The alleged mistress of Sandra Bullock's husband Jesse James is a stripper

avatar for steve229
If I remember right, isn't his ex-wife a porn star? Guess he was going for the trifecta – porn star, movie star, stripper.…

“Michelle currently is a featured stripper who goes by the name Avrey at the Pure Platinum Kearny Mesa club”

Anybody know her?

She's got a lot of tattoos – would you still do her?


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avatar for CCRiderm
15 years ago
One word.....

avatar for 59
15 years ago
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
I'm surprised he wasn't sifting through the talent at Cheetah's. (viewed photo) Then again, Avery has waaaaaay too many tats to strip at Cheetah's.

Does Dick know Avery was raised Amish???…
avatar for sinclair
15 years ago
I'd fuck the ink off her.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
Do her? Abso-fucking-lutely.
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
I think she's cute...minus the forehead tattoo, and she was apparently raised Amish! I never understood what Bullock was doing with that loser JJ anyways.
avatar for sinclair
15 years ago
"She grew up Amish. She left the church when she was 15 and moved to California and got tattooed."

Sounds like the Amish upbringing fucked her up in the head. You'd have to have a few screws loose to tattoo your entire body like that, especially on your forehead.
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
The ex-porn star that married that tool was Janine Lindemulder. Damn she was fine....I had a huge crush on her for years. She has quite a long tongue, which drove her girl co-stars crazy!

I think she "retired" a few years ago (2007?) after making a last flick w/ Jenna Jameson. She also was pretty big into tattoo's. You can gauge her career time-wise by how many tats you see on her.
avatar for sanitago
15 years ago
and another loser picks the wrong chick to fuck. why ain't I amazed, given JJ's seeming desire to be-and-or-stay "famous"?
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
It says she works as a tattoo artist so I wonder if a lot of her co-worker strippers are also her customers in her tattoo business. She has so many tattoos on her that working at the SC is like free advertising.

I think tabloids should require random drug testing before accepting stories from would add some credibility to their stories...
avatar for deogol
15 years ago
She shouldn't be surprised when dating a bad boy - he acts badly.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
An Amish got to be kidding me...I guess truth really is stranger than fiction (or at least a Dick Johnson post)
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Steve, you know the Amish all come together for a barn raising, right? I think Avery is proof there are Amish strip barns!!!!
avatar for deogol
15 years ago
Seeing stories here and there that not only is she a stripper, but a nazi too. As in a "white power" nazi.
avatar for sanitago
15 years ago
"I think tabloids should require random drug testing before accepting stories from would add some credibility to their stories..."

hell, I remember the old "Weekly World News" with much fondness. the stories were insane, but you knew it and nobody with the publication pretended they had any relevance, so it was a great laugh!
avatar for mmdv26
15 years ago
What in the world did Sandra Bullock see in JJ? He's permanently stuck in the 7th grade.
avatar for winorhino
15 years ago
She has tattoos on her forehead. I cannot imagine how painful that was to get.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
The Michelle Bombshell Nudes (Yikes!)…
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Those stars covering up the tits in those nude pics remind me of some of the pasties at the local SCs
avatar for deogol
15 years ago
Ha ha ha - the superficial - I love that site. Gossip for men! I especially like the snarky remarks.
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
I remember hearing Janine Lindemulder say that she started with her arm sleeve tattoo in order to ensure that she wouldn't do porn anymore (because I guess she thought that she would be ruining her image by getting so many tattoos). So much for that strategy.

Supposedly this new mistress of JJ's is a Nazi enthusiast as well. Sounds like he picked a real winner least she has nice tits. It's funny how she didn't tattoo her tits, but she tattooed her ass though.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
Turns out McGee made the honor roll all four years at Eastlake North High School in Ohio. According to her yearbook, she ran track, played soccer and was even a cheerleader.

You can't always judge a book by it's tatted up cover.

Read more:…
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
I don't believe it...I'll need to see her in a cheerleader uniform to confirm all of this. ;)
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Jesse James Offered To Do Playgirl Magazine

Playgirl Magazine, which only releases magazine editions to newsstands when they receive major stars to pose in their magazine, wants Sandra Bullock’s husband Jesse James. [photos: Jesse James and Sandra Bullock together over the years]

Talking to, Daniel Nardicio, a Playgirl spokeman said this, “We made an offer to Jesse James to pose for our September issue. We’ll pay him $500,000 – full frontal required. He’s hot, people like him. He’s edgier than most of the guys we feature, so we’d play off of his natural sexiness. Plus, he might need the cash because Sandra is going to hire a good lawyer. He has until mid-April to decide.” [photos: Michelle "Bombshell" McGee surfaces for the first time this past weekend]

As far as Michelle “Bombshell” McGee posing for Playboy Magazine, we are told that the magazine wants nothing to do with her. You know it isn’t a good sign when even Playboy doesn’t want her to grace their covers. [photos: Michelle McGee as a bride]…
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago

I feel like Tiger Woods should send Jesse James a gift basket or something...
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
Wow, she looks kind of like a boy in those pics steve.

Ut oh, another JJ mistress:…

Michelle Bombshell has apparently already done a video on her affair with JJ:…
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
Apparently JJ is up to mistress #4. So much for the "hey, it was just one, at least I'm not like Tiger" defense.…
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
Now there is a picture of JJ making the Nazi salute with a Nazi hat on...maybe they were a match made in hell after all...
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
Yeah, the racism thing is why I wouldn't fuck her. She'd probably shiv me in the neck when I cum inside her.
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