya gotta love a woman who is dedicated to her job.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Under 21 Dancers
    Is that chronological age or emotional age? Hell, if it's emotional age, I'll need to find a thirteen year old stripper and that just ain't right.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Time for a benevolent dictatorship?
    Yep. I found out that the ignore button even filters entire discussion threads started by the ignored party. Just do it!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Wad blowing during lapping....
    I've heard from some of the dancers on here that jeans are not a good pick. They are way too rough on sensitive dancer parts. If you wear jeans you're probably not going to have nearly as much fun as the girls will not give you their best in an effort to protect their naughty bits. I tend to wear dark "docker" style khakis. Soft on their skin and not too thin. Seems to work. I only had one dancer react somewhat strangely. She was straddling me and her fingers were working on the head of Mr. Happy for about two dances. They she was "surprised" when as she put it, "You finished! You're not supposed to do that!" Yeah, right.....